I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 192 Magic Sword Sudden Ambush

"Why are you making trouble again!" In the room, the Ninth Prince angrily scolded Pei Zhu, "If it hadn't been for you, the other party wouldn't have been able to use the excuse to this extent!"

"Bago asked you to come with me for training, not to cause trouble!"

Pei Zhu sat on the chair with her slender legs on the table. Hearing this, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Uncle Jiu, you can't do anything to yourself, why are you blaming me?"

"Even without me, what can you do if the other party presses harder and harder?"

She spoke quite freely and seemed not to take the Ninth Prince seriously.

The Ninth Prince's face turned green and red, but he heard Pei Zhu playing with his hair and muttering: "That Xu Zixuan, on the other hand, looks stupid and cute."

"Pei Zhu!" the Ninth Prince shouted, "If you dare to flirt with him, Bage will not have you as his adopted daughter!"

"Uncle Jiu, my adoptive father has a much broader mind than you. He doesn't care about this." Pei Zhu glanced at him and said, "As long as I am happy, I can flirt with anyone."

The Ninth Prince held his heart and felt a throbbing pain.


"That Pei Zhu is my eighth brother's adopted daughter, and his father is my elder brother's personal guard." Ming'an introduced:

"She sacrificed her life to save her from a danger and left behind an only daughter, so she was adopted as his adopted daughter. Anyway, she was trying to win people's hearts, but she was indeed doted on."

"How come I have never seen this girl in the imperial capital?" Xu Zixuan asked, with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

"She didn't grow up in the imperial capital. She was sent to a certain sect by Lao Ba." Ming'er glanced at Xu Zixuan and quickly realized what the young man was thinking, and couldn't help but warn:

"Boy, let me tell you, who knows what bad things my starling is holding back? You stay away from that girl, so as not to be tricked without knowing it."

"Nonsense..." Xu Zixuan retorted subconsciously, "She is definitely not that kind of person."

Ming'an laughed angrily, "You didn't even say a word to her, and she even stole your things. What kind of person is she not?"

"Anyway, he is definitely not the kind of person you said, Your Highness, right, Master Li?" He looked at Li Hao for support.

"The eighth prince probably won't use honey traps, but it's really intriguing to have such a girl accompanying him." Li Hao pondered.

"Maybe I heard that you have a romantic streak." Ming'an said.

Li Hao glanced at him, "Did Xu Zixuan eat his brain?"

"What's the point of a little girl like this?"

Xu Zixuan's expression was a little nervous at first, but now he was relieved when he heard that Li Hao said he was not interested in Pei Zhu.

"Boy, I'm warning you, you can touch any girl from any house, but not her." Ming'an said solemnly.

Xu Zixuan was close to Li Hao, and Ming An subconsciously regarded him as one of his own. Naturally, he didn't want to see him flirting with a woman from the enemy camp.

"Tch..." Xu Zixuan curled his lips, "I can touch whoever I want, do you care?"

Ming'an pointed at Xu Zixuan, his fingers trembling, "Li Hao, do you care about your apprentice!?"

"He is not my apprentice." Li Hao said indifferently, Ming'an backed away, threw up his sleeves and left.

If he continued to stay here, he was afraid that he would be driven crazy by the master and disciple singing together.

After driving Xu Zixuan out, Li Hao let Taishi in again and asked straight to the point, "Do you know if there is anyone in Xuntian who is about to break through to the Realm of Reality?"

"Peak Immortal Fire?" Taishi frowned slightly, and then thought about it: "There is indeed such a person, his name is the Giant Spirit, who is born with great strength. When he was young, he could fight across borders just by relying on his strength."

"This person was at the peak of the Immortal Fire Realm a long time ago, but he has never found a suitable object to carry it. He has been stuck here for many years."

Djinn? The association of this name is too high.

Li Hao nodded and said, "I just discovered that the Ninth Prince brought a piece of Wandering Dragon Gold Stone. Is it possible that it is for the giant spirit?"

"Wandering Dragon Gold Stone?" Taishi was slightly stunned, realizing what Li Hao meant, and couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Did the prince of Daxia collude with Xun Tianzhen?"

"Nine times out of ten." Li Hao confirmed his guess. At least many of the clues in front of him ultimately pointed to this answer.

Li Hao added: "The only uncertainty is that if it is given to Xuntian in such a grand manner, the flaws will be too big."

"After all, the news about Youlong Jinshi is now well known."

"That's true." Taishi pondered, "If you really want to give the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone to Xuntian, you must think of a foolproof way."

"Originally it was okay that you didn't know and could act secretly, but now that you know it, you have to change your approach."

"A way that doesn't implicate themselves and gives everyone an explanation."

"Ambush!" Li Hao's eyes flashed, "If Xuntian ambushes us and takes away the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone, then all this will be explained."

"Xuntian's remaining troops hate Daxia deeply, so it's normal for them to ambush them."

"Yes, this is indeed a useful method." Taishi nodded, "If there are people inside who cooperate with them inside and outside, they can still find it no matter how you change the direction."

"No..." Li Hao frowned, "The Ninth Prince probably doesn't know. Even if there is something going on between the Eighth Prince and Xuntian, the Ninth Prince should be just a tool."

Li Hao stroked it carefully and felt that something was missing.

They didn't know about transporting the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone, and neither did Emperor Xia?

Therefore, everything you bring has been strictly inspected upon arrival.

There are definitely not a few people who know about Wandering Dragon Gold Stone.

If the other party wanted to ambush, it was certainly not their decision after discovering the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone.

Ming'an really thought it right. The destruction of Liu Yuncheng's teleportation array was probably not an accident.

Thinking of this, he immediately called Ming'an and informed him of his thoughts. His Highness's face changed drastically, and he shouted: "How dare they do this!"

"Take my Daxia resources to help the enemy!"

Gritting his teeth, he ordered to move around and change direction again.

At the same time, the direction is changed every two days, and the goal is uncertain.

He didn't set any more target cities. He didn't even know where the destination was, let alone the enemy.

Three days later, when Li Hao was thinking about a new choice, Xu Zixuan rushed into the room in a hurry, "Master Li, His Highness Ming'an and His Highness Ninth Highness had a quarrel."

Li Hao frowned, raised his hand, and signaled Xu Zixuan to stop talking. Xu Zixuan looked a little anxious, but he didn't say anything anymore and was running around in circles.

[After Qingwei Taoist Master Chuan Meng left, the Demon Lord came to the building again. His words were full of contempt. I didn’t expect you to fall here. He brought the Demon Sword to verify your identity. What do you choose? 】


[Tell me frankly]

The Demon Lord is here again... This guy seems to have a pretty good personality, especially towards Feipeng.

[You calmly picked up the demon sword and told him frankly that he had been reincarnated for many years, and his strength had long since disappeared. He also remembered the fight he had made, but his current strength would definitely not make the Demon Lord happy.

You made a promise to fight with him when you return to the top.

The Demon Lord laughed and said, "He is indeed your valued opponent. He is willing to wait for your return!" 】

[Get reward--Devil Sword Blueprint: Long Yang created it after hard work. It can be created by pouring energy into it. If materials are provided, energy consumption can be reduced]

This thing?

Li Hao's heart moved slightly, magic sword? He was a little surprised and looked at it carefully.

This is a scroll. On the golden silk cloth, a long sword with an exaggerated shape is depicted with black silk thread.

This is a blueprint, and the amazing thing is that it can replace all the building steps with energy, saving too much.

He thought about it, Ruyi Sword appeared in his hand, and tried to blend into it.

Sure enough, the Ruyi Sword blended into the drawing like ooze, but the Demonic Sword did not completely solidify.

This made him feel a little warm, which was enough to prove that the Demonic Sword was of a higher grade than the Ruyi Sword.

Then, he threw in some miscellaneous materials and consumed nine more Yuan Crystals before the magic sword completely solidified, separated from the scroll, and slowly appeared in front of his eyes.

This sword exudes a sharp aura and is engraved with dense lines. Its grade is definitely among the immortal weapons.

Fortunately, I picked up Emperor Xia when I came, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to show him.

Xu Zixuan was stunned, feeling that this sword was so handsome.

Holding the magic sword tightly, a fierce and sharp energy suddenly emitted, and disappeared in an instant.

After he took care of it, Li Hao stood up and said, "What's going on?"

"It seems that the Ninth Prince discovered that Prince Ming'an changed directions several times and questioned him, but Prince Ming'an muttered a bunch of specious words, and then the Ninth Prince became furious." Xu Zixuan explained, and at the same time led Li Hao to the place where the argument was. .


"Ming'an! You are simply going too far to deceive others. What do you mean by what you say? What do you mean by "maybe someone has secretly communicated with you" and what do you mean by "funding the enemy"!?"

The Ninth Prince was furious. He thought that he had tolerated it many times in a row. The last time the other party took advantage of the situation, he finally swallowed his anger and said nothing.

As a result, his subordinates discovered that Ming An had changed his direction many times, and now he didn't even know where he was going, leaving him completely in the dark.

After asking for a few words, he was ridiculed by the other party and said some unpleasant things overtly and covertly.

Of course he couldn't be more angry. His repeated forbearance only resulted in the other party's advancement.

"Yes, Your Highness, the meaning in your words is a bit serious." Cang Jue also frowned. As the most powerful person in the team, Ming'an changed directions many times without notifying him, which also made him a little unhappy. .

"Everyone, why is it so noisy?" Xu Zixuan squeezed a path and let Li Hao walk in.

"It's you again." The Ninth Prince's face was gloomy, and he decided not to hold back this time, "I tell you, when my eighth brother came, he told me again and again not to conflict with you. He has done everything he can to be kind and righteous, but you people... Pushed me again and again.”

"Don't think I'm easy to bully. If Ming'an doesn't give me an explanation today, this matter will never let go."

Ming'an sneered, "You know what the explanation is."

The Ninth Prince's blood surged, these words were really irritating.

"Your Highness, I received a secret report that there would be an ambush along the way, so I secretly adjusted the direction." Li Hao explained indifferently.

"Ambush?" Cang Jue's face changed slightly, "Is this confirmed?"

"What kind of ambush? Don't just open your mouth. Where is the evidence? Where did the secret report come from?" The Ninth Prince didn't believe it, thinking that this was another trick of the other party, and he didn't know what was wrong with it.

"I don't need to tell you that His Majesty ordered Prince Ming'an to be the person in charge of Southern Xinjiang. You just need to obey the order." Li Hao shook his head, too lazy to say more.

"Li Hao!" The Ninth Prince couldn't bear it anymore, "You are simply bullying me too much. I am also the Prince of Daxia. Don't I even have the right to know?"

"No." Li Hao shook his head, his indifferent expression impacting the resentful mood of the Ninth Prince.

"Where are the personal guards!" he shouted angrily.

"Here!" The guards around them drew their swords and moved forward, with tyrannical blood bursting out from their bodies. Even though they knew that Li Hao was far stronger than them, there was no cowardice in his eyes. As long as the Ninth Prince gave the order, they would dare to draw their swords. forward.

"How dare you?" Li Hao's eyes glowed with golden light, and lightning flashed in the room, sending all the guards flying out and falling to the ground.

An invisible force picked up the Ninth Prince and brought him to Li Hao.

The Ninth Prince is also in the Nether Realm, but he is obviously no match for Li Hao.

"Master Li!" Cang Jue shouted, frowning, why did he actually make a move?

What a reckless man! He is really a reckless man!

Naturally, it was impossible for him to watch Li Hao attack the Ninth Prince, and Li Hao had no such idea.

But when the Ninth Prince looked at Li Hao's indifferent eyes, his heart could not help but tremble, but the pride of being a prince made him hold his neck tightly.

"Your Highness, don't call the guards casually next time, I'm afraid." Li Hao put the Ninth Prince on the ground, and Ming'an couldn't help but grinned widely when he saw the other man's undecided look.

The Ninth Prince was furious, and the successive humiliations made him resentful and determined that he would make the other party regret it when he got to Southern Xinjiang.

He had long forgotten the Eighth Prince's advice, or in other words, in his opinion, it was kind and righteous for Ba Ge to give in like this, but the other party didn't know how to advance or retreat.

If we retreat any further, I'm afraid there will be nothing left.

"Ambush, I want to see where the ambush came from!" The Ninth Prince gasped and left here.

"You two, you must be merciful and merciful. We are here for the six-eared macaques. Even if it is a fight between princes, it cannot damage Daxia's interests." Cang Jue's tone became much colder.

During this period of time, he had seen that Ming An and Li Hao had indeed pushed the Ninth Prince too hard, but the Ninth Prince had not resisted and endured silently.

First, Xu Zixuan's dispute over theft forced the Ninth Prince to open the secret treasure iron box.

Then there was the ambush, the route was changed arbitrarily, and the Ninth Prince was falsely accused of colluding with the enemy.

He was the prince of Daxia, and colluding with the enemy would fundamentally harm his own interests. What was the need?

In his opinion, these two things were nonsense aimed at the Ninth Prince.

Especially this Li Hao, he was simply arrogant and domineering, taking advantage of others' fear of him and acting without any taboos.

This kind of behavior will cause problems sooner or later.

He originally had no preference and just wanted to reach southern Xinjiang safely, but now he had to say something for the Ninth Prince.

"Lord Cang, please help yourself." Li Hao spread his hands, Cang Jue waved his sleeves and left.

"What an old fool." Ming An snorted coldly.


Two days later, five giant ships were sailing above the sea of ​​clouds, with an endless view, and even a few huge stars could be clearly seen.

Blue and white, or earthy gray, they are not too big.

There are three stars, which look particularly clear, surrounded by clouds on the surface, golden, black, and white in a triangle shape.

Such stars are very rare, but at least the operator of the Flowing Cloud Shuttle didn't take it to heart.

Until the Liuyun shuttle boat passed through and reached the center of the three stars.

In an instant, lines lit up in the void, and chains intertwined and clung to the Flowing Cloud Shuttle.

And with an incomparable force, he dragged them towards the ground.


The shuttle boat was shaking. No one expected this sudden change, and most people were panicked.

In the room, Li Hao suddenly opened his eyes, with flames burning in his pupils. Through the walls of Liuyun Shuttle, he could already see the crisscrossing chains.

Still ambushed...

These words appeared in my mind, and I was a little surprised. The next moment, his figure disappeared here.

In front of the secret room, the Ninth Prince's personal guard had drawn out his long sword, his eyes were sharp, and the surroundings were shaking.

A figure appeared in front of them, and the guard leader's face changed drastically: "Master Li, you..."

"Get out of the way." Li Hao looked at them.

"This..." After hesitating, he found that his body fell to both sides uncontrollably.

The door to the room was blasted open, the formation cracked, and then closed suddenly.

Li Hao directly lifted the iron box, and the next moment, the object disappeared from his hands.

But then another box that looked exactly the same appeared in place.

At this moment, he seemed to have discovered something extraordinary. He froze on the spot and whispered: "So that's it..."

While he wasted his time, the door to the room was blasted open again, and it was Cang Jue who appeared in front of the door. He looked at Li Hao in astonishment, glanced at Li Hao's empty hands, and then focused on the box.

"Master Cang's reaction is so quick." Li Hao said indifferently.

"Master Li is not slow to respond." Cang Jue frowned, "Did we get ambushed?"

"Otherwise?" Li Hao shrugged, and the Liuyun Shuttle was descending at an extremely fast speed.

"There is really an ambush." ​​Cang Jue felt incredible. He thought that what Li Hao and Ming An said before was just to get rid of the Ninth Prince.

However, what happened now proved what Li Hao said.

"What are you doing?" came the voice of the Ninth Prince. He arrived late and looked around angrily.

These two shameless guys!

That's all for Li Hao. Cang Jue, a sanctimonious guy, came to see Youlong Jinshi at the first time. I'm afraid he also had the idea of ​​putting something in his arms.

The Wandering Dragon Gold Stone was not given by Emperor Xia, so if it is lost, it will be lost.

"You two want to grab the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone?" the Ninth Prince asked.

"If so..." Li Hao turned sideways, "I just came to see if there is anything wrong with anything."

The Wandering Dragon Gold Stone cannot be put into the Qiankun Bag and can only be held in hands or stored in utensils. Li Hao's gesture is obviously to prove his innocence.

The Ninth Prince's expression softened a little. He hurried forward and was about to open the box and confirm it, but stopped again.

The materials used in this box are extremely tight, and the sealing method makes it impossible to open even the Netherworld. Even the Immortal Fire Mirror will take a lot of effort.

If he opened it so openly, it was inevitable that these two guys wouldn't have any strange thoughts.

Thinking of this, he stopped moving and just lifted the iron box, uneasy, "It seems that we have really encountered an ambush. In southern Xinjiang, there is only one force that dares to ambush the people of Daxia, and that is the Xun Xia people." sky."

After that, he looked at Li Hao and said sarcastically: "Didn't Ming'an change directions many times? How could he still be ambushed by Xuntian's people?"

"You have changed directions many times. Are you heading towards the other party's trap?"

"He also hinted that I am collaborating with the enemy. I'm afraid it's not the thief who wants to catch the thief!"

Cang Jue's expression changed slightly. This matter was indeed difficult to explain. He changed directions many times and was ambushed.

If you hadn't changed direction from the beginning, you might have been able to escape the disaster, which seemed really weird.

"Now is not the time to talk about this." Li Hao shook his head, and with a roar, he directly broke through the wall of Liuyun Shuttle.

The remaining two people looked at each other, but quickly broke through the wall and followed.

"Get out of here!" A loud shout came from not far away. Someone was holding a silver spear and drawing dazzling thunder towards Li Hao!

He was the first to rush out of the Liuyun shuttle boat and was attacked immediately.


The two collided and exploded with a large amount of lightning. For a moment, nothing could be seen clearly.

"Quickly go!" The Ninth Prince looked away, without any intention of rescuing him. Instead, he was a little lucky that Li Hao was the first to rush out of the Liuyun Shuttle, otherwise he would have been attacked.

Cang Jue didn't hesitate, turned around and fled in another direction with the Ninth Prince.

"Lao Jiu! Cang Jue!" Ming An also rushed out of the shuttle boat and couldn't help but screamed when he saw this.

Xu Zixuan and Pei Zhu rushed out together, and the huge Liuyun Shuttle crashed on the mountain peak. There was only a roar, dust and smoke flying everywhere.

Some people who had no time to escape were smashed into pieces by the terrifying impact.

Some pampered formation masters are proficient in formations, but their own cultivation is not high. Without anyone to rescue them, there is no way to survive.

Then, the rest of the Liuyun shuttle boats also fell to the ground, and a thunderous roar sounded from the ground.

On the sky, figures appeared one after another, standing in all directions. They were wearing silver-white armor, looking down at everyone like heavenly soldiers.

Several of Ming'an's personal guards were guarding him, including Liezhou. Xu Zixuan and Pei Zhu came to his side.

"Your Highness, what's going on? We were still ambushed. Didn't you give the order to adjust the direction?" Xu Zixuan asked, nervous and eager to try.

Pei Zhu frowned and looked around warily.

Ming'an didn't care to ask how the two of them got together, and whispered: "No matter how much I order to adjust the direction, if someone is cooperating inside and outside, I can't do anything."

The next moment, Li Hao's figure appeared, and everyone who was nervous, including Ming An, breathed a sigh of relief, as if they had found their backbone.

"Cang Jue took Lao Jiu and Youlong Jinshi and ran away, leaving us here, these bastards." Ming An gritted his teeth.

"Quickly surrender, there is still a way to survive." A god general holding a silver spear shouted in a deep voice. It was he who had just shot Li Hao.

However, the two did not fight, and they were separated at the first touch.

"People who seek the sky?" Li Hao asked, staring at the silver-armored god general in front of him. This man was at the pinnacle of Tongyou. The energy and blood on his body connected with the surrounding heavenly soldiers, seeming to form a military formation.

This made his strength even higher. Although it was not as good as the Immortal Fire Realm, it was far beyond the ordinary peak of Tongyou.

"You have some discernment." The silver-armored god general looked indifferent, "I will capture you without any help. I can leave you a way to survive."

"You want me to catch you without mercy?" Li Hao's lips curled up slightly, "The thing you want has been taken away by that guy, why don't you go after it?"

"Too much nonsense. I know there is a Prince of Daxia among you, but in our eyes, the Prince of Daxia is no different from an ant." His eyes were cold, and Ming'an and others seemed to have become turtles in a jar.

"Lao Jiu ran away. We have to catch up as soon as possible. We can't let him give the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone to Xun Tian." Ming An said to Li Hao.

"I have obviously changed directions many times, how could I still be ambushed? It must be Lao Jiu's fault."

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?" The god general said angrily when he saw several people ignoring him and communicating in low voices.

Ming'an then raised his head, with some doubts in his eyes, "Don't you know him?"

"Who?" The god general frowned.

"He..." Ming'an pointed at Li Hao, "What happened to your Xuntian intelligence agency? Didn't you even distribute his photos as a whole?"

"They are Xuntian Silver Armor Divine Weapons. They are not normal practitioners, but were created using a method similar to Taoist Weapons." Li Hao said.

"The leader is the Shining-armored Divine General, and the Yuan Shen was stuffed in the day after tomorrow."

"You know us?" The Shining-armored God General was secretly surprised.

This is what Taishi told Li Hao secretly.

"Hurry up and kill him instantly." Ming'an urged.

Li Hao glanced at him, "Why?"

"Just use your various methods, such as the power of immortals and gods, summoning Dharma images and so on." Ming'an urged, "Let them take a good look."

"Why do you say it so easily?" Li Hao was speechless, "You can do it."

"He himself is not weak, and with so many heavenly soldiers cooperating with him, even if he cannot defeat the Immortal Fire Realm, he is still close. Can you beat him?" Ming'an said in a somewhat anxious tone.

"Who knows if they have any back-ups, we have to resolve the battle as soon as possible."

"How about you come?" Li Hao spread his hands, Ming'an hesitated, "Now is not the time to tease me, the situation is urgent."

"How can I squander so many cards? I can't beat everyone and die together." Li Hao said in a deep voice. Ming'an was stunned, and his heart sank to the bottom.

Without the power of immortals and gods, Li Hao could only reach the high realm.

"I won't talk nonsense with you anymore." Li Hao raised his head. Arrays of formations appeared around his body, and his whole body was enveloped in bright golden energy and blood.

"Heavenly soldiers suppress demons!"

The silver-armored god general shouted loudly, and then many heavenly soldiers shouted together and raised a picture scroll.

Each heavenly soldier seems to be integrated into the painting, and yet independent, forming a wonderful scene.


The scroll unfolded, and one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers descended and enveloped the place, each of them lifelike.

It can be seen that the heavenly soldiers are glaring with anger and want to kill the demon.


Li Hao didn't care, he was surrounded by various magical powers, formations, thunder swords and red fire spears all over the sky, following him like a shadow, directly charging into the heavenly soldiers and generals.


The silver-armored god general rushed in, the scroll cracked, and the heavenly soldiers came in like a tide.

When human beings are exhausted, they seem too insignificant against countless heavenly soldiers.

"I am the heavenly general, who controls the punishment of heaven and earth!" The god general's voice was cold, like a true and upright god general, announcing the punishment.

"The heavenly soldiers and generals have nothing but their own form." Li Hao said.

From the outside, it looked like he was besieged by countless heavenly soldiers.

But in fact, not one of them could kill him within an inch of his power, and they were all wiped out by the formations of the Ten Thousand Laws Holy Domain around him.

"Behead!" came the cold voice of the God General. The spear in his hand was dazzling, gathering the power of all the heavenly soldiers.


At this moment, the heavenly soldiers turned into a spear and stabbed Li Hao, slicing the heaven and earth.

At the same time, Li Hao broke through the void, penetrated a group of heavenly soldiers, and struck close by.


Blood burst out from Li Hao's shoulder. This blow broke through his defense and penetrated into his shoulder blade.

This scene made Ming'an and others' hearts tremble, causing unspeakable fear and panic.

However, a flash of sword light had already fallen, and Li Hao held a black sword that Ming An had never seen before in his hand, slashing out a black sword light that destroyed everything, like a black tide.

Just hearing the sound of clicking and clicking, the map of heavenly soldiers hanging above the sky was shattered inch by inch.

The endless heavenly soldiers and the frightened eyes of the silver-armored god were permanently fixed in the scroll, and as the scroll collapsed, they turned into streamers of light and dissipated between heaven and earth.

"We won." Ming An breathed a long sigh of relief and felt a little more settled. Looking at Li Hao's figure, a familiar sense of solidity filled his heart.

"Your master is indeed very powerful." Pei Zhu looked at Li Hao and said with emotion.

"Of course." Xu Zixuan was proud, but looking at Pei Zhu's eyes, he was a little scared and hurriedly added: "Actually, I am also very powerful..."

Pei Zhu suddenly came back to her senses, glanced at him, and smiled beautifully.

Li Hao fell from the sky, and in a moment, the injury on his shoulder was repaired.

The opponent's overall combat power is indeed very strong, far beyond the ordinary peak of Tongyou. It is not surprising that he can leave injuries on his body.

All around, among the ruins of the Liuyun shuttle boat, some lucky figures who survived climbed out from time to time. Their number was not large.

Further away, thick formations and barriers enveloped the entire land.

"Three Yuan Locked Heaven, the three stars on the sky are the core of the formation. A large formation of this level is enough to trap the Immortal Fire Realm." Elder Ao arrived late, his face was ugly, and the formation masters who accompanied him suffered heavy losses. , ten do not save one.

"It would take at least more than half a month to set up a formation of this level. It is absolutely impossible to do it in a short time."

There were no more enemies nearby, it seemed that there were only the group of heavenly soldiers and generals just now.

When Prince Ming'an heard this, his brows furrowed deeper and he was very puzzled: "How is it possible that I kept changing directions and I didn't even know where I was going, but they set up the formation here more than half a month ago?"

"I'm afraid we fell into a trap from the beginning." Elder Ao looked worried, but looking at Li Hao with a calm expression, he finally felt calmer.

"There are too few enemies. If we can set up a formation of this level, it's definitely not just those people who ambush us just now." Li Hao said, looking towards the direction in which the Ninth Prince fled, "We are not their main target."

"Wandering Dragon Gold Stone." Ming'an's face darkened, "Damn it, Lao Jiu, he ran too fast, he must have given something away."

"No..." Li Hao shook his head, "He doesn't know anything. He really ran away for his life."

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