The building blocks of First Layer will basically not have any problems.

To the Second Layer, Third Layer, when the building blocks are piled up higher and higher, a random sneeze may cause the building blocks to collapse.

From the perspective of the house blueprint, the house is 1013 meters long and wide, with an area of ​​130 square meters, and has a total of three floors.

It can be regarded as an exquisite little villa.

Pick up the steel shovel and dig!

With the strength of hundreds of points, Tang Zheng's digging speed is not slower than that of an excavator.

Cooperate with the strength that Shanglanlan and Moffitt also contributed more or less.

In nearly half an hour, a large square hole about half a meter deep was completed!

If you use the power of the Five Tigers, this efficiency will probably be reduced to just a few minutes.

However, the kind of high-energy-consumption steel sheet is still used as much as possible in the current situation of financial constraints.

The Second Step after the foundation is laid is to place the steel bars.

As the backbone of the house, steel bars play the key to load-bearing.

Dig a hole about one meter deep in the four corners and let the clever insert a bundle of steel bars about ten wrists thick and straight, tie the steel bars with thick iron wires, and build the beams. Let the steel bars at the four corners have support points.

Then, fill up the half-meter deep hole dug with cement.

Until it is aligned with the horizon.

The geology of wetland forests is relatively soft, mostly moist soil.

If you don’t use cement to fill the foundation, in a windy day, the whole house might not dance with the wind.

Next is the most important step.

Pour cement!

First wrap each bundle of erected steel bars with equal-length wood into a square.

Form a square column.

Next, after mixing the concrete with water in a certain proportion until it becomes a mushy paste, it is poured directly from the top of a bundle of steel bars.

Because the steel bars all around are laminated with wood, after pouring the cement and air-drying, remove the wooden boards, and you will get four square reinforced concrete pillars standing at the four corners.

The skeleton of the house has been completed, and the next step is to start laying cement bricks according to the structure given in the blueprint.

At this time, the synthesis platform is making a batch of brand-new steel tools, ready to be sold for money.

However, the machine for making cement bricks was completed yesterday. After connecting the shaft of the windmill and adding materials, the machine for cement bricks started to run automatically.

Through the conveyor belt, one piece by piece of long square cement bricks rolled easily to Tang Zheng's feet.

Looking at the various mechanical devices in front of him, Tang Zheng couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Technology changes destiny.

As long as he was more lazy before, I am afraid that he will not be as labor-saving as today.

Building walls is not considered technical work, but it also tests patience and care, and builds in strict accordance with auxiliary lines.

Even if the bottom is offset by one centimeter, when it is built all the way to three floors, it will be crooked.

Fortunately, Big Smart is very familiar with this aspect. Tang Zheng's stone house is basically built by it.

The two experienced a few more hours of busyness with one stone.

The increase in agility has led to the rapid increase in the efficiency of Tang Zheng and Lanlan's work.

And the physical endurance is enough to support them almost without breathing, and they dry their heads for several hours in one breath.

Finally, at the time when the sky was reddened by the setting sun, the appearance of a three-story villa was completed.

It's just a dark gray concrete wall, which is obviously not enough.

"Lan Lan, you go to the house and stick up the tiles." Tang Zheng exhorted, carrying a big bucket and stepping into the night.

All the way to the woods planted by Lanlan and Murphy a few days ago.

The pine tree has begun to take shape.

Without a second word, Tang Zheng flipped his palm and took out a fishbone knife, and lightly stroked the tree trunk horizontally.

Knife marks that are not deep or shallow will soon have an amber-like viscous liquid overflowing from the trunk.

The specialty of pine, natural resin.

In fact, other tree trunks also have some resin more or less, but dense wood has a large water content and relatively little resin.

The pine tree is a good hand for producing natural resin. The resin is crystal clear and near-transparent, with good quality.

I picked up a wooden stick and cut it into a half bamboo tube shape, hollowed out the middle, and inserted it into the trunk.

Place the bucket underneath, and let the resin penetrate the tree trunk drop by drop and drip into the barrel.

Tang Zheng was too slow, so he returned to the cabin and brought more than a dozen barrels.

one after another Cut open the surrounding pine trunks and collect them simultaneously.

In half an hour, a shallow layer was accumulated in each barrel, and all were poured into a barrel.

Back to the hut with a bucket full of resin.

Set up a bonfire, pour a bucket of resin into the pot, and boil it slowly.

Until the resin can clearly see a trace of flocculent objects.

Those are the small amount of plant fibers present in the resin.

Use a wooden stick little by little to pick out the fibers, and then quickly stir the hot melted resin.

The firepower should not be too high, otherwise the already viscous resin will become semi-solid.

Of course, if you want to make plastic, the firepower can be increased appropriately to quickly dehydrate the resin inside, and then after drying, cutting and processing, you can get the easiest plastic finished product.

But what Tang Zheng is doing now is not plastic, but wall paint.

Boil the resin on a low fire until it is slightly tumbling and bubbling, and add a certain amount of warm water.

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