I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1031: The imperial capital is broken!

Hearing what Jin Shangyu said, the old general Ge Feng was also upset.

"Shang Yu! I really didn't expect this Jia Mi to be so insidious! Obviously he and Shi Chong jointly launched a sneak attack on the Three Kings and even kept the three of them in his army! It's shameless!"

"The old general doesn't have to be excited, maybe something more shameless is yet to come! Let's wait and see!"

"Shang Yu is right! After all, the imperial capital is already broken. Even if Sun Xiu is holding the palace, he is doomed! It seems that this Jia Mi is really not an ordinary person!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu will master When all of the information was revealed, Na Ge Feng was also a little frightened.

After all, from his perspective, it is really impossible to expect Jia Mi to act like this.

"Old generals, guys, Ling Yun has already returned, and it is estimated that the battlefield has been cleaned up too! Why don't we have a rest first! This wine can be drunk tomorrow! But rest is a big thing that must be done!"

"Yes, yes, yes! This time, let's drink less! After all, the Imperial City is already broken! I just don't know what kind of means this Jia Mi will use to deal with Simalun in the palace!"

"Shang Yu! Let the old man rest! However, if there is a war, the old man must be involved!"

"Okay, the old general thinks too much! Since it's his own, of course they charge together and drink together! Let's go!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also took the lead and stood up slowly, and Ge Feng saw Jin Shangyu's After the act, he also stood up.

Of course, because he drank a few more glasses of wine, Ge Feng was still helped by a few sergeants.

When everyone was gone, only Jin Shangyu and Li Zhaozhi were left, they also smiled at each other. After all, being able to subdue the former Nanying commander Ge Feng this time is also a big deal.

"Shang Yu! What do you plan to do tomorrow!"

"Ming'er? It is estimated that Jia Mi has no time to do it right with us! But Shi Chong just doesn't know! After all, he fell into the hands of our brothers this time!"

"Yeah! Ten thousand cavalry, no one escaped back! It's really miserable! However, you can't kill it! Who told them to be so powerful! If you let them go back, we will definitely report our situation back! "While speaking, Li Zhao also seemed helpless.

After all, just a few hours ago, Jin Jun dispatched 30,000 cavalry to wipe out Shi Chong's 10,000 fine cavalry in one fell swoop.

Here Jin Shangyu and Li Zhao are still studying countermeasures. At this time, the palace inside was already a mess.

"Sun Xiu! You, didn't you say that you can hold the Imperial City! Why have you lost the city now!"

"Long live Lord! Actually, this is not the fault of the minister! If you want to come, you also know that the Imperial City was breached, but the southeast gates were not broken!"

"What? According to what you mean, Jin Shangyu must have done it!"

"Long live, why don't you think about it! To be honest, it was Jia Mi who broke through the west gate and now surrounds the palace!" At a certain moment, in the True Dragon Palace, Sun Xiu also said The truth.

Hearing such news, the emperor Simalun on the dragon seat was also dull-eyed! He even said to himself, "Impossible, this is impossible! Didn't he promise me to deal with the three kings! Why is this the result! Why! God, you are so talking!"

auzw.com "Well, Long live Lord, take care of the dragon body! This situation is not a time of depression!"

"Sun Xiu, tell the truth, did Jia Mi lie to us! Obviously we had an agreement! He, why did his surname Jia regret it!"

"Long live my anger! Actually, the world is unpredictable. The reason why Jia Mi did this is for his own benefit! The top priority is that we are not analyzing who is right and who is wrong. We should think carefully about how we should live tomorrow! "

"Yeah! How do you live tomorrow! Tomorrow, why does tomorrow come!" Muttering to himself, the former King Zhao, the current emperor, no longer had a bit of aggressiveness. It seemed that at this moment, he had already seen tomorrow and saw the scene of himself kneeling in front of Jia Mi.

However, at this moment, the old man with the ancient surname, who had never spoken, finally spoke.

"The prince, in fact, this matter may have been miscalculated by the old man and Jia Mi has been fooled! However, in the current situation, even if Jia Mi does not break the imperial capital, the division of the Three Kings will break the border! So let's study Let’s take a countermeasure! After all, there is no retreat now!"

"Ancient, I have always trusted you! But, why is this the result!"

"My lord, in fact, the old man has just received a reward, and Jia Mi really started to attack the three kings! Sun Xiu should know this! Otherwise, how could the southeast gate be able to defend it!"

"What, ancient, you mean that the mysterious legion was sent out by Jia Mi! Then, why did he break the West Gate and enter!" At a certain moment, when the ancient surname was always telling some secrets, that Sun Xiu also asked inexplicably.

"Master Sun, in fact, you should understand! Human thinking will influence his actions! Think of that Jia Mi, although he promised us to deal with the Three Kings together, he did not say not to deal with us! To put it bluntly, if he takes the Three Kings Next, we are naturally his number one enemy! Why don't you understand such a simple truth! The only blame is that you can't use soldiers and haven't defended the capital city!"

"Ancient! What do you mean by this! Although the officer is not an expert, he is also on the city wall and fights with the enemy anytime and anywhere! When it comes to you, what do you say that you have reached an agreement with Jia Mi! You can safely guard? city!"

"Sun Xiu! Originally, the old man did not want to say more! But since you have said so, the old man also asked why you forced General Ge Feng away!"

"I forced him away, how could it be! That was because he went out of the city gate to fight the enemy fiercely! Finally ran away!"

"Really! But what the old man learned is that you Sun Xiu blocked the retreat of others, so that the old general can't enter, can't retreat! No, no!" At the end, the voice of the old surname also became low. .

For a while, because the old surnamed old man and Sun Xiu refused to give in to each other, the situation in the entire True Dragon Palace also became weird.

In the end, it was Emperor Smalun's words that stopped the hostility between the two sides.

"Well, when is this, do you still say that those are useful? Both of you are my confidants, let's talk about it! How will you spend tomorrow!"

"This, this, the criminal Sun Xiu really has no good way! After all, the situation is already in chaos! Although the three kings have no fighting power! But this Jia Mi is too strong! Now he is surrounded by the palace, the next step It will definitely attack!"

"I know you don't have a good idea! There are so many ways you usually do! It seems that's all!"

"Master, the old man thinks we should take a dangerous move!"

"Soldier moves! What a risk! Tell me about it!" At a certain moment, after the old man surnamed Gu made his own suggestion, the Emperor Simalun also asked rhetorically. This question also made the old man surnamed ponder for a while.


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