Ding Ruilong seemed to have no feeling, not knowing the pain in his hand.

"Wu Chen, Wu Chen..."

"You're messing with me, aren't you..."



Ding Ruilong was on the verge of madness, and seemed to be neurotic. Alcohol also catalyzed his emotions. He walked back and forth for a minute or two, and then he calmed down a little, but turned around suddenly and shouted to the bodyguard: "The computer Bring the computer here!! Damn it!"

The bodyguard hurried upstairs and took another laptop.

Ding Ruilong loves to smash things, so he always has some storage for electronic products such as computers and mobile phones at home. Ding Ruilong knows his temper when he is in a good mood, but he does not reflect, and he does not feel that he needs to control.

I don't have a lot of money, so I should vent when I need to. It's better to vent.

Once again, Ding Ruilong logged into his email account, re-downloaded the email, unzipped it again, opened the folder, and looked at the photos.

He also read the latter part.

The last photo is of Wu Chen staring at the taxi that was going away, frowning slightly and making a phone call.

There is no more behind.

Ding Ruilong felt that there should be, but the photo really stopped abruptly here.

He didn't know if it was because he drank too much, or because he was angry, or because the pain in his left hand came up.

The phone was connected in a few seconds.

"That's all? Where's the back? Where did the **** woman take the child?" Ding Ruilong's tone was a little venomous, very impatient.

Great fire!

"No, no more." Meng Junhao seemed to be frightened by Ding Ruilong, stammered, and then said smoothly, "It's Wu Chen, Wu Chen found out, I arranged a car outside, ready to follow at any time, the taxi took off At the time, he seemed to see that the car was following, so... he arranged for Zhao Guizi and transferred a bunch of people, I was afraid of being discovered, and after a while, I didn't see it right, so I didn't let me follow..."

"My brother who is driving, I have let him leave Donghai overnight, the car will be dealt with, Wu Chen is already investigating..."

This is why Wu Chen prepared for Meng Junhao.

Why are there no photos from the back?

Just because Wu Chen found out, he immediately called someone to track the taxi He Shiqin took and the vehicle.

Wu Chen's speech to Meng Junhao was more than what he just told Ding Ruilong.

Meng Junhao was a little nervous, so what he said was a little messy.

But Ding Ruilong still believed Meng Junhao's statement. He had no reason to doubt Meng Junhao, and what Meng Junhao said was quite reasonable.

"Check it out for me, keep checking, find where they live! Find them!!!" Ding Ruilong gasped, his voice getting higher and higher, and finally shouted hysterically.

"Okay, okay, Young Master Ding, don't worry, I..."


Before Ding Ruilong finished listening, he threw his phone on the coffee table, not only smashed the solid wood coffee table into a small hole, but also shattered the phone.

Go crazy!

Ding Ruilong's eyes widened.

Breathing heavily, he looked at the computer again. He looked at the last photo again, turned forward behind his ears, quickly turned over, and soon... He saw the photo of He Shiqin kissing Wu Chen again.

Stop turning over.


Ding Ruilong gritted his teeth and arched his cheeks a little.


Ding Ruilong suddenly picked up the notebook, threw it to the ground, and then stepped on it wildly. Then, he seemed to think that stepping on it was not enough, and looked up at the bodyguard: "Gun, give me the gun!"

The bodyguard didn't talk nonsense, he took out the gun from his pocket, stepped forward and handed it to Ding Ruilong.

Although it was dangerous to give the gun to Ding Ruilong at this time, it was even more dangerous not to obey Ding Ruilong's orders. The bodyguard did not dare to hesitate at all.

Ding Ruilong held the gun at the laptop on the ground and pulled the trigger continuously, but it didn't sound because the insurance wasn't opened.


Ding Ruilong angrily smashed the gun directly on the laptop that had been smashed.

Another bodyguard behind the couch responded quickly, stepped forward immediately, handed his gun to Ding Ruilong, and opened the gun's safety.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The gun went off.

Fragments were scattered everywhere, and the strong smell of gunpowder spread.

In a closed space like the living room, the sound of gunfire is very deafening. Even if the living room is very large, the bodyguards and servants around hear the sound of gunshots, and their eyelids jump.

But he still didn't dare to say anything or move.

Ding Ruilong emptied his magazines in one go!

Immediately afterwards, he smashed the pistol on the completely broken laptop again.

"Fuck me! Wu Chen!" Ding Ruilong scolded, as if he had had enough to vent. His face was a little red, and he walked quickly around the coffee table, as if he was going to do something.

Just as he passed the wine cooler, he suddenly broke out again.

He opened the door of the wine cabinet with one hand, and some of them yanked on the door, as if he wanted to compete with the door of the wine cabinet.

"Boss!" The bodyguard, who was always staring at Ding Ruilong for fear of his accident, rushed forward and pulled Ding Ruilong violently, so that the wine cabinet did not hit Ding Ruilong.

Bang bang! !

All the wine bottles in the wine cabinet were broken, and the wine was scattered all over the floor.

Ding Ruilong stumbled and was completely stabilized by the bodyguards from behind. Because Ding Ruilong had been drinking, the bodyguards really didn't dare to persuade him at all, even the bodyguards who had been with Ding Ruilong for many years.

"Made! Wu Chen! Wu Chen! I killed you! I killed you! I killed you!" Ding Ruilong started walking back and forth again, looking down and glancing.

What are you looking for, it seems to be aimless.

It just didn't come out.

He especially wanted to kill! Special thought!

Finally, Ding Ruilong seemed to have thought of something. He stopped abruptly, turned around again, and walked quickly towards the entrance of the stairs. Several bodyguards immediately followed and helped Ding Ruilong as he descended the stairs. Ding Ruilong, who had been drinking, fell over.

The manor villa is on the ground floor.

Ding Ruilong kicked open the door of a room. It was a slightly chaotic storage room, with a large area and a lot of sundries.

The light is on.

Not only can you see the sundries on the walls and corners, but also a few bundled people.

Right in the middle of the room, there were five chairs, three chairs sat people, all tied up, one of them had a bad hand and was bandaged, it seemed to have been abused, and the other two empty chairs were also dry. of blood.

Ding Ruilong strode forward, just one kick when he stepped up, kicked the empty chair on the far left, and then picked up the baseball bat on the ground, raised it and hit, hitting someone!

"Why don't you say it?! Say it or not? Don't you say it?!"

"Ah... Boss, I don't know boss..." The person who was beaten screamed and shouted.

"You didn't say it?!" Ding Ruilong didn't care what the other party said, suddenly he put the baseball bat aside and stretched out his hand behind him.

The bodyguard at the back took out a gun from his waist, opened the insurance and handed it to Ding Ruilong.

boom! boom! boom!

Ding Ruilong beat people to death! Then he looked at the other two people who were still alive, and asked angrily with wide eyes, "Why don't you talk about it? Do you talk?!"

After he asked, he raised his gun without giving the other party a chance to answer.

"Boss, don't kill me, I really don't know..."

"I don't know where Jiang Chuan is..."

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Ding Ruilong continuously pulled the trigger.

These people were all arrested by Ding Ruilong recently. They are all people who have various relations with Jiang Chuan. Some of them are his subordinates, and some are considered by Ding Ruilong to have a good relationship with Jiang Chuan.

Of course, the Ding family was trying their best to find Jiang Chuan.

Ding Ruilong is also using his own methods to find and arrest people for questioning.

If Ding Ruilong was sober, he might not have killed the three now, but now Ding Ruilong is not sober, he just wants to kill!

The bullet was empty, Ding Ruilong threw the gun away, turned around and walked out.

One of the bodyguards stayed, and the walkie-talkie called someone outside to deal with the corpse. The other bodyguards followed Ding Ruilong.

Ding Ruilong went upstairs.

When he was walking to the last step, he stumbled a bit, and the person slammed into the wall. The bodyguard responded quickly and pulled it in time. Ding Ruilong didn't fall, but he also knocked on the wall.

This stimulated Ding Ruilong.

Ding Ruilong raised his hand and punched the wall, followed by a heart-wrenching scream!

Severely hitting the wall with a punch can break a bone.

More importantly, Ding Ruilong subconsciously used his dominant hand—the bandaged right hand that was injured!



"Call the doctor! Quick!"

The bodyguards suddenly became confused.

after an hour.

It was still the living room of the manor house, and the surroundings were still messy. Ding Ruilong sat on the sofa expressionlessly, with his right hand on the armrest.

Next to the armrest, a family doctor was squatting, carefully re-treat Ding Ruilong's wound and re-bandage the injury on his right hand.

The right arm has been given anesthesia, but it doesn't hurt anymore.

Ding Ruilong seemed to have finally calmed down.

There was silence in the living room, and there seemed to be no breathing. Ding Ruilong sat there, expressionless and straight, not knowing what he was thinking.

For a while.

Ding Ruilong suddenly raised his swollen left hand and said hoarsely, "Mobile phone."

The bodyguard took the phone and handed it to Ding Ruilong.

Ding Ruilong lowered his head and flipped through his phone, and he called Meng Junhao's number again.

In five or six seconds, Meng Junhao was connected.

"Hey, Young Master Ding." Meng Junhao was still so respectful.

"If you are familiar with Donghai, you can kill Wu Chen. Tonight or tomorrow, you can use a gun. Please trouble me to deal with it. I want him to die immediately! After this is done, I will give you two hundred million!" Ding Ruilong said hoarsely to the phone.

Meng Junhao suddenly fell silent.

Chapter 0515 Kill Wu Chen? it is good!


Meng Junhao has already fully imagined how Ding Ruilong will react when he sees the photo. A wise person may have thousands of ways and means to show his wisdom, while a person with an extremely irritable personality often gets angry. roughly the same.

To Ding Ruilong... Meng Junhao imagined that Ding Ruilong would go mad, smash everything in front of him, and even use the extreme way of killing to vent.

But he never thought that Ding Ruilong would actually bid him Meng Junhao and directly attack Wu Chen.

He still underestimated the excitement of those photos to Ding Ruilong.

In fact, Ding Ruilong is still extremely irrational at the moment. If he was in a normal state, Ding Ruilong would never say such things to Meng Junhao, because he knew that Meng Junhao might not dare to do anything to Wu Chen.

The East China Sea is Li Ruotai's territory!

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