I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1013: Siege!

Here, Lu Zhong sent people to report the information in the city to the north gate of the city without mentioning it, just talk about the army of the Three Kings at this time.

At that time, I saw Chengdu Wang Simaying, dressed in military uniform, sitting on his horse, behind him there was no marginal army.

"The generals obey the orders and attack the city with all their strength! Be sure to let them know how powerful we are! Target the South City Gate!"

"The prince is mighty, mighty..."

"Good, good! Look at how this king clears the side of the emperor! Let's go!" A small sound, but the effect is powerful.

All of a sudden, the 30,000 army was divided into three echelons like flowing water and rushed towards the south gate of the imperial capital. Various shouts and charging sounds poured down like thunder, instantly turning the imperial capital into a place. An authentic battlefield.

"Hahaha, this king wants this effect! Simalun, this king wants to see how long you can last! Want to delay, want new variables! No, only you get out of the real dragon palace, otherwise this king It really attacked the city!" At a certain moment, just after the army began to attack the city, Chengdu Wang Simaying was also laughing.

It's too late to say, then soon, just after Chengdu Wang Simaying launched an attack, the imperial capital city east also shouted like a river, as if the next moment, tens of thousands of troops would flood into the imperial capital.

"Quick, quick defense, they are really here!"

"Does this need to be said? I found out yesterday that they were approaching for reconnaissance, so it is normal to launch an attack today! However, listening to the sound, it seems that there is fighting in more than one direction in the Imperial City!"

"General, the end general feels the same way! But, look at their stance!"

"Okay! No matter what, they can't be allowed to enter from the south gate! Let go of arrows!" As he spoke, thousands of feathers of arrows flew down the Imperial City like rain.

The sergeants below were not to be outdone. Not only did they raise their shields in different levels, but there were also many sergeants shooting arrows at the wall.

Of course, at this moment, some large-scale siege equipment was also being pushed by a large number of sergeants, slowly walking towards the southern city gate.

"No! They are actually well-prepared! Come here! Get the boiled wood quickly, and don't let them destroy the city gate, otherwise we won't be able to defend it!"

"General, the log has been thrown away! The ones you asked to prepare before seemed to be called to the east gate by Master Sun Xiu!"

"This is really maddening! How could the previous war end like this if it weren't for his chaotic command! No, if this goes on, I am afraid that the East Gate has not been broken, and our South Gate has already been breached by others!" When the sergeants of the city were communicating with each other, a large impact-type weapon guarded by hundreds of sergeants was already two hundred meters away from the southern gate of the imperial capital.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a giant pencil that has just been sharpened. Although this behemoth moves extremely slowly, every step it moves forward, it will make the guardian's heart hurt!

"No matter what, where is the Nanying Cavalry Battalion!"

"The final general is already ready, waiting for the general's order!"

"Good, good! Wait, listen! Quickly follow Ben to open the city to meet the enemy! The opponent's offensive must be resolved! Otherwise, the city will not be guaranteed!"

"The final commander!" With a firm response, the general on the city wall quickly descended into the inner door passage of the South City Gate!

And here, there are already five thousand cavalry ready to go!

"Brothers, open the gates! Attack! Target the enemy's important ordnance office!"

"Open the gate! Open the gate..."

At that time, with a shout, the south gate of the imperial capital also slowly opened.

For a time, the cavalry soldiers resembling wind and rolling clouds were also like a powerful arrow, shooting directly at the attacking army of the Chengdu king.

auzw.com Faced with the active attack of the defending sergeants, those siege sergeants were also taken aback. Some generals even forgot to command.

Because of this kind of tactics, they have never experienced it, or even heard of it.

"No, they, what are they doing! There is no ambush!"

"How could there be an ambush! I think they are dying!"

"No, their attack is too strong, we can't resist it at all!" While speaking, hundreds of sergeants already fell down.

"Lord, you see, they have changed their tactics! It seems that a cavalry has been killed! At this scale, there should be five thousand people!"

"Yeah! It seems that the old guy in Nanying is really good at it! Let's do it, after all, the three families are attacking the city together. It is useless to make fearless sacrifices here! Let's retreat!"

"Receive troops, yes, but the east gate direction is fighting!"

"Why, don't you understand what the king said? If we continue to fight like this, we will suffer. Even if we take the opportunity to break into the south gate, we will not benefit too much! You forgot, the second king and us It's not a single heart!" At the end, Chengdu Wang Simaying also showed a strange expression.

After all, he still hadn't considered this situation. But in order to preserve one's own vitality, a temporary reduction in force is necessary.

In this way, with a few low voices, the entire attacking legion retreated like a tide.

"General, they retreated! It just so happens that we can kill the Quartet!"

"No, this is a tactical contraction of others! If we don't know the current affairs and advance forward, we will definitely die! Pass the order and return to the city!"

"The final commander!" Feeling the decisive voice of General Nanying, the deputy commanded to return to the city in an instant.

For a moment, if you can overlook the battle at this time from a high altitude, you will find that some sergeants retreated to the open area south of the city, and the cavalry team that was still in a state of power just turned its head in an instant.

"Master, it seems that this battle is over! They withdrew!"

"Yeah, this old guy is still so powerful. Last time, if it hadn't been his initiative to retreat, I am afraid that Sun Xiu does not have the current 30,000 troops!"

"Master, then, how do we act now! Do you tell King Hejian, after all, his army is still attacking the city!"

"Don't worry, let the team back down slowly, don't say anything! If you can hold on for a while, hold on for a while! Sometimes, a friend can become an enemy, and an enemy may still become a friend!" At the end, Chengdu Wang Sima Ying also suppressed her voice very low.

Of course, after hearing such words, the general who had been guarding the Chengdu king no longer spoke.

The sergeant who defended the city used a trick to alleviate the first siege crisis, but at this time the East Gate was fighting hard.

Not only a large number of sergeants died under the city, even on the high walls, countless sergeants were shot by arrow feathers.

"Well, throw a stone at me, you guys will release your arrows quickly, so many people don't need to aim carefully!"

"Yes, yes! We know!"

"I know, don't hurry up!" At a certain moment, on the wall of the east gate of the imperial capital, Sun Xiu was also angry.

Nothing else, just because the battle at this time was too fierce, and he really couldn't fail anymore, otherwise there was only one way left for him, and that was a dead end.

However, when Sun Xiu felt bitter and had no strategy at all, two sergeants trot up under the high wall.


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