I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1000: Master and servant!

It is also the Palace of True Dragons, but at this time there is no head transmission of the past. Because this time Lu Zhong entered the palace alone.

"Enlighten your Majesty, now the junior ministers have already collected the money from the ministers of the DPRK! And they have also sent them to Li Zhao's house, I believe they will understand your majesty's painstaking efforts!"

"Oh, it was delivered so soon! Isn't it a bit anxious!"

"Not in a hurry, really not in a hurry! After all, your majesty's purpose is not for money, but for the safety of the Imperial City!"

"That's right! After all, we must focus on the overall situation! Then, Li Zhao said that he didn't say Ling Yun's intention!"

"I haven't said this! I'm afraid he is waiting for something!"

"What are you waiting for! Oh, I remembered that on that day, I promised 600,000 yuan, and I had to hand over half a million yuan beforehand! But now that 300,000 have been sent, they should be content. Besides, if they took the silver and didn't send troops to help, what should they do!" Feeling the unpredictable changes in the situation, the Emperor Simalun on the dragon seat also showed a touch of worry.

In fact, let alone Simalun, everyone would worry about it. Send a huge sum of money before you have experienced a war. It's impossible for anyone to do this without worrying! But Simalun at this time might be really afraid of losing his throne, so Li Zhao led him by the nose.

Facing such an emperor, in fact, Lu Zhong had a clear heart at this time, after all, anyone would have such worries.

However, for the next step, Lu Zhong still had to pretend to be surprised on the surface.

"Worry! Your Majesty don't have to worry! Think about it! Although this Lingyun army seems to have encircled the Imperial City. But once a foreign enemy comes in, he, he will not become the first defensive force! So, we are now Spending some money is nothing, after all, when it comes to the battle of life and death, what they have given out is real blood!"

"This, this truth, I understand it, but there are some things that I can't figure out! Sun Xiu, Sun Xiu, you are the one who harmed me. If you don't lose the battle, how can I fall into this? The situation!" At a certain moment, when Lu Zhong tried his best to persuade Sima Lun, the new high-ranking emperor was also a little bit worried about gains and losses.

Facing such an emperor, Lu Zhong didn't say much, but just listened quietly. After all, Simalun at this time already knew the changes in the situation, so now Lu Zhong only needs to wait.

And time slipped by in such a wait.

When the atmosphere in the True Dragon Palace became more and more weird, Emperor Simalun on the dragon seat finally spoke.

"Well, since you have reached this point, take it, even if I have no money! Come here! Take two hundred thousand taels of silver and send it to Lu Zhong's house!"

"Long live the Lord! If you feel uncomfortable, then don't take any money! If it doesn't work, let's do it by fate!"

"Lv Zhong, I know you understand the widow's mind! But now there is really no way out! But you must remember clearly! After getting the silver, I will give it to Li Zhao, I hope you can convince Lingyun that kid!"

"Long live, rest assured, the minister will work hard to do this well! However, your majesty has already taken out the money from the bottom of the box. The minister is really unbearable!" At one point, Lu Zhong succeeded in getting from Simalun. When he got two hundred thousand taels of silver in his hand, he also spoke to comfort the high emperor.

Of course, because he got the money, Lu Zhong didn't stay any longer and left the True Dragon Hall after a while.

At this time, only Simalun was left in the True Dragon Hall.

"Sun Xiu! You hurt me too badly! Ling Yun, you, why can't you do it for me!"

"Master, why are you so troublesome! In fact, the old man said a long time ago that people like Lu Zhong must not be believed! Now that they get the silver, will they still listen to you!"

"Old, you still came! How many times have you said these things! But you know, we don’t have a better way now!"

auzw.com "Why not! How many times the old man has said it! We can't put Bao on Lingyun! Although it is not possible to prove who he is now! But the old man always feels that this person It should have gone to others!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! Well, then you are going to talk about who is the master of his Lingyun!" At a certain moment, after hearing the words of the old surname, the emperor Simalun asked rhetorically.

Facing Simalun's rhetorical question, the old man with the surname Gu felt like an ancient well.

"Hahaha, it turns out that the prince really regards Ling Yun as a big man! Okay, then the old man will talk about it today!"

"Old, you can say it straight! I know what you said must not be a lie!"

"Okay! Actually, the most likely Lingyun is Shi Chong’s person! Of course, he cannot be ruled out as Jin Shangyu’s person! After all, there are times when we can’t guess randomly! But no matter who he is, if someone commits the crime , He will not fight with all his strength!"

"Yes! If it's true as the old saying goes, then it's really hard to say!"

"So, the old man has a way! I hope the prince can think about it!"

"Let me talk about it, there is no secret between us!"

"Okay! Then, let's do it like this in the future!" As he spoke, the old man with the ancient surname also slowly bowed his body, and then whispered with him.

"Ancient, can this be done! Will he agree? Besides, even if I can make some concessions, people may not appreciate it!"

"The prince's remark is wrong! In fact, whether this matter can be done, we will have to wait for the old man to walk around before knowing!"

"Okay, then, let's go for a while!"

"Since the prince has made up his mind, then, wait for the old man's news!" As he spoke, the old man with the ancient surname also showed a strange smile, and then turned and left.

In the True Dragon Palace, Simalun was the only one sitting on the dragon seat.

Although he had just heard the analysis of the old man surnamed Gu, and also came up with some countermeasures, the new emperor still has no sense of security. A pair of flashing eyes has already exposed his state of mind at this time.

The master and servant in the True Dragon Palace here have already negotiated some things, but at this time, Li Zhao's Mansion is a busy scene.

"Come and come, transport inside! You, don't be idle, help!"

"Brother Li, go ahead and leave first. I don't know if this big man is suspicious! In short, you have to transport the silver out of the city in the shortest time! Otherwise, there will be many nights and dreams!"

"Don't worry, Lu Zhong! This time you have done a lot, and you should have been wronged! But don't worry, brother knows your state of mind!"

"Thank you, big brother! That little brother is leaving!" As he spoke, Lu Zhong also left the Li Mansion after giving away the money.

After all, the current Lu Zhong has a very special status. To put it ugly, he is the eyes and ears of the True Dragon Palace.

Of course, it is precisely because of his true identity that he dare not stay longer.

"You guys, go now! Tell Lingyun that after you get the money, you will discuss the overall situation with the lord! You just said that it was Li who meant it!" At the end of the day, Li Zhao also took a long time. Tone. After all, the behavior of "grabbing money" this time was relatively smooth.


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