Up to the 33rd floor.

There are no employees here. Instead, there are bodyguards in black suits everywhere. If Wu Chen didn't know who he was going to see, he would definitely have misunderstood that he was going to see a big boss!

In fact, Li Ruobing is indeed a big boss, but she is not involved in the Tao. On the surface, she is only a star entrepreneur and female president of Donghai City.

On the 33rd floor, the president's office.

Two bodyguards in black suits like door gods are guarding the left and right.

"Boss, someone is here." Zhou Huan said to him.

"Come in." A cold voice came from the office.

Zhou Huan led Wu Chen in.

The office is very large, and the view from the floor-to-ceiling windows is beautiful, but there are not many furnishings in the room, and the sofa for guests is very far away from the desk.

"It was you who called me?" Li Ruobing put down her pen and looked at Wu Chen faintly.

She was very surprised. Wu Chen's appearance was too far from what she imagined. A stranger who suddenly called her could say something that only a few people knew, knew her identity, and calmly spoke.

She thought it would be a mature and stable man, probably a middle-aged man. Wu Chen is too young, just like a student.

Wu Chen was also looking at Li Ruobing.

Tall and slender, with long straight black hair, wearing golden glasses, her makeup is very cool, and her aura is very strong. She sits there and doesn't speak, and she can feel her strength and difficult to contact!

This powerful aura makes it easy for people to ignore her beauty.

"Boss Li, it's a pleasure meeting!" Wu Chen smiled.

Then he started pacing and observing himself in the office, as if he was in his own home. He walked and looked at random, and even walked around the desk and walked around behind Li Ruobing.

Bodyguard Zhou Huan looked at Li Ruobing and asked Li Ruobing's meaning with his eyes.

Wu Chen's performance is also... too arrogant! Although he didn't do anything, being so casual in front of Li Ruobing was arrogant!

"You go out first." Li Ruobing said to Zhou Huan.

Zhou Huan went out.

Li Ruobing looked at Wu Chen who had walked to the sofa and sat down, raising Erlang's legs.

"Wu Chen, right?" Li Ruobing said and picked up a document on the table, "22 years old, graduated from the Department of Computer Science of Donghai University, father Wu Dahai, mother Zhang Xiujuan, runs a ramen restaurant in a small county, you still have A younger sister, Wu Jiao, is currently in high school..."

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Wu Chen smiled and applauded, and said, "Boss Li really has great powers. In less than an hour, the investigation was so clear."

Wu Chen was not surprised at all, he knew Li Ruobing's power.

His mobile phone number is registered with real-name authentication, so it is very easy for powerful people to check his background, the difference is the length of time.

"I thought someone used your mobile phone card fraudulently, but I didn't expect it to be you, an ordinary... university graduate!" Li Ruobing dropped the documents and looked directly at Wu Chen.

Naturally, she was very suspicious, Wu Chen had no background, it was too ordinary!

"It doesn't matter who I am." Wu Chen tilted his head and smiled, "I'll make a long story short, give me 10 million, and I'll tell you who the traitor is."

"Who sent you here?" Li Ruobing asked.

She doesn't seem to be interested in what Wu Chen said about the traitor, instead, she always thinks that Wu Chen has a big problem!

"I'm alone, you can think that I'm a... intelligence businessman, I know a lot of things that you will be interested in and care about. You give the money, and I'll tell you the answer, fair trade!" Wu Chen said.

"A stranger suddenly ran up to me and told me about a traitor, asked me for 10 million, and said a fair deal. Do you think it's possible?"

Li Ruobing smiled, then turned cold in an instant, and said, "I warn you, if you don't give me a satisfactory answer, you don't want to leave here alive today."

Li Ruobing said and opened the drawer, taking it and putting it away!


She slapped a black pistol on the table!

This woman is always direct.

Moreover, she really dared to kill people in the office!

"Hey... wow! You want to kill me?" Wu Chen sucked in a breath of cold air, but smiled again in surprise, he raised his hand, shook the thing in his hand, and said, "How can you kill without this? I?"

What Wu Chen was holding in his hand was a magazine!

Li Ruobing's expression changed, and she glanced at her pistol. Sure enough... the magazine was not in it.

"You, when..." Li Ruobing stood up suddenly.

Chapter 0010 I know everything about you

Li Ruobing widened her eyes, her beautiful eyes flashing with suspicion.

She remembered that when Wu Chen first came in, he walked around and walked around the desk. That was the only time he approached the desk.

But how did she take the magazine away?

The pistol was in the drawer, how did he know the pistol was in the drawer?

Even if he knew, how could he take the magazine away the moment he walked by, while the gun was still in the drawer?

"Boss Li, calm down, this doesn't look like you anymore." Wu Chen threw the magazine on the coffee table with a smile, "I have no malice, I came to you for money, this is a deal, I hope you understand ."

Li Ruobing slowly sat back on the boss chair. She realized that she had lost her temper in front of a strange man.

As Wu Chen said, this is not like her.

"Can we talk?" Wu Chen asked.

"...Traitor?" Li Ruobing completely calmed down, "You said there are traitors around me?"

"Ten million, I'll tell you." Wu Chen said the price again.

In fact, he took the initiative to withdraw the money, emphasizing that it was business, just to reduce Li Ruobing's psychological defense.

Everything needs motivation.

When Wu Chen approached Li Ruobing so recklessly, he always had a motive, and it was very reasonable for money.

If you want to quickly get closer to a person, in addition to getting to know the other person, you also need a very suitable time.

First impressions are very important.

Wu Chen once slept with a beautiful woman whom he only met on July 7, which was repeated over and over again. The reason why he succeeded was because he could find the best opportunity after investigation.

The other party would not have any vigilance against him, nor would he take precautions.

And this time to see Li Ruobing, it is obviously impossible to arrange in advance, and Wu Chen does not want to reset July 8th many times.

So now he is in a different way to get in touch with Li Ruobing.

Although this caused Li Ruobing to be extremely wary of him, but with Wu Chen's understanding of Li Ruobing, sleeping with her... is still very easy!

The last time I slept with Li Ruobing was "more than a hundred years ago", not to mention, Wu Chen really misses it.

"Ten million, what kind of traitor do you think is worth my ten million?" Li Ruobing showed a strong smile, "Also, even if what you said is true, there are really traitors around me, I can do it now Investigate it yourself! I don't need you!"

"It hasn't been a day or two since you investigated the traitors around you? Have you found it?" Wu Chen said.

"You..." Li Ruobing's face changed again.

Yes! She has long known that there are traitors around, she has been investigating, but she has never found out.

"There is only half a month left before the new product launch. This person will find a way to get the R&D materials before the launch. Your opponent will take the lead and destroy your launch. You don't want to lose the bet. Right?" Wu Chen gave Li Ruobing a look on his face.

For a strong woman like Li Ruobing, if she wants to conquer her, she must be stronger than her. Of course, she cannot be blindly arrogant.

It's the one who has reason and ability... Press her down!

Li Ruobing looked at Wu Chen expressionlessly.

"Ten million, I'll tell you who the traitor is." Wu Chen continued, "If you are willing to add another ten million, I can tell you something about your brother. This matter... involves your brother's personal safety. Something happened, you know?"

"Want to scare me?" Li Ruobing raised her eyebrows and helped her gold glasses.

"No, no, I'm not trying to scare you. I know you are a person who doesn't want to eat hard or soft! Even if you dare to scold your old man in public, I can't threaten you." Wu Chen kept smiling.

"You seem to know me very well." Li Ruobing narrowed her eyes.

"Of course, I'm an intelligence businessman, and I know very well whoever I want to contact." Wu Chen said with a smile.

"Then tell me, what else do you know about me?"

"Are you sure you want to listen?"


"Li Ruobing, 27 years old, chairman and president of Symphony Fashion Group, graduated from Harvard Business School, returned to China at the age of 23, founded Symphony Fashion Group, which specializes in high-end cosmetics, and is currently worth about 2 billion." Wu Chen seems to have finished.

"That's all?" Li Ruobing's tone was a little mocking. These kind of **** information can be found on the Internet.

"You are the eldest daughter of Li's family, but because you are a girl, you are not favored. Your grandfather prioritizes sons over daughters. When you were very young, you felt that you were treated differently, but you were not convinced! You are determined to live up to your expectations. To prove to everyone that women can be stronger than men!"

Wu Chen's next sentence made Li Ruobing's face change again and again.

"You have a very masculine personality since you were a child. When you were a child, boys were afraid of you. Even the most favored younger brother who grew up with you was also afraid of you. You refused to succumb to fate, so you studied hard and studied well. to make!"

"However, you didn't escape the curse of the big family after all. At the age of 23, the family deceived you back on the grounds that your mother was seriously ill."

"Actually, I lied to you to come back and get married! Your grandfather ordered you to marry the young master of the Ding family in Guangdong, Ding Ruilong!"

"Originally, your mother has always been very partial to you. Your mother is from the Sun family in the northwest, and she married your father because of the marriage of the big family. Her family has the ability, so your mother still has the right to speak in your family."

"But this time, even your mother stood opposite you. She wanted you to marry Ding Ruilong, but you refused. Even when you were forcibly persecuted at home, you turned the table in public and scolded your grandfather for being an old man. Immortal, your uncle slapped, and you slapped it back!"

"Seriously, I really admire you!" Wu Chen said with a smile, and then said, "You wanted to leave, but your mother was desperate, so the final result of this matter, He made a bet with you, Ding Ruilong."

"You each set up a new business, and it must be an industry that your family is not involved in. Each of you depends on your ability. In five years, whoever does the best will win! So you founded Symphony Fashion!"

"You said that you won't get married, and you won't get married in your life. It's very sad for a woman to marry! But you later changed your mind and said that even if you get married, you have to marry a man who is stronger than you!"

"So if you lose, you will marry Ding Ruilong, and if you win, you will have a free life! No one will force you after that."

"In the past few years, you have worked very hard, probably because you are really talented, and you have already made a name for yourself in the field of fashion makeup."

"Besides that, in the past four years, you have also talked about three boyfriends, but these three men eventually left you, one committed suicide, and the other two broke up!"

"Actually, they are all fake! You deliberately brought them here as a shield, but Ding Ruilong is a careful person. He knew that they were all your fake boyfriends, but he also attacked them. As a result, there is no opposite **** around you. How dare you come too close to you!"

Wu Chen stopped here for a while, observing Li Ruobing's incomparably wonderful expression.

"Actually, you're not short-sighted." Wu Chen took a moment and Li Ruobing said again, "You wear glasses, just to create a sense of distance from others, your strength, your domineering, and your sternness have always been very important. Disguise ingredients!"

Li Ruobing's fist clenched suddenly, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

"I know that after I told you this, I can only have two results. I know you too well and have made you feel threatened, so... either control me or let me evaporate, right?" Wu Chen directly pierced Li Ruobing's mind.

"You know how dare you say it?" Li Ruobing asked rhetorically.

"Wealth is at risk, isn't it?" Wu Chen continued with a smile, "I also know that you usually keep three guns in your office. Guess, are the other two guns on me now?"

Li Ruobing clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white.

She doesn't like this feeling, this feeling of being seen through, this feeling of being "pressed" by others!

dong dong!

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

The atmosphere in the office relaxed.

"Come in." Li Ruobing said coldly.

A tall, thin middle-aged man entered the door. He was in a hurry with a folder in his hand. He took a look at Wu Chen without looking at it, and quickly walked to the edge of the desk.

"Boss, you need to sign this document..." The tall, thin middle-aged man said.

This person is Li Ruobing's senior assistant Feng Yan. It is naturally a confidant who can knock on the door when Li Ruobing is talking to someone.

Li Ruobing quickly glanced at the document, turned a few pages, then picked up the pen and started to sign.

At this moment, Wu Chen suddenly stood up, picked up the magazine on the coffee table, walked quickly to the desk, and picked up the pistol.

Load the magazine, load the bullet, open the safety, all in one go!

too fast!

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