At that time, she understood a truth. Women who are too beautiful will have endless troubles. Although the so-called beauty and misfortune are wrong with men, the cause is women!

but! This is also a woman's advantage!

She made a plan, or a game!

Wu Yurong made an agreement with her father Wu Weidong that she agreed to get married on the condition that "after giving birth, she is not allowed to care about her anymore"!

This Wu Chen is only a rumor in the current East China Sea, and Wu Chen knows that this agreement is true!

This is the first step of Wu Yurong's plan.

Then she married Song Xiang, but Song Xiang couldn't touch Wu Yurong. Wu Yurong had a knife hidden under her pillow when she slept. The two slept in separate rooms in the newlywed villa. Song Xiang even used force against Wu Yurong in the middle of the night. , was scared away by Wu Yurong with a knife.

This situation did not last for a few days.

Whether it is the Wu family or the Song family, from the first day of their marriage, they began to give birth to children. During that time, Song Xiang was going crazy, but Wu Yurong couldn't do anything about it. There is a word called "licking the dog". Song Xiang is to Wu Yurong, and he doesn't dare to provoke Wu Yurong...

Back then, Wu Yurong was the top goddess with 10 points! She can make the bones of a man's fans brittle with a single smile, and after Wu Yurong was still blackened, she deliberately took advantage of this advantage!

Because both families were under pressure, and Song Xiang was too embarrassed to deal with Wu Yurong. Afterwards...the two had a good talk, Wu Yurong's attitude softened, and at the end, they both collapsed and cried.

According to Wu Yurong's self-report to Wu Chen in Samsara.

She told her husband Song Xiang at the time that she was not ready, she was under a lot of pressure, and said that she did not want to have children, she would gain weight, she would have stretch marks, and it would not look good. In the end, she even took out the Getting ready for a depression diagnosis, saying you want to kill yourself...

The country's stunning pear blossoms bring rain! It has a devastating effect on men!

The blackened Wu Yurong gave full play to her advantages in that conversation back then! She said she hoped that Song Xiang would give her more time...

Song Xiang fell into the fall, felt distressed, and agreed.

But this creates a new problem... What if the family is giving birth to a child?

Wu Yurong said that she was looking for a surrogate without the knowledge of her family, and she would talk about the child... At that time, she created a feeling that as long as Song Xiang gave her more time, she would accept Song Xiang's feeling, she just needed time...

Song Xiang, who was already soft-hearted, was fascinated to be a good man, and surrogacy just happened to solve the family's urging problem, and it also made him not ashamed in the face, so Song Xiang agreed to the surrogacy.

After that, the two went on an excessive honeymoon together... They did test-tube surrogacy abroad!

After returning to China after two months of honeymoon, news of Wu Yurong's pregnancy came out. Wu Yurong acted for this reason, pretending to be a big belly, and two months later, because of "pregnancy" nausea and discomfort, she moved away from her husband. At home, I went to a city in the south with beautiful scenery and good air to recuperate my body.

Of course, Song Xiang followed the whole process. At that time, he was clearly Wu Yurong's legal husband, but under Wu Yurong's means, he became a role similar to "the goddess's spare tire"! I am willing to be a licking dog and look forward to the future.

Less than half a year later, Song Xuan was born.

Song Xuan's birth date was two weeks earlier than Wu Yurong's due date, which was considered a premature birth. The reason for this arrangement was to prevent both parents from coming to the delivery room in advance to witness the birth of the child. Therefore, the "preterm birth" was deliberately arranged, and the surrogate mother gave the child her whole life. Wu Yurong and Song Xiang, who were out of town, notified their family by phone, saying that they had already given birth, and it was a daughter...

Song Xiang really cooperated with Wu Yurong at that time!

Hidden from the sky to find a surrogate, everything went well. He also imagined that he had paid so much for Wu Yurong, and Wu Yurong was really a mother. Although the child was not born by her, it was indeed the child of the two... Song Xiang thought, Wu Yurong, who has become a mother, will begin to accept herself because of her children and her performance.

What he never expected was.

Wu Yurong turned her face over and didn't recognize anyone!

Public separation! Let Song Xiang roll as far as he can!

Song Xiang was insane, and threatened Wu Yurong with exposing surrogacy, but Wu Yurong didn't care. Anyway, it wasn't her who was embarrassed, but Song Xiang, who was played as a fool and never even touched his wife.

Wu Chen knew all the details of the pregnancy at that time! It was all told to him by Wu Yurong in Samsara! Wu Chen slept with her in reincarnation...many times!

"It's strange that you know, Song Xiang is dead..." Wu Yurong said with a soft smile, a bit of doubt on her face, just this expression, she can show a very flirtatious feeling .

"It doesn't matter." Wu Yurong paused for a while, then looked at Wu Chen and smiled, "If Mr. Wu wants to talk to other people, it's fine, I'm fine, let's... talk about Xuanxuan!"

"Mr. Wu."

Wu Yurong sat up straight again, leaned forward slightly, leaned sideways, rested her elbows on the table, the back of her hands lightly supported her face, put on a very comfortable and relaxed posture, tilted her head and looked at Wu Chen: "I want I warn you, my daughter is not born by me, it is all born by me, she has my blood flowing in her body, so if you have any bad thoughts about her, I advise you... it is better not to do that. "

She still had a smile on her face. She and Wu Chen were very similar in that they were indifferent!

No matter what the situation, no matter what problem she faces, or what she says, she can laugh.

"Mr. Wu loves your daughter very much." Wu Chen smiled.

"Of course, that's my daughter." Wu Yurong also smiled.

"So you bribed her friends? Arrange a group of people around her? What about Wang Xiaomei, Qian Xu, Wei Qi... You have even bought her best friend, and a group of bodyguards who follow her every day in shifts." Wu Chen smiled at him. Wu Yurong looked at each other and asked again, "You are watching her like this, do you think that if she finds out, she will think you love her?"

Wu Yurong narrowed her eyes and was silent for a while.

"Wow! Mr. Wu, it seems that you know a lot." Wu Yurong's smile was still soft, "So, are you threatening me?"

"I just want you to understand, Mr. Wu." Wu Chen kept smiling, "I know that you will find me touching your daughter, so the focus is not on your daughter, but on you, Mr. Wu... I have some thoughts on you... !"

The office is quiet.

Chapter 0178 Mr. Wu, do you want to **** me?

The silence in the office lasted for more than ten seconds.

With a smile on Wu Yurong's face, she squinted at Wu Chen. Wu Chen said that she had thoughts on her, which obviously offended her, but Wu Chen didn't have any strange expression because of this, so she looked at her. , without giving up!

"Young people today are really courageous." Wu Yurong sighed with a smile, raised her hand to gently flutter her hair, hung it behind her ear, and said, "Mr. Wu, I don't know if you... what idea?"

"It's complicated." Wu Chen kept smiling and looked at Wu Yurong, "Although it's a bit presumptuous, Wu is always a very wary person, especially wary of men, so I have to use this method to make President Wu took the initiative to meet me."

"Complicated thoughts?" Wu Yurong smiled softly, "Mr. Wu, does Li Ruobing know what you did? She knows... Do you have any thoughts on me?"

"Of course." Wu Chen smiled.

"She knows?" Wu Yurong wanted to confirm.

"Yes, she knows." Wu Chen nodded.

The smile on Wu Yurong's face was much more subtle. When Wu Chen just said "I have an idea for her", Wu Yurong felt that Wu Chen was bold, a young man who may have some skills but dare to think about anything!

After that, Wu Yurong reacted.

She realized that Wu Chen deliberately said ambiguous words! Offend yourself on purpose! If she blamed herself for this, Wu Chen would definitely be able to make up her mind, and it was herself who felt so uncomfortable.

"Is your relationship with Li Ruobing fake?" Wu Yurong thought of another question.

"How could it be fake?" Wu Chen kept smiling, paused and then said, "Although we haven't had **** yet, but... I have already met Li Maoren."

Wu Yurong's smile was a little subtle, she was thinking, what Wu Chen said was true or false.

In fact, she didn't know much about Wu Chen. Even before today, what she knew about Wu Chen was the rumors in the Donghai business circle. Yesterday, she got a report from her subordinates, saying that her daughter had met a senior, and the senior offered a price of 100,000 yuan. Selling songs, my daughter did not accept it.

This is just a small episode in her daughter's daily life, Wu Yurong didn't think much about it.

Until noon today, Wang Xiaomei, the eyeliner beside Song Xuan, suddenly reported that Song Xuan was in a very bad mood, as if she was stimulated, and she had a strange attitude towards a popular song, and she didn't know if she was hit. Or what, I'm worried that something will happen to Song Xuan...

Wu Yurong noticed the popular "Spiritual Antidote", and she knew... Wu Chen was going to sell it to her daughter Song Xuan yesterday, which was "Spiritual Antidote". The bodyguard who was monitoring the cafe yesterday mentioned it in the report. ...

Wu Yurong also asked people to check the IP address of "Antidote for the Soul"...

After confirming that her daughter's senior Wu Chen was Li Ruobing's boyfriend Wu Chen, she asked people to check it carefully and collected information, but she didn't find too much Wu Chen's private information.

The only thing Wu Yurong can be sure of right now is that Wu Chen is deliberately approaching her daughter, deliberately scheming her innocent daughter, the intention is unclear, but it is definitely wrong!

Now... Wu Yurong can be sure again that Wu Chen is here for her!

"Li Maoren didn't warn you? To keep you away from Li Ruobing?" Wu Yurong finally asked with a smile.

"No, we had a good chat." Wu Chen smiled.

"You can, young man..." Wu Yurong said something, but she didn't seem to be praising Wu Chen, because she still couldn't judge whether what Wu Chen said was true or not.

I will not continue to ask this.

"Let's talk about me." Wu Yurong smiled at Wu Chen again and said, "What do you think about me? Now that we have met, don't you plan to talk?"

"Does President Wu know Ding Ruilong?" Wu Chen asked first.

"Would I not know?" Wu Yurong and Wu Chen looked at each other, "Speak straight if you have something to say."

"He wants to kill me." Wu Chen said again.

"This..." Wu Yurong looked strange, and smiled sweetly: "Mr. Wu, does this have anything to do with me?"

"So I will definitely kill him." Wu Chen smiled.

"Wow! Come on, then." Wu Yurong smiled and encouraged Wu Chen, her tone was like a female idol's sweet voice encouraging the fans of the dead house to make progress...

She doesn't care about Wu Chen and Ding Ruilong, and of course she doesn't believe that Wu Chen has the ability to kill Ding Ruilong, but she won't say it, and it has nothing to do with her.

"So I want to remind you, President Wu, that you should withdraw your capital from the Sichuan-Hangzhou Fund as soon as possible to avoid being affected." Wu Chen smiled and looked at Wu Yurong, "Mr. Wu, you are so beautiful, and you are at the best age in life, go to prison. Isn't it a pity?"

Wu Yurong frowned and looked at Wu Chen.

"Of course! If President Wu, you are willing to pay some price, after all, you are so beautiful... As long as you are willing, I think someone will be willing to save you!" Wu Chen laughed again.

"What are you talking about?" Wu Yurong laughed and laughed, not knowing but feeling funny, "Mr. Wu, don't you think you are a little bit baffled? What happened to the Sichuan-Hangzhou Fund? You, the Li family, and Ding Ruilong have something to do with you. ...does this matter?"

"It's not just the Sichuan-Hangzhou Fund, but also the Tonghaiyuan Trade that you invested in, Mr. Wu. I guess... something will happen too!" Wu Chen said again.

With a smile on her face, Wu Yurong tilted her head slightly and blinked at Wu Chen.

Just like, I don't know what Wu Chen is going to say, what he is talking about.

Of course, she knows that "Chuanhang Fund" and "Tonghaiyuan Trading" are both businesses that Wu Yurong has invested in in the past five years, and are independent of Senlan Group.

The Sichuan-Hangzhou Fund is an investment company. It was jointly founded by several partners. Wu Yurong is one of the partners.

Tonghaiyuan Trading is engaged in import and export trade. It was jointly funded and established by Wu Yurong and another giant merchant in the magic capital. Although it is Wu Yurong's personal business, it has business relations with Senlan Group in terms of clothing export.

It is worth mentioning that under the leadership of Wu Yurong, Sichuan-Hangzhou Fund once made a venture investment in Tonghaiyuan Trading Company.

When the business is big, it will be like this, and there will always be various connections between them.

Normally, not to mention Wu Yurong's level, just say a small shareholder of a large-scale company, this person is usually a shareholder, director, legal person, actual controller, etc. of dozens of other large and small companies...

Some businesses are related to the main industry, while others are not at all.

And Wu Yurong is even more special!

This is a long-sleeved woman who is good at dancing. She has used her advantages to the extreme over the years, and has used extremely strong balance methods to develop the company and her personal connections with her outstanding business talents...

When many big bosses became Wu Yurong's contacts, they also became Wu Yurong's spare tire licking dog.

"So?" Wu Yurong asked again after thinking about it, she didn't find the logic of Wu Chen's words, "You said Sichuan-Hangzhou Fund, and Tong Haiyuan, both have an accident, and I will have an accident? I don't know why you want to Said these words to me all of a sudden, but I want to ask... does this have anything to do with you?"

It's really weird.

Wu Yurong didn't believe Wu Chen's words, she thought it was an alarmist talk without end, and she thought Wu Chen was very strange! It has nothing to do with Wu Chen, right? Wu Chen ran over and said what?

"It does matter." Wu Chen said with a smile.

"What does it matter?" Wu Yurong asked with a smile.

"Because Chuanhang and Tong Haiyuan are going to have an accident..." Wu Chen paused, then smiled, "I did it!"

Wu Yurong squinted her eyes suddenly, but the smile on her face gradually became more and more. She squinted and asked Wu Chen, "Mr. Wu, do you want to **** me?"

Chapter 0179 Yes! I did it!

Wu Yurong's eyes flashed a dangerous light, although she was still smiling.

Although Wu Yurong is indeed the kind of woman who can hide all her thoughts in her heart, the city is terrifying, even if she is happy or unhappy, she hides it well. For example, Wu Chen has offended her many times in her words. Neither showed any concern.

but! When faced with a direct threat, Wu Yurong didn't need to hide her emotions, because whether or not she was hiding, the other party threatened her, and she definitely knew her state of mind!

Wu Yurong clearly felt that Wu Chen was threatening her!

To do her business!

She even said that she might be sent to prison!

"No." Wu Chen denied it, still smiling indifferently, "Mr. Wu, what I want to do is not you, but Ding Ruilong, you are at most... You will be harmed by Chiyu! But I believe that with President Wu Wrists and connections, you should be able to save yourself from danger, you just have to... pay some price!"

"Why are you talking about Ding Ruilong again?" Wu Yurong still couldn't find Wu Chen's logic, she frowned and said, "You and Ding Ruilong... no matter what, you shouldn't be implicated in me, right? I... have something to do with it?"

Wu Yurong really couldn't figure it out at all.

Not to mention whether Wu Chen has the ability to fight against Ding Ruilong.

Just assume there is!

Under this premise, Wu Yurong couldn't imagine what kind of relationship it could have with herself.

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