All of them are big domestic brands and even international brands.

Celebrity endorsement contracts are all subject to liquidated damages, and the so-called breach of contract includes not only "stars do not cooperate with publicity", etc., but also celebrity scandals!

Once a celebrity has a scandal and their image becomes negative, it will also have a great negative impact on the products they endorse, and they will be boycotted!

The amount of liquidated damages in this regard is often much higher than the star's annual endorsement fee.

As far as Wu Chen knew, Zhou Shenglong was destroyed this time, and he only needed to pay the liquidated damages for endorsements, dozens of endorsements, and the total liquidated damages would exceed one billion yuan!

Very miserable!

Therefore, in comparison, Wu Chen's counterattack can be said to be very ruthless.

Although Hezhong Media started this series of incidents first, they will definitely come back with revenge, and about their revenge, Peng Wei had already spoken about their revenge when Wu Chen and Wu Yurong had dinner yesterday morning.

Peng Wei got some news that Hezong Media would make a big announcement about "Hua Xingxing" at noon.

At that time, Peng Wei was also not sure who Anise was referring to.

And when it was noon yesterday... At that time, Wu Chen and Wu Yurong went to see Wu Weidong, and had lunch with them. After leaving Wu's house, Wu Chen took the time to flip through his phone and saw that the "big material" had been released.

This big news points to Xu Future.

Xu Weiwei, male, 24 years old, officially debuted as the C17 male team leader through the popular variety show "Magic Boys Group" two years ago. After the variety show ended, he chose to go solo due to the huge gap between his personal popularity and other members. They are all the hottest male singers in the country.

Long before Xu Weiwei's debut in variety shows, he was a trainee for four years. At the age of 18, he signed a contract with a small company called "Sanyou Entertainment Media".

With the popularity of Xu Weiwei, the valuation of "Sanyou Entertainment Media" has also skyrocketed. The original valuation of tens of millions has skyrocketed more than ten times. Finally, a year ago, Huaxing Entertainment invested in Sanyou Entertainment and became Sanyou Entertainment Holdings. parent company.

Xu Weiwei is 184 tall, fair and clean, and his appearance is indeed handsome, which is very in line with the aesthetics of modern young people. Moreover, he is different from other criticized traffic, and he has a solid foundation. Although his singing skills are not very good, he is still above the waterline.

Therefore, the industry is very optimistic that Xu will become popular in the future, instead of being a short-lived popularity like some other traffic.

A year ago, Huaxing Entertainment invested a lot of energy in Sanyou Entertainment, but it did not give an offer that made Sanyou Entertainment unsatisfactory. In the end, after several rounds of negotiations, the two parties signed a gambling agreement for a period of three years, and the gambling performance!

Huaxing originally only invested in shares and provided resource support, and the management rights or voting rights still belonged to the founding team of Sanyou.

And once Sanyou Gambling loses its performance, it will lose the right to vote, and then be kicked out of the company, which is normal.

Accepting the bet can be regarded as a concession from Sanyou Entertainment. After all, Huaxing is huge, and the entertainment industry's cake is so big. If you don't find a backer, your resources will be very limited, and you will be suppressed by giants. No matter how popular the traffic is, no one will support it. will be silent.

After receiving the support of Huaxingxing resources, it can be said that in the past year, Xu Weiwei has grown into a top class that many seniors dare not easily offend.

Because there are too many fans, and most of them are little girls in their teens, the fans of the normal age group are the most troublesome, and they really can't be provoked by anyone.

Yesterday at noon.

The well-known online media "Baiyi Media" released news on the Internet that Xu Weiwei beat his classmates and injured people.

According to reports, this incident happened when Xu Weiwei was in high school, exactly seven years ago, when he was seventeen.

Xu Weiwei himself is a rich second-generation. His father is a local entrepreneur in Changhuai City, Suzhou Province. He is in the plasticization business and has a net worth of over 100 million.

Xu Weiwei, who has a good family background, had good grades in elementary and junior high school, but he began to decline in high school. In the rebellious period, his studies were very fast, and he often bullied his classmates by relying on his family background.

When he was seventeen years old in the second semester of high school, because he accidentally heard his classmates say bad things about him behind his back, he was dragged into the toilet and beaten.

The other party is not a good stalker either. After being beaten, they call for friends and friends, which eventually turned into a group fight.

The two sides made an appointment on the basketball court after school, and hundreds of people fought. In the end, although there was no fatality, Xu Weiwei personally broke the teeth of the man who spoke badly about him, broke four ribs, shattered his spleen, and smashed his right hand. , leaving a permanent disability.

This incident resulted in more than 20 people being punished, five of whom were expelled from the school.

And Xu Weiwei himself was not punished.

It was his father who, through his relationship energy, not only protected him in the school, but also allowed him to escape the punishment of the law.

Seven years have passed since this incident.

All of these problems have already been solved by Xu Weiwei's father with money, and the family of the student who was maimed also received compensation from the Xu family.

In fact, if this matter is put on other people and it is exposed by the media, it will not cause any consequences. The people will not call the officials and will not be investigated. It happened many years ago. The family members of the students who were beaten took the money, and naturally they will not happen again. make trouble.

But the problem is, Xu Weiwei is a star, and he is the most popular top streamer!

You must know, to be honest, if you intentionally hurt others and cause disability, you must bear criminal responsibility and be prosecuted at the age of 16. Xu Weiwei should have been sentenced! It doesn't mean that it is enough to lose money in private, but the law does not allow it at all!

Top-notch stars were originally observed by the public with a magnifying glass.

When this incident broke out, it can be said that Xu Weiwei was completely destroyed in an instant!

It was revealed at noon yesterday, detonating the entire Internet!

Today... Xu Weiwei jumped off the building? !

Wu Chen couldn't predict such a period in advance. After all, life and death were involved, and the difference between a single thought would be the result of a world of difference.

However, Wu Chen could directly imagine the reason why Xu Weiwei jumped off the building.

Because of money.

Actually speaking, if something like Xu Weiwei is only exposed, it may make him scandalous, but it will not be completely destroyed.

After all, what happened seven years ago, many situations are difficult to verify. The most important thing is the "victim" side, as long as you give enough money to seal up, he will be fine if he doesn't say that Xu Weiwei beat him.

The manipulative space is too large.

Manipulating public opinion on the Internet, diverting attention, if the arrangement is good, it can even be whitewashed and Xu Weiwei has been hacked, everything is fake! It is also possible for Xu Weiwei to set up a character that is "always hacked".

Don't mention others, just say Peng Wei, he is the number one paparazzi. According to Wu Chen's understanding, Peng Wei knew about Xu Weiwei's beating and maiming in the past, and it was the paparazzi's job to collect traffic stars for a long time.

Any popular traffic will be investigated.

But even Peng Wei, he has no ability to use "Xu Weiwei to beat people" to bring down Xu Weiwei, because Xu Weiwei has too many interests involved, and there is capital to protect him, if Peng Wei exposes this incident, There is no direct actual hammer evidence, and it will definitely be suppressed.

Not even Peng Wei... But Xu Weiwei was directly destroyed.

Because it's not some paparazzi who wants to move him, but the giant Hezong Media! And Hezong Media is not trying to make some scandals for the rival's stars, but is crazy for revenge, doing its best to retaliate!

No matter how powerful the capital directly involved in Xu's future is, it can't be more powerful than the entire Hezong Media!

Under normal circumstances, even if major entertainment companies master the top-notch black materials of rival companies, they will not release them. The entertainment industry is too filthy, and there are not many really clean stars. You expose me, I expose you, then Just stop it!

This time is a special case...

Zhou Shenglong, the top card of Hezong, was directly "blown up"!

He Zong must fight back!

Even if he had a complete war with Huaxing Entertainment, he would not hesitate!

Therefore, Xu Weifang was exposed to black material, and this matter is destined to be unstoppable. With the fermentation of public opinion, the police will inevitably intervene in the investigation because of public opinion, and the above will inevitably speak out to completely block Xu Weifang.

The most serious consequence is that Xu will probably be imprisoned, or at least given a suspended sentence.

And he has to bear a large amount of astronomical liquidated damages.

Xu Weiwei is so popular that he has received more than 30 endorsements in the past two years.

Although he generally does not receive long-term endorsements with this kind of traffic, after all, the possibility of being out of breath is not small. The contract is usually signed once a year, but at the most popular time, his endorsement fee is higher than that of Zhou Shenglong.

Correspondingly, the liquidated damages are also high.

On the whole, I am afraid it will not be lower than the liquidated damages that Zhou Shenglong has to bear.

If it is said that Xu Weiwei is blocked, and other losses are borne by Sanyou Entertainment, then in the case of paying liquidated damages due to the scandal, all these money will be borne by Xu Weiwei personally.

He can't afford it!

His family went bankrupt, and he couldn't afford to pay!

He couldn't resist and jumped off the building.

"Is there any news online?" Wu Chen asked towards the phone.

"Not yet, Huaxing must hide it first, wait a minute, unify the propaganda caliber, it is estimated that it will be a mistake and fall from the building." An Menglan's tone is still complicated, "But... Hezong is aware of it. After that, I'm afraid it will be exposed as soon as possible, jumping off the building... I can't hide it."

Because she is her own person, An Menglan spoke straightforwardly.

Xu Weiwei's incident was originally his personal problem, and it only caused economic losses to the company, but now, his jumping off the building will have a great negative impact on Huaxing Media.

An Menglan's complicated point is not to regret anything, or to think who is right and who is wrong.

Actually, about Hua Xing, she didn't care at all before.

Huaxing belongs to the Anjia family, not her An Menglan's. An Menglan's music company is independent and does not belong to the Huaxing Group, but from a large perspective, it belongs to the "Huaxing Galaxy". After all, An Menglan himself belongs to the Anjia family." Princess".

An Menglan only focuses on her own music.

As for those bad things in the entertainment industry, she knows very well which year will there be no disturbances? An Menglan was really too lazy to look at it, even in her own home.

But this time is different.

Because the starting point of all this was from the leak of An Menglan's sound source, and the trouble has grown to the present.

"Alas..." An Menglan finally sighed.

"You blame yourself?" Wu Chen asked.

"It's not self-blame, it's...after all, it's one's life, and..." An Menglan didn't finish her sentence.

"You don't need to think too much. Although Xu Weiwei can be regarded as one of his own, he has done much more than what he did yesterday..." Wu Chen didn't say anything this time. Finish.

Although he has never met Xu Weiwei, it does not mean that he does not know something about Xu Weiwei.

As for the role of Xu Weiwei, who relied on the wealth of his family to be domineering in his student days, and even maim his classmates, what he has done can be imagined.

In fact, Wu Chen is very able to accept that his own people have done black things.

But it also depends on what kind of relationship this person has with him.

Li Ruotai was too dark, and Lu Guangnian was very ruthless in his early years, so Wu Chen wouldn't care.

As for Xu Weiwei, Wu Chen didn't care about him, but he didn't care!

The relationship between this layer of "own people" is too far away.

Jump and jump.

Although Wu Chen has the ability to let him live, for example, reset today, and then arrange a phone call immediately, so that people can watch Xu Weiwei, but Wu Chen will not do this, he will never use reset for this kind of thing.

"So, I'm having dinner with Xiaodie, I'll go to your company in the afternoon, let's meet and talk..." Wu Chen said to the phone.

"Okay, then... ah yes!" An Menglan agreed, but suddenly said, "My dad called me just now."

"What did you say?" Wu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

"He didn't say anything, he just asked me about Peng Wei..." An Menglan continued, "I said, I'm not very good at talking about the situation on Peng Wei's side, it's just cooperation, I didn't mention you... and then I didn't say anything. What are you talking about?"

"Well...I see."

The two chatted a few more times before hanging up.

Across the table, Zhuang Xiaodie has been listening silently. Seeing Wu Chen put down the phone, he casually asked with a smile, "What happened to Xu Weiwei?"

Normally, Zhuang Xiao wouldn't ask about Wu Chen.

This time I asked this because Xu Weiwei is a hot topic right now, and the scandal is still arguing on the Internet. Everyone is talking about it. Right now, in this restaurant alone, Wu Chen is not the only one who mentions Xu Weiwei.

Zhuang Xiaodie knew that Wu Chen should have inside information.

She just asked casually. Given the relationship between the two, it was nothing to chat.

"He jumped off the building." Wu Chen whispered towards Zhuang Xiaodie.

"Ah?" Zhuang Xiaodie was immediately surprised.

Jingle Bell……

Wu Chen's cell phone suddenly rang again.

At this time, it was not ten seconds before Wu Chen hung up the phone.

And this time, it was Peng Wei who called.

Wu Chen glanced at the phone screen, then picked it up and said casually, "An Huaiguo is looking for you?" An Menglan's father, An Huaiguo, the boss of Huaxing Group, a chaebol of Xiangjiang, a billionaire!

"Uh... yes." Peng Wei was obviously stunned for a moment before answering, and then immediately said, "He just called me and told me to stop..."

Close hand?

Hua Xing has died here, but he wants to stop the war with He Zong directly? Or did the boss of Huaxing make a phone call?

Chapter 0520 It's time!

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