I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 194: Things in the Box Sudden Killing Curse

He smiled so freely, and Pei Zhu frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with some of the words he said, but she didn't say anything after glaring at him.

Although she didn't speak, Ming'an noticed her and immediately looked at Xu Zixuan and said dissatisfied, "Boy, didn't I warn you before not to let you get involved with her? Why didn't you listen?"

"I say this because you and the Eighth Prince are hostile, but in fact, the Eighth Prince has visited my grandfather far more times than you."

Xu Zixuan is not cowardly at all. When he was in the imperial capital, there were only a few princes who could scare him, and Ming'an was definitely not one of them.

Ming'an sneered and said: "She is Bage's adopted daughter. Who knows if she was ordered to get close to you and then bewitch you, you idiot."

"Who are you calling a fool? You, the prince, pretended to change directions many times and fell into someone else's trap." Xu Zixuan was immediately dissatisfied.

"I don't blame Your Highness for this." Elder Ao stood up and explained, "Those Flowing Cloud Shuttle Boats should have taken some measures and seemed to be changing their direction. In fact, their destinations have long been confirmed."

"It's just that the method used is quite secretive. If you don't investigate carefully, it will be difficult to find."

Xu Zixuan was not very happy, "Old man, you are so old and you are still trying to stand up. Your Highness, are you going to let such an old guy speak for you and stand behind him?"

Xu Zixuan has been hanging out in the imperial capital since he was a child, and he has been scolding those powerful and powerful children. Now it is just a small test of his skills, which makes Ming'an's blood surge.

"Boy, I'm doing this for your own good. You're immature. You're just looking for sex and lusting after someone else's body. When someone sells you, you still count the money for others!" Ming'an shouted, pointing at Xu Zixuan's hand. Nose, "She is Lao Ba's adopted daughter. Do you admit this or not?"

"I..." Xu Zixuan paused. Pei Zhu's identity was clearly not one of his own.

"Coming to Southern Xinjiang is not just for sightseeing. It's a weird thing for Lao Ba to ask her to accompany him." Ming'an said solemnly: "Have you really thought about it with your useless brain?"

Xu Zixuan muttered, "Whatever you think."

Of course he had thought about it, but if it weren't for Li Hao, he and Ming'an would not have anything to do with each other, and it would be difficult to think about the problem from his standpoint.

Ming'an felt a cramp in his heart, "Li Hao! Do you care about your apprentice?"

"He's not..." Li Hao opened his mouth. He had almost adjusted his breath. Halfway through, he shook his head and said, "Forget it."

"Pei Zhu, what do you want to say?" He looked at the girl.

The rest of the people also looked over. In addition to them, there were about five formation mages and an alchemist.

"Uncle Seventeen, my adoptive father asked me to accompany him just to give me experience. He also told me not to conflict with you when he came, and if he heard anything bad about him from your mouth, he would treat it as if he didn't hear it. ." Pei Zhu crossed her hands and leaned on the tree, "As for deliberate contact, there is no such thing."

"He is the only one on the boat who is similar in age to me. I have not lived in the imperial capital for a long time, so I am quite curious."

"Your Highness, the Eighth Prince would not deliberately send an undercover agent here. It's too obvious." Elder Ao said in a low voice.

"I know, but maybe he just did the opposite." Ming'an's face was gloomy and uncertain, and he obviously had a big shadow on the Eighth Prince, and he fell into a matryoshka mentality.

"If nothing else happens, I can probably guess his purpose." Li Hao looked at Pei Zhu, "Don't worry about this."

"Look at her..." Ming'an was worried and stared at Xu Zixuan, "If she shows any signs of doubt, I hope you won't hold back. This is also a test for you."

Xu Zixuan was about to refute, but suddenly remembered his grandfather's instructions to him and glanced at Li Hao.

If Pei Zhu really has a problem, it will obviously cause trouble to Li Hao. He muttered: "I understand."

Ming'an was obviously unhappy that Pei Zhu was not dealt with. He dragged Elder Ao to Li Hao and asked him to set up a formation to isolate outsiders, leaving only the three of them.

"There is indeed something wrong with Lao Ba. He must have colluded with Xuntian and used this method to deliver the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone to the other party." Ming An said shocking words, like a thunderbolt hitting Elder Ao's head.

What the hell?

The Eighth Prince colluded with Xuntian?

Is the Youlong Gold Stone given to Xuntian?

This was such a big news. Elder Ao felt it was too ridiculous. He heard this kind of news without any preparation.

Li Hao didn't speak for the first time, but was thinking about something.

Elder Ao composed himself and said somewhat puzzledly: "Your Highness, where did this news come from? Are you sure?"

"After comprehensive information from all aspects, this matter cannot be false. The Wandering Dragon Gold Stone in the box was given to Xuntian, so this ambush was created. Only this ambush can remove Lao Ba from suspicion. ." Ming'an said firmly.

"Isn't it too risky? According to you, this must be the secret of secrets, just because of a wandering dragon gold stone?" Elder Ao still found it hard to believe, because there was no reason.

What was the reason why the Eighth Prince betrayed Daxia?

The battle between the princes has not come to an end yet, and he is still the most promising one, why should he betray?

"You don't believe it?" Ming'an looked at Elder Ao irritably.

"Your Highness, it's not that I don't believe it, it's just... too unbelievable..." Elder Ao smiled helplessly.

"You guys wait for me here, I'm going somewhere" Li Hao suddenly said.

"Where to go?" Ming'an asked subconsciously.

"Get the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone."

"Where did you put that thing? Is it still in the Liuyun Shuttle?" Ming'an asked. There was no trace of Li Hao carrying anything since he was ambushed.

"No, I used a secret method to teleport it to a location near here. I'll go get it back." Li Hao pretended, unwilling to take it out directly to avoid exposing some information.

"Okay, go back quickly." Elder Ao warned, "I can set up a small formation to hide the secrets for you, but if someone deduce your position, they can only resist for a while."

Li Hao nodded to indicate that he understood, then he walked out of the formation and quickly disappeared.

Inexplicably, when Li Hao disappeared, everyone felt a sense of panic and uneasiness, as if their backbone was gone.

"What did my master do?" Xu Zixuan looked over.

"You're so angry that I ran away." Ming'an was too lazy to pay attention to this annoying boy.

Xu Zixuan cursed for a while and whispered to Pei Zhu not far away.

Soon, Li Hao returned. It could be said that it was faster than everyone expected. He came back within a quarter of an hour, holding an iron box in his hand.

Elder Ao was shocked and confused. It was not until Li Hao handed the box to him that he was sure that it was indeed the box containing the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone.

"Open it." Li Hao said to Elder Ao.

This thing is stronger than expected. He just spent a long time hacking it with a magic sword in a remote place, but it still didn't open.

The formation engraved on it is extremely profound and complements its materials.

Fortunately, Elder Ao saw the Ninth Prince at that time, removed the seal and opened the box, and finally found a way to crack it.

He summoned the remaining formation masters to study together.

"The inert golden aura is extremely inert. Only one point of every ten aura is left on it. It must be based on living spirit powder, otherwise it will not be cracked even in ten days..."

"Well, this formation has nine links. I remember when the Ninth Prince opened it..."

Many array masters murmured and quickly got to work.

Ming An glanced at him and asked curiously: "This Mo Jin is said to be invulnerable to all attacks. How did you use a secret method to teleport it out?"

"Guess." Li Hao said something, Ming'an secretly curled his lips, but heard the other party ask, "Let me ask you, Nantianmen is just a door, or can it lead to some places?"

The Gate of Hell looks like a gate, but it actually leads to fragments of the underworld.

In the same way, you can get the Nantian Gate, which may also lead to the Heavenly Fragments.

"This..." Ming'an hesitated. He wanted to say "guess", but after thinking about it for a moment, he still said: "This matter is top secret, I will only tell you."

"The Nantian Gate does lead to a mysterious space, the ruins of the ancient heaven."

"As far as I know, when the Nantianmen was brought back from southern Xinjiang, my father mobilized all his forces to study it, but only one person could enter it."

"Who?" Li Hao's eyes flashed slightly.

"National Preceptor." Ming An spit out an answer that was not surprising.

"Only the Imperial Preceptor can enter, so you didn't see the Imperial Preceptor during your time in the imperial capital. Originally, the Imperial Preceptor was quite curious about you."

"The Imperial Master brought back something from the Nantian Gate. It's something from the ancient heaven. It's ancient armor. It's so strong that no one can break it."

"So it turns out that because no one could get in, it was left to Daxia." Li Hao thought thoughtfully.

"What?" Ming'an was a little confused.

"Is the Imperial Master also the reincarnation of some immortal god?" Li Hao asked again.

"I don't know either." Ming'an shook his head, "He is a mysterious person that my father met when he was a prince."

"He is very powerful. It can be said that he has reshaped Daxia's formation. He is also an important support for my father to ascend to the throne."

"After my father became the Emperor of Xia, he was quickly appointed as the national master. He continued to innovate in the formation and designed three towns in the north, south and west."

Li Hao nodded, and Ming An asked, "Do you know something?"

Li Hao said perfunctorily: "Probably."

Immediately, he released Taishi and Si Chen, who was a smart man, and they all discussed together how to deal with the situation at hand.

After listening to the general narrations of Li Hao and Ming An, the two souls fell into silence, thinking.

After a while, Taishi spoke:

"The one holding the bow is called Lu Liang, the one holding the bell is Ning Yao, and the woman is called Xia He. I was Ning Yao's man before."

Taishi continued: "They are already regarded as the absolute top leaders of Xuntian. No one can give orders to them except the Emperor of Heaven."

"Emperor of Heaven..." Li Hao smiled half-heartedly, he really had such a great reputation.

"The strength of this force is far stronger than that of the Yin Division..." Si Chen sighed. If it weren't for the great judge's health and his inability to watch the development of the Yin Division, their Yin Division would not be weaker than Xuntian.

"If according to what you said, the Eighth Prince is indeed colluding with Xuntian, then the entire Southern Xinjiang is already a big hole." Taishi said.

"Actually, not necessarily." Si Chen shook his head, "It seems that the ninth prince does not know what the eighth prince is doing, but in fact, the ninth prince is already the eighth prince's confidant."

"If one more person knows about this kind of secret, it will cause more trouble."

"Perhaps Nanjiang and Xuntian are separate. Even if anyone knows, it must be a very small number of people." At the end of the sentence, Si Chen's tone was somewhat certain.

"The name of King Zhennan is Xu Longhu. He is my father's uncle. His strength has reached the peak of the Immortal Fire Realm. At the same time, he has a very good relationship with Lao Ba." Ming An explained in time, "That piece of Wandering Dragon Gold Stone, come The explanation I gave you at that time was probably given to King Zhennan."

Youlong Jinshi's departure from the imperial capital requires a suitable explanation, and King Zhennan is the suitable explanation.

"If Emperor Xia is really suspicious of the Eighth Prince, why doesn't he take action directly? Can he still resist?" Si Chen suddenly asked, no matter how powerful the Eighth Prince is, he cannot be a check and balance with Emperor Xia.

"Perhaps, my father has no doubts..." Ming'an said with a bitter smile, "He brought Nantianmen back. This is an indelible achievement."

"There is no evidence to prove that he is connected with Xuntian. The only thing my father is dissatisfied with is his control of southern Xinjiang."

"King Zhennan has been at the peak of Immortal Fire for many years, but my father has never found anything for him to carry."

"If he sets foot in the Huanzhen Realm, Southern Xinjiang may really become an autonomous place. As for colluding with Xuntian, this is nonsense."

"It's more like I threw dirty water on Lao Ba in order to get rid of responsibility after the ambush." ​​He said helplessly.

Li Hao once told him that without any evidence, no one would believe that the Eighth Prince would betray Daxia.

Everyone was silent after hearing this, Si Chen looked at Li Hao, "What do you mean?"

"How about going back?" Ming'an said cautiously: "We have been ambushed and have robbed them of their Wandering Dragon Gold Stone. Xuntian will definitely be looking for us crazily next."

"You came back in embarrassment before reaching southern Xinjiang. Do you have to spit out the things I took to His Majesty?" Li Hao frowned, "Besides, since Xuntian will be frantically looking for us, how to go back is still a problem."

"Go to Zhennancheng." Li Hao suddenly said wildly.

"Are you crazy?" Ming An jumped up in shock.

"What a great idea." Si Chen sighed, "You really have supreme wisdom."

This made Ming'an's eyes widen and he laughed angrily, "Are you all crazy? Go to Zhenna City. Isn't it a sheep in a tiger's den?"

"No..." Li Hao shook his head, "I am 90% sure that King Zhennan did not betray Daxia. Otherwise, the Eighth Prince would not have to spend so much effort to stage an ambush."

"Wouldn't it be safer to wait for the Youlong Golden Stone to fall into the hands of King Zhennan before transferring it?"

"On the contrary, when King Zhennan knew that the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone that was supposed to belong to him was taken away by Xuntian, he would become furious."

"It is safest for us to stay in Zhennan City. It is impossible for the Eighth Prince to directly order King Zhennan to kill us."

Li Hao analyzed the matter thoroughly. After saying that, Ming'an fell into deep thought.

I have to admit that what Li Hao said makes sense. No matter how fierce their fight was, the Eighth Prince would not be able to directly order King Zhennan to kill them.

It was impossible for King Zhennan to obey such an order.

If Xuntian really attacks, King Zhennan will be able to fight with the help of Zhennan City.

"Then we need to be more cautious along the way. We must not get close to cities with teleportation arrays." Ming'an whispered.

Several people discussed how to deal with it, and soon, most of the day passed.

"It's done!" The array masters gathered together exclaimed, and then, some light shone through the gaps in the crowd.

The black gold box was opened, and Ming An hurriedly squeezed in. What was placed in the box was the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone he had seen.

Now if you look closely, you will see that it is even more magnificent, like a floating dragon, like a living creature.

But in fact, this is not the case, this is just a vision.

Treasures of this level can be regarded as rare in the world. Even Daxia does not have any reserves on a daily basis.

It is already amazing that the Eighth Prince can get one.

Li Hao casually took the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone in his hand, "I will hide this object with a secret method first. It will be difficult for us to move with this object."

Naturally, everyone had no objection, and immediately, Li Hao put the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone in the box and dragged it away from the place.

After arriving at a secluded place and making sure that no one was around, he threw the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone into the Sumeru space.

Then, he began to explore the ink gold box inch by inch.

What he cares about is not simply the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone.

After being ambushed, when he was making a contract transfer, he put the ink box into the virtual space and discovered an extremely surprising thing——

[Ink Gold Box: Made with Ink Gold, it contains the Dragon Gold Stone and the God-conferring Platform]

Leaving aside the Wandering Dragon, Gold and Stone, this Conferred God Platform is somewhat interesting.

It was precisely because of this discovery that he realized that the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone was just a carrier, an appearance. What was really important was probably the Conferred God Platform.

Soon, he used the magic sword to cut apart the black gold box inch by inch. Without the superficial defensive formation, the black gold box was nothing in front of the immortal weapon.


Finally, the magic sword touched a hard object, which was in the middle of the black gold box.

His eyes brightened slightly, and he instantly picked out the object. It fell into his hands. It was a palm-sized stone platform in the shape of a trapezoid. There were some complicated patterns engraved on it, and it was unknown what kind of material it was made of.

So, Li Hao directly threw it into the Sumeru space - [Conferred God Platform: In conjunction with the Conferred God List, it can be used to consecrate the gods]

Not incomplete?

Li Hao was surprised that all the ancient immortals and gods he encountered now were basically incomplete.

However, the Conferred God Platform does not have the suffix "Incomplete". He believes that the recognition of the Sumeru Space means that the Conferred God Platform is indeed intact.

"Hmm... This thing is obviously not a weapon, and it has no power. It probably hasn't been on the battlefield, so it hasn't been broken." Li Hao guessed.

The description is very brief, this thing needs to be used in conjunction with the Conferred God List.

However, the words "Edict to the Gods" are a bit intriguing.

All reincarnations of immortals and gods have their own divine status and do not need to be conferred.

He has always guessed that if the fragments of the immortals gradually come together and finally merge into one, it is still unclear whether the ones who will be revived will be this life or the past life.

This is a hidden danger. If this hidden danger is not solved, there will always be fundamental conflicts between the reincarnated gods and the people in this world. If they are not manifested now, they will be triggered one day.

For example, your son is a reincarnated immortal god, and you spend all your money to cultivate him. However, in the end, your son is no longer a son. How can you make people accept him?

But if the Conferred God Platform cooperates with the Conferred God List to re-confer immortal gods, then a new immortal god will be born, eliminating this hidden danger.

Of course, it's definitely not that simple, and it may be necessary to strip away the existing immortality.

Perhaps, Xuntian had mastered the Nantian Gate a long time ago, but they were unable to enter it.

In fact, they can be sure that only the Great Xia Imperial Master can enter the Nantian Gate and find the Conferred God Platform.

So they found the Eighth Prince and reached some kind of deal, asking him to give Nantianmen to Daxia, and then find a way to get the Conferred God Platform.

Although the Imperial Master of Daxia could enter Nantianmen, he might not know the Conferred God Platform, so he gave the Eighth Prince a chance.

But Emperor Xia vaguely noticed something, so the Eighth Prince could only use this opportunity to use the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone as a cover to send the God-Selfing Platform out and let Xuntianjie take it away.

On the surface, there is only the matter of the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone, which has nothing to do with the Conferred God Platform and is hidden in the deepest part.

This is what Li Hao speculated based on the currently known information.

While he was thinking about it, the jade pendant hanging on his waist flickered and began to break.

It contains the formation that Elder Ao arranged for him to conceal the secrets of heaven, which means that someone has begun to deduce his traces.

It's time to go back...

His figure flashed, and the dilapidated black gold box also disappeared.


At the same time, in the imperial capital of Daxia,

Lan Ke looked gloomy and hurriedly came under the tree. The eighth prince was stroking a jade pillar. It was crystal clear, full and moist, and it was a rare jade stone.

Seeing Lan Ke's expression, a bad feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

"Something happened in southern Xinjiang?" he asked, with an intuition.

"Yes..." Lan Ke hesitated for a moment, not even knowing where to start, "Xuntian led people to ambush the Liuyun shuttle boat, but they didn't get anything."

"What?" The Eighth Prince tightened his grip and the jade stone in his hand cracked, "How could this happen?"

"At the moment of being ambushed, Li Hao transferred the Mojin Box. Xuntian's people didn't want to fight Li Hao, so they let him go and took Ming An away, leaving the Ninth Prince behind."

"They searched the ruins of the Liuyun shuttle boat, but found nothing."

"Trash!" The Eighth Prince couldn't help scolding, his eyebrows twitching, "A bunch of trash, who asked them to release people in advance, and they released people in advance before the matter was settled. How arrogant are they!?"

Lan Kemo ran, no one expected that the things would be subcontracted, and Xuntian didn't want to expose their relationship with the eighth prince.

"Let them find it at all costs!" The Eighth Prince's chest heaved. "Do they know how much I have paid? Even my father has begun to doubt me!"

"They actually made such a mistake on such a critical matter!"

Lan Ke rarely saw the Eighth Prince lose his composure, which was enough to prove his anger at the moment.

"Xuntian is already doing it. They collected everything that Li Hao and the people around him came into contact with on the Liuyun Shuttle Boat, and then conducted deductions and even cursed them to death." Lan Ke said, "In addition, Pei Zhu also Followed Li Hao and left."

"Wait a minute..." Hearing this, the Eighth Prince frowned and said, "Tell them not to attack Pei Zhu. Maybe I will need her to protect my life in the future."

"Your Highness, the matter has not reached this point yet. Everyone only knows that the Youlong Jinshi is in the black gold box." Lan Ke reassured: "At most, Li Hao just wanted to take advantage of the situation and rob it. It is impossible to find that thing."

"He even said that he had thrown away the box, leaving only the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone."

The Eighth Prince calmed down and said coldly: "It's best this way, otherwise... I won't be able to keep it."


A few days later, the mountain peak in front of me seemed to have been chopped off in half. The cut surface was smooth and surrounded by a sea of ​​clouds. There were black columns standing on it, depicting some horrifying scenes.

"Priest..." Ning Yao said respectfully to the old man in front of him.

He is already in the Immortal Fire Realm, and there are not many people who can respect him, at least not including the waning old man in front of him.

There was a little light in the priest's cloudy eyes, "You don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, how can you have time to visit an old man like me?"

"What did the priest say? You deserve respect from all of us." Ning Yao's attitude was respectful.

"Tell me what's going on." The priest's voice was hoarse, as if he didn't want to make excuses.

"I would like to ask you to curse some people to death." Ning Yao said.

"You want me to take action personally?" The priest seemed a little surprised, "What kind of person? Peak Immortal Fire, or is he still real?"

"If it were the True Realm Realm, I wouldn't take action. My old man's fire of life doesn't want to be extinguished here."

"A little guy from the Cave Heaven Realm." Ning Yao said with a smile.

"Cave Heaven Realm?" The priest suspected that he heard wrongly, "Are you kidding me? Just find some kid to cast the curse on you."

"No, we have underestimated the enemy once. I want the other party to learn a real lesson." Ning Yao spoke with murderous intent, "Let him understand that going against us is the worst decision he has ever made."

"It seems that you must have suffered a big loss." The priest became interested, "Then this little guy should be involved in the big guy."

"However, as long as he is not a big guy, there will be no problem."

The priest raised his head and said, "Since you are here, are all the things ready?"

"Ready, there are a few hairs, a straw man made of ten thousand years of dead grass, talismans soaked in the blood of all spirits, ninety-nine pairs of boys and girls..." Ning Yao said.

"Very good." The priest nodded with satisfaction, "I would like to ask you to bow three times. I haven't prayed for a long time, and my old bones are a bit itchy."

Standing on the cross-section of the mountain peak, those densely packed black stone pillars all burned with faint black fire as the old man walked.

At the same time, there were boys and girls tied to the stone pillars who looked terrified, but their mouths and noses were sealed, making them unable to speak.

He raised his hand, and a black altar floated from the center. He reached out and took various evil and treacherous objects from Ning Yao's hand.

The withered fingertips were split, and dark blood flowed from them. Several lines were randomly drawn on the talisman paper, and a few hairs were attached to them.

He pinched the talisman arrow, passed it through the talisman paper, and nailed it to the straw man. Then the talisman paper burned with green flames, and the flames surged from the surrounding black stone pillars, forming a black ring of fire.

He placed the black straw man on the altar, took a few steps back, clasped his hands, and bowed respectfully. A hoarse voice like a ghost's howl sounded, distant and silent, penetrating the sky, "One bow, and the body will be torn apart!"

There were cries of ghosts and howls all around, and the color of the world changed.


On the other side, Ming'an and others were walking through the desolate and inhabited mountains. Many formation masters were standing ready. Once the shielding formation on anyone in the team was loose, they would immediately make up for it.

"This kind of deduction is not endless. The traces and breaths we left on the Liuyun shuttle boat are limited, and sooner or later they will be used up." Elder Ao explained to prevent everyone from falling into an overly silent atmosphere.

But in fact, no one was too worried except him.

Xu Zixuan and Pei Zhu chatted and laughed. The two of them came together, mostly laughing, and their relationship progressed rapidly.

"You know, my wife is so beautiful..." Xu Zixuan said. Suddenly, his figure froze, and his whole body was like porcelain, suddenly cracking and blood spurting out.

Pei Zhu was the closest and was sprayed with blood. After a brief daze, her expression became extremely panicked, "Zixuan!"

He subconsciously wanted to touch him, but was blocked by an invisible force. Li Hao frowned, "Don't touch him."

"It's a curse-killing technique!" Elder Ao glanced at it and saw that the jade pendant around Xu Zixuan's waist showed no signs of being broken.

"The curse-killing technique in Southern Xinjiang is weird and unpredictable, but this kind of curse-killing technique that has no warning and has such a remarkable effect is also an extremely top-notch curse-killing technique."

"Kill with a curse..." Li Hao's face turned cold.

"It must be Xuntian..." Ming'an reacted quickly, "There is a Daxia Golden Dragon in my soul. Cursing me to kill is equivalent to resisting Daxia."

"The rest of them don't have a deep relationship with you. Only Xu Zixuan is your apprentice. Xuntian wants to teach you a lesson."

"Teach me a lesson." Li Hao sneered, feeling a little angry in his heart.

"The technique of curse killing usually involves the physical body and the soul, step by step." Elder Ao explained, "After the physical body is cracked, the next step is probably the soul."

Li Hao strode out and came to Xu Zixuan. His pupils were already filled with cracks, and his whole body seemed to be about to collapse at any time.

"Teacher..." He wanted to speak, but Li Hao raised his hand to stop him. The surroundings were surrounded by clouds and mist, and Pei Zhu, who looked nervous, was pushed away.

Then, a large black and white seal appeared in Li Hao's hand, his eyes were bright, and everyone could only hear a loud shout--

"I won't let you die, who dares to let you die?"

The next moment, he put a big seal on Xu Zixuan's body, and wisps of light shone around.


On the mountain peak, the priest gathered his black robe, and the eerie and terrifying atmosphere around him became more intense. Black mist surrounded him, and the ghosts howled.

Ning Yao looked calm. The priest was the most powerful person in the Heaven-seeking Curse and Killing Technique. It was rumored... that if he was fully prepared to exchange his life for his life, he could curse a statue to the Realm of Realization to death.

There is news from Xuntian that Li Hao has an important weapon in his soul. It is difficult to target him directly, but this tone cannot be swallowed easily. Targeting the people around him is both a lesson and a warning.

"Two bows, the soul will be extinguished!" The priest leaned over, his mind indifferent, and the curse to kill a cave-heaven realm was not worth his trouble.

Just like drinking water, with his ability, the opponent has been destroyed without the third bow.

However, when he raised his head, he was stunned because the straw man did not burst into flames, which was not what he expected.

There were even wisps of black and white light emerging from it, as if something was protecting it.

"Oh?" After the priest was slightly surprised, he laughed again: "Interesting, it must be the guy next to him, he took action."

"In that case, let's fight." He raised his hand, and the boy and girl half-tied to the black pillar kept twisting, and their bodies were quickly exhausted.

The bright red blood merged into the black cylinder, and the black flames spurted out even more intensely.

"Third bow, please die!"

There was a whimpering sound, and the black flames were like roaring fire dragons, rushing towards the straw man and wrapping it up. The black thunder in the sky shone, as if heaven and earth were killing it together.

In the flames, a white light shines, because the black color is almost integrated with the flames, and the endless ghosts are smelted into strange power and swept over.

A man wearing a black and white robe and a crown looked like an emperor, looking down at the priest below with cold eyes.

"You want him to die, but I won't allow it." His voice was like thunder.

Ning Yao's pupils on the side narrowed slightly, what is this?

Why does he look so similar to Li Hao?

The strong wind blew up the priest's black robe, revealing his bare head. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the figure in front of him with a sneer:

"Whether you die or not is not up to you."

But the black flames around him couldn't get close to him, and the ghost was frightened and couldn't get in. It whined all around, as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

"The order is dismissed!" The majestic voice uttered a few words, like a supreme order.

In an instant, the ghosts surrounding him let out painful wails and ran away in all directions.

More importantly, the black pillars standing on the mountain platform began to shake, as if they were about to break at any time.

"This... this... this..." A look of horror flashed across the priest's old cheek, "How could this happen!?"

There are countless ghosts sealed in those black stone pillars, and they are refined with special methods, so that the foundation of his curse-killing technique cannot be lost.

Then, a look of madness flashed across his face, "Then let's die together!"

He gritted his teeth and leaned forward again, "The fourth prayer is for all living beings to pray to death!"

Ning Yao couldn't hide his shock. They only knew that the priest's most powerful curse-killing technique was to ask you to bow three times. They didn't expect that there would be a fourth bow.

As soon as the four bows were made, all the remaining boys and girls died, and the heaven and earth shook, carrying endless malice, as if the heaven and earth needed you to die, and the common people needed you to die.

However, what happened next shocked him even more.

Endless malice fell, but the body of the figure suspected to be Li Hao burst out with dazzling light, and endless symbols were overwhelming, all over the sky.

An incomprehensible and unimaginable force burst out.

"I won't die, for the sake of eternal life!" In the dull voice, the black stone pillars cracked, and wisps of ghosts emerged. There were so many that they were almost countless.

They knelt down and worshiped in the void towards that figure, reciting his name with great piety.

Ning Yao's heart was filled with turmoil. He had never seen such a strange scene before. This scene would be something he would never forget.

The ghosts gradually disappeared, wrapped in invisible power, and went to unknown places.

The straw man also floated away and turned into powder. Ning Yao felt a cold gaze on him.

It wasn't until a long time later that he came back to his senses. The ground around him cracked, but the priest still maintained his prostrate posture.

He stepped forward, but before he could get close, perhaps the breeze caused the priest's body to float away and turn into nothing.

Die from backlash.

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