During the time when Wu Chen was practicing fighting, he specialized in elevator battles, because he thought he could master it!

It doesn't look like one person wants to win against hundreds of people, it's absolutely impossible, the physical strength is not enough, and things beyond the limits of human beings, no matter how much you practice, there will be no results!

The elevator battle is different!

The opponent said that there are only a few of them! Can't fit more elevators! A small space is a limitation for oneself, but it is also a limitation for opponents!

The improvement of close combat ability in elevator battles is also terrifying!

Wu Chen had died dozens of times in the elevator battle. After that, he could win, but he would also be seriously injured. Then... Wu Chen was able to win the elevator battle with minor injuries, so that he won the final without injury.

He also summed up several key points of the elevator battle! First of all, you must stand in the corner, and you will not be attacked behind you, as well as on the left and right sides! The opponent's attack surface is only the front!

Second, you must have a "shield"! When you take action, grab someone first and destroy it, and drag it in front of you, enough to cover most of your body.

Then, you must stand firm, otherwise your opponent may kick the "shield" and you may be kicked down together, and if you fall, you will die!

What's more, the weapon is not just a knife, the "shield" can also be used as a weapon, because the elevator is too small, when the shield is pushed out, it can knock down a lot of people! Before pushing the "shield", be sure to lock the next "shield"! Make sure that after you push away the person in your arms, you can immediately grab another one!

There are many more points...all ideal!

But Wu Chen practiced with his life time and time again! He just wants to practice, not only to improve his fighting ability, but also... to find excitement!

Wu Chen dares to say that he is the person in the world today who is best at fighting elevators! none of them!

No matter how talented other people are, they don't have the training conditions.


Wu Chen dropped the knife, and habitually raised his hand to gather his suit jacket, and then walked out of the elevator.

"Come on." Looking at Li Ruobing, who was carrying a gun two meters away, Wu Chen greeted him with a smile, and then took out the handkerchief decorated with his suit from his jacket pocket, shook it away, and wiped the blood on his hands.

Li Ruobing and her group of bodyguards didn't make a sound at all, they just stared at Wu Chen with straight eyes.

At this moment, Wu Chen looked terrifying.

Literally - it's terrifying!

Because there is blood all over his body, especially the upper body, the collar of the suit, the shirt, and the chin, part of his cheeks, and even his hair, there is blood all over him!

The blood was sprayed on, because Wu Chen's tactical style of play required a "shield". After he destroyed someone, he would always pull him into his arms, and the opponent would spray a lot of blood on him.

"You—" After about five seconds of silence, Li Ruobing was born suddenly, stepped forward abruptly, and the staring boss asked, "Where are you hurt?"

"No." Wu Chen smiled.

He is still laughing!

Li Ruobing still widened her eyes, she calmed down, she wanted to ask too many questions but didn't immediately ask, she took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood from Wu Chen's face.

"Send someone to the property monitoring room." At this moment, Wu Chen turned his head and glanced at Zhou Huan, without being specific, he just reminded Zhou Huan that it was time to do something!

Zhou Huan reacted immediately, pressing the earphone and quickly said: "Xiao Wu, Lao Chen, go to the monitoring room, Binzi check the power supply, and cut off all the elevator power..." After he finished speaking, he turned around and said: "You guys The two of you are going to drive the car over, block the surrounding, and prepare to pretend to be people, you go and smash some of the surveillance cameras in the parking lot..."

After speaking, Zhou Huan quickly walked to the side, took out his mobile phone, and dialed a number, it was Li Ruotai.

"Master, something happened to Mr. Wu. You may need to contact the owner of Xinmao Shopping Center..."

Wu Chen smiled and looked at Li Ruobing. He was almost finished, and the rest was not easy.

"Okay, go back to take a bath, I can't wipe it clean." Wu Chen said, then turned around and stepped into the elevator, and directly took out the mobile phone from "Old Dao" who was seriously injured and in a coma. He knew Lao Dao. , know this person in reincarnation!

Taking out Lao Dao's mobile phone and unlocking it with Lao Dao's fingerprint, Wu Chen took a step back, then raised his mobile phone and pointed it towards the elevator.


He took a photo, and then he directly entered the number and sent the photo text message to a person! Immediately afterwards, he called the number again and put the phone to his ear.

Chapter 0166 Are you going to kill Ding Ruilong? !

In the living room of the villa, Jiang Chuan was still waiting for the call. He frowned slightly and sat on the sofa, but he didn't seem anxious. He didn't think that "professionals" like Lao Dao would miss out. They were sent away, and at an official level, exempt from being traced.

There must be trouble, but as long as Lao Dao and the others don't get caught, it will be impossible to trace him to Jiang Chuan, let alone the Ding family.

In fact, the biggest problem is not, if you follow up these things, it is the old man of the Ding family... If the old man knows that the young master has done this kind of thing again, then the punishment is inevitable, and it is definitely not only Ding Ruilong who suffers.


Jiang Chuan's cell phone rang suddenly. It was the sound of incoming text messages. He picked up the cell phone to read the text message, and the phone rang again.

The call-in number is the phone number that "Old Dao" used temporarily when he came to the East China Sea!

Jiang Chuan picked it up immediately and said, "Is it done? Where are you now?"

"Have you seen the photo?" A young man's voice sounded from the phone.

Jiang Chuan was stunned for a moment, and his face changed: "Who are you?! This phone you..."

"Jiang Chuan, didn't you send someone to find me? You even let someone sneak into my house before, you don't know who I am?" Wu Chen said with a playful smile.

"You—" At this moment, Jiang Chuan's face could be described as pale with shock, "Wu Chen! You! It's you!"

"Help me transfer the photo to Ding Ruilong." Wu Chen's tone was still relaxed and smiling, "By the way, help me tell him that time is running out, cherish the last time of your life!"

"You..." Jiang Chuan was about to say something, but the busy tone of "dududu" sounded on the phone.

After Wu Chen finished speaking, he hung up.

Jiang Chuan glanced at the phone screen, then immediately switched to the text message page, and clicked on the text message Wu Chen had just used the old knife phone to send to him!

He saw the photos... There was blood everywhere in the elevator. Seven men with masks were lying or lying down, almost filling the narrow floor space of the elevator. Everyone had stab wounds on their bodies, and some people were bleeding while covering their necks...

Jiang Chuan felt a chill down his spine.

The immediate impression that the photo gave him was that Lao Dao led someone to ambush Wu Chen in the elevator, and then... he lost!

There are no more people in the elevator. There are only seven people in Lao Dao and the others, plus Wu Chen's eight, so even if Wu Chen has helpers, there won't be a few...

What makes Jiang Chuan even more terrifying is... the old knife! He also lost!

The reason why Laodao is called Laodao is because he is good at playing with it!

If you use a gun, Lao Dao is no match for Jiang Chuan! But if you only use the knife... Jiang Chuan knows that even if he is himself, there is no chance to win the old knife in a one-on-one situation! He is a well-known top killer on the border of Yun Province! He was also trained by armed groups in the border areas of Myanmar...

He also lost!

The old knife in the photo was hit at least three times. Besides the hand holding the knife was abolished, the knife near the heart was also hit.

How did you fight?

Why did it happen like this?

The seven people seem to be unable to survive.

And listening to Wu Chen's words, he seemed to know from the beginning...

The more Jiang Chuan thought about it, the colder he became. After a while, he walked quickly to the balcony and called Ding Ruilong...


In the elevator in the underground parking lot of Xinmao Shopping Center, Wu Chen dropped the phone on Lao Dao after finishing the call.

Wu Chen stepped out of the elevator again, looked at Zhou Huan and asked, "Have you called an ambulance?"

Zhou Huan turned his head to look at Wu Chen in a daze.

call the ambulance? !

Is it necessary to call an ambulance? Everyone is mortally wounded, and now they will die soon, can they be saved? Besides, why save it? hostage? Torture to extract a confession?

What the bodyguard Zhou Huan didn't know was that out of seven people, only four were mortal!

Wu Chen can control Wu Chen's hand! It was Wu Chen's intention to leave alive! it works! Useful!

"He!" Wu Chen didn't talk nonsense, he pointed back at the unconscious old knife, and said to Zhou Huan, "I want to live!"

Wu Chen pointed out that he wanted to let the old sword live! No one else matters! Some of Wu Chen's little hooligans who didn't have any special ideas in Samsara were randomly sent to act with Lao Dao.

Only Lao Dao... He is very special!

In fact, the reason why Wu Chen wanted to fight this game today was to deliberately force Ding Ruilong to make extreme arrangements. On the one hand, he wanted Ding Ruilong to hold back for a while after being "beaten back". It matters a lot!

Although Wu Chen can't be sure, Lao Dao will definitely come.

But he knew that Lao Dao was the one who handled the "darkest work" for the Ding family. Only the dirty work that involved a lot of people had to be dead. Ding Ruilong would arrange it for Jiang Chuan, and Jiang Chuan would find Lao Dao... He has already cooperated before. Many times!

So Wu Chen knew that Lao Dao would probably come!

And it is precisely because Lao Dao is the one who does the darkest work for the Ding family, so... he knows too many things!

he! Not only the important witnesses of Ding Ruilong's two other deadly black materials! He also has a deep relationship with an overseas organization. Wu Chen needs a living old knife as a middleman and a hostage!

However, it is very difficult for Lao Dao to cooperate with him!

It's his kind of person who is not afraid of death!

Catch him directly, he dares to go all out, even with a gun! If a group of people go up and grab him directly, he will let everyone understand what "hardness" is!

In the reincarnation, Wu Chen caught Lao Dao, he tortured Lao Dao to extract a confession, but... Lao Dao didn't say anything until he died of blood loss! No matter how tortured he was, he would never say anything until his death. Wu Chen had only seen it in movies and TV dramas before, but in reality... Lao Dao was the first one he had ever seen!

However, in the late period of Wu Chen's actions against Lao Dao in Samsara, he found a way to let Lao Dao speak. This method not only needs to understand Lao Dao enough and say something specific to him, but also needs to... win first. he!


Although he didn't know why, Zhou Huan didn't ask much, so he called again.

Donghai has a private hospital closely related to Taoshang. They can even handle gunshot wounds in secret. People can only ask this kind of hospital for treatment, so Zhou Huan still called Li Ruotai and asked Li Ruotai to arrange it.

After Zhou Huan made the call, he instructed people to move the elevator to the traffic jam first.

The old knife was moved by Zhou Huan himself. He was very careful. He was afraid that the old knife would die. Because he didn't understand how the person with the knife in his heart could rescue him, Zhou Huan observed it a little more, and then he was shocked to find out... The blade is biased!

Judging from the location of the external wound, this knife was very close to the heart of the old knife, but it didn't stab the heart, maybe a centimeter away! And... avoiding the heart's aorta!

A very accurate knife, almost fatal!

Zhou Huan thought about Wu Chen. He had a new understanding of Wu Chen again. He even felt that... he had to report to the young lady in private.

The bodyguards are busy.

Li Ruotai, who got the news, was already on his way to Xinmao Shopping Center while making arrangements.

Wu Chen and Li Ruobing returned to the Bentley Continental.

Although Wu Chen was covered in blood and would stain the car, no one cares about that now.

in the car.

"Really not hurt?" Li Ruobing had already started to pull on Wu Chen's clothes, wanting Wu Chen to take off his jacket to see if Wu Chen was injured.

"No." Wu Chen, whose blood had been wiped off his face, smiled at Li Ruobing, "Are you so worried about me? Do you think I would do something that might make a mistake?"

Li Ruobing stopped talking, so he pulled Wu Chen's clothes and looked up and down.

Wu Chen kept a smile and looked at her. After a few seconds of silence, he said, "I will temporarily leave the East China Sea in two days and go to the south."

"Huh?" Li Ruobing raised her head sharply, looked at Wu Chen with a condensed gaze, and then blurted out, "Are you going to kill Ding Ruilong?! Don't go!"

"Afraid of me dying?" Wu Chen smiled.

"Wu Chen!" Li Ruobing grabbed Wu Chen's hand, stared into Wu Chen's eyes and said, "Don't go!" After she finished speaking, she leaned over from the driver's seat and hooked Wu Chen's neck. Chen kissed on the mouth, and then looked away from Wu Chen's eyes and said, "Don't go, okay?"

Chapter 0167 This is impossible! This is impossible! This is impossible!

Li Ruobing is really afraid that Wu Chen will have an accident!

Today's Wu Chen has refreshed her cognition again. She had many guesses about Wu Chen's identity before, but it was nothing more than guesses related to knowledge, knowledge, and intelligence ability!

But Wu Chen today... he doesn't seem to be human! But some kind of inhuman existence! Can you fight like that?

However, even so.

Li Ruobing is still afraid that Wu Chen will find Ding Ruilong. Of course she doesn't care about Ding Ruilong's life or death. She has cursed Ding Ruilong in her heart for so many times over the past few years.

Ding Ruilong's sudden death is really good!

But if it was "killed by him", then it would be a big deal!

Li Ruobing even believed that with Wu Chen's intelligence ability and combat power, if he went south alone, he would definitely be able to kill Ding Ruilong! But the crux of the problem is not Ding Ruilong! But the whole Ding family!

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