It was told to tell the past face-to-face!

So they know that there will be a young man who will come into contact with He Shiqin and He Xinxin in the past few days. Although they don't know who this young man is and what his identity is, they know that this young man's surname is Wu and he is called "Mr. Wu".

They also got the photo of "Mr. Wu", which was given by Mao Rusong! Prevent them from mistaking people!

Mao Rusong also told them not to provoke Mr. Wu. If Mr. Wu finds out, and Mr. Wu talks to them directly, then they can tell the truth, be polite, and don't have to hide anything, it's fine to be honest!


Qin Erhe understood that this "Mr. Wu" was probably a great person who could not provoke or offend.

Now it's... something happened!

Of course Qin Erhe could see that something was wrong. The group of young people were all holding sticks. He wanted to rush over, but after running two steps forward, he stopped suddenly, because he knew that he couldn't stop it, and some He couldn't say anything.

He also doesn't know why there is a conflict!

Make a phone call!

Qin Erhe quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Mao Rusong's mobile number.

On the side of the small square where Wuyangyang was full of people, He Xinxin, the man with earrings, and Tang Shanshan only whispered for a minute.

The man with ear studs understood what He Xinxin meant, but he was afraid of making a big fight, and it was possible for him to die.

"Don't worry, brother will definitely do it for you." The earring man gestured, and then looked up at Wu Chen.

He walked directly to Wu Chen, alone.

He was surrounded by all his people, and he obviously had a state of "I'm very arrogant", whether it was looking at Wu Chen's eyes or walking.

It's very dragging!

"Tutor, right?" He walked up to Wu Chen with his hands in the pockets of his hip-hop pants, leaning forward slightly, with a smile on his face, but his tone was extremely bad.

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Wu Chen asked in a calm tone, then smiled.

"Yoah! You're so stubborn! You're awesome! Don't you panic when there are so many people? You pretend to be very similar..." The man with earrings couldn't pull himself either.

"Mao Qi, you are so arrogant outside, do your family know?" Wu Chen frowned slightly, but asked him with a smile.

Big Brother Dongpu!

My real name is Mao Qi!

His father is a famous man in Dongpu, the magic capital, who is famous for his exquisite hands and eyes, the fifth master of Mao! Mao Rusong!

Chapter 0231 How did I give birth to such a prodigal thing as you!

There is no hate for no reason, and there is no love for no reason.

Mao Qi and Tang Shanshan and He Xinxin are not related by blood, nor are they neighbors they have known since childhood, and their family has no business dealings, so why are they covering He Xinxin?

In the final analysis, it is because of Mao Rusong!

Tang Shanshan was influenced by Mao Qi. She is just one of Mao Qi's many girlfriends. Although Mao Qi likes her the most now, it is hard to say in the future, because Mao Qi arranged for a brother to take care of He Xinxin at school. Tang Shanshan knew that. , so she was kind to He Xinxin.

She also became a "best friend" with He Xinxin.

And Mao Qi... In fact, he doesn't know at all why his father takes care of He Shiqin and He Xinxin. Mao Qi is not yet old, and he is only 18 years old this year. He can tell him some things now, but it was definitely not possible in the past few years. of.

But Mao Rusong told his son that He Shiqin and He Xinxin had a very powerful family behind them, but they left the family for some reason...

Mao Qineng understood what it meant.

Mao Rusong also asked his son to help take care of him at school, so gradually, it became what it is today.

Moreover, Mao Qi originally listened to his father's arrangement, but now, both Mao Qi and Tang Shanshan are familiar with He Xinxin. He Xinxin is good-looking and has a good personality, so they are now taking care of He Xinxin with some sincerity. ingredients in it.

It felt like I recognized a "sister".

Wu Chen knew all this.

Because of the uniqueness of He Shiqin and He Xinxin, Wu Chen knew everything about the two very clearly!

Mao Qi's expression changed as he looked at Wu Chen, with anger flashing in his eyes.

Wu Chen asked him, "You are so arrogant outside, do your family know?" This sentence is very like a mockery, but in fact Wu Chen is not mocking, just literally.

Mao Qi...he certainly wouldn't take it literally.

It's full of ridicule!

This is a very popular saying.

"I'm Cao! You can do it! You know who I am to dare to be so dragged?" Mao Qi tilted his head to Wu Chen, speaking swear words, his tone was still very draggy, just a state of being young and energetic.

Mao Qi was not at all surprised that Wu Chen knew what his name was.

In Dongpu, there are too many people who know "Big Brother Daqi"!

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Wu Chen smiled and looked at Mao Qi, who was two meters away, "Isn't it a fight? Although I don't have the habit of educating my children, I don't like people talking dirty to me."


"Damn it! This kid is not afraid of death, right?"

"What's the matter, you made me laugh!"

This time, Mao Qi didn't say anything yet, and the surroundings suddenly became noisy. Some people took a few steps forward with sticks, but no one made a move directly.

Mao Qi hasn't finished pretending to be coercive yet, they can't mess up the primary and secondary.

"You are awesome! You are really awesome! I am so old, I have never seen you like this! You are awesome!" Mao Qi was also angrily laughed. He took out his hand from his pocket as he spoke. .

He also took out one thing along the way - a finger tiger.

for fighting.

Mao Qi would not be merciful to a "tutor", although his girlfriend Tang Shanshan told him that the tutor was rich and drove a Mercedes-Benz.

He also saw now that Wu Chen was wearing a lot of money.

But... they are all tutors. No matter how high the fees are, who comes from a truly awesome family? Who would be a tutor? !

Mao Qi felt that he could judge Wu Chen's class, he had no scruples!

Originally, he wanted to give He Xinxin back the recording, saying that it would be over for Wu Chen to admit his mistake, but Wu Chen "taunted" him, he couldn't bear it!

"Have you figured it out?" Wu Chen saw Mao Qi wearing a finger tiger, and smiled at Mao Qi lightly, "Don't say I didn't give you a chance."

"Ha!" Mao Qi was so angry that he didn't know how to laugh.

"You can, I'll see if you can talk to me like that for a while..." Mao Qi said, clenching his fists, raising his hands, and gestured fiercely, "Fuck him!"

"Fuck him!"


A group of people around were shouting to get in, but He Xinxin was a little panicked not far away. She knew that if there was a fight, something would happen...

Jingle Bell……

The phone rang suddenly.

The sudden ringtone made everyone slow down, because the sound was uploaded from Mao Qi. Mao Qi, who was closest to Wu Chen, was about to start, but he stopped for a while. :"Wait a moment!"

The large group of people who had just rushed up "surged" for a while, and then they all stopped.

"Shh! My dad's phone number!" Mao Qi gestured loudly and quickly to his surroundings again.

Everyone understands.

The phone call from Dad Mao Qi couldn't let his dad hear the sound of the fight. No parent likes that their son fights outside every day.

"You're lucky, I'll let you be more arrogant for a while!" Mao Qi glanced at Wu Chen again, and grinned.

He didn't know, it wasn't should have happened.

Mao Qi said something to Wu Chen, and then answered the channel: "Dad!"

"I'm **** Nima! Little brat, can you make trouble for Lao Tzu less every day? Ah?! I'm breaking your leg! I'm screwing!!" Mao Rusong was so angry that he almost wanted to strangle his son to death. similar.

Mao Qi was directly scolded and stunned, his heart tightened, and his brain was buzzing.

No matter how arrogant he is in the young circle of the second and third generations of Dongpu, he is also afraid of his father. Without his father, he would not be a fart, and he has not heard his father get so angry at him and scold him for many years.

If it's more than that, then scold?


Mao Qi didn't know why, it was impossible to think of it directly.

"Dad..." Mao Qi replied in a low voice subconsciously, and then went silent. He subconsciously wanted to explain, but he didn't know what to explain.

"What's the matter with you, I..." Mao Rushen seemed to be about to have a heart attack, and after a while, he asked urgently, "Have you done it yet?"

"Ah?" Mao Qi was still stunned.

"I'm asking you something! Have you done anything to Mr. Wu?" Mao Rusong asked through gritted teeth.

"Who?" Mao Qi was still being scolded in the face and didn't react.

"Who are you talking about? Why are you asking so many people to go to the park to fight who are you asking me? How did I give birth to a prodigal like you! I'm Cao!" Mao Rusong was really angry.

"Ah..." Holding the phone, Mao Qi looked up and looked at Wu Chen, he finally understood why.

"No... I didn't do it... Not yet, Dad." Mao Qi stumbled to the phone.

"Okay, okay, just don't do it, okay..." Mao Rusong said a few good words, and he was deeply relieved.

He received a report from his subordinates a minute or two ago. He heard from his subordinates that his son had brought hundreds of people with him, and he was going to attack "Mr. Wu".

Mao Rusong really almost had a heart attack.

Very scared!

And this fear goes both ways.

Because he knew that Wu Chen must be very powerful, his marksmanship was like hell, and Gu Ruibo also mentioned it to him, but he was not a human being!

So... he was worried about Wu Chen's accident, but also worried about his own son's accident. The ghost knows whether Wu Chen has a gun, the ghost knows more than 100 young and young gangsters, and only a few will be scared if Wu Chen kills a few. disperse...

No matter what the outcome, Mao Rusong felt that he might be ruined because of this!

it is good! really good! Good thing it hasn't started yet.

"Dad...he...who is..." Mao Qi stumbled and asked again, frightened by his father's attitude. At the same time he asked, he took a few steps to the side, covering his mouth with his hand, preventing him from wanting to be heard.

"You don't even know who he is, how stupid you are!" Mao Rusong scolded again, he was from the bottom, and he didn't have any culture. When he was angry, he used a lot of foul language.

"No, Dad...I..." Mao Qi wanted to explain something.

"Your Uncle Gu is about to treat him as a father. Who do you think he is? What are you..." Mao Rusong said foul language again.

Mao Qi was stunned again.

Because Mao Rusong mentioned "Uncle Gu", he is the third-generation core child of the Gu family, Gu Ruibo, who is a bit more powerful than Mao Rusong!

Chapter 0232 Uncle! ! ! sorry! ! !

"Dad... too... too exaggerated..." Mao Qi stammered, a feeling that his brain was not enough.

"Exaggerating your uncle, why am I lying to you? Can I still harm you?" Mao Rusong cursed again.

This is also his own son. If it were someone else who could make Mao Rusong so angry, Mao Rusong would not scold people...he would kill him!

Moreover, Mao Rusong did not deliberately exaggerate to scare his son.

He really thinks so, he can only say that the words are exaggerated, the situation is not exaggerated!

Not only because of yesterday's situation, but also because of Gu Ruibo's attitude towards Wu Chen yesterday, but also because of today... at noon today, Gu Ruibo and Mao Rusong met again.

The two talked a lot at noon.

Inside and out, Mao Rusong felt that Gu Ruibo had already regarded Wu Chen as a big man who was more powerful than himself! It is really holding the offering, this feeling is very clear!


Today's Mao Rusong's judgment of Wu Chen's identity and ability is higher than yesterday's!

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