I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1037: New Deal in the Imperial Capital!

Although a **** wind temporarily closed the curtain, the atmosphere in the True Dragon Hall at this time also became more and more weird.

After all, there was no Emperor Sima Zhong in the hall at this time. Everyone's conversation has also become more direct. Especially that Jia Mi has long regarded himself as the master here.

"Hahaha! Shang Yu! You can come here, that's great! Would you like to have a drink together? Let's talk about the officer's camp at the West Gate! After all, our brothers have not communicated for a long time!"

"Master Jia is joking! If the adults really think of Jin as a brother, then ask the eldest brother to withdraw his hands! Otherwise, it will be difficult for me, brother! After all, the people below are easy to misunderstand. !"

"This, it turns out that you are talking about this! It's easy to say, it's easy to say! Just like the three princes, the officer can prepare an open space for you! Of course, the site must be big enough!" It also spoke out what was in his heart.

Of course, the three kings at this time, after hearing such words, their expressions changed, and two kings even lowered their heads.

"Mother, Jia Mi ah Jia Mi, do you really think Lao Tzu is the three of them! A joke, it's a big joke!" Feeling that there is something in Jia Mi's words, Jin also muttered in his heart With.

However, just at this moment, Jia Mi, who had just punished his heart, seemed to have thought of something, and the conversation was also changed.

"Well, it was just a joke just now! Don’t take it to your heart! Okay, since Long live the big task is entrusted to us, then we have to study it! Mr. Jin, let’s talk about it first. How should the imperial city be managed! You can't work with me, the people don't want it!"

"Okay! Since Master Jia took the initiative to talk about this matter, Shang Yu will talk about it first! First, your people have reached out! Of course, my people will not shrink back! If it really happens. After the second round of **** killings, it has nothing to do with Jin!"

"Shang Yu joked! Between us brothers, it shouldn't be that way! Let's talk, only if you are willing to quit the Imperial City, I will compensate you, brother! Besides, Jia is the person who values ​​the most affection!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu was expressing his thoughts directly, Jia Mi also said straightforwardly.

Facing the tit-for-tat confrontation between these two, the three kings who stood on one side had already hurried back and forth. The reason why such a scene appears is mainly because they also have their own demands! It's just that they dare not speak.

Of course, facing Jia Mi's straight-forward, Jin Shangyu also became quiet, and the whole situation seemed a bit awkward for a while.

"Jin Shangyu! Don't keep talking! Now we only control the imperial capital city! Although your brother, I have already controlled the three gates of the southeast and west! But you stretched out your hand too long in the north gate! Besides, Ben The officials also saw a new problem, that is, most of the people are in the Beicheng area! I don’t know what Shang Yu planned!"

"Hahaha, made the big brother laugh! First, the North Gate was originally Lao Tzu's, and second, the people themselves are willing to run to the North City. Have you thought about why? Don't tell me, you guys all know it! Of course. Brother, I mean I want to control the Imperial City alone! In a word, I can't do it, brother!"

"Well, Shang Yu! You didn't go back to discuss, how did you know that you couldn't do it! Let's not talk about the control of the Imperial City today, just talk about how to arrange these people!"

"Is this! The younger brother is not talented, let the elder brother decide alone!" At a certain moment, perhaps seeing Jin Shangyu's decisiveness, Jia Mi simply turned away.


Of course, Jin Shangyu was not interested in these so-called appointments. After all, I don’t know if I will be paid at that time.

In this way, because of Jin Shangyu's voluntary withdrawal, Jia Mi also read out his strategy aloud. For example, the reward for the Three Kings, on the surface, is a big official title! In the final analysis, it is to prevent the three kings from leaving the imperial capital and returning to their fief!

"Jia Mi, it seems that you really want to rise to the throne! You even detained the Three Kings in the Imperial City! That's right, if these three guys returned to their fiefdom, how could they not come back!" At a certain moment, At the end of the commendation meeting of the Zhenlong Temple, Jin Shangyu was also muttering to himself.

In this way, because of Jin Shangyu's non-participation, the main issues of the True Dragon Hall were successfully completed. At this time, the three kings' complexion changed a lot.

Because the three of them all knew the fact that they had become Jia Mi's hostage in the Imperial City.

"The three princes! The reason why you are given such a big official position! The purpose is that you can participate in the government! A lot of service for the celestial dynasty! Of course, these things, in the early days of tomorrow, the official will ask Long live Purpose!"

"This, this, Master Jia, you, is it a bit inappropriate for you to do this! After all, the three of us have fiefdoms outside!"

"Look, how can the three princes fail to recognize the overall situation! What era is now! Now it is a big era that requires you to come out and work for the celestial dynasty! How can you have such small ideas! No, it's really not Okay! In addition, from tomorrow, you will live in the Imperial City! Of course, your soldiers and horses will be taken care of by this officer! I believe the three princes will not have any opinions!"

"This! This king has no objection! Everything depends on Master Jia's arrangements!"

"Xiao Wang has no opinion either! As long as we can ensure the safety of our family!"

"This king is willing to work for the court! But, I hope you can think about the prospects of the three of us!"

"Okay, okay! Is that right! Tomorrow morning, this official must report your righteousness to Lord Long live! If nothing happens, you can go down, and someone will guide you to live in the new mansion! Of course, In the future, I don’t want to hear some rumors! I believe you should understand!” At one point, when the three kings expressed their opinions one after another, Jia Mi was also very happy. Not only did he praise them on the spot, but also Also let him go home to rest.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the three kings and prisoners at this time are no different! After all, Jia Mi's last sentence has stated everything!

"Jia Mi! It seems that your method is amazing! What a strategy of collecting three in one! I think the reason why the three kings came to you is to hope that one day they can return to their fief! , I was even tied to the imperial capital city! Even if that is the case, then Lao Tzu can't easily retreat!" Feeling the mood swings of the Three Kings, Jin Shangyu, standing on the other side, also muttered in his heart. With.

In this way, it didn't take long for the ministers of the Great Dragon Palace to leave one after another, because they more or less accepted Jia Mi's reward.

Later, there were only three people left in the entire True Dragon Hall, namely Jia Mi, Jin Shangyu, and the Huoyun who had been standing behind Jia Mi.


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