"Yeah, we're done talking." Wu Chen said, looking at Li Ruotai with a smile on his face, but didn't take the initiative to say anything.

In front of Wu Chen, Li Ruotai was already under pressure, so it was inexplicable.

"Then... what were we talking about?" Li Ruotai asked again.

"It's nothing, just chat." Wu Chen said, and he clearly conveyed the attitude he didn't want to say to Li Ruotai.

In the next few minutes, Li Ruotai wanted to talk to Wu Chen from various angles, mentioning the Ding family, the golden flower, and the old knife. Wu Chen mentioned it to him a little, and he knew so much, so he tried all kinds of tests. sexual question.

Of course there is nothing to ask.

Wu Chen didn't want to say it, he didn't know a word.

Li Ruotai had no choice.

After a few seconds of silence that would make Li Ruotai feel a little embarrassed, Li Ruotai seemed to remember something, took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and it was quickly connected, he said, "Dad, I'm here... Um...um...yes...good..."

After saying a few words, he stood up and went to Wu Chen's side.

"Brother-in-law, my dad's phone number." Li Ruotai handed the phone to Wu Chen.

He couldn't figure it out by himself, so he moved out his father, Li Maoren!

Chapter 0207 What are you talking about? What are you talking about? !

In the past two days, Li Ruotai had frequent conversations with his father Li Maoren.

Since Wu Chen nearly had an accident yesterday morning, Li Ruotai had discussed these matters with his father in private, except that he lied about "Li Ruobing was almost injured", he told the truth about everything else.

Li Ruotai could guess that since Wu Chen wanted to talk to Lao Dao in person, he must be able to rely on Lao Dao to get Ding Ruilong!

Regarding getting Ding Ruilong, Li Ruotai would not have told his father that, but since Li Maoren came to the East China Sea and had a secret conversation with Wu Chen... Li Maoren explained it to his son Li Ruotai before he left!

Although Li Ruotai didn't know the specific situation, he could feel the change in his father's attitude.

He understands that the bigger Ding Ruilong's problem is, the more likely the Li family and Ding family will "break up"!

And this afternoon.

After Wu Chen got the old sword, Li Ruotai followed the car back to the hospital and called his father Li Maoren again. He also didn't understand, but he got the point! This made Li Maoren understand that Wu Chen had already mastered the old sword, and he could use the old sword to make Ding Ruilong!

Li Maoren is very concerned about this!

He wants to know too!

So he also told his son Li Ruotai to ask more questions. If you can't ask, you can call him!

Li Maoren understands one thing, that is, there are some things that Wu Chen can tell him, but he may not be willing to tell his son and daughter! Just because it's too big! The bigger the matter, the less people know, the better! Otherwise, once the news is leaked, the Ding family is likely to act first! It also means protection.

Wu Chen glanced at Li Ruotai, then glanced at the mobile phone Li Ruotai handed over, took the mobile phone and put it to his ear, smiled and said, "Uncle..."

"Artest told me about the situation." Li Maoren said directly.

"Artest is right next to him, is uncle sure you want him to listen?" Wu Chen also asked directly.

Li Maoren was stunned and silent for a while.

What Wu Chen means is... the matter is very big!

"I'll call you." Li Maoren said, and hung up the phone.

Wu Chen took off the phone, glanced at it, and then returned the phone to Li Ruotai.

Li Ruotai looked at Wu Chen with a very wrong face, a little confused, what does the brother-in-law mean, he clearly agreed with his father, why does it seem to be happening now, the brother-in-law has discussed it with his father at once, so he will not let himself Know? ! !

It was very difficult.

Not just out of curiosity.

Also because, he even felt that his brother-in-law's relationship with his father was closer than his own relationship as a son with his father? !

Jingle Bell……

Wu Chen's cell phone rang, and his cell phone was in the pocket of his pajamas.

Wu Chen got up, took out his mobile phone, turned around and walked towards the stairs, put it in his ear and said, "I'll go to the study."

Li Ruotai watched Wu Chen go upstairs, reacted for a while, and then quickly followed Wu Chen!

Wu Chen went to the second floor and entered the study, closed the door with his back and locked it, and then walked to the balcony... Li Ruotai followed outside the study, but he didn't have time to follow up. He pressed the doorknob and wanted to open the door, but he couldn't. He knew it was locked inside.

What? !

What are you going to talk about? !

Li Ruotai was sticking to the door with his ears pressed, but he couldn't hear the voice inside, because Wu Chen went to the balcony and closed the balcony door...

After a while.

"Artest? Darling?" Li Ruobing's voice sounded in the living room on the first floor.

There was still vegetables stewing in the pot. In fact, there was no need to keep watching. Li Ruobing came out of the kitchen, but found that Wu Chen and her brother were not there. She looked around, and then went upstairs. In the corridor on the second floor, she saw the Li Ruotai, the younger brother who wanted to eavesdrop on the door.

"What are you doing?" Li Ruobing asked, frowning and walking to Li Ruotai's side, "What are you eavesdropping on?"

"I can't hear you..." Li Ruotai turned to look at the old lady with a sad look on her face.

"What can't you hear?" Li Ruobing frowned deeper.

"Brother-in-law is on the phone with Dad, don't let me hear..." Li Ruotai whispered, and put his ear to the door, he didn't believe it, there was no sound at all.

Li Ruobing's expression also changed.

Talk again?

Are you talking alone and not allowed to listen?

The situation is very similar to the last time, the difference is that Li Ruobing's mentality, last time she wanted to know very much and was very impatient, but not this time, because of the previous experience, she knew that she could ask Wu Chen alone later , don't think of a way to eavesdrop.

"Go downstairs, your brother-in-law is still mad at you, wait for him to come out and see what you look like... Come downstairs quickly." Li Ruobing directly glared at his brother.

More than ten minutes later.

When Wu Chen walked out of the study and went downstairs, Li Ruobing had already returned to the kitchen, while Li Ruotai was sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking like he was thinking about it, what was he talking about? Don't use his cell phone, but give Wu Chen's cell phone again, are you afraid that his cell phone has a recording? so careful?

Seeing Wu Chen come down, Li Ruotai suddenly stood up.

"Brother-in-law..." Li Ruotai wanted to say something.

"Ask your dad to see if he will tell you." Wu Chen laughed, blocking the conversation.

After speaking, Wu Chen didn't go into the living room, he went straight to the kitchen.

Several dishes that took a long time were almost cooked, but there were still three dishes. Because they were stir-frying and the cooking process was short, Wu Chen made them last.

I cooked two more dishes.

After seven o'clock, the food is served.

Dinner begins!

The six dishes and one soup were all made by Wu Chen, and Li Ruobing just helped to pick the vegetables and look at the pot.

The three of them ate so much, the dinner can be said to be very rich, and Wu Chen's cooking is not only home-cooked, such as the sweet and sour Yellow River carp, ordinary housewives can't do it, Wu Chen cooked it, just It looks like it was made by a star hotel chef!

This meal... Li Ruotai eats absent-mindedly, his mood is different, he has eaten everything, and the delicious food doesn't affect him much. He is full of thoughts about what his brother-in-law talked to his father?

He was eating and eating, and he was distracted from time to time. He would do whatever Li Ruobing asked him to do. Ask him to apologize to Wu Chen, and he would apologize to Wu Chen.

Compared with her younger brother, Li Ruobing ate "heartbroken".

so delicious?

How can it be so delicious? !

It's not that she hasn't eaten delicious food, but... this is what Wu Chen made, it's different! Wu Chen is not a cook! She watched Wu Chen cook before, and knew that Wu Chen was very good, but she didn't expect that his cooking skills were so good!

Wu Chen has such a powerful ability in life.

This made Wu Chen a little different in Li Ruobing's heart.

At eight o'clock in the evening, dinner was over.

Li Ruotai saw that the old sister and brother-in-law were wearing pajamas and dressed at home. He knew that the old sister should be living here today, so he was very sensible and did not continue to disturb, and said goodbye and left!

It's past nine o'clock in the evening.

The lights in the living room of the villa were off, but the TV was on, and Wu Chen was watching the evening news.

Li Ruobing turned off the kitchen lights and came out of the kitchen... After Li Ruotai left, she has been cleaning the dining table and kitchen. She rarely does this kind of thing with her own hands. Today, she does it, but she is not looking for the feeling of being a housewife. She could never be a housewife.

It's just... Wu Chen made the rice. She should do the cleaning of the table and the dishes. She thinks it's fair!

In the dark.

By the light of the TV, Li Ruobing came to the sofa and stood beside Wu Chen for a while, Wu Chen smiled and glanced at Li Ruobing, Li Ruobing turned around, sat directly in Wu Chen's arms, and wrapped his arms around Wu Chen. neck.

"Husband...it's time to rest." Li Ruobing laughed softly.

She actually used a very sweet voice!

Moreover, she actually called her husband directly!

At this moment, Li Ruobing looked at Wu Chen... Obviously she wanted to do something with Wu Chen!

Chapter 0208 You can't find him?

"It's only nine o'clock, it's too early, isn't it?" Wu Chen smiled and looked at Li Ruobing, who was close at hand, with a subtle eccentric feeling in his tone.

"Is it early?" Li Ruobing approached Wu Chen's cheek, Wu Chen could clearly feel her breathing, "Is it not early? Rest now, you can get up early tomorrow..." Li Ruobing obviously had something to say.

Wu Chen was not excited at all.

Very calm!

"Is it interesting to play with me?" Wu Chen smiled and glanced at Li Ruobing.

"What do you mean to play with you? I mean it's time to rest, right?" Li Ruobing also smiled, with a sweet feeling in her smile.

It's not like her!

Even if Li Ruobing falls in love, she will not look like a little woman. She is a "queen" and will never be a "princess", but she is very active today, and she alludes to Wu Chen inside and out. , the eyes are also that kind of... very interesting eyes!

She was really serious about flirting with Wu Chen, but it wasn't her purpose. She must have something to happen with Wu Chen tonight!

That is, toying with Wu Chen's psychology!

Aroused Wu Chen's expectations!

Let Wu Chen want to get her, but can't get it, it makes his heart itch! Only in this way can Wu Chen become "docile" in front of her! There is no doubt that when a woman like Li Ruobing starts to exude charm, I am afraid that any normal man will find it difficult to control himself!

Wu Chen is also a mentally and physically normal man!

It's just... Wu Chen knows too much.

"Okay, you're right." Wu Chen smiled, he picked up the remote control, turned off the TV, and the living room fell into complete darkness.

Wu Chen picked up his hands again, hugged Li Ruobing, stood up, and walked towards the entrance of the stairs.

Go upstairs.

Go back to the bedroom.

close the door.


A new day, July 16, 2020.

It's seven o'clock in the morning.

Wu Chen opened his eyes on time, looked at the ceiling, and listened to some sounds coming from the bathroom, he smiled, without resetting, a new day came on time, it was great!

stand up.

Wu Chen also went into the bathroom.

Li Ruobing in pajamas was standing in front of the sink, washing and brushing her teeth. The toothbrush she used was Wu Chen's spare, and the toothpaste was of course the one she used with Wu Chen. When Wu Chen entered the bathroom, Li Ruobing was brushing and brushing. After a moment, Wu Chen said vaguely, "Morning."

"Why do you brush again?" Wu Chen asked with a smile, picked up his toothbrush, squeezed toothpaste and said, "Didn't you brush once in the middle of the night last night? Still brushing? Aren't you afraid of damaging your gums..."

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