In the bedroom on the second floor.

Li Ruobing had already gone to the guest room.

Su Qingying, who was wearing a nightgown, had just taken a shower. After she came out of the bathroom, she went to the closet to find new spare sheets, and planned to change them before sleeping.

Wu Chen naturally helped.

The two of them flipped and changed the sheets. Su Qingying also took out the perfume from her bag and sprayed it into the air a little.

The two lay down.

"Husband, what time are you leaving tomorrow?" Su Qingying leaned on Wu Chen's shoulder and asked softly with a sweet smile, with bright eyes and bright teeth, those big eyes were still looking at Wu Chen's profile.

The two just chatted and talked casually before the real break.

"In the morning, let's drive." Wu Chen smiled, put his arms around Su Qingying's shoulders, and his fingers were still subconsciously wrapping around a strand of Su Qingying's hair.

"Then when will you be back?" Su Qingying asked again.

"It will be very soon..." Wu Chenzheng said.

Jingle Bell……

The ringtone of the mobile phone, Wu Chen's.

As soon as Wu Chen turned his head, he picked up the mobile phone on the cabinet beside him and glanced at it, his eyebrows raised a little, it was an unfamiliar number.

It is another number of Meng Junhao, and the number is not in his name.

This is a bit strange. Meng Junhao had been using the same number to contact Wu Chen before, but this time he suddenly changed the number... This is not a question of whether it can be found, but it shows that Meng Junhao is more cautious.

It can make Meng Junhao suddenly more cautious, afraid of what happened.

Wu Chen picked it up.

"Hey, hey Mr. Wu, it's me." Meng Junhao's tone subconsciously lowered on the phone.

Now that he called Wu Chen, it was already considered a "dead horse as a living horse doctor". What he thought before, the person who might solve this situation was some **** Wu Chen.

Although he felt that even Wu Chen would have a hard time dealing with it.

After all, Ding Ruilong asked him to do something to Wu Chen. As long as he didn't do it, gave up the benefits Ding Ruilong gave him, and was too careful, Ding Ruilong might find the problem.

What else can we do?

What can Wu Chen do?

Meng Junhao really planned to run away.

Chapter 0516 Then come and kill it!

"Well, you say." Wu Chen said to the phone.

"Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu is like this..." Meng Junhao spoke a little fast, as if he wanted to say something urgently, but he had to think about the language, so it was repeated and intermittent.

"Mr. Wu... just now, Ding Ruilong called me, he, he paid me to hire me, let me... let me do something to you, Mr. Wu, and say anything as soon as possible, after the matter is completed, he said to me two 100 million……"

"He is really willing to spend money." Wu Chen smiled, his reaction was very indifferent, and it could even be said that there was no special reaction.

Meng Junhao felt that Wu Chen might not realize the seriousness of the problem, so he spoke again.

"Mr. Wu, it's like this. Of course I won't do anything to you, Mr. Wu. Naturally, it's impossible to agree to him, but he told me a lot, gave me advice, promised me... just say..."

What Meng Junhao said about Ding Ruilong, he told Wu Chen exactly what he said, without hiding it at all.

He was originally a "double spy", but since the first time he talked to Wu Chen, he was no longer. He would tip off to Wu Chen, but would not take the initiative to tell Ding Ruilong that he knew about Wu Chen.

And this time, he said it in such a detailed way that even Ding Ruilong gave him 100 million yuan first, which means "showing loyalty".

Although he felt that Wu Chen could not do anything, he still held on to that little expectation.

I hope Wu Chen can find a solution, instead of being forced to run away, the loss would be too great.

Because while he was talking, Meng Junhao also put some of his own words and thoughts in it and said it all, so that he talked for four or five minutes before he finished talking to Wu Chen.

"...The conditions that Ding Ruilong offered are really big. I think you can feel it, Mr. Wu. Anyone who replaces those conditions will agree. If I don't agree to Ding Ruilong, Ding Ruilong will definitely feel that something is wrong with me! I'm not the same as before." Meng Junhao finally said, feeling apprehensive.

Although he told Wu Chen about the situation, he was still afraid that Wu Chen would misunderstand that he was playing double spy again, so he really wanted to do it.

Wu Chen understood, Meng Junhao promised Ding Ruilong.

"Well, you did the right thing, be careful, it's best not to let him have the slightest doubt about you." Wu Chen said.

This made Meng Junhao heave a sigh of relief, and even gave birth to a feeling of "why didn't I meet Wu Chen earlier".

Working under Wu Chen is much more comfortable than working under Ding Ruilong.

"But...but..." Meng Junhao said with a very difficult tone, "Mr. Wu, you also know Ding Ruilong's style, I promise him now, if I don't do anything to you, Ding Ruilong will definitely not let me go, but I don't know what to do. It's impossible for me to do anything to you, what can I do?"

too difficult!

Meng Junhao really felt that he was too difficult!

"Hmm..." Wu Chen pondered for a while.

"Mr. Wu, I... If... if I really can't do anything, I will definitely not be able to do anything to you, then I can only leave, I will go abroad to hide, avoid the limelight, I... I can't... I can only……"

Meng Junhao even told Wu Chen that he was going to run away.

Because of the sentence "You did the right thing", Meng Junhao felt that Wu Chen was not the kind of person who would kill and silence his own people.

Of course, it was also related to the fact that he didn't know much about Wu Chen, and it would not bring any consequences if he spread it out.

At the same time, Meng Junhao still had a glimmer of fantasy. He no longer expected Wu Chen to have a good solution to this matter. What he was looking forward to was that after he ran away, Wu Chen would be able to help him deal with his assets and industries in China.

It is also good to be able to deal with a part, and try to minimize the loss.

"You're going abroad..." Hearing Wu Chen speak, he paused before saying, "It's not necessary."

"Then, then I won't leave, Mr. Wu... Once Ding Ruilong doubts me, he doesn't say that he knows about my relationship with you, he just says that he starts to doubt me. I have worked for him for so many years and know a lot... He is very likely Kill me and kill me." Meng Junhao's tone was a little anxious, but in fact he was already insane in his heart.

This Wu Chen didn't let him go, so he was caught in the middle, wasn't he forced to death?

"Just don't let him suspect you." Wu Chen smiled.

"I, I, how is it possible, I don't do it, how can Ding Ruilong not doubt it, he must..." Meng Jun was so anxious that he could barely speak.

"It's very simple." Wu Chen said.

"Mr. Wu, what do you mean..." Meng Junhao replied immediately.

"He asked you to kill me, then you can kill me once." Wu Chen smiled.


Meng Junhao became quiet all of a sudden, naturally surprised.

Su Qingying, who was beside Wu Chen, was also startled, the boss staring at him.

Because Meng Junhao has been lowering his voice subconsciously, although Su Qingying can hear Wu Chen's phone, it is intermittent, but she can hear the word Ding Ruilong clearly, because Meng Junhao repeats this name too many times, and Su Qingying will always be missed. Listen clearly once.

But Su Qingying didn't hear what was going on, only heard a few words.

She heard Wu Chen's last words very clearly!

He asked you to kill me? Then you will kill me once, okay? !

Su Qingying felt cold, and subconsciously hugged Wu Chen's arm tightly. Su Qingying knew that there were many things about Wu Chen that she didn't know, and she also knew that even Li Ruobing wouldn't know.

Su Qingying seldom took the initiative to find out and learn about Wu Chen's secrets, because her relationship with Wu Chen was very different from that between Li Ruobing and Wu Chen.

Su Qingying just had some problems at home, which would not bring Wu Chen's life in danger.

Li Ruobing was different. Su Qingying had already heard about who Ding Ruilong was!

And just now, this was the first time that Su Qingying heard that Wu Chen faced the danger of Ding Ruilong's life. After all, he even mentioned the word "kill" directly.

Su Qingying wanted to ask very much, so she immediately asked, but she held back.

Wu Chen is still talking on the phone.

"This...kill you once, is this..." Meng Junhao spoke quickly after being stunned, and said in a stunned tone, "Ah...Mr. Wu, you mean, we are acting, I will send someone to kill You, you were attacked but it's okay, I just missed it, show it to Ding Ruilong?"

"Almost." Wu Chen replied.

"Then...this..." Meng Junhao said hesitantly, as if thinking of something, and even began to object: "Mr. Wu, I'm afraid this will not work."

"Ding Ruilong said that he will send someone to the East China Sea to contact me. If it's a show, Ding Ruilong's people will be right next to him, and he will definitely ask how to do it. Even before I start, I am afraid that Ding Ruilong will also ask clearly, this... There are people around, and it is easy for them to detect that it is fake."

"Also, I'm not sure who Ding Ruilong sent, but I guess it's definitely not weaker than the people Jiang Chuan brought last time, maybe they are professional killers and the like, they are professional..."

"I'm afraid, they will not only understand the situation, but also lie in ambush after I do it, which may put your life in danger to Mr. Wu..."

Meng Junhao thought about it a lot, his thoughts were very clear, and what he said was very reasonable.

This time, it's completely different from when Wu Chen and He Shiqin acted and Meng Junhao arranged for someone to take pictures!

After all, Ding Ruilong didn't arrange anyone to come to the East China Sea before. During the whole acting, Meng Junhao had no outsiders here. He could say whatever he wanted to Ding Ruilong.

But this time, if he was still acting, Meng Junhao would be stared at.

The risk of exposure is too great, and the risk of Wu Chen's accident is too great!

"You don't need to let your subordinates act, it's enough for you to act." But Wu Chen said with a smile.

"I'm acting? My subordinates don't act?" Meng Junhao didn't understand Wu Chen's meaning.

"Mr. Wu, what do you mean, I don't tell my subordinates that they are acting, and let them really kill you?!" Meng Junhao said suddenly in shock, speaking very fast!

The voice was loud, Wu Chen's bedroom was very quiet, and Su Qingying could hear it clearly.

"Yes!" Wu Chen replied affirmatively.

"This..." Meng Junhao dragged a long tone in a high-pitched voice, making everyone stupid.

Before, he couldn't understand Ding Ruilong's madness.

At this moment, he couldn't understand Wu Chen anymore.

Wu Chen is... a life-threatening act!

Really let yourself send someone to kill him once? He resists? If Wu Chen wins this, it's better to say, it's equivalent to his Meng Junhao's miss, it's not his fault, it's Wu Chen's too strong.

But what if Wu Chen lost? Can't resist it?

That would be dead!

"Mr. Wu, you, you don't have to do this, I... The big deal is that I will go abroad, I will run away, the risk is too great... If I don't tell the people below, they, they may really kill them. For you..." Meng Junhao's tone was sincere.

Regardless of whether there is an element of performance, Meng Junhao is somewhat grateful to Wu Chen.

If Wu Chen did this, Meng Junhao would not have to take any more risks, he would not have to run away, Ding Ruilong would not only have no doubts, but would also give him a lot of benefits, and he would not have to give up his domestic industry.

It's all good.

Almost all the risks are borne by Wu Chen!

The only problem might be Li Ruotai's side, but it's easy to solve, just let Li Ruotai know the situation in advance, then Wu Chen's accident is not to blame for Meng Junhao.

Even so, Meng Junhao did not agree.

There are many variables on the one hand, such as Li Ruobing's temper, Li Ruotai understands the situation and doesn't understand him, Li Ruobing is not necessarily, Ding Ruilong wants to send someone to the East China Sea is also on the one hand, the variables brought by this group of people are even greater.

More importantly, the method Wu Chen proposed took all the risks on his own, and the benefits were all his Meng Junhao's, which really touched Meng Junhao a little.

This kind of "boss" is often worth his life.

Meng Junhao really couldn't understand what Wu Chen was thinking, but at this moment, he just felt that it was better to run on his own, and he was full of confidence in Wu Chen.

He believed that with Wu Chen's attitude towards "subordinates", after he went abroad, Wu Chen would definitely help him handle his own domestic industry.

And it's much better than Ding Ruilong's handling!

After all, Donghai is the site of Wu Chen's "brother-in-law" Li Ruotai. Although Meng Junhao's properties in Donghai are not particularly high-quality, they are also benign. With Li Ruotai as a matchmaker, it is not difficult to sell.

"Since I brought it up, of course I'm sure, you just do as I say, this matter is good for you, you don't need me to say it..." Wu Chen said.

"Yes, but..." Meng Junhao wanted to persuade Wu Chen again, and the feeling of being touched in his heart became even bigger.

Wu Chen knew what Meng Junhao was thinking at this time.

This is exactly what Wu Chen wanted.

At present, there are only two direct subordinates of Wu Chen, the second is Lao Dao, and the first is Meng Junhao, and for Lao Dao, Wu Chen has completely done it, and they are all helping Lao Dao "redemption". The loyalty of the old knife is unquestionable.

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