I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 181 It’s just a thought that forms a formation, who can’t?

"It's indeed very good. Seven hundred years, the peak of Tongyou, it's amazing..." Li Hao also agreed, admiring this man's beauty, but he didn't notice Ming An's darkened face.

"Ten... a wise heart can't beat her." Xu Shanhe shook his head gently, sighing a little.

"Master Xu came to a conclusion so quickly?" Some officials were puzzled: "The wisdom is not simple, and the strength is carefully crafted. He may not be her opponent."

"That was before." Xu Shanhe said in an indifferent tone: "Now, he has been transformed into a Buddhist, his character has been damaged, and he can only use seven-to-eight percent of his strength."

"It's so..." Some people were suddenly surprised. Some people thought that the change from prince to Buddhist was just a change in identity and cognition.

It seems that other aspects will also be affected. For a person of the level of the Twelve Princes, it is so weakened that it is almost useless.

In the field, the two of them didn't say much. After Huixin fell to the ground, they immediately took action. The Buddha's robe rolled, like a tiger, pounced on Qinghe.

Qinghe felt this power, and her slender jade body moved sideways to avoid its sharp edge. Her whole body was glowing, and her white skin seemed to have turned into mutton-fat jade. She was using a special magical power.

Li Hao was astonished. Her body was swinging and she was lying in the void. Her hair was spread out, and her posture was extremely confusing.

Naturally, he wouldn't think that Qinghe was trying to seduce Huixin. People in Taoist palaces practice the Supreme Forgetting Love method, which is completely incompatible with the method of enchantment.

Moreover, as a Buddhist disciple who has been saved, the seven emotions and six desires of the wisdom heart are no longer under his control.

"Ice muscle and jade body, this is an acquired magical power. After it is completed, it can be comparable to some innate divine bodies. It is an acquired method to make up for the innate deficiencies." Xu Shanhe explained,

"This is a secret method of the Taoist palace, and only a few people are qualified to practice it."

Sure enough, as soon as it started, Qinghe burst out with an astonishing wave of power, and his slender body was like a jade body, blooming with ripples.


Qing He rushed over, like a beautiful snake, her body was white, her clothes were fluttering, her hair flew back, revealing a pretty face, and hit Hui Xin.


Huixin also used his magical power. He stretched out his hands and quickly enlarged them, manifesting a pair of golden palms and grabbing Qinghe.

There was a violent collision, and both of them flew upside down, hovering in mid-air.

Qinghe's breath was rising and falling. The attack just now consumed a lot of money, and she showed a strange look. This person was indeed extraordinary. Even if he was transformed into a Buddhist disciple and his strength was greatly reduced, he was still somewhat impressive.

But soon, she calmed down again, her snow clothes fluttering, her delicate face flawless, her spiritual eyes flashing, revealing a ray of murderous intent.

"Huh?" Hui's heart trembled. She felt something was wrong. Why was her heart throbbing? It felt dangerous.

He looked down and saw a symbol lighting up right where the two collided.

"Nine Heaven Sword Formation, activate!" Qing He scolded, since the other party has noticed it, there is no need to hide it.

The hair in Huixin stood on end, and he retreated rapidly.

Then, with that symbol as the center, a dense array of patterns evolved and quickly connected together.

The Buddhist temple shook. This was a huge magic circle. The light shot into the sky and stirred up the storm in the sky!

"She's cheating on the formation!" Some of the monks watching shouted loudly, filled with indignation.

Although they didn't necessarily think much of Buddhism, the Dao Palace had just insulted them. Compared with the two, they naturally sided with Buddhism for the time being.

"It's not a foreign object formation, it's derived from her own talisman formation." Xu Shanhe shook his head and explained.

Although Zhihe looked gloomy, he did not stop him. It was obvious that Qinghe's method was still within the rules.

"It doesn't seem like one thought formed the formation?" Li Hao couldn't help but ask.

When Xu Shanhe heard this, he immediately shook his head and chuckled: "It is true that it is not possible to form a formation with just one thought. How can it be so easy to form a formation with just one thought? You must study the formation method to the extreme before you can do it."

"It would be almost impossible for everyone in the Formation to do it."

"But I heard that some practitioners who are stuck in a bottleneck will learn formations to complement their own strength." Li Hao couldn't help but ask.

"That's right..." Someone else challenged him. It was an official close to Prince Ming'an. He explained with a smile: "But the formation is extremely sophisticated. Even if you follow the gourd and draw the scoop, it is not easy to do it."

"It's okay for low realms. At your realm, the formations that can assist in combat are extremely complicated. For example, Fairy Qinghe, with the help of this kind of talisman formation, and then evolving it with her own body, it is already extremely difficult to lay it out between Sumeru. ."

"If you want to form a formation with one thought, it takes no more trouble than breaking through to the fairy fire realm." This sentence is of course an exaggeration, but it is enough to prove that this matter is not simple.

Li Hao thought thoughtfully, but also... It's okay at the lower level, but when it comes to Tongyou and even Immortal Fire, the complexity of the formations is indeed unimaginable.


A thick sword light fell down and slashed towards Hui Xin. The thick silver sword light was frightening and difficult to resist.

"It's too late, it's too late to leave!" Qinghe stood in the distance with a slight smile on his face.

Hui Xin casts a spell, and his body becomes blurred and disappears from the spot. This formation is extremely powerful. If he resists forcefully, he will probably have big problems.

"Is it a blinding method? You can't get out of the formation no matter what." Qinghe said calmly, with wisdom in his eyes, he activated the formation with all his strength.

At this moment, sword lights intertwined and divine light danced wildly, flooding the place.

For half a moment, this place was filled with sword light, extremely powerful.

Until Zhihe's eyelids twitched, the Buddhist temple emitted a burst of dazzling light, and the phantom of the Buddha appeared. His big hand reached into the sword formation and held up a bloody man.

Hui Xin's appearance was already horrific, with sword marks all over his body, making people shudder and feel as angry as a gossamer.

It was even said that if Zhihe had taken action even half a minute later, he would probably have died on the spot.

Huixin lost, and she lost very cleanly. Overall, she didn't have much ability to resist.

Prince Ming'an looked unhappy, not because of his feelings for Huixin, but because of Zhihe's attitude.

Huixin's defeat had already appeared, but it was not until the last moment that Zhihe took action and fished out Huixin.

He obviously regards Huixin as a tool and doesn't care about his life or death at all, even though he has no friendship with the twelfth prince.

In this case, he was also very dissatisfied.

"After all, he is not a true Buddhist disciple..." Zhihe pretended to shake his head and sighed. Although his voice was not loud, it accurately reached the ears of everyone present.

Prince Ming'an's face completely darkened, and the expressions of Xu Shanhe and others were also gloomy.

Zhihe was implying that it was not the Plateau of Ten Thousand Buddhas that was defeated by the Dao Palace, but the Great Xia royal family that was defeated by the Dao Palace.

Although Ming'an had already expected that if it failed, the people in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau would definitely cause trouble, but now it happened, which made him feel even more unhappy.

"Since the Buddha is defeated, we will retreat naturally." Zhihe stopped Zhishu who wanted to speak, but did not let the Buddha next to him, who had always lowered his head and lowered his eyebrows, make a move.

The onlookers sighed for a while, not being able to see Taoist palace disgraced, which really disappointed them.


At this moment, Li Hao suddenly spoke, "The Taoist Palace said that if you can defeat Qinghe, you can meet the Taoist Master. In this case, let me give it a try on behalf of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau, okay?"

Ming'an frowned slightly, Xu Shanhe narrowed his eyes, wondering what Li Hao had in mind.

On the other hand, the expressions of several officials nearby changed drastically, and some even spoke directly with anxious expressions on their faces: "No, Chief Li."

"Yes, how can you take action against the Taoist palace on behalf of Buddhism?"

"But Dao Palace..." Several people hesitated and pointed to Prince Ming'an frequently.

Someone secretly sent a message with an anxious tone: "Let's not forget that Dao Palace is the mother's family of His Highness Ming'an, and our Daxia and Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau are already in the same situation, so you can't force yourself to stand out."

Prince Ming'an, on the other hand, didn't react much. He knew the Dao Palace much better than these people.

Tao Gong only cares about profit and not anything else. Tao Gong will only invest if there is profit in him. When there is no profit in him, Tao Gong will naturally stop caring about him.

Whether Li Hao succeeds or not will not affect the relationship between Daogong and him.

He was just unhappy that Li Hao was making his own decisions again.

Zhihe was also a little surprised. After thinking for a moment, he immediately concluded: "Buddha said that all living beings are equal and all living beings are Buddhas. Naturally, Donor Li can fight on behalf of the Buddha's disciples."

Of course they have no objections. They will only benefit from success. The risk of failure will also be on Li Hao and Daxia and has nothing to do with them.

Qinghe's eyes were calm, as if he was obeying a secret order. After a moment of silence, he uttered one word: "Yes."

"In that case, please enter the Buddhist temple." Zhihe nodded.

Li Hao did not hesitate and immediately escaped into the Buddhist temple.

"Who is this person? His wisdom has been defeated, and he still dares to go up there?" Many monks who were watching were talking about it.

"It seems he was the one who spoke uprightly for us just now. Don't lose..."

"It's difficult. Didn't you listen to the big shots over there? This female Taoist priest is frighteningly powerful, and she's also proficient in formations..."

"Your Highness, you didn't even try to persuade Li Sishou to go in." After seeing Li Hao enter the Buddhist temple, the officials around Prince Ming'an couldn't help it and spoke one after another.

"Yes, although Chief Li has extraordinary background, this battle is different. In a fair fight, no other external means can be used."

No one denies Li Hao's power, but if he doesn't use his trump cards and means, he can rely purely on his own strength.

They didn't think that Li Hao would be a match for Dao Lord's third disciple, who had been practicing for seven hundred years.

Of course, they have another thought. Li Hao is now in the limelight as the top general under Prince Ming'an.

If he suddenly suffered a defeat, his face would be somewhat unsightly, and it would also be a blow to Prince Ming'an's prestige.

"Your Highness, you don't blame us for being too talkative. He makes his own decisions. If he fails, there will be endless troubles."

"Where does all this nonsense come from!?" Prince Ming'an scolded coldly, "Just watch it."

He didn't want to persuade him, but he simply couldn't. He couldn't change what Li Hao decided.

If he tried to dissuade him, but Li Hao lost face, his face would be even more ugly.

It's better not to speak, pretend to be under control, and still be able to bluff others.

Everyone was startled by Prince Ming'an's scolding. While looking at each other, they did not expect that His Highness would be so confident and protective of Li Hao, and would not even listen to any bad words.

Before, they heard that there was a lot of friction between Prince Ming'an and Li Hao when they were in the north. Now it seems that it is just rumors and rumors.

Even if there is, it is just some misunderstanding and cannot be called a contradiction at all.

Now I'm afraid it has long since disappeared. The two of them are "monarchs, ministers and envoys" and cannot be questioned by outsiders.

Everyone immediately fell silent and did not dare to speak anymore.


Upon entering the venue, Li Hao immediately felt a soft Buddha light falling on him.

Afterwards, streaks of Sanskrit characters fell down and merged into Qing He's body. The other party did not resist and allowed the Sanskrit characters to blend in.

Qing He's aura weakened accordingly, and he was in the same realm as Li Hao, suppressing him to the high realm of Tongyou.

"Tongyou High Realm?" Xu Shanhe asked with a bit of surprise, "When did he break through?"

The others were also surprised. According to the information they learned, Li Hao was still in the middle realm of Tongyou.

"My father gave him three Dao Soul Grasses." Prince Ming'an explained indifferently.

"Dao Soul Grass?" Xu Shanhe was slightly stunned, a little stunned, and a little hesitant.

Li Hao has only been here for more than half a month, has he already absorbed the three Dao Soul Grasses?

Qing He still didn't talk nonsense. After the shackles between the Buddhist temple disappeared, she went straight to Li Hao at a very fast speed, leaving only the shadow of the sword light.

Li Hao stood there, not dodging or making any other movements, but he saw a sudden burst of dazzling light not far in front of him, various magical powers appeared, and thunder roared.

Qinghe had already entered the coverage area of ​​the Ten Thousand Laws Holy Domain, and was immediately attacked by many magical powers.

At the same time, a stream of light shot out of Li Hao's hand.


There was a harsh collision of gold and iron, accompanied by Qinghe's figure flying out. She raised the sword in her hand, her face no longer calm and indifferent, but became solemn.

"The weapon is not bad..." Li Hao raised his brows lightly, and the Ruyi Sword flew back. Even if the long sword used by the opponent was not an immortal weapon, it was not an ordinary holy weapon. It could compete head-on with the Ruyi Sword.

"Nine Heavens Sword Formation!" She repeated her old trick. When she just rushed over, she had already set up a talisman formation around Li Hao, and now the Nine Heavens Sword Formation evolved.

Just like before, nearly endless sword light fell, turning this place into a forbidden land of swords.

At the same time, Qinghe was not idle either. The long sword in his hand passed through it, and the sword transformed into thousands.

The onlookers looked nervous. The Buddha Hui Xin was defeated by this move just now.

The sword light lasted for another half-quarter of an hour before gradually disappearing.

"Master Dao will not take your life, so I will spare your life." She looked down.


However, a big hand poked out from the dissipating sword light, quickly zoomed in, grabbed her ankle, and carried her over.

Qing He originally had a faint smile on his lips and his pretty face was crystal clear. He thought the battle was over and never expected such an incident to happen, so his smile froze.

It was so sudden, who would have thought that Li Hao would reappear and grab her delicate feet.


She reacted quickly, her eyes were shining brightly, and a piece of sword light fell, the silver light was dazzling, and it was bright and boundless, all hitting that big hand.

Li Hao didn't know what magical power this was. He felt a sharp pain in his palm. If his physical body were not strong enough, if it had been anyone else, this palm would have been shattered.

In an instant, Li Hao's palms glowed, and when he held his big hands on his ankles, he felt a softness.

However, then a huge force surged in, and the other party's round and crystal-clear ankles struggled like a dragon and almost escaped.

Li Hao's arms trembled, and he threw it to one side. He lifted his foot like a mallet and hit it violently, with incomparable brutality and no mercy.

boom! boom! boom!

All of this happened between the electric flint flowers, and the two men fought fiercely.

Li Hao's big hands firmly grasped her ankles, trying to suppress her. It would be difficult for her to reverse it. After all, she was already at a disadvantage and was very dangerous.

Li Hao urged his palm strength, because even holding Qing He felt unsafe. The opponent was a strong man. His body seemed to be crystal white, but it was very strong and difficult to crack.

At this moment, he even felt that Qinghe could far surpass the ordinary Nether Realm with just his physical body.

The ice muscle and jade body are indeed extraordinary.

At this moment, her whole body was shining brightly, and she wanted to break free from Li Hao's grasp.


Li Hao showed no mercy, spraying light from his palms.


The robe burst apart, and Qing He's right leg, like a jade pillar, was exposed to the air.

He used a very strong force to crack her jade legs, otherwise she would probably escape, there were variables.

Qinghe's beautiful face glowed, but it was a little blurry. She had no fear, no screams, only tranquility.

"Huh?" Li Hao's brows jumped sharply. He clearly held the fairy's body and touched the soft and crystal skin. How could it be like this?

The next moment, something surprising happened. A figure of Qing He shot out from Qing He's body and floated into the distance.

Two Qinghe statues appeared, causing an exclamation of surprise.

In an instant, blazing golden eyes appeared, but they also made him frown.

Because at this moment, the Qinghe in his hand was no different from the Qinghe shot out, they seemed to be the same.

But the next moment, the green hen in his hand gradually became loose and cold to the touch, and finally turned into a stream of light and drifted away.

"Extraordinary magical power..." Li Hao understood that this should be some kind of escape method, very extraordinary.

At that moment, it was difficult to distinguish between true and false, and some locked magical powers and methods were naturally indistinguishable, allowing the subject to escape calmly, like a golden cicada escaping its shell.

Qinghe backed up and stood in a safe area. Although his expression calmed down, he still let out a breath. It was too thrilling just now.

Just a little bit away, she was suppressed by Li Hao. Even so, her right leg also revealed a piece of crystal white snow.

There was a palm print on her ankle, which shattered her clothes. If she hadn't escaped in time, her thigh would have been broken.

"You missed the opportunity." Qinghe sighed. His skin was as smooth and shiny as jade, and his right leg was white and exposed, but he didn't care. He looked at the young man in front of him with a kind of regret.

"As expected of a Taoist disciple, he is indeed extraordinary." Li Hao praised.

Qinghe adjusted his mood, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, which seemed to be conceited and mocking. It was a little different from the expressionless expression just now.

It was obvious that although she was controlling her emotions, she was still a little annoyed. After all, she had just been grabbed by the feet, and her thighs were exposed and almost broken.

She is not truly heartless, she is only extremely repressed.

"You want to see Daozi, but you are talking about dreams." Qinghe mocked.

"You have lost your composure and actually said such words. It seems that you are going to lose." Li Hao said with a smile.

"Really? Come and give it a try." The green silk was flying like a waterfall. She rotated her body and rose into the sky, casting down endless brilliance.

She took the initiative to launch an attack, and a sword energy intertwined, drawing out from the jade sword in her hand, extremely blazing.

At the same time, her eyes were bright, and the silver sword light fell again, reflected from her eyes, with a kind of great pressure that made her body tremble.

"She was careless in her words. This was intentional. It made me mistakenly think that she was unstable and could take advantage of the opportunity to actually try her best." Li Hao's heart moved.

"In that case, let's have a head-on encounter."


He exploded, and lingering formations appeared all over his body, extending in the void. The golden formations covered this square inch in an instant, and countless magical powers evolved in it.

"A single thought forms a formation!?" The cultivators onlookers exclaimed.

They don't have much eyesight, but they can still recognize it when a thought forms.

This is completely different from the formation method shown by Qinghe. Qinghe is pulled by the talisman formation. At the same time, the formation can only be arranged in fixed places, which has limitations.

It is a supplementary method made after practicing a certain formation to a certain extent, but has not yet reached the point where one thought can form a formation.

The most important feature of the formation formed by one thought is that it is derived from the surroundings of the person setting up the formation, and can move with the person setting up the formation, which is extremely convenient.

This is also the reason why one thought forms a formation, which is called a qualitative change by the formation Tao.

Xu Shanhe's expression changed slightly, and he was extremely surprised. When Li Hao asked him just now what the formation method Qing He showed was, he thought that Li Hao was not proficient in this aspect.

Who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, a thought formation would be unleashed, and judging from the power of the formation, it would probably be extraordinary.

Then why did he ask like that just now?

Do you think that as long as you study the formation, everyone can form a formation with just one thought?

Xu Shanhe speculated on Li Hao's thoughts. He was not surprised by this, because Tianjiao's cognition was always different from other people's.

When he was young, he had similar "common sense". Wouldn't it be possible to gradually break through the cave sky, the four phenomena, and even the ethereal world by practicing casually?

Qinghe's expression changed drastically, and her suppressed emotions couldn't help but surge up. She fully understood the difficulty of the formation.

It took her three years to get started with this Nine Heavens Sword Formation, and more than twenty years to practice it to the point where it is now.

It is already at an extremely sophisticated level, and it still requires a huge amount of energy to be able to form a formation with just one thought.

As for Li Hao's formation, its power is by no means inferior to the Nine Heavens Sword Formation, but this person can actually create the formation with just one thought.

It was really unimaginable for her.

Li Hao has never used this skill in public since he obtained it from Elder Ao.

The only enemy he faced was the battle with Si Chen in Guimen Pass, and no one else knew about it.

"You can't form a thought in one thought, but I can." Li Hao smiled lightly.

After hearing these words, Qinghe, who had already been in a state of uncertainty, felt sullen, unwilling, and even jealous.

Whoosh! She held her sword and killed Li Hao directly!


The heaven and earth stirred up the earth's fire, and every step of the array was in danger.

Amidst the clanging sound, Li Hao and Qing He fought fiercely for hundreds of rounds in the blink of an eye.

This is an astonishing battle, Qinghe has all kinds of tricks, and all kinds of magical powers emerge in endlessly.

It's a pity that Li Hao's Ten Thousand Methods Array, combined with the Ten Thousand Methods Holy Body, the more magical powers he develops, the more powerful the Ten Thousand Methods Array will be.

In the end, Qinghe was defeated. He was restrained by the golden chains and suppressed to death, without the power to resist.

"We won, Li Sishou really won!" Some officials around Prince Ming'an breathed a sigh of relief.

Just after Li Hao revealed his method of forming an array of thoughts, they felt that they would win with a high probability, but it was not until the dust settled that everyone was completely relieved.

"Your Highness should remain calm. We are really feeling uneasy."

"Yes, he is indeed someone that His Highness values. He never disappoints."

When everyone came back to their senses, a wave of rainbow farts rushed towards Prince Ming'an.

Prince Ming'an snorted coldly, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. Although he looked very displeased with Li Hao, he still admitted one thing.

This guy is really awesome.

It's just that this kind of compliment came from a person he hated. This kind of contradictory awkwardness and satisfaction made him feel very uncomfortable, but he had to accept it.

"I actually won..." Zhihe frowned slightly, but he wasn't too surprised. If Li Hao had lost easily, it wouldn't have been worthy of Ksitigarbha Buddha's special warning.

Zhishu nodded: "This Li Hao is indeed extraordinary."

"Hey, I really won. Who is this person? He is so powerful!" The monks who were watching couldn't help but smile.

"No matter who he is, it's enough to disgrace this Taoist palace. Before I came here, I thought the Taoist palace was some kind of holy place, but in the end, even the doorman is so arrogant."

"That's right, look at that female Taoist priest, her big white legs are exposed, tsk tsk... she has a really nice figure."

"Tell me, is that guy's chain tied like this on purpose? Why does it look so tempting? I have to learn from it."

While everyone was discussing, Zhihe had already taken back the Buddhist temple. Qinghe's face was expressionless, and his breath surged, breaking the chains on his body.

The Dao Palace disciples all over the sky stared at him coldly, for some Dao Palace disciples whose mundane heart had not completely faded away.

Qinghe was a fairy in their eyes. He was aloof, aloof from the world, and a disciple of the Tao Lord. He was admired by everyone, but he was in a miserable state at the moment.

Her smooth thighs were exposed, having been chained by the man just now.

This is not only an insult to Qinghe, but also an insult to Dao Palace. How can it not make people angry?

Li Hao looked at her and chuckled: "Fairy Qinghe, since I have defeated you, can I see Daozi?"

Qinghe stood there, staring at him indifferently. After a moment, he responded, "Yes, please."

She turned sideways, got out of the way, and signaled Li Hao to enter the Tao Palace.

Prince Ming'an looked hesitant and hesitant, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Li Hao's eyes flickered and he did not respond. Instead, he asked, "Do I have to enter the Dao Palace to see Daozi?"

"If you want to see Daozi, you must naturally be in the Dao Palace."

Li Hao pondered for a moment: "Let's do this. You invite Daozi to the mountain gate. We will see each other across the mountain gate. Daozi is also included in the Taoist palace."

Of course, he would not rush into the Dao Palace. It was their territory, and no matter what happened, he would have no control over it.

With so many cases of people willing to join the Taoist Palace, he would not take any chances.

Qinghe looked at him indifferently, "Did you see him or not?"

"Hey, how come your Taoist palace doesn't keep its words and is playing word games? You just said that after defeating you, you can see that Taoist, but now you won't let anyone see you."

"Yes, yes!"

"It's so shameless. I'm still in the Dao Palace. I don't keep my words."

Many monks in front of the mountain gate started making noises and shouting.

"Who is making noise in front of the Taoist palace!" Someone shouted sharply among the Taoist disciples.

It can't suppress Buddhism, it can't suppress Daxia, it's more than enough to suppress these casual cultivators.

Hearing the merciless shouting and the cold eyes of Taoist monks all over the sky, many casual cultivators couldn't help but tremble.

Guang was so proud that he forgot about the prestigious name of Dao Palace.

"Since I have to enter the Dao Palace, I will disappear. I am a timid person by nature." Li Hao shook his head calmly.

When Qing He heard this, he didn't say much, and immediately turned around and headed towards the depths of the Dao Palace.

Although the Dao Palace disciples all over the sky were resentful, they could only follow them back, leaving a sharp shout: "If someone is making wanton noise in front of the Dao Palace gate, don't blame our Dao Palace for being unkind."

This is a warning to those casual cultivators.

"Since the donor has been invited to the Taoist Palace to meet the Buddha, why did the donor refuse?" Zhihe asked with a compassionate smile.

"Didn't you just say it? I'm timid by nature." Li Hao smiled.

Zhihe had a compassionate face, but his eyes were cold.

If we say that just now he was only half and half sure that there was something fishy about today's matter.

But now the Dao Palace has invited Li Hao to come in, but Li Hao has stopped moving forward. Through this incident, he has already increased his certainty to 90%.

The rest is nothing more than verification, but here in the Imperial Capital of Great Xia, no one will sincerely help the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau. This matter cannot be verified, and some are just his speculations.

They have become chess pieces, but they don't know whether they are the chess pieces of the person in front of them, Ming'an's chess pieces, or Daxia's chess pieces.


Deep in the Dao Palace, Qing He was half-kneeling on the ground, with a calm expression, "This disciple has been defeated. Please punish me, Master."

Daojun's brilliance shone on her, reflecting a dark shadow behind her.

"It doesn't matter, defeated or undefeated, the outcome is the same." Daojun said calmly.

"It's a pity that he is indeed very vigilant and does not want to come to the Dao Palace. Otherwise, it would save a lot of effort." Fairy He sighed.

"As expected, in this situation, even if you invite him directly and kill him in front of Daozi, it will not have the desired effect." Daojun shook his head:

"He needs to solve the troubles and difficulties step by step in order to bring enough touches to Daozi."

"Tear off part of the forgetful heart and arouse Daozi's emotions."

He Xianren frowned: "Tearing off the heart of forgetfulness? The hidden dangers of doing so are too great. If Daozi can't get rid of his thoughts in a short time, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome."

"If not, it will be difficult to arouse Daozi's emotions. Don't worry, I am sure. When the last step is left, I will do whatever it takes." Daojun said indifferently.

"I got it." Immortal He stood up and was about to leave immediately when he heard Lord Dao say: "Remember to describe this matter to Daozi so that he can recall King Zhenbei's love and care for him and learn the meaning of Li Hao."


After Immortal He left, Daojun lowered his eyes and looked at Qinghe: "Go down and get the elixir. You are only one step away from stepping into the immortal fire. Don't delay it."

"Thank you, Master." Qinghe nodded, expressionless, stood up and left.

Originally, I was also indestructible and had not been sick for many years.

It's a pity that the new crown broke the defense last year, and even low-grade things like influenza A can invade.

Much better today, thank you for your concern.

Also, it’s the end of the month, please vote.

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