However, Wu Jiao's eyes suddenly brightened, showing an expression of "I know", and she looked like she wanted to talk.

  Girls of this age are usually very talkative, similar to gossip, and love to talk and show.

  "Jiaojiao, tell your parents." Wu Chen said and stood up.

  "Mom, brother wrote a song for An Menglan..." She had to repeat what she had just said to her father Wu Dahai to her mother Zhang Xiujuan.

  "Call me for something." Wu Chen walked out directly.

  nailed it!

  Although Wu Chen suddenly became able to write songs is very unscientific, but talent and talent can't be explained by science at all.

  The songs are all posted on the Internet. Wu Jiao can make it clear how popular it is, and no one can question it.

  As for why the first payment is more than [-] million.

  How much money An Menglan's new album can make has long been calculated on the Internet, and Wu Jiao will naturally say it.

  Wu Chen's money was very clean.

  Just too talented, too shocking.

  It's more complicated to explain.

  So... it is most suitable to hand it over to the little sister Wu Jiao of Teai!

  Wu Chen left the bedroom, Li Ruobing also turned around and followed Wu Chen out of the bedroom, and closed the door, leaving a space for Wu Chen's parents and sister to "tell the truth" on their backs.

  Wu Jiao's words are more credible.

  Wu Chen and Li Ruobing both returned to the sofa and sat down.

  "I told your mother, I'm pregnant..." Li Ruobing glanced at Wu Chendao, observing Wu Chen's expression.

  "Then let's hurry up." Wu Chen laughed softly, "I'm not sure if you are pregnant now, just more..." Wu Chen didn't say the last words.

  "Hmph." Li Ruobing snorted softly, holding her tone, "Qingying also wants children, are you busy?"

  "I'm in good health." Wu Chen raised his eyebrows.

  "Yes, my health is really good, that's why there are Mu Qianqian, Wu Yurong, An Menglan, Zhuang Xiaodie..." Li Ruobing directly placed An Menglan in the ranks of Wu Chen's women.

  Wu Chen was too lazy to refute Li Ruobing.

  There's no need to lie to Li Ruobing about this kind of thing.

  The two quarreled for a while, and then leaned back on the sofa to watch TV. Li Ruobing also turned up the volume of the TV with the remote control.

  Also watching TV while chatting.

  After ten minutes.

  "Your phone is still with your mother..." Li Ruobing mentioned, she knew that Wu Chen had a lot of important information on her phone.

  "My mother won't rummage through my phone." Wu Chen turned his head and smiled.

  "your family……"


  "It's warm and loving."

  "Of course." Wu Chen smiled.

  The old Wu family is indeed much warmer, more harmonious and more loving than ordinary families.

  Although this is just an ordinary family, it is not the kind of working family that needs to save money to live. The so-called poor and humble couples are sad, and lack of money will cause too many problems.

  This problem has never existed in the Old Wu family, there is no wealth or wealth, but the money is definitely enough to spend.

  A family of four, a loving husband and wife, and children.

  Never suffered a major accident.

  Wu Chen dare not say that his home is the best state of an ordinary family, but it is estimated that it is not too much.

  Seeing Li Ruobing's face, she should be very touched, because her family, although it is a wealthy and powerful family, she has lived a luxurious life without worrying about food and clothing since she was a child, but the bad things of the big family are all in her family!

  She didn't like the atmosphere of a big family. She had studied abroad early, and she didn't even want to return to China, but in the end, she was tricked into returning to China and forced to marry...

  If she hadn't met Wu Chen... Li Ruobing had also thought about what it would have been like. She felt that if she really married Ding Ruilong, she might not be able to control it and shot Ding Ruilong!

  "Hmm." Li Ruobing suddenly kissed Wu Chen and kissed a few times.

  Very greasy.

  "What's wrong?" Wu Chen asked.

  "I think you are handsome, can't kiss you?" Li Ruobing raised her eyebrows at Wu Chen.


  The bedroom door suddenly slammed open.

  Wu Chen and Li Ruobing sat up from the sofa.

  "Brother...sister-in-law, sister-in-law, are you pregnant?" Wu Jiao ran over and was super excited again, "Am I going to be an aunt?"

  Obviously, after Wu Jiao told her parents about Wu Chen's situation, her mother Zhang Xiujuan told Li Ruobing's situation again.

  Only Wu Jiao came out.

  Wu Dahai and Zhang Xiujuan didn't follow, so they should be talking.

  "It's still early, I just got pregnant." Li Ruobing smiled back to Wu Jiao.

  "I really have a baby. When I went to the city last time, sister-in-law, were you pregnant? Sister-in-law last time you cooked, there was so much oil smoke..."

  "Last time... I had it, but I didn't know it at the time. I only found out when I checked it two days ago..."

  "A boy or a girl?"

  "I can't find it out yet, it is estimated that it will take a few months."

  "Sister-in-law, aren't you disgusting?"

  "The pregnancy reaction should take another month or two to appear."

  Like a curious baby, Wu Jiao kept asking, and the tone of speaking to Li Ruobing was subconsciously a little soft and careful.

  "Pregnant women" always give people a feeling of vulnerability. It seems that too loud a voice will startle the pregnant woman, which will lead to irreversible consequences.

  Jingle Bell……

  The ringing of the mobile phone came from the master bedroom, which was not closed.

  "Xiaochen, someone called you." Zhang Xiujuan walked out of the bedroom with her son's mobile phone and walked quickly towards the coffee table.

  Wu Chen got up and went to pick it up.

  "Who is Tang Jingbin?" Zhang Xiujuan also asked. The caller ID is this name.

  "Friends of the magic capital." Wu Chen said.

  Zhang Xiujuan just thought it was a friend Wu Chen met through music, and didn't ask much.

  Wu Chen took the phone, turned around and walked to the balcony, while connecting.

  "Hey, Mr. Tang." Wu Chen said.

  "Mao Rusong was in a car accident." Tang Jingbin got straight to the point.

  Wu Chen's footsteps subconsciously slowed down, and then he walked to the balcony naturally, entered the living room balcony, and pulled the glass door back.

Chapter 0455 There is no possibility of playing smash

  Mao Rusong suddenly had a car accident. At this juncture, the possibility of an accident was extremely low.

  For a character like Mao Rusong, the drivers and bodyguards around him are not ordinary people. Even if the driver's driving skills are not up to Wu Chen's level, they are definitely not comparable to ordinary drivers. Happening.

  As for a person like Mao Rusong, who is extremely pompous, every time he goes out, he is in a convoy, with bodyguard cars in front and back. It is not easy for anyone who maliciously wants to directly hit the car he is riding in.

  "How is Boss Mao? Is it serious?" Wu Chen asked calmly.

  "I also just received the news and was sent to the hospital. The specific situation is still unclear." Tang Jingbin said, "I have already arranged for someone to go to the hospital to check the situation."

  "Where did the car accident happen?" Wu Chen asked again.

  "More than ten minutes ago, when Dongpu was passing through the intersection of Tongjiang Avenue, he was hit by a truck running a red light..."

  "The van? How big is it?"

  "Large truck, it is said to be a yellow-licensed car with a foreign license."

  "The hit-and-run driver fled?"

  "Run away, haven't found it yet."

  Wu Chen asked a lot of details, and Tang Jingbin also answered all his questions. What he knew was accurate, and what he didn't know was a little vague, which was enough for Wu Chen to understand what was going on.

  Tang Jingbin and Mao Rusong themselves don't have much overlap.

  Can only say know, but not familiar.

  The identity gap is large, and the circle is also different.

  The reason why Tang Jingbin could give Wu Chen this call, and he had to answer questions, was naturally because the matter of the Qi brothers involved Mao Rusong and had a great relationship.

  The Qi brothers didn't know who Zhuang Xiaodie's boyfriend was.

  Zhuang Xiaodie has always been sheltered by Mao Rusong.

  After Qi Chenghong almost knocked to death, the three bodyguards of the Qi family who followed the cause of the accident were all dead, and the Qi family thought it was Mao Rusong's handwriting.

  The matter started because of Qi Chenghong, and it was brought up by Wu Chen.

  It was Mao Rusong who wanted to be attacked and revenge.

  And Mao Rusong didn't sell Wu Chen and didn't explain anything to the Qi brothers. For the Qi brothers, it was tacit consent. Yes, it was Lao Tzu who did it!

  If nothing happened to Mao Rusong, for Tang Jingbin, it would not affect his plan to get the Qi brothers in three days.

  But Tang Jingbin knew that this situation was very important to Wu Chen!

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