I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1024: Wars are happening everywhere!

The neighing sound of sharp war horses, like crisp thunder under the clear sky, almost detonated the haze of war hung over the imperial capital in an instant.

The soldiers and civilians in the imperial capital city were terrified. Because at this moment, except for the north gate, all but the other three city gates were shouting and killing, which made people shudder.

"My lord, what are we going to do! It seems that the most dangerous thing has already happened!"

"What are you afraid of! Tell my brothers, don't throw arrows casually, you must see clearly before hitting!"

"But if you put it too close, if you can't stop the shot, we Simon will lose it!"

"Noisy! Are you the commander here, or Lao Tzu! Just follow the order! The soldiers of the South Camp are right with Lao Tzu, don't you dare to do this too!" While talking, Sun Xiu, who had just arrived on the west gate wall, also became Some emotions are out of control.

Of course, as a soldier of the Zhao Palace, after hearing what Sun Xiu said, he didn't say much.

Here, Sun Xiu led the defensive sergeant to the high wall, while Jia Mi was sitting in her tent in the army, slowly tasting the fragrant tea from afar.

"Report, report your lord, our army has launched an offensive! It seems that the southeast gates have started attacks one after another! I believe the imperial capital city is not guaranteed this time!"

"Okay, yes! Tell the general forward, this time no matter who is in the city, just rush in at once! No, it should be to take down Simon, and then establish your own defensive position! Finally, follow the follow-up orders!"

"The last general is in charge!" Seeing that Jia Mi was fully prepared, the general who came to report the situation of the war also quickly turned and left.

"My lord, you really want to do this!"

"Why don't you do this! Thinking of Simalun, even though he looks pitiful on the surface! In fact, he is the most hateful person! Had it not been for his stalking, the deity's major event would have been long ago!"

"That's what the lord said! But how should we do the Three Kings matter!"

"Doing big things can't be kind! Do it!"

"Okay! Then, then I'll tell them to act now!" As he spoke, Huo Yun, who had been sitting next to Jia Mi, quickly went to the outside of the Chinese Army's Great Tent.

"Hahaha, Tiger Mountain! What a Tiger Mountain, since you guys all regard Jia as a Tiger! That deity reveals his nature today!" Feeling the rapid changes in the situation, Jia Mi is also in the big account. Murmured to himself.

However, in the next moment, the Huo Yun that had just left also returned again.

"Huoyun! It seems that your people are not slow!"

"The lord is serious! You are all yours along with Huoyun! How can I be my Huoyun person! But don't worry, lord! They have already acted, and I believe there will be good news soon!"

"Okay! If this is the case! Then, your contribution is not small! However, you have to be careful with that kid Jin Shangyu! This deity always feels that he is not a fuel-efficient lamp! Think about it, usually nothing Yes, I even incorporated the forbidden troops in the north of the Imperial City! Also controlled the North City Gate! This is an amazing move!" At the end, Jia Mi also showed a helpless expression.

Here, the master and servant were chatting in the camp, and at this time the imperial capital city had become a dangerous city. Not only did a large number of arrows rush into the city indiscriminately, but the shouts of killing became sharper.

Of course, after being strongly attacked by the three forces at the same time, the entire Imperial City was no longer as strong as before, and obvious loopholes appeared in many places.

auzw.com "General Ge, if this goes on, we will lose! Don't say we will defend ourselves, even the most basic bows and arrows will not be available!"

"What, not even bows and arrows are enough! Impossible! Didn't you check it yesterday!"

"Well, just now, Sun Xiu once again sent someone over to **** defensive materials. The 100,000 arrow feathers were forcibly taken away by him!"

"What! Such a thing happened! Sun Xiu, you, you are trying to hand over the Imperial City to others! Alas!" At a certain moment, after Ge Feng learned of Sun Xiu's behavior, he was also angry. Trembling all over.

Of course, no matter how angry Ge Feng is, the attacking army under the city will not relax the intensity of the attack.

At a certain moment, when the huge siege impact equipment slowly came under the South City Gate, everyone knew that a real **** battle had already been pushed to a climax.

"Tell my brothers to come in slowly! Don't rush in! The old guy in the city, maybe he will open the city gate and kill him at some point! We can't be fooled by him! Of course, this 10,000 cavalry was meant to He prepared it!"

"Don't worry, General! Our people know how to break the fortified city! However, because the attack is harder, the loss is not small!"

"No way, this general is also powerless! We can't let King Hejian take the lead in breaking through the East Gate!" As he spoke, a middle-aged man with the appearance of a general was also sitting on a war horse in uniform. Behind him was a cavalry team that couldn't see the edge.

"General Ge, it seems that we can't defend it anymore! They have too many people! And this time the determination to attack the city is very firm! There is no one to retreat!"

"Well, that's the case! Tell my brothers, get on the horse and go to the city, the old man will fight to the end!"

"Old General, your idea is good! But the opponent is already prepared! You see, the cavalry team in the distance is at least 10,000 people! Even if we rush out, it is probably the result of the destruction of the city!"

"I'm sorry, brothers! If you have a horse, follow the old man to rush out of the city gate!" As he spoke, the old General Ge Feng also took the lead and ran down the city.

Also on a passage within the south gate, five thousand cavalry were also standing here.

"Old General, you really have decided! After all, the opponent is already ready! Even if we attack, I'm afraid we won't be able to save the battle!"

"Brothers! The old man lives his life! Even if you die, you must die on the road to rush! Let's go! If you are willing, go out of the city with the old man! Open the city gate!" At the end, Ge Feng shouted "Heaven City gate"!

For a time, because it was the command of the main general, the sergeants who defended the city did not dare to be careless. After a while, the huge gate slowly cracked open, and a stream of iron also rolled out, moving forward with a strong fighting spirit. Rush out.

In the face of this cavalry who knows how fierce is auspicious, but still has to move forward courageously, even the Chengdu Wang Simaying who stands behind is a little frightened.

"He, he is really a lunatic! He knows that this king is already prepared, and he has to do the most fearless struggle!"

"Master! This person is the old general named Ge Feng! Actually, such a talent should stand in the world!"

"It seems that Young Master Shadow is very rewarding to Ge Feng!"

"It's just a feeling!" As he spoke, the person called Shadow also said tepidly.

Of course, at this time, Chengdu Wang Sima Ying also slowly raised her head, not knowing what she was thinking. However, the war horse under his seat made a clatter and moved forward a little bit.

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