"Four years ago, one of Xu Zhenyuan's lovers tried to turn positive. He called Xu Zhenyuan's wife and also called Xu Zhenyuan's daughter. After that, the woman disappeared... The body is currently buried in the industrial park in the northern suburbs of Donghai..."

  "Two years ago, Xu Zhenyuan's daughter fell in love with a little white face, but Xu Zhenyuan objected. Xiaobai face was hooked up by him and then falsely accused of rape, framed and imprisoned... The woman who falsely accused, took the money and went to the south, and now she uses it. The phone number is..."

  Wu Chen's speech rate is not fast, and he takes a sip of tea from time to time, as if he is telling a story, he has nothing to worry about, but he rarely speaks so much in a row at one time.

  Su Ruiwen listened, his face changed all the time.

  At first he was stunned, suspicious, then shocked, and finally he was stunned!

  Because Wu Chen first talked about things that were far away, and things that were too far away were difficult to check, so he could only suspect whether what Wu Chen said was true or false.

  But as the date Wu Chen said was getting closer, things became easier to check.

  Su Ruiwen even heard rumors about some things, and Wu Chen not only told the rumors, but also how to kill Xu Zhenyuan through this incident, there are key witnesses!Wu Chen even said that the body was buried there!

  Even if the witness was not in the local area, Wu Chen casually gave the mobile phone number that he could contact for investigation.

  The closer the better.

  The more Su Ruiwen listened, the more he felt that Wu Chen was not lying, because it was too easy to verify, it would be meaningless to lie and it would be easily exposed.

  For example, Su Ruiwen can send someone to excavate the corpse in the northern suburban industrial area that Wu Chen mentioned.

  And if that's not all lies and nonsense...

  This is why Su Ruiwen was shocked!

  How did Wu Chen know? !

  How did Wu Chen know such details? !

  Li Ruobing didn't want to frame Xu Zhenyuan, but wanted to find out some of Xu Zhenyuan's previous dirty things and send him in?All the evidence checked? ! !

Chapter 0474 Is this really a mistake?

  Su Ruiwen felt that his brain was not enough.

  He has not felt this way for many years, not that he can figure out anything, but that when encountering problems, incomprehensible or incomprehensible things, Su Ruiwen can make bold assumptions and guesses, what are the possibilities .

  But after Wu Chen just said Xu Zhenyuan's black history, Su Ruiwen couldn't even make a guess that was close to reasonable.

  Too much too much detail is one aspect.

  Some things are too long ago, but also on the one hand.

  And most importantly, Su Ruiwen knew Xu Zhenyuan, Xu Zhenyuan had been under him for more than ten years, and he knew very well what kind of person Xu Zhenyuan was.

  He has the ability, the daring and the means to be black enough, but he is generally a businessman, not a pure villain.

  How could he be found out about so many things?

  If Xu Zhenyuan was really a person with such flaws in his work, he could even find out what happened more than ten years ago. If the investigation was detailed, then Xu Zhenyuan would not be alive today.

  No billionaire is so stupid.

  Although the [-]st century is an era full of opportunities, there will always be myths of getting rich, especially with the development of the Internet, there will be more and more such things, and there will always be "lucky ones" who choose the right direction. In just a few years, the accumulated wealth of billions or even tens of billions.

  But Xu Zhenyuan obviously does not belong to this "lucky person".

  He came up step by step.

  Starting from the [-]s, after several ups and downs, he and Yao Honglin jointly established "Meiyuan Jewelry", and then lost to Jinfu in the subsequent competition. The investment has been deceived, and it has been successful, until today...

  Intrigue and even bloody storms in the shopping mall, Su Ruiwen has experienced it, and Xu Zhenyuan has also experienced it.

  How can so many dirty things be found?Even the evidence was found?

  How did Li Ruobing do it?

  Su Ruiwen didn't know about the "gambling contract", but he knew that Li Ruobing had never used the Li family's business in the four years since he came to the East China Sea.

  Especially independent, but also very strong!I admire it!

  Even for some private matters, Li Ruobing rarely seeks help from his younger brother Li Ruotai, but Li Ruotai will take the initiative to do something for his sister.

  But at most, Li Ruotai only helped the old lady to settle some disturbances, and would not do more, which would attract Li Ruobing's dislike.

  Li Ruobing would not even seek the help of family power for himself.

  Will she beg for Su Qingying? !

  can you?

  Su Ruiwen thinks not.

  But he assumed Li Ruobing would!Did it!

  Su Ruiwen also felt that even if the Li family launched all their forces to investigate Xu Zhenyuan, without Xu Zhenyuan realizing that he was being investigated... even if it was the Li family!It is impossible to find out so many things!

  Totally can't figure it out.

  Su Ruiwen paused for a long time before staring at Wu Chen and said slowly, "Mr. Wu, what you said is...really?"

  He began to question Wu Chen.

  Although he didn't think that Wu Chen would tell such an easy lie, it was more reasonable for Wu Chen to lie than when Xu Zhenyuan was found out with so many dirty things.

  "It's easy to verify, right?" Wu Chen smiled.

  "Where is the body of Xu Zhenyuan's lover? The specific location?" Su Ruiwen asked, he already wanted to verify whether Wu Chen's words were true or not.

  The purpose of verification is, of course, not only to prove what Wu Chen said is true or false.

  In fact, Su Ruiwen's mind has come alive after hearing what Wu Chen said about Xu Zhenyuan.

  Xu Zhenyuan deceived Jinfu shares a lot at the beginning, and also embezzled the company's money.

  For these things, if Su Ruiwen could get evidence, of course, he would have to deal with Xu Zhenyuan.

  He also wants to send Xu Zhenyuan to prison now!Even sending Xu Zhenyuan to be shot, he didn't have the slightest pity in his heart.

  But it's not that his mentality changed because of Wu Chen's words.

  Just because Xu Zhenyuan is a potential threat to his daughter, and what might happen in the future, Su Ruiwen will not frame him directly to kill Xu Zhenyuan, but not to that extent.

  But now it's not framing, but catching Xu Zhenyuan's former black material.

  The result is the same, but they are two completely different things!Two concepts!

  Su Ruiwen wished that he had the handle of those old guys in the whole company in his hands, so he would let his daughter use the handle to control the small threats, and those who threatened to get out of control... just "send it away"!

  "The body is behind No. [-] warehouse in the new factory area of ​​'Tianhe Machinery Factory' in Beijiao Industrial Park, the second parking shed from the left, between the second parking space and the third parking space on the right side, dug two meters down ..." Wu Chen smiled, as if he didn't think about it and said it casually.

  "Ah?" Su Ruiwen was stunned, then stunned again.

  What did Wu Chen just say?

  Such complex and precise location information even made Su Ruiwen feel that Wu Chen was nonsense.

  "Mr. Wu... can you say it again?" Su Ruiwen asked again, and at the same time he opened the drawer and took out a pen and paper from it.

  He wants to remember.

  "Boss Su, I think you should turn on your phone to record, it's more convenient." Wu Chen said.

  Su Ruiwen paused, then put the pen and paper aside, took out his mobile phone, clicked, and turned on the phone to record.

  Wu Chen reiterated the location of Xu Zhenyuan's lover's body, and finally added: "The new factory area of ​​Tianhe Machinery Factory was built three years ago. Four years ago, when Xu Zhenyuan asked people to bury the body, that place It's still a wasteland..."

  When Su Ruiwen heard it, he felt outrageous again.

  The corpse was buried in the wasteland, and then a factory was built on the wasteland, which would cause some landform features on the ground to disappear. Xu Zhenyuan himself could not even find the body immediately, but could only determine the approximate location.

  How did Wu Chen say it so accurately?Unless the body has been dug up, it is very difficult, impossible to be completely sure!

  Su Ruiwen's thinking is right, it is impossible to say so accurately without digging it out.

  And Wu Chen just dug it out!In the Millennium Reincarnation!

  "Well..." Su Ruiwen pondered, but he didn't hesitate any more about Wu Chen, there was no need, and then he sent someone over and digged to find out.

  Su Ruiwen glanced at the mobile phone on the table, thought for a moment, then looked at Wu Chen and asked, "Mr. Wu, what you said just now that Xu Zhenyuan was embezzling the company's money, someone in the company knows about it, the specifics are..."

  For the next whole hour, Su Ruiwen was asking and Wu Chen was talking.

  What Su Ruiwen thought was that if what Wu Chen said was true, then this time... Xu Zhenyuan was dead!Since there is an opportunity to clear up the hidden dangers for my daughter in advance, it is natural to seize it, you can do it!

  So, just talk a lot at once.

  Grab all those black materials of Xu Zhenyuan!

  The final effect is not only to get Xu Zhenyuan in, but also to give Xu Zhenyuan a chance to be sentenced without death, and let Xu Zhenyuan hand over the shares he holds in Jinfu Group!Transfer to daughter Su Qingying's name!

  Before I knew it, it was past three o'clock in the afternoon.

  During the hour-long conversation, in addition to being surprised by what Li Ruobing was going to do, Su Ruiwen also felt more and more that Wu Chen was extraordinary.

  She has an excellent mind, and her memory is also very good. Without having any information in hand, she can casually say the information that Li Ruobing arranged for investigation.

  It's almost over.

  Wu Chen glanced at his watch, then got up and smiled and said, "Boss Su, since you already know the matter, if there is nothing else, I will go back first."

  Su Ruiwen also stood up and took the initiative to reach out to Wu Chen.

  The two shook hands.

  No more nonsense, Wu Chen turned around and left.

  Watching Wu Chen leave.

  Su Ruiwen slowly sat on the boss chair again. After thinking for a while, he turned his eyes to the phone, then picked it up and ended the recording.

  Slowly put the phone down.

  Su Ruiwen was a little distracted, thinking not only about Xu Zhenyuan, but also... Li Ruobing is so powerful? ! !

  Before that, Su Ruiwen also thought that Li Ruobing was powerful, with a big family background and great personal business talent.

  But today, Su Ruiwen's powerful understanding of Li Ruobing has been refreshed.

  If what Wu Chen said is true, then Li Ruobing...she is simply amazing!

  With his hands clasped together, Su Ruiwen thought for more than ten minutes, then he picked up the phone again, opened it, flipped through the address book, and found the number marked "Boss Symphony Li".

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