"Boss Gu thinks." Wu Chen looked at Gu Ruibo with a smile, "How should the shares be determined?"

Chapter 0222 Huge concessions!

Speaking of shares, the wine table was quiet for a while.

Sitting next to Wu Chen, Wu Yurong's face was flushed red. Her alcohol intake was really average. In fact, she didn't drink much, and she already had a feeling of being drunk, and the smile on her face became much more coquettish.

Wu Yurong held the goblet in her hand, pursed her lips and glanced at Wu Chen, the indescribable amorous feelings were all in her eyes.

In fact, normally, how to divide the shares should be decided by her and Gu Ruibo after personal discussions, detailed discussions, and repeated communication.

But if she, Wu Yurong, talks to Gu Ruibo in person...

And although Wu Yurong can be on an equal footing with Gu Ruibo, for this matter alone, Gu Ruibo must have contributed more, because when "robbing money", it will be him Gu Ruibo and the Gu family behind him who have to bear the pressure of all parties. .

Gu Ruibo must be the "anti-thunder"!

Therefore, Wu Yurong knew very well that if she just talked to Gu Ruibo, she could only take the small head, the big head must belong to Gu Ruibo, and even if she wanted to split the account between five and five, it was impossible!

As for Wu Chen's talk, it should be... five-five, right?

Wu Yurong was looking forward to it.

As long as she can share the account with Gu Ruibo and things go smoothly, then the money she can finally get... Although it is only a small piece of the big cake of the Ding family, it must be at least - tens of billions assets!

This refers to substantive control, which can be directly counted in one’s own family. If the situation in which the entire company is controlled by holding part of the equity is included, then the total assets under control should be tens of billions of dollars. .

This is even comparable to the entire Senlan Clothing Group, which has been in business for decades!

No more than one year at most, everything goes well, you can get it!

Wu Yurong was really looking forward to it. She held her hand on the goblet, and subconsciously stroked the wall of the glass with her index finger. She was always looking at Wu Chen, and she was also looking at Gu Ruibo who was thinking silently.

Gu Ruibo's two people, Chen Lixing and Qi Jun, were always paying attention to Gu Ruibo's expression.

They all know that their boss, who is only in his early thirties, is a gifted businessman. He is very good at negotiating and has an opinion, but he can also listen to the opinions of his subordinates.

Today's incident is a bit too sudden for Chen and Qi.

For such a complicated matter, it directly talks about the distribution of benefits.

They felt that the boss, Gu Ruibo, was either procrastinating and talking about it after an excuse, or he just gave his own psychological expectations.

"Mr. Wu." Finally speaking, Gu Ruibo, who was silent, smiled and said, "First of all, at least 5% of the profit must be set aside, and people must be used, and people must follow to drink soup..."

"That's right." Wu Chen smiled and nodded.

"However, this part of the benefits should be given out in the subsidiary company below. The parent company must be owned by me and Wu Nussui, only the two of us..." Gu Ruibo added.

It's nonsense.

Gu Ruibo obviously didn't think about it all at once, and he couldn't always seem embarrassed by not speaking, so he said it first.

"So what?" Wu Chen asked Gu Ruibo with a smile.

"So the parent company..." Gu Ruibo paused again before he said, "60%!"

As soon as the figure of 60% came out, both Chen Lixing and Qi Jun showed expressions of "as expected", while Wu Yurong's expression changed.

Gu Ruibo gets 60%, then Wu Yurong gets 40%. According to her own assumption, even if she cooperates with Gu Ruibo alone, she should be able to get 40%, and it can't be lower.

It is impossible to give her only 30% of the shares, especially not less than 34%!

Because once Wu Yurong's shareholding is less than 34%, it means that Gu Ruibo's shareholding reaches or exceeds 67%, which means it reaches or exceeds two-thirds of the shareholding, which is a complete and absolute control! Wu Yurong has no right to speak.

Therefore, no matter how much Gu Ruibo goes too far, it is impossible for her to hold less than 34% of the shares, so there will be no sincerity at all, and there will be no basis for cooperation!

And 40% is the first integer above 34%.

So...it's kind of like a limit!

"60%..." Gu Ruibo said again, "Ms. Wu and Mr. Wu take 60%, and I take 40%."

Wu Yurong's expression changed again, she was a little confused, 60% is her own? Gu Rui Bona got 40%?

Chen Lixing and Qi Jun, two of Gu Ruibo's subordinates, also changed their colors at the same time, and their eyes widened to look at the boss, Gu Ruibo.

Huge concession!

They have absolutely no idea why the boss would make such a huge concession directly! That's not a little money, but an astronomical amount! At least billions of assets are involved.

Even Wu Chen was a little surprised, Gu Ruibo... so brave!

he likes.

In fact, Gu Ruibo thought clearly. Regarding the Ding family, the initial investment is low and the return is super high... Logically, if this event does not succeed in the end, the distribution of benefits will be more or less meaningless. .

But if it succeeds, for Gu Ruibo, although he has lost a part of it, he has... handed over the "strange man" Wu Chen!

Everything was done by Wu Chen!

If it is successful, it will be the sky-high ability to turn your hands into clouds and cover your hands into rain!

Gu Ruibo didn't want to make a one-shot deal. What he thought was, if Wu Chen is really so good, then he only needs to give up some benefits this time. Next time Wu Chen does something again, he will definitely think of him first and bring him with him. make money.

What he said just now was very clear. It clearly pointed out that "Ms. Wu and Mr. Wu take 60%", not Ms. Wu taking 60%.

Although in the previous conversation, Wu Chen made it clear that he would not participate in the follow-up operation, nor would he take any shares.

But Gu Ruibo just said that. He felt that Wu Chen and Wu Yurong should both understand what it meant.

The private room was quiet for a few seconds.

"Boss Gu is refreshing." Wu Chen said with a smile.

Then Wu Chen stood up with the goblet in his hand and glanced at it. When he came together, Wu Yurong stood up, Gu Ruibo also got up, Chen Lixing and Qi Jun both got up.

All with wine glasses.

"I wish everyone a prosperous business and a lot of money... Happy cooperation!" When he said that the cooperation was happy, Wu Chen gestured to clink glasses. The table was too big to touch, so he clinked glasses with the nearest person.

"Happy cooperation!"


Ding Ding Ding Ding, cheers, all in one drink!

Next, the wine table entered an atmosphere of lively chatting, and it stopped talking about business. It was just a simple chat. Both Gu Ruibo and Wu Yurong were very talkative people, and the topics were all over the world. It will be cold.

Until ten o'clock in the evening, it was finally over.

They all drank a little too much.

Gu Ruibo drank the most, followed by Wu Yurong.

At about ten o'clock, everyone had already come down to the lobby on the first floor and was walking out.

Gu Ruibo, who had been drinking too much, hooked up with Wu Chen, whispered to Wu Chen when he was drunk, and Wu Yurong walked aside.

Behind him were Chen Lixing, Qi Jun, and some bodyguards, a large group of people went out together.

"Mr. Wu...Let's tomorrow...I'll arrange it, I..." Gu Ruibo couldn't say anything, he hadn't drank so much for a long time, and he was really really happy today, just sitting at home and making money from the sky. a great joy.

Although he also has to take corresponding risks for this, how can there be no risk in doing business? Wu Chen is the God of Wealth!

Just when everyone was about to go out.

"Ms. Wu?" A middle-aged man's surprised voice suddenly came not far away.

Chapter 0223 He wants to come to the East China Sea and apologize to me in person!

Everyone stopped for a while and turned to look.

But I saw that there were also a group of guests who had just finished their meal and were going downstairs to go out. There were six or seven people in total. There were men and women.

Wu Chen knew who he was.

Luo Wangsheng, 47 years old, chairman of the Magic Capital Jingyang Investment Company.

In recent years, in addition to the life of the Senlan Group, Wu Yurong has also engaged in other businesses, playing with funds and investing, so there are a lot of people in this circle.

Luo Wangsheng greeted him in surprise, took a few more steps, and stepped forward to shake hands with Wu Yurong.

"Ms. Wu, long time no see." Luo Wangsheng also seemed to drink a lot, and his face turned red.

"Yeah, long time no see, Boss Luo is still the same." Wu Yurong smiled and shook hands with him.

"Ms. Wu is still the same, hahaha..."

Luo Wangsheng exchanged a few words with Wu Yurong, and then he noticed the person next to him... He drank too much and his observation skills were not so keen, so he noticed that he also knew the person next to him.

Gu Ruibo, who had been resting on Wu Chen's shoulders, let go of Wu Chen and stood up straight when the two were talking.

Of course, Luo Wangsheng didn't pay much attention to Wu Chen, so he didn't know him. He noticed Gu Ruibo.

"Second Master Gu is also there..." Luo Wangsheng's tone was not right, his eyes glanced back and forth.

This attitude has something to do with his network background. Luo Wangsheng is a man from Modu Xiangjia!

Like the Gu family, the Xiang family and the Gu family are the top big families in the magic capital. Although the two families cannot be said to be enemies, they are also competitors. The children of the second and third generations of the two families have a lot of competition in business.

Luo Wangsheng is a person who is dependent on Xiang Jia to make a fortune. Not only is he not the same as Gu Ruibo, he even has direct competition with Gu Ruibo in some investment business, along with Xiang Jia's funds.

Gu Ruibo has been making investments.

Wu Yurong has also been investing and playing with funds in recent years.

Are the two still having dinner together?

Talk about what?

Want to cooperate?

Although it was just a guess, Luo Wangsheng felt that this was not good news for him and Xiang Jia.

Standing there, Gu Ruibo squinted at Luo Wangsheng, didn't speak, looked drunk, and was a little shaken. He really drank too much, but it wasn't that he couldn't think, he just didn't want to pay attention to Luo Wangsheng.

Seeing this, Luo Wangsheng naturally looked at Wu Yurong again and said with a smile, "Ms. Wu is talking about a big business today..."

"What kind of big business, it's just a casual gathering..." Wu Yurong replied with a smile.

The two exchanged a few more greetings, and the two groups left the hotel one after the other, saying goodbye, and then dispersed.

Gu Ruibo was also because he drank too much, so he didn't say anything to Wu Chen, he said "We'll meet again tomorrow", and was helped by the bodyguards into the car.

Wu Chen and Wu Yurong got into her car.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the hotel.

Because the hotel is located nearby, it is the five-star Maowei International Hotel.

It was dinner time, and Wu Yurong took the opportunity to go to the bathroom to explain to the female bodyguard Chu Yan.

Forty or fifty minutes later.

Around eleven o'clock in the evening.

Maowei International Hotel, in the top-floor presidential suite.

Wu Chenheng hugged Wu Yurong and came out of the bathroom. The two of them had bathed together, of course not just bathing... Wu Yurong hugged Wu Chen and didn't let go until Wu Chen put her on the quilt before she let go.

Cover the quilt.

Soon, Wu Chen also lay down.

It's time to rest.

But before the break, Wu Chen still has a phone call to make.

Wu Chen, who was holding Wu Yurong in one hand, reached out again and took the mobile phone from the cabinet. He was flipping through the phone address book, Wu Yurong turned over, leaned on Wu Chen's shoulder, and hooked Wu Chen's neck with his hand. .

"Do you know who Boss Luo met at the door of the hotel?" Wu Yurong asked softly and lazily.

"Luo Wangsheng, someone from Xiangjia." Wu Chen replied softly.

"You know, then you don't have to worry... Xiang Jia knows that it will be bad for me to cooperate with Gu Ruibo?" Wu Yurong asked again.

"They won't know what your cooperation is doing, at most, they will find some small investments that are hidden from the public. Moreover, it will take a few months, and some people will always know that you are partnering with Gu Ruibo for investment. Is it normal business behavior, are you afraid of being known?"

Wu Chen turned his head to look at Wu Yurong who was close at hand, and smiled.

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