I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1047: The situation changes!

In the north of the imperial capital city, in a camp, the brothers pushed their cups and changed their tents, and they had already blended their emotions into the strong aroma of wine.

"Shang Yu! To be honest, at the beginning, our brothers really thought you would use these methods to recruit talents! But after today, we all know the fact that you, brother, value love and righteousness, and you are not a profit-seeking person!"

"Big Brother said a bit too much! If Shang Yu has no selfishness, it is impossible! Even if it is a dream, Shang Yu wants seven people to join Jin Jun! But Shang Yu knows that some things cannot be forced! As long as everyone is good brother, it is the same everywhere!"

"Well, it's the same everywhere! Don't worry, as long as Jin Jun is in trouble in the future, our brothers will come to rescue!" While talking, Nanling Seven Kills also raised his glass and drank it.

And this atmosphere also pushed the atmosphere of the entire Zhongjun account to its climax.

Here, Jin Shangyu and others called them brothers and sisters, enjoying the affection between brothers, but at this time in Jia Mi's army, it was a different situation.

"Wu Huayu, this time, you performed well! Basically you are doing things according to the deity's ideas! However, your next task will be even heavier!"

"The lord's great grace, the villain dare not say it, please order it!"

"Okay! Huayu, let's do it! Today you will take people into the imperial capital city and control the entire palace! Tell my brothers, you must replace all the original guards, not leaving one! Of course, try not to stimulate Sima as much as possible Sincere! Do you understand!"

"The final commander!"

"Okay! Go! It's good if there is Huoyun alone!" Jia Mi also showed a weird smile while speaking.

And Wu Huayu also nodded gently, and then quickly left the Central Military Account.

"Master, you really let him go! Don't worry!"

"Huo Yun, you also know some things. Although we have a lot of manpower, he is the one who is familiar with the palace!"

"That's right, after all, he was the deputy commander of the Forbidden Army! Well, let him go! Then, what should we do next! We can't stay outside the West City forever!"

"Yes! It won't work if you don't study the current situation now!" At a certain moment, when Huo Yun mentioned the current situation, Jia Mi also showed a touch of helplessness.

After all, the current imperial capital city, and even the entire Great Jin Dynasty is a cloud of chaos, and it is not clear what kind of situation it is!

However, in the following time, this master and servant also began to analyze the changes in the situation.

"Forget it, telling others, it's not good! We are more intimate! Let's talk about it, what good ideas!"

"Master, Huo Yun thinks that the current situation should be dealt with with a sharp knife to cut the mess!"

"Oh, what kind of strategy is this! You might as well talk about it!"

"In fact, it is very simple. It is to take down Jin Shangyu's Jin Jun first! Even if you can't do it, you can blast them out of the imperial capital city! Only by doing this, the minister of the court will be attached to the lord from the heart! "

auzw.com "Good point! But, the problem is how we can attack the North Gate! You know, the current Jin Jun should have more than 60,000 soldiers! Although not many in number , But most of them are the imperial army. Their combat power is so powerful that it is estimated that ordinary soldiers and horses can resist! Besides, Shi Chong said that ten thousand fine horses have disappeared, and whether they will belong to Jin Shangyu. These are hard to say. !"

"The lord's analysis is reasonable! But if we take action, they may not be able to think of it, so it is possible to hit them flat-footed! Besides, our current total force should be around 150,000! If we add stones Chong's army of 100,000, we still have a chance to win!" As he spoke, the Huo Yun also showed a bit of cruelty.

"Huoyun! This idea of ​​yours is pretty good! But the question is whether we can concentrate all our forces! Does the camp do not need to be guarded, or the palace does not need someone to guard! In addition, the most important thing is that we don't even know that. Will Shi Chong work with us with all his strength! After all, even though they have won a big victory this time, one team has disappeared without a trace!"

"Yeah! After the Lord's analysis, there is really no chance of winning! After all, Shi Chong has not only lost 10,000 cavalry this time, but more importantly, his Nanling Seven Kills are no longer by his side! This, this I am afraid Is it his heart disease!"

"Huo Yun, you are very accurate! Actually, I discovered this problem just after Shi Chong left this time! However, he still has so many soldiers and horses in his hands, and we will have to deal with him sooner or later! "

"Lord, no, I'm going to suffer!"

"No! I can't move him yet! After all, we don't know how his crew controls it!" At the end, Jia Mi also showed a weird smile.

In this way, because the current situation is rather chaotic, the master and servant did not work out a specific plan of action.

Of course, just before today's early morning, Jia Mi also informed Emperor Sima Zhong of his proposal. Following the imperial decree, some officials also changed their costumes. However, it is probably only they know whether they can receive their own payment.

The chaotic situation, with a little bleak aura, a year that is not optimistic is also coming slowly.

Although there is no good New Year goods, the people in the Imperial City are still in a good mood! After all, there has been no war in these days, but in the city, they also knew the fact that the Beicheng District belonged to Jin Shangyu, and Jia Mi alone had the final say in the rest of the site.

"Let's take a look, let's take a look to the north! I heard that there is no food there, but you can go to Master Jin Shangyu to get it!"

"Really! On this side, don't talk about getting it, I heard that someone was robbed by soldiers!"

"Hey! I really don't know when this chaos will end! This year has passed, I'm so embarrassed!"

"Be quiet! Another patrol sergeant is coming over there! Be careful!" Seeing a large number of patrol sergeants appearing not far ahead, the ordinary people also naturally controlled their mouths.

The people here have spent their new year in an extremely chaotic situation, but at this time Jin Jun is urgently studying countermeasures. After all, such a confrontation situation has been more than half a month.

"Shang Yu, spring is about to begin! Everything will have new changes! But continuing the confrontation like this is not good for us either!"

"What Big Brother Li said! Actually, since the Nanling Seven Kills left, I've been thinking about a question!"

"What's the problem! Shang Yu quickly talk about it! Maybe we all can help analyze it! I don't know!"

"It's actually very simple, it's what we want!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a weird smile.

Faced with such a Jin Shangyu, everyone in the room all smiled at each other. After all, it is too difficult for Jin Shangyu to have such a problem!

Because before, there were many voices hinting at one thing, that is, let Jin Shangyu be king!

:. :

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