Going around, what happened in the end? !

Chapter 0204 What are you doing?

Kun Han was also a little confused.

Wu Chen opened his mouth to him, and told his nephew, Ang Tun, the truth of the murder, and even made a threat behind it. Kun Han was a bit big, so how to solve the upset!

Originally it was just a simple old knife order to kill! It wasn't an important person to kill! Just make an order! Collect money to do things, get it done in a few days, no follow-up trouble!

But now! Wu Chen was not killed, Lao Dao was arrested, the inside story of Wang Ruida's killing was known to the Li family, the Wang family's Li family's Ding family might have an accident, and the Golden Flower Group would be involved...

How to do?

Murder and silence? Kill the old knife? Kill Wu Chen? But the Li family siblings should know about this! He didn't dare to kill these two people at all! If these people can't move, it doesn't make sense to move other people.

The Wang family knew that they would definitely retaliate against the Ding family, and they might also retaliate against the Jinhua Group along the way. What should we do?

no way!

Kun Han can't think of a way for now. No matter how awesome he is in northern Myanmar, he is nothing in China! Being tough with the big family in China will likely lead to the destruction of his business in China and a sharp drop in income in the short term. He may not even be able to support the soldiers under his command... At that time, the rest of northern Myanmar will be Warlords, it is likely that they will join forces against him...

In fact, this is a big or small thing. It may not be that bad, but it may be really that bad!

Kun Han wanted to solve it!

What he never expected, what made him stunned was... Wu Chen seemed to have spent a lot of effort to make him understand this, and then... gave him a solution!

As long as Lao Dao leaves the Golden Flower Group, Wu Chen will be able to make arrangements clearly!

Not only that, because Wu Chen wants to work with Ding Ruilong and the Ding family! And the Jinhua Group and the Ding family have a grudge now! The enemy of the enemy is the friend! Although Wu Chen said that he would not cooperate, but the goal is the same, no matter what you think... This is an excellent choice!

Kun Han could also feel that Wu Chen really liked Lao Dao.

Not even $100 million.

A feeling of "trading"!

As long as Kun Han agrees to let go of Lao Dao, Wu Chen and the Li family will take out the Golden Flower Group when they are at Gan Ding's house!

"Actually, even the Ding family doesn't know much about the relationship between Lao Dao and your golden flowers, only that Lao Dao has a deep relationship with your golden flowers, so can Wang Ruida's matter be investigated? Jinhua Group, what did you say when you saw it..." Wu Chen said again when Kun Han was silent.

Tell the truth.

There is no need for the Ding family to understand so deeply. It was all done by Ding Ruilong, and Ding Ruilong just hired someone to kill.

"If everything you said is true, then I... agree." Kun Han finally said.

Kun Han agreed.

Wu Chen didn't say anything, instead he stretched out his hand and handed his cell phone to Lao Dao, who was always sitting on the side sofa.

Lao Dao's expression was still a little stunned. He paused for a while, then leaned forward, took the phone, put it in his ear, and said, "General."

"...You've been listening by the side?" Kun Han reacted before asking.


"How did you miss?"

"We can't beat him..."

The two chatted directly, but Wu Chen stood up at this moment, walked to the balcony, put his hands in his trousers pockets, and looked out the window, counting the time, the ambulance should be arriving.

Actually, Wu Chen was expressing his position.

He didn't want to hear what the two of them said. Although he could still hear Lao Dao's words, he definitely couldn't hear the voice on the phone. He didn't need to listen. Wu Chen gave Kun Han the best choice. He also understood Lao Dao's character. with ideas, so...it doesn't matter!

Wu Chen still didn't want to have anything to do with a warlord on the border of a small country like Kun Han.

Of course, this does not hinder, Wu Chen's layout push, let Jinhua Group go to Ding Ruilong! Just waiting for the siege of the Ding family by many forces to begin... Jinhua Group will definitely beat the underdogs!

After a few minutes.

"... Jiang Chuan proved that it was Ding Ruilong..." Lao Dao mentioned Jiang Chuan.

Speaking of the death of Ang Tun, Lao Dao's words were enough to convince Kun Han that what Wu Chen said was true!

"...You didn't want to do it? Did you take the initiative? Or did Wu Chen want to use you? Did he take the initiative?" Kun Han finally asked Lao Dao.

Lao Dao was silent for a while and said, "I want to change my life, maybe I'm... tired." He lied! Wu Chen didn't tell him before, and he didn't take the initiative to mention leaving the Golden Flower Group before.

But, he really thought about it for a long time and wanted to escape! He has already made enough money. He is over forty years old. Although he is still extremely strong, he has long passed the age when he should be on the field and fight hard!

But how could it be so easy to escape, he was too deep!

In fact, Lao Dao has always been very clear that the final outcome of a person like me is usually... I missed a certain job and was counter-killed! The older you get, the more likely this is.

Now Lao Dao finally has a chance to escape naturally! Of course he wanted to say it, he thought about it!

Wu Chen was still standing by the balcony window watching the scenery.

"Mr. Wu." Lao Dao's voice suddenly came.

Wu Chen turned around and saw that Lao Dao had put his mobile phone on the table, and hung up after talking directly. It should be Kun Han who hung up. He and Wu Chen had nothing to say, they said it very clearly!

"Congratulations, you are free." Wu Chen smiled.

"Mr. Wu, I..." Lao Dao wanted to say something.

"Let's recuperate first, then talk about it later." Wu Chen interrupted, and added, "By the way, arrest Jiang Chuan and let them bring people secrets to the East China Sea, I'll be useful!"

"It's done." Lao Dao didn't hesitate.


Two minutes later, the sound of an ambulance finally sounded outside.

Li Ruotai arrived with the ambulance from the private hospital. Wu Chen and Lao Dao went downstairs. Under Li Ruotai's very shocked eyes, Lao Dao and Wu Chen said goodbye politely, and then got into the ambulance... Lie down, he Really strong support, today's toss, his wound needs to be re-treated!

Li Ruotai wanted to ask Wu Chen.

But Wu Chen didn't tell Li Ruotai what he thought, he missed it, he made it himself!

However, Wu Chen still whispered to Li Ruotai and asked him to follow the ambulance back to the hospital. After that, he also told Li Ruotai how to arrange the hospital to treat Lao Dao and how to treat Lao Dao.

Li Ruotai also felt it, brother-in-law didn't want to talk too much to himself, and he felt that brother-in-law was angry, so he didn't dare to ask more, Wu Chen agreed to everything he said.

After a few minutes.

Wearing a peaked cap, Wu Chen walked through the long alley alone, arrived at the other side of the alley, and returned to his Lamborghini.

Jingle Bell……

When Wu Chen was driving on the road, the phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Li Ruobing.


"It's done?" Li Ruobing asked directly, obviously Li Ruotai had already called her.

"Yeah, it's done." Wu Chen smiled.

"Are you coming to the company?" Li Ruobing asked again.

"Going home to sleep, I didn't rest well." Wu Chen said.

"...Okay, then you have a good rest." Li Ruobing didn't say much.

Hanging up the phone, Wu Chen stepped on the accelerator and drove home!

This time he said that he would go home and sleep, which is also true! Wu Chen slept for more than three hours this morning. After returning home, he only slept for more than four hours before and after noon. Wu Chen's normal routine is to sleep for nine hours, not to mention that he consumed so much last night...

Originally, Wu Chen was almost able to rest. If Li Ruotai hadn't disturbed him...

It was after four o'clock in the afternoon.

Wu Chen arrived home.

After simply packing up, he lay down and took a nap.

Before I knew it, it was past five o'clock in the afternoon.

Wu Chen was still sleeping, but someone opened the door of the villa.

The visitor entered the living room, then went upstairs, came to the second floor, gently opened the bedroom door, then walked over to the bed, sat down, turned around, and lay down, the visitor rested on the side of his head with his hands on his side. Looking at Wu Chen who was sleeping.

Wu Chen suddenly took action, hugged the person who came, rolled over, opened his eyes, looked at the woman in his arms, and asked with a smile, "What are you doing?"

It's Li Ruobing!

Chapter 0205 Tonight you have a **** disaster

Li Ruobing was wearing a long aqua blue dress, her black long straight hair was obviously groomed, and it exuded a faint fragrance. Her neck was also sparkling, and she wore a diamond necklace.

Obviously, she came here after being well-dressed.

Wu Chen hugged her and stared into Li Ruobing's eyes with a smile. Li Ruobing put on some light eyeshadow today to make her facial features more three-dimensional.

She doesn't usually dress up like this, she doesn't need to be naturally beautiful! This is only the case when attending important occasions, such as banquets.

Li Ruobing's face value is 9 points, Wu Chen has two basic requirements to score appearance value, the first is plain makeup, and the second is no plastic surgery! In other words, Li Ruobing is 9 points without makeup!

And at this moment, Li Ruobing, who is being held by Wu Chen, has a different makeup look than before. She looks more beautiful, at least 9.5 points, or even higher!

Makeup can really change a person's appearance!

Ugly women can make up to be beautiful.

Not to mention beauties.

"When did you know I was here?" Li Ruobing didn't answer Wu Chen's question, but asked softly with a smile.

The two are very close together, and they don't need to be loud.

"It's not that your high heels are silent. Although you deliberately walked lightly, I woke up when you got to the bedroom door." Wu Chen smiled softly.

Li Ruobing took advantage of Wu Chen's sleep to conduct a "sudden attack"!

She doesn't have the key to this house, but this was Li Ruotai's villa originally. After the transfer was passed to Wu Chen, the key was also given to Wu Chen, but...the door to the living room on the first floor is a fingerprint lock.

Wu Chen never changed his password or anything.

Wu Chen knew that before Li Ruobing came, he must have asked Li Ruotai for the entrance code of this villa.

"You're already awake, and you're still pretending to be asleep, aren't you afraid that the bad guys are coming?" Li Ruobing asked again with a smile.

"I know the sound of your footsteps." Wu Chen laughed.

"You even know the sound of footsteps?" Li Ruobing immediately asked back.

She knows that the footsteps can indeed be heard, but they must be very, very familiar, and listen to a lot. Different people have different weights, walking postures, and habit of stopping their steps! This results in a different sound when walking!

Li Ruobing could hear the footsteps of his younger brother Li Ruotai because he knew enough.

But her matter is really a little strange. She admits that Wu Chen is strong, but until today, she and Wu Chen have only known each other for eight or nine days. How could they be so familiar?

"If I said, I know everything about you, would you believe it?" Wu Chen laughed.

"For example?" Li Ruobing raised her eyebrows slightly.

"For example, I know you have a 'Blood Light Disaster', you are here to play me." Wu Chen laughed.

Li Ruobing smiled strangely, and said a little angrily, "I can't say that I'm playing tricks on you, it's so ugly..."

Wu Chen smiled and did not speak, showing Li Ruobing's understanding eyes.

The two leaned closer together and kissed each other.

Not enthusiastic.


It seems that they are all immersed in this moment, Li Ruobing really felt it, the feeling of love!

For a while.


"Artest is here at night." Li Ruobing pursed her lips again and said softly.

"I'm really not angry." Wu Chen laughed again.

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