As you can guess, it's an appointment for lunch.

Mao Rusong squinted his eyes suddenly while smoking a cigarette. He patted the woman's back lightly with his right hand, and Sun Jiamei stood up. Mao Rusong abruptly opened the drawer and touched it inside. Right on Wu Chen's head.

"Why don't you end?! Ah?! Are you kidding me?! Could your rude phone drop it? Damn it! I'm so..." Mao Rusong was very angry, as if his whole body was about to explode of.

Wu Chen, who was about to answer the phone, looked at Mao Rusong with a natural smile on his face, but frowned slightly.

Wu Chen casually put the phone on the table, and then suddenly got up!

Instant shot!

Interlace hands and break!

The pistol is in Wu Chen's hands!

Too fast!

Chapter 0210 Is it too exaggerated? What about filming?

Really too fast!

Mao Rusong was too close to Wu Chen, only separated by a table, he still held his gun with his arms outstretched, Wu Chen could touch it when he stretched out his hand, the gap between the two's reaction consciousness was the gap between the world's top and ordinary people!

Wu Chen instantly grabbed the gun and aimed it at Mao Rusong.

Until Wu Chen was holding the gun in his right hand, his left hand had already put it down. When he took his mobile phone, Mao Rusong and the other dozen people in the room reacted.

"Big brother!"

"Five masters!"

"You brat dare..."

The bodyguards and the people at the door all wanted to move, the three people sitting on the sofa also stood up at once, and some people took out their knives directly from their arms, but Mao Rusong made a gesture to the surrounding, indicating - let them do not move!

The environment of the Demon City is very different from that of the East China Sea.

There are four big men on the East China Sea "dividing the world", but there is no such situation in the magic capital. The situation is much more complicated than that of the East China Sea, and the public security environment is much better than that of the East China Sea. The management is more strict.

For things like guns, in the magic capital, they are more sensitive.

Mao Rusong usually does not carry a gun on his body, only occasionally when he is doing errands, and always has one in the office.

And the group of people under Mao Rusong didn't have guns, not a single one.

Demons are a place where there must be no shootings, so they can't have them!

In other words, currently the only gun in this room is in Wu Chen's hands! The muzzle is pointed at Mao Rusong!

Mao Rusong is very calm. Although he is a rough man, he has experienced strong winds and waves. When Wu Chen grabbed the gun in an instant, he was shocked, but there was no sign of timidity on his face. He knew very well that the gun was in Wu Chen at this time. In his hands, if his subordinates mess up, or even just talk nonsense, it may kill him!

Sun Jiamei stood on the side and didn't dare to move, her face was pale and froze.

Jingle bell... Jingle bell...

In the suddenly quiet office, only Wu Chen's cell phone was still ringing.

All eyes are on.

Wu Chen, however, seemed like nothing had happened. He held the gun in one hand, answered the phone in the other, and put it to his ear.

"Which woman are you with? It took so long to pick up?" Wu Yurong asked in a gentle and sweet voice.

"I'm busy." Wu Chen replied.

"Don't call me for a day, you have no conscience~" Wu Yurong said again, with ridicule and a hint of sultry in her tone.

"So impatient? Miss me?" Wu Chen asked back with a smile.

"I think, I dreamed of you last night, and I couldn't help thinking about it." Wu Yurong didn't mind telling her true thoughts at all. Not as shy as a little girl.

Although Wu Yurong has been married and divorced, and her daughter is 20 years old, Wu Chen is her first man, and she must be her last.

"Do you have time to have lunch together? want to accompany Li Ruobing?" Wu Yurong asked again.

"I'm outside, I'll be back in the East China Sea in two days." Wu Chen said.

"Going out?" Wu Yurong was taken aback.

"Yes." Wu Chen replied.

Wu Yurong thought for a while, but she didn't ask Wu Chen where he went or what he did, because she could think that Wu Chen might have something to do with Ding Ruilong when he went out to do errands. clear.

"Well then, it seems that I can only have lunch alone." Wu Yurong said sweetly.

"Don't say it so desolately, weren't you alone before?" Wu Chen laughed.

"Can that be the same?" Wu Yurong asked in return, and then said with a very soft and sweet feeling: "Bad man, it's all your fault, don't say it anymore, you are busy with yourself."

"Okay, I'll call you tonight."

"Well, okay."

Everyone in the office watched Wu Chen make a phone call. Except for a man in his mid-thirties with a thin mustache who approached Wu Chen's back with almost silent footsteps and slow movements, no one else dared to move, for fear of making a noise. A firefight happened.

All of them could hear that Wu Chen was on the phone with a woman.

Not because I could hear the voice on the phone, but because Wu Chen said, "I miss me."

He could tell from his tone that Wu Chen was talking to his own woman.

They all don't understand how this young man named Wu Chen is still in the mood at this time, chatting with his woman so relaxedly and with a smile.

Mao Rusong, who was facing the muzzle, felt that time passed very slowly.

He was calm on the surface, but it didn't mean he was not stressed.

The feeling of living like a year.

Actually, Wu Chen didn't chat with Wu Yurong for long, but Mao Rusong felt that it was a long time.

finally hung up.

After Wu Chen hung up, he directly pressed the power off button. Instead of turning off the phone, he let the phone shut down. The moment he put away the phone, he took a look at the phone screen. This was a very professional and natural action.

Actually, I used the screen of my phone as a mirror, so I paid attention to the situation behind me.

Footsteps can't really be silent.

When Wu Chen was on the phone just now, he noticed that someone was approaching him very cautiously!

He just looked at the position and posture of the person behind him.

The man with the mustache had already taken four steps, and he was only four steps away from Wu Chen's back. He was holding a hunting knife like a dog's leg in his right hand.

Is a master!

After Wu Chen put the phone in his pocket, he glanced at Mao Rusong, who was standing at the desk with a calm expression but his body was a little stiff and did not dare to move. Under the armpit, the muzzle is aimed at the back, and the trigger is pulled directly!


The gun went off!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The gun fired seven times in a row!

Wu Chen fired.

From his return to firing seven shots in a row, it was a one-stop action.

But the mustache man was not shot! When Wu Chen fired the first shot, he was keeping his arms slightly outstretched, holding the hunting knife backwards, just about to lift his foot... It was the hunting knife in his hand that was shot, and he let go!

The hunting knife was released, but it didn't collapse, and it swirled in the air like a boomerang!

This effect is related to the position where the hunting knife is hit.

Although the swirling can only last for a very short time, this very short time is enough for Wu Chen to fire a second shot... Wu Chen's next five shots were all shot at the hunting knife. Spin faster!

With the last shot, the hunting knife was shot away!

But it was a "do" sound, and it was nailed to the wall on the other side of the room!

Everything sounds complicated, but it actually happened in just a few seconds. After the knife let go of the knife, Moustache squatted down in fright, but was stunned in order to have time to make other reactions.

But when everyone, including him, saw it, they were all shocked! Shocked body numb!


What is this for?

Is this a movie? ! Too exaggerated, right? !

Being able to hit the same object with one shot after another, so that it stays in the air and does not fall to the ground, this is a common way to show the power of the sharpshooter pistol in movies! Does this kind of shooting really exist? !

What made them even more shocked and completely incomprehensible was that Wu Chen didn't look back at all, he didn't look behind him, but he managed to achieve this effect!

This is impossible, like a dream.

Just after the continuous gunshots ended, after Wu Chen took the gun back to him, everyone in the room except him had a "demented" expression on their faces, and it was difficult to recover.

It's kind of surreal.

But it was Wu Chen's real marksmanship!

In terms of marksmanship, Wu Chen dares to consider himself the number one in the world only in terms of using a pistol!

Whether it's the champion of the competition or the special forces and special police, Wu Chen doesn't think that there is anyone who can shoot better than his own pistol! This is related to Wu Chen's reckless training with reincarnation, and it is also related to his memory, concentration, and learning ability getting better and better in reincarnation.

Wu Chen aimed his gun at Mao Rusong again.

Mao Rusong was shocked, and his face was no longer calm, but he immediately stuttered: "Friend, friend, I don't know who sent you to kill me, I'll give you 20 million, no! 50, 50 million I'll give you fifty million, let me go!"

Chapter 0211 World No. 1

Mao Rusong was really panicked.

He thought Wu Chen was a killer sent by the enemy! And it was the kind of top international killer who spent an astronomical sum to invite, just like in many movies, he directly suspected that Wu Chen should be a member of a world-class killer organization!

It can be said that it is an exaggeration!

However, no exaggeration is not enough. Without exaggeration, it can't match Wu Chen's ability. Wu Chen's marksmanship is so exaggerated, it not only surpasses the cognition of ordinary people, but even... it surpasses the cognition of professional gunslingers!

Not only was Mao Rusong restrained, but Mao Rusong's bodyguards and everyone else present were restrained.

Wu Chen knew that this would be the effect.

Because he knows that his marksmanship is so strong that it surpasses any human being on earth!

Since Wu Chen found that his memory was improving in Samsara, he found that his learning ability and concentration in certain areas have been greatly improved, and this improvement is constantly increasing!

In the practice of marksmanship, Wu Chen has an advantage that no one else has - he can shoot more bullets every day!

If you want to practice your marksmanship well, you have to hit a lot.

Guns have recoil, and ordinary people don’t know how to use them. If you fire a gun, you may sprain your wrist. Even if you are trained, you can shoot one or two hundred bullets a day. , the hand is temporarily disabled.

The SWAT team trains sharpshooters to shoot 30,000 bullets a year.

And even the top gunmen, such as the ace elites in the SWAT team, can fire at most five or six hundred rounds a day during special training. The consequence of firing so many guns in one day is often that the tiger's mouth is cracked and the flesh is broken.

This kind of super-intensive training, even for top gunmen, can't last for a few days.

When Wu Chen practiced guns, he shot thousands of bullets a day, and his hands were covered in blood. He could also use bandages to continue training. He even had bone fractures and fractures. The consequences of these overtraining, For Wu Chen, it doesn't matter!

Because it resets every day! Any injuries from gun practice will reset when a new day arrives.

The number of bullets that Wu Chen has shot in the hundreds of days of crazy gun training is more than the number of bullets shot by a top sharpshooter in a lifetime!

Most importantly, the feeling and memory will not disappear!

Not only will it not will remain forever.

In the middle of reincarnation, Wu Chen didn't quite understand why his state could be maintained forever, instead of being like other people who would give birth to a few hands if he didn't practice spears for a few days, but Wu Chen wouldn't.

After the new life started, Wu Chen realized that the reason for this was because his spiritual value had increased by more than 10,000 points.

Therefore, Wu Chen is confident that only in pistol marksmanship, he is the number one in the world! And it's still the kind of first level that is higher than the second level in the world!

The other world-class top gunmen are at a level, Wu Chen is a level higher than them, and at this level, he is the only one.

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