"Senior...you..." Song Xuan looked at Wu Chen and wanted to say something, and the emotions in her eyes were very complicated, there were sympathy, regret, and a hint of hatred for the iron to become steel!

"What?" Wu Chen asked with a smile.

"Senior, you... do you run a small restaurant at home?" Song Xuan asked, as if afraid of Wu Chen's misunderstanding, she immediately added, "I asked my classmates, they said..."

This morning, Song Xuan didn't even know what Wu Chen's family was doing. She only knew that Wu Chen's family was ordinary. After calling Li Ruobing at noon and making an appointment with Wu Chen, she asked her classmates for details. Wu Chen took a moment.

"Yeah, a ramen restaurant, in a small county town." Wu Chen looked calm, as if he didn't understand what Song Xuan was going to say.


"Then what?"

"Then senior, you... girlfriend, how old are you?" Song Xuan asked again very implicitly.

"What do you think?" Wu Chen asked her back with a smile, "Didn't you speak to her? Can't you hear it?"

"I feel..." Song Xuan looked unspeakable and hesitantly said, "At the beginning, I was quite young, but the tone of voice was too strong, cold, and mature..." Song Xuan paused, and then Only then did he watch Wu Chen say boldly, "Forty years old?"

"She sounds like she is forty years old?" Wu Chen smiled.

"No, it's not." Song Xuan quickly explained, "The voice is young, but not all middle-aged women have a bad voice. My mother has a better voice than mine, but... just like your girlfriend... I Talking to her, I'm scared when I talk, I feel like I'm talking to my mother..."

After Song Xuan finished speaking, she looked at Wu Chen with that very wrong look.

"What exactly are you trying to say? Just say it." Wu Chen kept smiling.

"Then I said... Senior, don't be angry." Song Xuan said carefully.

"Don't be angry." Wu Chen nodded.

Song Xuan looked like she mustered up her courage, and after pondering for a while, she said in a low voice but fast, "Senior, are you being taken care of by a rich woman?"

Wu Chen smiled strangely, but he was not surprised that Song Xuan would say that.

"Senior, you are still smiling."

Seeing that Wu Chen didn't respond right away, Song Xuan still had a smile on her face, and said in a hateful tone: "You tell me, you are so young, handsome, and talented, why would you follow someone for money? old woman?"

After she said it, she said everything she wanted to say in one breath!

"Senior! Did she control you? Does she speak in such a cold tone? So strong and domineering, so scary! Are you afraid of her? Senior, don't be afraid, you are so talented, and your songs are popular , you can leave her completely, you will have your own life, believe me! You don't have to feel wronged! She even asked you to take a bath in the daytime, she is really... shameless! "

"Senior, you are selling songs for such a high price, are you trying to get rid of her to make money? You dare not let her know... Senior, you must believe me! Don't be afraid! You can definitely get rid of her! I can help you!"

The more Song Xuan spoke, the more excited she became. While saying "I can help you", she grabbed Wu Chen's hand.

The table in the cafe is not big, she can pull it.

On the other side of the aisle, Bai Ling, who was about to drink from a coffee cup a few meters in front of Song Xuan, suddenly stopped! Glancing at the two of them.

Chapter 0174 I'll give you the money back if it's not popular

Bai Ling is not only the female bodyguard who secretly protects Song Xuan, she is also one of the people who secretly spy on Song Xuan. There are a group of people under Wu Yurong who do this, and they take turns!

Wu Yurong didn't want to control her daughter. On the contrary, she gave her a very relaxed growth environment and had little control. Her daughter likes music, so let her play. As long as she doesn't delay her studies, it's fine!

But Wu Yurong deeply knew how much unnecessary trouble a girl would cause if she was too beautiful! Wu Yurong himself has learned his lesson!

She doesn't allow anyone to hurt her daughter!

Therefore, anyone who deliberately approaches Song Xuan with other thoughts, Wu Yurong will know immediately, and without her daughter's knowledge, let this person disappear from her daughter's life!

After Song Xuan finished speaking, she finally held Wu Chen's hand.

She looked at Wu Chen with excitement.

The atmosphere immediately went wrong.

Wu Chen still smiled and glanced at the hands that the two were holding.

Song Xuan immediately let go.

"That...Senior...don't get me wrong...I'm a bit too much..." Song Xuan felt a little embarrassed, but she leaned forward with her hands on the table, and explained in a low voice, "Senior, I really feel sorry for you, you Don't you think it's a pity to be so talented? You want to make money so much, you want to be independent, right? You want to get rid of that old woman, right?"

Song Xuan is an "old woman" and has a deep prejudice against Li Ruobing!

Wu Chen knew!

Before coming out to the cafe, Wu Chen had a conversation with Li Ruobing alone, mainly to explain to Li Ruobing, if Wu Yurong called her, how she would cooperate, I also asked by the way, what did she and Song Xuan talk about? .

From this, Wu Chen knew how Song Xuan would feel after talking to Li Ruobing.

Because he understands Song Xuan's character!

When talking to Li Ruobing, she will definitely be docile. She doesn't like arguing with people, she doesn't want to cause trouble, and she doesn't want to be misunderstood! But... it doesn't mean that she has no idea in her heart!

If Song Xuan can have a good impression of Li Ruobing, what the hell!

Of course, Song Xuan herself is not a person who speaks ill of people behind their backs and deliberately tricks people!

She has misunderstood!

The last time she saw Wu Chen, she didn't pay too much attention to what Wu Chen was wearing or what watch he was wearing. Those were not the key points. Wu Chen wanted to sell her songs, so she just came to see them. Songs were the key points!

And this time, Song Xuan took the initiative to meet Wu Chen, and her mentality has changed drastically!

She thinks that Wu Chen is very talented, someone who can hit the Internet with a single song in one day, may be just amazing and envious to outsiders, but to Song Xuan who has been playing music for many years and wants to pursue success in music... She is deeply How incredible! Her shock is beyond the comprehension of outsiders.

Song Xuan! She is a girl who will be attracted by male musical talent!

Of course, Wu Chen had only known her for a day. Of course, it was absolutely impossible for her to fall in love with Wu Chen, and she was not the kind of girl who would destroy other people's feelings!

She really just misunderstood now, she has the heart of love and talent! Really feel sorry for Wu Chen!

The current situation, it should be said to be an "accident"!

Because Li Ruobing received Song Xuan's call, it was an accident! Wu Chen's original plan was not what it is now. He would use his talent to make Song Xuan fall in love with him, but since the "accident" had already happened, Wu Chen would simply change his routine and use the **** to get off the donkey, so he deliberately looked at his watch and deliberately With the car keys in hand...

"Senior! Look at the results of "The Antidote for the Soul" now, do you know that you are popular, senior?" Song Xuan took out her mobile phone again and showed Wu Chen the music list on her mobile phone, "There will be a big company signing you, You can be a star..."

"Don't talk about that." Wu Chen smiled and shook his head at this moment, "I won't debut."

"Why? Senior, you sing... Don't you want to be a singer? Don't you want to make money?" Song Xuan immediately asked, she couldn't understand Wu Chen.

"A lot of things...not what you imagined." Wu Chen said slowly, smiling without explaining.

"Senior! You... do you have any leverage in the old woman's hands?" Song Xuan asked with wide eyes, not because she had a big brain, but because there were many strange things that she couldn't explain. Reasonable explanation that comes to mind!

Psychologically speaking, the first impression a person gives is very important! And Song Xuan's first impression of Li Ruobing was very bad! When a person thinks another person is bad, he will think the other person is bad.

"Senior, did she threaten you?" Song Xuan asked again.

"No, really not, can we stop talking about this?"

"Senior, don't change the subject! You are a man! You can improve yourself!"

"It's not what you think."

"Senior, don't force a smile! You pretend to be relaxed and always laugh, I understand you!"

When Song Xuan said this, her face went wrong, because she really understood what "pretending to be relaxed and smiling", she seemed to be happy and relaxed every day, but in fact, the pain in her heart was not ignored by outsiders. Know!

She herself is like that.

"Let's talk about songs, buy songs from me?" Wu Chen didn't answer Song Xuan's words, and forcibly pulled back the topic.

"Yes, buy a song! By the way, senior, I have to apologize to you for what happened yesterday. You didn't come to play with me, I was wrong. Your song is worth one hundred thousand, no, it is worth one million!" Song Xuan's attention was drawn back.

In the next ten minutes or so, Song Xuan devoted herself to discussing music matters with Wu Chen, and from time to time she praised Wu Chen and "The Antidote for the Soul". Although her praise was sincere, it was also deliberate. .

Because she wanted to make Wu Chen feel at ease, she came with the mentality of begging Wu Chen, hoping that Wu Chen would sell her songs, for fear that Wu Chen would embarrass her because of what happened yesterday.

Song Xuan is real, she really wants to sing a popular song! This is her music dream for many years!

She was still complaining to Wu Chen in the conversation, saying how difficult and difficult she had been over the years, how she persevered, how she suffered repeated defeats, and how many songs she had released but not accepted by the public.

"...Senior, can you write me a song?" At the end of her words, Song Xuan looked at Wu Chen pitifully.

This is a super lethal expression, because she is so beautiful!

"One hundred thousand!" Wu Chen said with a smile.

"Okay! I'll give it to you!" Song Xuan immediately agreed.

"In addition... I want 50% of the net income of the song!" Wu Chen said again, more than a lion talking! It's a dream come true! The world's top lyricist and composer would not dare to ask for such a price.

"Okay! No problem." Song Xuan agreed without hesitation.

She wants to be a singer, but not for money. She doesn't care how much money a song can make, as long as it can become popular!

"Then let's talk, pen and paper..." Wu Chen gestured to Song Xuan as he spoke.

Song Xuan quickly took out a small notebook and pen, and handed it to Wu Chen with a smile on her face.

Wu Chen turned to the blank page at the back. He was about to write, but stopped for a while. He raised his head and smiled and asked Song Xuan, "What type of song do you want?"

"Ah?" Song Xuan was taken aback for a moment, her big eyes blinked, and then she frowned in confusion, "Can you still choose? How many songs have you written in total, senior?"

"It's up to you to choose, I'll write it to you now, very soon." Wu Chen said, with a smile.

"Write it now?! Soon?!" Song Xuan was shocked. She could pay 100,000 yuan to buy the song and give up 50% of the income. She must buy a good one, and it must be of high quality, even if it can't reach "Spiritual Antidote" The height of her, at least she had to be a little red, she was mentally prepared for this.

But Wu Chen actually asked her to choose a topic, and still write it now? soon? !

"Senior...don't perfunctory me, are you still angry?" Song Xuan pursed her lips.

"It's not perfunctory, I'm serious, and the songs I write will definitely become popular." Wu Chen laughed.

Song Xuan felt that Wu Chen was perfunctory, and did not believe what Wu Chen said.

"If you don't, I'll refund you the money, okay?" Wu Chen asked with a smile.

today! Wu Chen wanted to let Song Xuan get to know each other again, what is true talent!

Chapter 0175 Boss, he knows...

"Then..." Song Xuan looked suspicious. Seeing Wu Chen's attitude, she really couldn't say anything. She felt that Wu Chen was a little overconfident because of the popularity of "The Antidote for the Soul", but she wouldn't put it that way. Say this.

"Then love..." Song Xuan thought to herself.

"What about the style?" Wu Chen asked again.

"Style...lyrical...the chorus can be a little faster..." Song Xuan spoke slowly, dragging a long note, "It's better to have a punk feel."

Wu Chen raised his eyebrows with a smile, nodded his head, with a "OK, no problem" expression on his face, lyrical songs with love as the theme, but added punk elements, especially in the most important part of the chorus, it seems Conflict, in fact, there is no conflict at all. Many songs are lyrical rhythms with beautiful melody at the beginning, but suddenly become dry when they reach the chorus.

This contrast can highlight the explosive power of the chorus.

But also...difficult to write!

However, of course, this was no problem for Wu Chen at all.

He has a bunch of songs that have been confirmed to be popular one day! There are only a few types of songs, and love is the biggest theme in the song, so... Wu Chen has it ready!

"I mentioned...Is it too much..." Song Xuan suddenly changed her tune again. The more confident Wu Chen showed, the more uncertain she became. "Otherwise...it's the theme of love, senior, you can write whatever you want..."

"Then I wrote it." Wu Chen didn't say more, and started to write in the notebook.

Still...no pause at all!

Wu Chen wrote super fast, it seemed that he didn't even need to think about it! Song Xuan looked at it, and began to feel that Wu Chen was taking out the songs she had written before to deal with her, but it didn't feel right, because Wu Chen only asked her what song to write today.

Ten minutes later, Wu Chen wrote the lyrics.

In less than ten minutes, Wu Chen finished writing the notation.

Then there is the mixing part. Wu Chen marked the instruments, the harmony, and the singing styles at different stages. Wu Chen knew Song Xuan's voice when she sang, and she also knew her singing habits, so his annotations were aimed at sexual.

After Wu Chen finished writing, Song Xuan could directly record the demo according to the content in the book, and there was no need for anyone else to guide and correct it.

It took half an hour in total.

After Wu Chen finished writing, he handed the book back to Song Xuan, then smiled and said, "Look at it."

Song Xuan took it and looked down.

"A song for me..." Song Xuan muttered. She was reading the title of the song, which was called "A song for me".

This is a very small and fresh song at the beginning, the chorus part is dry all of a sudden, it tells of love, it will give people a cool feeling...

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