Su Ruiwen was silent for a while.

In fact, he still hasn't decided whether to tell Li Ruobing that.

Logically speaking, he should have said it! Because compared to Wu Chen and Li Ruobing, he must have a closer relationship with Li Ruobing. They have known each other for four years. Although their relationship was normal before, recently, his daughter Su Qingying became best friends with Li Ruobing.

Moreover, Su Ruiwen has been making various arrangements for his own affairs after his death. He feels that his daughter needs to rely on Li Ruobing in the future.

So from this perspective, he should tell Li Ruobing even more.


If it's just Wu Chen and Wu Yurong who have something to do with it, then Su Ruiwen just said it, there's no pressure.

But he suspects that Wu Chen has something to do with his daughter Su Qingying.

Be afraid! After he finished speaking, Li Ruobing asked Wu Chen to settle the account in anger. Wu Chen said again, and explained everything. If he wanted to say that he had something to do with Qingying, what should we do?

Su Ruiwen is not the kind of person who will meddle in his own business.

Other people's affairs have nothing to do with him.

The problem always lies with her daughter Su Qingying, which makes it difficult for Su Ruiwen to say it or not to say it!

"Miss Li, I don't know about your relationship with Ms. Wu. I have known Yu Rong for more than 30 years. I heard her comment on you before, saying that you are a hero in women's middle school, Miss Li, but unfortunately you are a daughter. Otherwise, it should be you who will inherit the Li family in the future..." Su Ruiwen still didn't say anything.

He still felt that he had to talk to make a decision.

"Ms. Wu and I..." Li Ruobing looked at Su Ruiwen and muttered, and a subtle brilliance appeared in her eyes again.


Wu Chen also told her when he left!

Wu Chen is right, Su Ruiwen will come to talk with Li Ruobing, and it is also accurate, Su Ruiwen will mention Wu Yurong, after that... Wu Chen will have nothing else to explain.

How to deal with it, what will Su Ruiwen say, and how should Li Ruobing deal with it, she can play freely!

Listening to Li Ruobing pondering, Su Ruiwen smiled again and continued: "It is said that Miss Li has always regarded Wu Yurong as an idol, someone who can learn from her, and respects her..."

Like small talk, Su Ruiwen was avoiding the main point.

"That was in the past." Li Ruobing said.

"Before?" Su Ruiwen said, and then asked, "What about now?"

"Now..." Li Ruobing still smiled, "I think Ms. Wu... Wu Yurong! She's a bitch!"

Li Ruobing still kept her smile, but what she said made Su Ruiwen's face change.

How can there be such a negative comment?

Su Ruiwen just wanted to introduce a topic, and then he would lead to Wu Chen and Wu Yurong to test whether Li Ruobing found anything or suspected anything.

He doesn't think the relationship between Li Ruobing and Wu Yurong is negative, at least it shouldn't be at the moment. After the wedding ceremony, all kinds of small talk, when Wu Yurong and Li Ruobing were also present at the same time, the two seemed to be quite normal.

Su Ruiwen changed his face a little.

He couldn't imagine why Li Ruobing and Wu Yurong would have a bad relationship.

It's impossible that Li Ruobing knew about the relationship between Wu Chen and Wu Yurong. If that's the case, then with Li Ruobing's temper, she would have torn apart with Wu Yurong long ago. She's not the kind of character who would tolerate acting.

"Boss Su took the initiative to come over today... It seems that Boss Su knows about my Mr. Wu's relationship with that bitch." Li Ruobing spoke again, and the words were very direct.

"You know?" Su Ruiwen blurted out, he was so shocked!

"I know." Li Ruobing smiled and said with some sighs: "This world is really amazing, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, who would have thought that a woman like Wu Yurong would come to be a mistress and fall in love with someone more than A man twenty years younger than her."

After Li Ruobing finished speaking, she picked up the coffee cup, took a sip, and looked at Su Ruiwen with a faint gaze.

Su Ruiwen couldn't even react.

She opened her mouth slightly and looked at Li Ruobing with her eyes widened.

The whole person is in chaos.

He couldn't believe it, and couldn't understand it... Li Ruobing is famous for being strong and domineering, so how could she talk about her boyfriend and other women so easily and with a smile?

She already knew!

And she... was accepting? !

"Miss" Su Ruiwen made a subconscious gesture. He quickly cleared his mind and asked, "Can you accept it? I can accept Mr. Wu, and Wu Yurong..."

Su Ruiwen wants to confirm!

He could sense that Li Ruobing had malice towards Wu Yurong, but the strange thing was that Li Ruobing did not towards Wu Chen, and even used the title "My Mr. Wu".

"Wu Chen and I, we will get married in the future." Li Ruobing smiled softly, "As for him having other women outside of marriage, that's his business. He loves to play, so it's not a problem."

"We agreed, I won't care about his affairs. In fact, I have a good impression of his other women...except Wu Yurong!"

"I promised my Mr. Wu that I would not trouble Wu Yurong. I also believe that my Mr. Wu can manage her well, but... Boss Su, you also understand Wu Yurong's character. I hope she doesn't cross the line and be good. My lover, don't mess with me!"

Li Ruobing said something, but there was no anger in her words.

Su Ruiwen can confirm that Li Ruobing seems to really have no problem with Wu Chen having other women, but only with Wu Yurong, because Wu Yurong might threaten her position beside Wu Chen?

This is...

very horrible!

Very incredible!

How could Li Ruobing be so tolerant of a man? She is a woman who can resist the family! Ding Ruilong's identity of three generations is a trash in her eyes!

But she just treats Wu Chen like...

This is obviously not Li Ruobing's problem! It was Wu Chen who had a problem!

"Miss Li, since you know... In fact, I don't quite understand, why would you accept... just..." Su Ruiwen paused for a while before speaking again.

"Because my Mr. Wu is very unique." Li Ruobing smiled, "Boss Su, you don't know him, so you think it's incredible, how should I put it... Wu Chen, he should be stronger than anyone knows. He's an incredible person in his own right."

Stronger than anyone realizes?

Incredible person?

"Like what?" Su Ruiwen asked.

"For example..." Li Ruobing said after a pause, then smiled: "Today everyone is talking about that, Shuangqi Real Estate."

Chapter 0487 Isn't it also Mr. Wu's doing?

Wu Chen let Li Ruobing play freely. Li Ruobing couldn't fully judge what Wu Chen's intention was, but she knew very well what could be said to Su Ruiwen and what could not be said.

As for Li Ruobing, she felt that she could help Wu Chen directly solve the problems that Wu Chen and Su Qingying brought together!

Wu Chen is always helping her with what Li Ruobing does.

Wu Chen even wanted to destroy the Ding family for her!

Li Ruobing wants to help Wu Chen settle this matter today!

Wu Chen prepared everything for her, it just depends on how she performs!

"Shuangqi Real Estate? Qi Min Qi Jun?" Su Ruiwen was stunned, he didn't turn the corner all of a sudden, Li Ruobing said that Wu Chen was incredible, why did he get involved with Shuangqi Real Estate all of a sudden?

"Yes, it's them." Li Ruobing held the coffee cup in her hand and looked at Su Ruiwen with a smile, with an expression that seemed... proud?

Proud of what?

Are you proud of your man?

"What do they... have anything to do with Mr. Wu?" Su Ruiwen also asked. It's not that he couldn't think of what it might be related to, but that he subconsciously wouldn't think in the most impossible direction.

"The Qi brothers were arrested... Mr. Wu also participated?" Su Ruiwen asked again after thinking.

"He didn't participate, he did it." Li Ruobing said with a slight smile.

"What did he do?" Su Ruiwen's voice rose, his eyes widened again, and he wondered for a while before saying, "That's not...Tang Erye..."

"It's Tang Erye and Brother Xiaogu who did it." Li Ruobing said.


Su Ruiwen looked at Li Ruobing a little dazedly. He stroked Li Ruobing's words in his heart and said after a few seconds, "Miss Li means that Mr. Wu asked Second Master Tang and Gu Ruibo to do it?"

"Almost." Li Ruobing nodded.

Quiet again!

It's incredible! This kind of thing should be very shocking, what is Wu Chen's identity, and what is Tang Jingbin's identity, but because it is a little too shocking, it will make people feel a sense of numbness!

Li Ruobing obviously has no need to lie.

And the relationship between Wu Chen and Tang Jingbin... Su Ruiwen can't imagine the relationship between the two! I couldn't understand why Tang Jingbin would do things for Wu Chen.

"Mr. Wu and Second Master Tang are..." Su Ruiwen asked.

"Friend." Li Ruobing replied with two words. In fact, she didn't know much about how far the relationship between Wu Chen and Tang Jingbin had developed.

All I know is that Wu Chen is doing big things, getting bigger and bigger!

"Why?" Su Ruiwen asked again after another two seconds of delay, "If what you said, Miss Li, is true, then... why did Mr. Wu go to Shuangqi Real Estate?"

"Because of Zhuang Xiaodie."


"Zhuang Xiaodie, you don't know Boss Su, a little lover of Wu Chen, who is still in college and is in the magic capital. A few days ago, because of some things, Zhuang Xiaodie had a conflict with Qi Chenghong, Qi Min's son... "Li Ruobing said briefly.

Su Ruiwen looked at Li Ruobing with a frozen expression and did not speak.

Because what Li Ruobing said was so outrageous!

Wu Chen, because of a woman who used the contacts of the Tang family and the Gu family to directly destroy a business family that was a trusted vassal of the Xiang family? !

The upper floors of the magic capital shook violently!

There are countless rumors!

The relationship between the Xiang family and the Tang family also became tense!

If it continues to develop, there may even be a war between big families and fight with each other!

Just for a little lover, a female college student? !

Li Ruobing picked up the coffee cup again, took a slow sip, and turned to look at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

"Miss Li, are you sure? Mr. Wu is for that... Zhuang Xiaodie, so he went to mobilize the people and the army?" Su Ruiwen asked again with a very wrong expression.

"The cause is indeed Zhuang Xiaodie." Li Ruobing said while putting down the coffee cup, "However, how did my Mr. Wu arrange it after that, did he play anything during the period, and what was arranged... The specific situation, Boss Su You can ask him."

Su Ruiwen's face changed again.

He heard it, and it seemed that even Li Ruobing didn't know about some specific circumstances!

Li Ruobing only knows the cause and the result! Specific process! She is not involved!

Seeing the change in Su Ruiwen's face, Li Ruobing slowed down and smiled again: "Wu Chen, he loves his woman very much, although he never says nasty words or promises anything, but he does what he does for his own woman. It would be hard for outsiders to imagine if it hadn’t been experienced personally…”

Li Ruobing seemed to have something to say.

This made Su Ruiwen think of his daughter Su Qingying!

More than ten days ago, while Su Ruiwen was on a business trip, Su Qingying won the majority support on the board of directors and successfully seized power!

And just the day before this happened, Wu Chen took Su Qingying away from the Tangsha Golf Course.

Yesterday, Wu Chen also had a long talk with Su Ruiwen that he wanted to kill Xu Zhenyuan, the second shareholder of Jinfu.

Su Ruiwen felt that it was all written by Li Ruobing.

But at this moment, through Li Ruobing's statement and Li Ruobing's attitude towards Wu Chen with other women, Su Ruiwen suddenly realizes that it may be Wu Chen's handwriting!

But this is impossible! Wu Chen's background can't be that great!

But Li Ruobing just said, Wu Chen, incredible!

The guesses are all based on the premise that Wu Chen and Su Qingying really have something to do!

"Miss Li, is there anything else?" Su Ruiwen watched Li Ruobing speak again, he eased his emotions and smiled, "I'd really like to hear it, Mr. Wu's... incredible."

"There are many more." Li Ruobing smiled lightly, "For example... Did Boss Su watch the news today? The news this afternoon."

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