I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1009: Three kings arrive (two)

In the north of the imperial capital city, there is a continuous camp, which is also shocking! However, the people in the camp at this time are not in the mood to appreciate the magnificence here. Because a realistic problem is already before them, that is, the division of the Three Kings is really coming down here!

"Ling Yun, raise the account! There are some things that everyone needs to know! After all, it's time for everyone to act!"

"Okay! Don't worry, eldest brother, younger brother will go and call the generals!"

"Um, remember, let Luo Yun come here quickly, but Feihu will not move. After all, the current situation is too complicated. We must leave a general to guard the farm!"

"Okay! Let's go!" After a short answer, Ling Yun's figure was also lightly displayed, and Jin Jun was out of the military account.

"Mother, you girl, it seems that they are really here! They are actually stationed between the southeast gates! What is the meaning of this, is it possible that two attacks will be launched at the same time! Or is this a suspicious strategy! Forget it, no matter what they think, as long as they don't get to the north gate of Laozi!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu also began to study and analyze the current situation.

Of course, in the following period of time, Jin Jun's generals also came to the Chinese army's big account.

"Brother Li, you are all here! Don't wait for Luo Yun! Let's talk about it first!"

"Okay! If that's the case, don't wait for Luo Yun! In fact, everyone knows that the army of the Three Kings has arrived! But the problem is that something new happened this morning! Guess what, that Dongan King Sima Yao I'm out of town to negotiate!"

"Oh, there is such a thing! It seems that True Dragon Palace wants to delay time! This is also normal. Now the situation is so complicated, how could they not take advantage of it! What else, Brother Li, just say it!" Just when the generals gathered in Jin Jun's account, Jin Shangyu and Li Zhao also took the lead to exchange a few words.

In this way, around the new fact that the Three Kings arrived, everyone also opened a mode of discussion. Of course, because they had already mastered the situation before, everyone also directly expressed their views.

"My lord, now that things are clear, we have to fight for the first time! Why don't you fight! If you hurt them, you know how powerful Jin Jun is!"

"Tianhe, you said it's easy. How to fight? Should you fight the Three Kings first, or the Imperial City first, or attack Menghushan! So, let's think about it carefully, and we can't get angry!"

"Master Li, what you said makes sense! But we can't just wait like this! Once let them take the lead, what should we do!" Just now, he was pushed back by Li Zhao, and so did Ma Tianhe Somewhat unconvinced.

Of course, everyone knows that Ma Tianhe's temper will not really be true.

In this way, no matter how big or small the official position is, and regardless of personal background, as long as you think of it, everyone will say it.

At this time, Jin Shangyu listened silently and nodded occasionally.

Until everyone said the difference was not too much, Jin was considered to speak.

"Well, everyone said, Brother Li first sum up a few sentences! We will have a long road in the future! We can't lose at the starting line!"

"Okay! Now that the lord has stated everything! I, Li Zhao, will just say a few words! First, we should now take extreme measures to win the North Gate and establish an effective defense!"

"I agree with Jin Shangyu on this point, Ling Yun, do it!"

"The final commander!"

auzw.com"Okay, you go now! It is not the goal to take the North Gate, the most important thing is to establish an effective defense within the North Gate. For this, you can use some necessary defenses equipment!"

"I will understand!" At a certain moment, seeing that Jin Shangyu had already made up his mind, Ling Yun, who was already very serious, became more rigorous this time, and he went out of the Chinese Army's account after a short while.

Of course, with the execution of the first order, Li Zhao went on to say, "Is this the second point! It is to redeploy the army while controlling the north gate to form the necessary defensive posture. The purpose is to give the three kings? Look, let them know our defensive determination! To put it bluntly, let them know that we will not leave here!"

"This is also very important! Chasing the wind, you do it! Remember, if you want to make a big fanfare, you'd better build some empty tents! Let the fakes come true! Let the three kings dare not act!"

"The final commander takes the lead!" After a simple response, the wind also quickly left the army's big account.

"My lord, the two above are all strategies that we all researched together! However, the old man thinks that we still have to send manpower to conduct a close reconnaissance on the Three Kings!"

"Brother said it politely! However, this errand, let my son do it!"

"This, it's not so good! After all, you now have a different identity, so you can't easily take risks with your body!"

"Thank you for your concern, brother! Others don't know, don't you know Shang Yu! Can't be free! Besides, if others go, this son is really worried!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a strange smile.

However, just as everyone was studying specific countermeasures, one person walked in quickly outside the account.

"Boss, how did you start to act! Why is the chasing wind already moving!"

"It's right to move! You just came! Sit down and talk about your thoughts!"

"Boss, Luo Yun's idea is to rely on the defense of the farmyard to reinforce the Chinese army's big account at any time. Everyone is here! From the topographical point of view, although the location of the farmyard is dozens of miles away from here, it is also for the cavalry. It's not a big distance! So if we do this, we can take care of each other and leave the enemy with no chance!"

"Alright! But you have to be more careful! After all, the army of the Three Kings, even the armies of Jia Mi and Shi Chong may attack you!"

"Boss, rest assured! These days, although I have been training sergeants, a lot of defensive positions have been built. Of course, this is also inseparable from the boss's guidance!" While talking, Luo Yun also took some of his own thoughts. Said it.

Of course, in the face of Feng Luoyun's idea, everyone finally agreed.

"Well, now that the people are all here, things are almost done! Let's perform our duties! I hope we can have a good start!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu arranged everything in front of him. He also stood up slowly.

In fact, at this time, the Chinese army’s tent was no longer as crowded as before. Most of the generals left the Chinese army’s tent and started to move.

"Shang Yu! You have to be careful alone! Thinking that Shi Chong has Nanling seven kills to help out, these three kings will not be unprepared!"

"Old Wen, don't worry, I will be more careful! After I leave, I told Zhuifeng that he cannot leave the Chinese army's big account. If someone comes, defense is the main thing! Of course, if it is a single enemy, let him Dispose of it yourself!"

"Okay, I will tell Zhuifeng!" At the end, the old man Wen Shuo also showed a touch of worry.

After all, the current situation is really chaotic, and even if it is a wrong step, it is possible to lose everything.


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