I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 166 The underworld is back. Danger!

"Congratulations to Mr. Li for entering Tongyou..." Princess Zhanqing arrived belatedly, with uncontrollable surprise in her beautiful eyes.

"Your Highness, you're welcome..." Li Hao smiled and responded in a formulaic manner.

I just mixed 50 million Spiritual Source Crystals and got a breakthrough. How could it be such a coincidence?

Princess Zhanqing murmured secretly, always feeling that there should be some connection between the two.

But practice is not simply about absorbing spiritual energy. Furthermore, no one can absorb so many spiritual energy crystals so quickly.

There were so many doubts that Princess Zhanqing couldn't figure it out, so she simply threw them away.

Anyway, Li Hao's breakthrough to the Tongyou Realm is a good thing for Daxia.

Elder Ao was in a complicated mood, looking at Li Hao who was surrounded by stars.

I knew that if this matter was reported back to Prince Ming'an, it would cause a stir in his highness's mind.

"Li Sishou, congratulations on your breakthrough to Tongyou, but I have something to discuss with you. I wonder if you have time." Mr. Qi Lin also had a smile on his withered face, but he looked a little scary.

Li Hao paused slightly and said immediately: "Of course I have time..."

Immediately, he looked around and said loudly, "Thank you all Taoist brothers for your congratulations. I will visit them one by one when I have time to share my practice experience."

"Natural and natural..."

"Li Sishou can do it on his own..."

Everyone smiled and sent Li Hao off to follow Lord Qi Lin, muttering to themselves, what is the experience of practicing? What’s your practice experience?

Your cultivation speed is so fast, it is obvious that your experience cannot be explained clearly?

When the time comes to fool us, it is better not to say anything.

Arriving at the demon's residence, Qi Linjun said respectfully: "Li Sishou, the great sage has a plan that he wants to discuss with you."

He got straight to the point and got to the point.

"Oh?" Li Hao was a little surprised and thought for a moment, "What's the plan? Let's talk about it..."

"It's about the underworld..." He smiled and spoke slowly,


"Interesting, six-eared macaque, he really thinks that Daxia is relieved of him and wants to get involved in the muddy waters of the underworld." He muttered to himself and walked out of Qi Linjun's cave.

"It will be fun when the masters of Daxia will directly serve them a pot."

As he thought about it, he grinned, as if he remembered something funny.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked up. Huai Yuan was standing not far away, but he stopped talking.

He was surprised as to why Li Hao could break through two realms in a row, but he knew that even if he asked Li Hao, he wouldn't tell him, and he might just pretend.

That's why his expression was so strange. Finally, facing Li Hao's probing gaze, he said indifferently: "Yuanhe and the others are here."

"Oh?" Li Hao raised his eyebrows and said unexpectedly: "A few are missing."

Hearing this, Huaiyuan felt even more unhappy and said in a muffled voice: "No one is missing."

"No one missing?" Li Hao was also a little surprised, "It seems that Yuanhe is quite powerful..."

He followed Huai Yuan and met Yuan He and others at the edge of the camp.

"Your Majesty, I am fortunate to have lived up to my command..." Yuan He said solemnly, with a very respectful attitude.

Li Hao glanced at them and found that the mental outlook of these boys and girls had changed somewhat.

Although his expression was still uneasy, uneasy, and frightened, there was also a sense of determination in all of them.

"Do you know what to do next?" Li Hao had a bad taste in his heart, looked around at everyone, and asked.

Everyone's throats rolled, their eyes flickered, and someone said: "We understand."

"Yes, we have thought it through. Senior brother Yuanhe said that we can follow you when you come out of the hell gate." Cang Nan said loudly, Li Hao had an impression of this boy.

"We already discussed it on the way here. The living will fulfill the long-cherished wishes of the dead."

"We don't want to live alone. We also want to stand on the top of heaven and earth one day."

When he spoke, his eyes were blazing, as if a kind of passion called Chuuji had been ignited.

Li Hao stared at him, feeling inexplicably déjà vu.

"That's right, Chief Li, we have already decided."

"When a fish jumps over the dragon's gate, there will be no chance of death. We, like the fish, are willing to take the gamble!"

Others seemed to be ignited and echoed, their faces full of determination and determination.

"When are you going to let us go to the Gate of Hell?" Cang Nan asked, and everyone's eyes focused on Li Hao.

Huaiyuan sneered, already having a premonition of what Li Hao would say next.

"I'm sorry..." Li Hao shook his head: "You have no chance to go to the gate of hell."

Everyone was stunned and didn't react immediately. Yuanhe paused, Qi Wulin's eyes also showed doubts, Hongque subconsciously clenched his fists, and his heart beat fast.

"No chance, what do you mean?" Cang Nan asked cautiously, feeling a huge surprise welling up in his heart, but still a little unbelievable.

Others also reacted, and some girls burst into tears, but they clenched their teeth and did not make a sound.

"Literally, you don't have to go to the gate of hell anymore." Li Hao shrugged.

Finally, a huge boulder weighing on their hearts was suddenly removed. At this moment, everyone was wrapped in the joy and excitement of surviving the disaster.

There was an indescribable gratitude in Li Hao's eyes.

Huaiyuan looked at him coldly, but there was a trace of envy in his heart that he was unwilling to admit.

Treat death as if it were home, and you will have the reward of putting yourself to death and living again.

"Yuanhe, put them in place." Li Hao ordered.

"Understood..." Yuanhe nodded, his mood a little complicated, relieved? Survival? Maybe there is still a little bit of a pity...

"Is there anyone else?" Li Hao then noticed the fiery gaze next to him.

It was a strange woman with a beautiful face, but her eyes made her want to eat him up.

Li Hao has seen this kind of look, usually on Lao Sepi, but rarely on women.

The special target is still himself, which makes him feel like he is not there.

On the other hand, the man next to the woman, he remembered, was pulling the woman next to him with a look of pleading.

As a result, the woman threw Chen Yan away, showed no cowardice, strode up to him, raised her chin and looked at him.

"Li Sishou, I want to give you a child!"

Her words were shocking. Li Hao's puzzled eyes were filled with astonishment, and an indescribable absurdity arose in his heart.

"Who...are you?" Li Hao asked hesitantly.

"My name is Chen Yuhu." She said loudly, her eyes blazing: "I want to borrow your seed and give birth to your child."

"But don't worry, I won't pester you and will raise you alone."

Yuan He and others stopped leaving, pricked up their ears, and listened quietly.

I have to say that Chen Yuhu's appearance is quite good, and he has a sense of sassiness.

Li Hao wouldn't refuse if it really came to his door, but he didn't want a child.

His face turned dark and he said coldly: "Miss Chen, I'm sorry, I have no plans to have children yet."

"It doesn't matter, just pretend that this child doesn't exist. I, Chen Yuhu, can be considered pretty." She pulled her hair away, and the black hair spread out and fell on the personal armor on her body, which had a thrilling beauty of its own.

"He is a general of the Black Tiger Army. He has fought a lot on the battlefield. Such women are rare. It's just a waste of time, isn't it?"

She knows her own advantages, and even though it's a bit shameful to say them, when they come out of her mouth, people won't have any desire at all.

Armor temptation?

Li Hao was slightly stunned, and his face turned darker when he heard this. What you say always makes me feel that we are not necessarily playing with each other.

Raising his hand, he picked up Chen Yuhu, silenced her, and threw her to the sky. Then he looked at Chen Yan: "Who is she to you?"

"She is my sister..." Chen Yan's face twitched: "But my mother is from the tribe. She grew up in the tribe, so her temper is a bit rough. Please forgive me..."

"Get out of here, don't let her appear in front of me." Li Hao waved his hand angrily.

"Okay, okay..." Chen Yan led the people and hurried in the direction where Chen Yuhu flew away.

What's this all about... He shook his head, speechless.

Returning to the camp, Li Hao went straight to where Elder Ao was.

After a few words of greeting, Li Hao put down the spiritual tea: "I know that Elder Ao studies formations intensively, so I would like to ask you for some research on formations."

"Studying formations? Why did Li Sishou suddenly want to study formations?" Elder Ao said in surprise.

"Alas, isn't this the moment we enter the Nether Realm? The cultivation time will be slow down. If we want to increase our strength, we can only find another way." Li Hao lamented.

I believe others when they say that cultivation is slow, but when it comes from your mouth, I don’t believe it at all.

Elder Ao slandered, but on his face he thought: "Yes, yes, what kind does Chief Li want?"

He did not refuse. This was the legacy left by Li Hao when he faced the Yinsi attack last time. To a certain extent, Li Hao was their savior.

As long as the request is not too excessive, others will not refuse.

Li Hao became more energetic: "Is there such a thing as once the layout is done, the enemy's strength will be weakened, my strength will increase, the enemy will be dizzy, but I will be clear-eyed..."

"It's best to be able to hide and cover up the secrets..."

He still has a chance to convert earth-level skills. He doesn't need magical powers or cultivation methods for the time being.

From the perspective of increasing strength in a short period of time, formation is a good choice.

Elder Ao's cheek twitched, stopping Li Hao from continuing, "There is no such formation. The formation is the same as the practice. The essence is powerful, but the miscellaneous is not."

"Oh..." Li Hao was quite disappointed.

Elder Ao thought for a moment and said in deep thought: "I heard that Li Sishou means that he doesn't want to learn from scratch, but only wants to practice one formation alone."

"I do have a formation here that should suit you very well."

"Huh?" Li Hao was a little surprised, wondering why Elder Ao said that.

"There was a time when the formation called Ten Thousand Magic Formations was created by a strong man who practiced martial arts and martial arts. He requested several great formation masters to customize it for him." Elder Ao said:

"When this formation is set up, it can enhance various magical powers, and the magical powers can be integrated with the formation. The longer it takes, the more powerful it will be."

"I think Li Sishou's special physique seems to be somewhat similar to Wanfa Yanwu, so this formation should be suitable for you."

Li Hao has shown a lot of the power of the Holy Body of Ten Thousand Arts. These old guys have very good eyesight.

Li Hao was a little surprised, he didn't expect such an unexpected gain.

The strong man who practiced martial arts wanted to go with him.

In fact, it is not surprising that when the strength reaches a certain bottleneck and cannot be broken through in a short period of time, other methods will be sought to help enhance the strength.

When Elder Ao saw Li Hao's reaction, he already knew it and decided to give this formation to Li Hao.

Li Hao's breakthrough to Tongyou caused a stir, which gave the military camp more to talk about. There were discussions everywhere, and there was a lot of envy in his words.

Many soldiers were even more interested in discussing the fact that the female general had traveled thousands of miles to "borrow seeds."

Not long ago, these soldiers had experienced a life-and-death disaster, and these soldiers were also very uneasy. The atmosphere in the camp was tense, but now it has become much more relaxed.

However, Yinsi's counterattack came faster than anyone imagined.

Just one day later, there was a violent earthquake in the sky, and black thunder almost split the entire sky in half.

Many high-level practitioners in Daxia appeared in the sky instantly.

Their expressions were solemn, and they had already noticed the surging aura.

"It's the Yins again. These people are really evil and they are making a comeback so quickly." Xuanyang looked indifferent, but he was not nervous at all.

Last time the opponent was well prepared and was repulsed, but this time the opponent's strength has been weakened, so it is naturally impossible to shake them again.

"Li Hao..." The palace masters of the Yin Division stared at them coldly. Both parties were already acquaintances, so there was no need to say more. They both knew what the other party's purpose was.


There was another roar, the heaven and earth trembled, and a burst of wild and arrogant laughter: "Hello, everyone in Daxia..."

The figure of the great sage appeared in the sky and earth, wearing an animal robe, holding a long stick, and his hair was shiny.

"Great Sage!?" Elder Ao's expression changed drastically, "Shiling actually cooperated with Yinsi?"

He looked at Sakibayashi-kun fiercely.

The strength of the Great Sage is obvious to all. If he sides with the Yinsi, then they may be in danger.

"Great Sage, stop playing around. Everyone from the Yin Division is here. Let's take care of it." Li Hao said in an indifferent tone.

Before Xuanyang and others had time to question him, and they didn't even understand why Li Hao and the Great Sage were talking like old acquaintances, their faces were stunned.

What does this mean?

Is the Great Sage one of ours?

"You are too impatient. I am still going to play with them and see how desperate these mice are." The Great Sage frowned slightly, obviously unhappy with Li Hao's revelation so quickly.

This was not his plan. He had originally planned to stand on the side of the Yinsi to see Daxia's despair first.

Then when the Yin Si is proud, he will beat them all to death with a stick.

"The underworld is not that simple..." Li Hao shook his head. The six-eared macaque's plan was very simple. It was actually a double-sided undercover.

First, he brought the Yin Division over and took the last step. In order to prevent the news from leaking, he also specifically told Li Hao not to tell anyone else in Daxia.

But Li Hao believed that the Yin Division could not be finished so easily.

"I know, they also want to use my hand to keep you here, to make you think that the Yinsi has fallen into a trap and prevent you from running away." The six-eared macaque said casually, and the masters of the Yinsi looked at the Great Sage in surprise.

Except for Si Chen, who had an indifferent expression and only had Li Hao in his eyes. It didn't matter whether the six-eared macaque knew their plan, as long as the goal was achieved.

"Don't look at me like that, do you really think I'm an idiot?" The six-eared macaque sneered, and then a terrifying aura burst out. The long stick in his hand expanded, stretched across the sky, and smashed towards the underworld.

"Forget it, since this guy doesn't want to play with you for so long, then come on and let me see what other cards you have."

The Lords of the Yinsi Halls snorted coldly, a black light rushed over, the chariot rumbled, the headless god general hit the great sage directly, the dazzling light exploded, and cracks spread across the sky like thunder arcs, making everyone almost unable to open their eyes. Open your eyes.

"This... headless general, why did he obey the command of the Yinsi?" Kasyapa's face was filled with astonishment.

Li Hao's eyes suddenly became deep. This Yinsi was really unexpected, and he was able to control this headless general.

"Be careful!" Elder Ao scolded. The people from the Yin Division had already rushed up. They were ruthless and didn't say much. The war was about to break out.

The remaining five palace masters all target Li Hao. It is naturally impossible for others to watch. Just like last time, they each found their opponents.

Li Hao also rushed forward. This was the Yin Division's last chance. When Daxia's people arrived, they would have no chance and all their cards would be revealed.

In the end, the enemies were divided, and Li Hao was still his old rival, King of Hell - Si Chen.

He rushed straight up, transformed into three bodies, and attacked from three directions.

Li Hao raised his brows slightly and looked around the situation. The headless general and the great sage Duizi, Yinsi were once again at a disadvantage.

King Pingping has not fully recovered from his injuries, and he can only fight with Huaiyuan.

He didn't mind playing with Si Chen.

However, Si Chen's plan was somewhat unexpected.

The three figures all held black jade talismans in their hands, forming a network and surrounding Li Hao. He felt that the thing was a bit familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

The magical power emerged with the intention of splitting the talisman network. However, the strange thing is that this object is not affected by the magical power. To be more precise, the talisman does not seem to be in this space.

"Aiming at the soul?" Li Hao was slightly stunned.

Three talismans fell on him, and then black flames quickly ignited and were imprinted on the surface of his skin, forming strange patterns.

Si Chen breathed a sigh of relief, "Now, you can't use the power of your previous life..."

"Can't you use the power of the past life?" Li Hao hesitated, and then suddenly realized that he and others thought that his trump cards were all the "power of the past life."

He remembered that the people from the Yin Division also used this thing last time in Fuyang City.

Then, the three bodies merged into one, and Si Chen rushed towards Li Hao again.

Li Hao raised his hand, he was finally going to fight this time.

However, at the moment when the two collided, Si Chen passed by each other again, rushed straight to the gate of hell, and actually fell directly into it.

"Huh?" Li Hao didn't know why. What's going on with Si Chen?

Why did he rush into the hell gate? Did he think he would catch up?

As soon as the idea emerged, his expression changed slightly, and the void around him suddenly changed, becoming pitch black and misty.

Si Chen, standing upright not far away.

"Li Sishou!" Xuanyang had been watching here, and when he saw Li Hao suddenly disappearing from the place, he couldn't help but shout in surprise.

"Don't worry, it will be your turn soon." The Wheel King sneered.

Others also discovered this scene. For some reason, as soon as Li Hao disappeared, they felt as if they had lost their backbone, and their originally calm hearts were also disturbed.

"Director Li has also fallen into a trap..." Kasyapa turned into a dharma body, his expression was solemn, and he had a bad premonition.

"He has countless cards, and he must have a way to resolve the crisis." Sakibayashi said in a deep voice.

"Huh... you think we don't have any preparations? His end is already determined!" His opponent's voice was cold and silent.

Qi and blood all over his body exploded, flowing out from his body. During his breath, golden mist shrouded his eyes, and his eyes were condensed.

It's interesting... The chain doesn't affect me, it acts on the space around me, and directly pulls the space in. There are so many tricks of the underworld.

These methods are not frontal fighting methods, they seem to be intended to create a dilemma.

Si Chen looked solemn. Even though according to the plan, this person had fallen into the gate of hell, he didn't have any pride now, but was more cautious.

When desperate, he will reveal all his cards and do whatever it takes, just to find a way out.

But he only needs to wait until the external affairs calm down and everyone in the Yinsi enters the gate of hell. At that time, he can deal with this person reasonably.

He covered his whole body with impermanent clothes to isolate the underworld from the erosion of living creatures and gain some advantages at the same time.

At the same time, Si Chen stepped down at an extremely fast speed, leaving behind a black afterimage, and stepped towards Li Hao's Tianling Cap.

A thunder suddenly sounded in this gray space, and as he stepped forward, the Yin Qi boiled like a stormy wave crashing on the shore, violently impacting in the void.

The fist mark of Li Hao's right hand was bright and shot towards the sky. Small sword talismans were wrapped around his arms.

When the fist seal was released, it had turned into sword light and soared into the sky, all rushing towards Si Chen.


The two collided, the light rain danced, the Yin Qi intertwined with the sword light. Si Chen's practice methods and the magical powers he displayed were obviously more suitable for the environment here.


Li Haoyan transformed into the Dharma Body of the Blood Buddha, and blasted out his twenty-four arms in a manner that held up the sky. The bright palm prints almost covered the entire sky.

Big Buddha's hand!

Si Chen was high in the sky, blooming with unparalleled billowing Yin Qi, constructing a picture of pagoda hell, which appeared below him, as if the real underworld was suppressing it.

Li Hao's eyes were deep, and various supernatural powers and mysteries appeared on the twenty-four magic arms, such as thunder, fire, ice...

Each arm has developed different magical powers, turning decay into magic.

At the same time, he also activated the Holy Body of Ten Thousand Arts to fuse all the magical powers together, making this punch particularly terrifying and indestructible!

From a long distance, Si Chen could feel the domineering and terrifying force of this blow.

And all of these are hidden under the hands of Daluo Buddha.


With a loud noise, the fist of thunder penetrated the pagoda hell map.

It's like a picture being torn apart and then burning, dazzling and dazzling.

This was Li Hao's powerful blow. The dharma body was like a rainbow, rising up against the sky, and finally struck Si Chen's body.


Blood spattered and the sound of cracking bones was heard. His body cracked and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

At the same time, the Blood Buddha's Dharma Body grabbed every part of his body with a loud bang, trying to pull him down.

With just this grab, Si Chen's body could no longer resist and was torn apart quickly, and then white bones and blood appeared, which was shocking.

Li Hao exerted force with his magic arm, and with a pop, blood dyed the void red, and Si Chen's body completely shattered and was torn into many pieces.

But Li Hao was not happy. In his ferocious eyes, the silence was like a puddle of stagnant water.

The place was filled with gray fog and became hazy.


Suddenly, Li Hao had a premonition that something was wrong, and the surrounding scenery was blurry.


Finally, he discovered that the remains of Si Chen's body had also turned into a thick black liquid, surging rapidly in the void and converging into a new body not far away.

"What's going on with your soul?" Li Hao squinted his eyes, not surprised by this scene.

Because he had not felt the existence of the soul from Si Chen's body just now.

"You...when did you break through..." Si Chen forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart and tried to keep his tone calm.

He had already discovered that Li Hao had broken through, and his strength was advancing so fast. Originally, this was just a trial stage for both parties, but who would have thought that Li Hao would be so violent that he would tear him apart.

"After you attacked me last time, I felt deeply that my strength was insufficient, so I broke through." Li Hao said easily, and the corners of Si Chen's eyes twitched.

Can you break through if you feel your strength is insufficient?

Can it still be like this?

He couldn't calm down. His mission was to drag Li Hao and prevent him from escaping from hell. He had prepared many trump cards for this purpose. He was originally waiting for the other party to take action, but he responded calmly.

Now it seems that he has to play his cards first.

Silently, dozens of black chains appeared in the mist, wrapping around Li Hao's magic arms. They were strange and terrifying, and then emitted a faint black light.

"Crack me!"

Not far away, Si Chen said coldly and ruthlessly. His body could not be seen clearly, only a pair of pupils emitted a faint cold light in the mist. He also wanted to tear open Li Hao's body.

"Break!" Li Hao shouted coldly, and the Ruyi Sword flew out. Against the backdrop of the surrounding environment, the flight trajectory of the Ruyi Sword finally became visible.

The sound of clanging sounds continued, and the black chains were broken but healed.

Every time it heals, it will swallow up a lot of yin energy around it, and in just a short moment, Li Hao keenly felt that something was wrong with these chains.

They are strengthening, and the speed at which the Ruyi Sword smashes them is getting slower and slower. Although it still seems to be in the blink of an eye, it is indeed getting slower.

Li Hao's eyes flashed and he stared ahead. The fog dissipated, and Si Chen stood tall, with dark fire beating around him.

His face was cold, his hands were forming seals, and a more powerful aura erupted.

"A Zhenwu Emperor is so terrifying. Are those ancient immortal gods really so terrifying? I don't believe it..." Si Chen said to himself, and the black flames burned even more vigorously.

The next moment, chains were densely packed around him, rapidly growing, filling the void. They were all dark chains, accompanied by raging fire.

Li Hao stared carefully with his golden eyes. The fire burned the void, attached to the chain, and complemented each other. The surrounding Yin Qi was almost endless, which was equivalent to Si Chen's home court.

Black chains of yin fire occupied the sky, surrounded Li Hao, and squeezed him toward the center.

Li Hao's whole body shimmered with light, and then the milky white light flowed along a specific trajectory. Almost in an instant, a complex formation took shape.

"One thought creates an formation?" Si Chen was stunned, but he didn't expect Li Hao to still be hiding this trick.

This formation overlapped with Li Hao's Ten Thousand Methods Holy Domain, and a steady stream of magical powers emerged, integrating into the formation and complementing it.

The terrifying chain fire was forced into the formation, and it became dim, its lethality was sharply reduced, and it was even more sluggish, showing signs of being wiped out.

Si Chen looked gloomy and suddenly activated his magical power. At the same time, he raised his hand and shot out a special chain.

It is not derived, but an entity, like a black crystal, emitting black light and breaking into the formation instantly.


The Ruyi Sword collided with it and was directly smashed away.

Li Hao reached out and grabbed it hard, and immediately felt a stinging pain. His palm actually bled. This chain was not simple, it had a cold air.

It must be another gadget from the ancient underworld.

In an instant, Li Hao exploded, took the Ruyi Sword, expanded to normal size, and smashed the black chain hard.


The end of the black chain broke, and Si Chen's expression changed in shock.


Li Hao took steps, and the surrounding formations followed him like a shadow, guarding him all around.

He killed Si Chen directly.

"Fortunately, I'm quite prepared." Si Chen's heart was filled with emotions, but his voice was still calm.

He quickly opened a special stone box, which was extremely simple and engraved with various evil spirits.

For a moment, a trace of mist emerged from the box, and then a black mud block as big as a baby's fist flew out and hit Li Hao.


Li Hao felt frightened for a while, and even had some chills standing on end. This was because his body was giving him a warning.

I don't know why this piece of black mud is very evil. It emits a faint black light, with a trace of mist, and is filled with the aura of destroying all things.

He quickly retreated, but Hei Ni approached extremely quickly.

"What the hell is this thing?" Li Hao was shocked and confused, but he definitely knew that this thing was not a good thing and should not be touched.

Subconsciously, he passed through several options in his mind, but he rejected them all. In this situation, whoever plays more trump cards will suffer more losses.

No one knows what the outside world is like now.

Si Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately...not counting the various trump cards that Li Hao might have, Li Hao's breakthrough in strength had already surprised him enough.

That thought made him unexpected. Not only did he fail to force Li Hao's trump card, but he was forced to use various means.

But this Huangquan River mud is still good after all.

Suddenly, his expression paused, and then he frowned slightly, and saw Li Hao's fleeing figure frozen in mid-air.

The inconspicuous piece of black mud was getting closer and closer to him, but he showed no sign of escaping.

Li Hao is not a fool, this is what Si Chen has always kept in mind. The other party must have felt threatened by the Huangquan River mud, but he still stopped and must have thought of a way to deal with it.

Thinking of this, he held his breath and stared at the other party's movements.

He was about to make contact, but there was no movement... He raised his hand, but there was nothing on it... What did he want to do... His arm began to wither... The mud from the Huangquan River began to erode his body...

Seeing this scene, Si Chen couldn't help but feel a little hope in his heart.

It seems...the countermeasures prepared by Li Hao have no effect on Huangquan River mud...finally won...

Um! ?

Suddenly, his expression froze, and the yellow spring river mud in Li Hao's hand suddenly disappeared.

Where is the Huangquan River mud! ?

He froze in place. The Yellow Spring River mud could not be placed in the Qiankun Bag, it would be eroded. Only this kind of bone and stone could be preserved, but the scene before him could not be explained.

The first half of Li Hao's right hand had withered into a branch, but at this moment, his energy and blood were full, and he quickly recovered.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and glanced at the Sumeru space - [Huangquan River Mud: Mud that has settled at the bottom of the Huangquan River for an unknown number of years. 】

This thing actually almost swallowed me up.

Li Hao was still frightened. This thing was indeed very powerful. It only touched it for a moment and swallowed up half of his arm.

It was in that instant that he put it into the Sumeru space. This thing had no self-awareness and was put away directly.

"Yellow Spring River Mud, you Yinsi Division even has such a thing, it really surprises me." Li Hao sighed as he looked at Si Chen whose expression changed.

"You know its name..." Si Chen couldn't understand. He knew that Li Hao was the reincarnation of an ancient immortal god.

But even the ancient immortal gods couldn't tell what the black mud was at a glance.

"Is there any other way? If not, I will accept your life." Li Hao's tone was calm. It didn't sound like he was talking about Si Chen's life or death, but like he was asking if he had eaten.

Si Chen was silent, then suddenly grinned, laughing with an unprecedented arrogance and arrogance: "Hahaha... Do you think you will win?"

He is not an arrogant person, but...he doesn't think he will lose now, because there is still the Grand Judge, someone to back them up.

This is his confidence.

"Then it's useless for you to kill me. You should have felt that my soul is not in my body. I will return to the world after the dust settles."

There was something strange about Si Chen's body. Just when he was fighting, he felt that the opponent's soul was not in his body.

Generally speaking, this kind of situation is impossible to happen, but now it has actually happened, and some kind of secret method must have been used.

Li Hao narrowed his eyes slightly: "Why don't you and I sit down and talk."

"You seem to think that the outcome between us will hardly affect the final outcome of the battle. In this case, why should we continue to fight? Why don't we talk."

"Let's talk?" Si Chen stopped his smile, and his expression turned cold for a moment: "There's nothing to talk about."

He seemed determined.

The next moment, a black object appeared in his right hand, which was the Fengdu seal, and it quickly hit his chest.

In an instant, gray mist enveloped him, and even the space was trembling, not because its power was too amazing, but because of some other reason.

Li Hao's eyes flashed: "What is it this time?"

Soon, the fog dissipated, and a dark figure replaced Si Chen, with a faint coldness that made people shudder.

"My body will collapse if I carry a power far beyond my own. I hope you can still stop it..."

Si Chen's voice was cold and silent. This was his last resort and he had to pay the price of his life.

He believed that this would definitely stop Li Hao, because his strength after carrying Hei Wuchang was already comparable to Immortal Fire.

"It turns out to be Hei Wuchang..."

Li Hao whispered, without any fear or uneasiness of impending disaster. Instead, he was calm and his voice was indifferent, "Youquan, kill him."


The sea of ​​blood spurted out from behind Li Hao and blocked in front of him. The gray mist around Hei Wuchang was like a huge wave, showing the unrest in his heart.

"The sea of ​​blood is immortal, the quiet spring is immortal..." A figure appeared next to Li Hao.



The brilliance in the sky stung people so much that it was difficult to open their eyes. All they could hear was the roaring collision, the figure of the great sage and the headless general killing each other.

The movements between the two were extremely fast, crisscrossing the sky thousands of feet above. The spear in the headless god's hand was like a dragon. Every blow shook the void, causing the earth to tremble and be on the verge of breaking.

"Where did this iron knot come from!" the great sage shouted angrily, his eyes flashed coldly, and he danced like a tiger with the iron rod in his hand.

Off the field, everyone in the Yinsi Division was also fighting each other. Lord Sakibayashi and all the demons were besieging a tall horse face.

He is the strongest in the field, so he needs many people to check and balance him.

Qi Linjun gritted his teeth. The Great Sage's original plan was very good, but unfortunately the headless god was the biggest change, and Li Hao was also kidnapped into the gate of hell, where his life and death were uncertain.

The situation on the field is really not optimistic.

Huaiyuan's expression was solemn. The enemy was King Ping Ping. He had been severely injured before, and until now, his injuries have not recovered.

Huaiyuan was barely able to fight him, and King Pingping still had time to speak: "Huaiyuan, King Yama told me when he came that he must kill you."

"Do you regret betraying Yinsi?" King Pingping had formation patterns all over his body, forming various formations, and used them to kill.

"Regret?" Huaiyuan sneered. Even if he regrets it now, he still has to hold on.

"Whether you regret it or not, there is no chance anymore." A cold light flashed in King Ping Ping's eyes, black thunder flashed around his body, and a small formation formed in his palm.


Thunder struck down one after another, condensing into a thunder spear in his palm.

The spear is composed of pure black thunder, with electric snakes beating on the surface, making a "sizzling" sound.

His hands began to tremble, as if he could no longer control the power.

"This blow will take your life!"

Although he said sarcastic words, there was no trace of sarcasm in King Ping's tone and expression.

Danger! Huaiyuan only felt that his body was giving a frantic warning, and his survival instinct urged him to escape quickly.

The power gathered by this thunder spear is enough to kill!

But, it was already too late. The moment King Pingping raised his hand, the thunder spear had already fallen, and the black thunder that penetrated the heaven and earth penetrated Huaiyuan's body.


His body fell from the sky, shaped like charcoal, the surface of his skin had been carbonized, and his breath was extremely weak. Even though King Ping Ping had not recovered from his injuries, it was easy to defeat Huai Yuan.

"Master Huai..." Yuan He hurried over, Hongque and others were not far away. The entire battlefield had been blocked and they couldn't escape.

Their faces had different expressions of sadness, worry, and anger.

Only then did they realize that they no longer had to take risks and they had survived. Not long had passed.

The originally brilliant road ahead slowly unfolded, and everyone was happy and excited, but the underworld suddenly attacked.

It gave them a head-on blow, like a bucket of cold water poured down on them, cutting off their hope again.

"This time... it's really going to end..." Huai Yuan could only stand up with the help of Yuan He, feeling complicated.

"He's not dead. It looks like I'm really seriously injured." King Pingping's figure fell down, and he looked at his hand with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"In that case, let's just add another blow..."

Everyone was silent, with unspeakable fear rising in their hearts, which was their own fear of high-level practitioners.

Once Huaiyuan dies, they will definitely be next, and it is impossible for this person to hold back on them.

Suddenly, King Pingping's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly looked in the direction of the Gate of Hell.

A bloody stream of light rushed out, like a wild beast that broke into the battlefield. It had a terrifying aura, smashed into the depths of the earth, and rushed out again, instantly making everyone aware of it.

"It's not him..." Hongque's eyes lit up at first, and then dimmed.

Cang Nan and others had pale lips. After experiencing various incidents and Li Hao did not let them go to the gate of hell, they had a kind of blind trust in Li Hao.

They believed that Li Hao could not be trapped in the gate of hell, but as time passed, their hearts continued to fall to the bottom.

Because the situation was too complicated, three statues appeared in the Immortal Fire Realm.

"Is there something coming out of the ghost gate again?" Xuanyang was shocked and his face tightened. This situation is already critical enough now.

Who knew that something behind the ghost gate would get involved again? This was not good news for the underworld, but it was even more so for them.

King Ping Ping looked soothed and whispered: "We have made enough preparations. With King Yama blocking him, it is impossible to rush out."

He seemed to be talking to himself and giving himself confidence.

The scene where the Book of Life and Death spontaneously ignited severely damaged his confidence.

"Another ghost appears here. It shouldn't be a problem. The Grand Judge is here..." The second half of the sentence only sounded in his heart. He thought that this bloody figure was just like the headless general.

Until, the bloody light dissipated, his pupils shrank, and unspeakable shock surged in his heart, and he lost his voice: "Hei Wuchang? King Yama!"

The battlefield gradually calmed down, and everyone noticed something was wrong.

The bloody figure that rushed out was holding a black creature in its hand. Both of them looked very strange.

The bloody figure was covered in blood, as if it was made of pure blood.

As for the black creature, it had a very high hat and a dark face. Although it was humanoid, it had no human form.

The two seemed to be fighting, but the black figure fell into a disadvantage, and it was even said to be over. The thin blood-colored thread was inserted into Hei Wuchang's body.

Hei Wuchang's body trembled and was lifted up. His body cracked, as if it was about to split at any time. He seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't.

"How could this happen? Could it be that Li Hao was so lucky that he happened to encounter a ghost and fight with King Yama?" King Pingping couldn't believe it, and even gritted his teeth.

Youquan stretched out his big bloody hand, placed it on Hei Wuchang's chest, grabbed the big black Fengdu seal, and then pulled it suddenly.

In an instant, Hei Wuchang made a sharp and painful sound, and his whole body was twisted and pulled away.

Halfway through, it collapsed, and Si Chen's body exploded, turning into blood clots and scattering in all directions.

"King Yama..." King Pingping clenched his fists.

"Don't be anxious, the thing is in the hands of a ghost. Let's deal with the group of people in front of us first. We have plenty of time to get it." The voice of the Wheel-turning King rang out, refocusing the minds of everyone in the Yin Division.

Xuanyang, Elder Ao and others felt their hearts tighten again.

However, what surprised everyone was that the bloody figure who had obtained the Fengdu Seal did not move away, or move towards the next owner of the Fengdu Seal, but instead headed towards the gate of hell.

"What does he want to do? Go back?" King Pingping frowned.

"Well, he knelt down!?" Master Kassapa was surprised. Golden Dharma's body was covered with blood.

In front of the gate of hell, the bloody figure was half-kneeling on the ground, holding the Fengdu seal in both hands. This posture...

"It's like welcoming someone!" Xuanyang swallowed hard.

King Ping Ping's face looked uncertain. Could it be that there was a bigger one in the ghost gate? He felt a little anxious in his heart.

The unexpected change did not come from Daxia or Li Hao, but from the gate of hell.

I wonder if the Grand Judge can solve it.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, a white boot stepped out of the gate of hell, and then Li Hao stepped out, and then the world seemed to be silent.

"Master, fortunately you have lived up to your destiny." Youquan's voice was hoarse.

"Yeah, well done."

Li Hao naturally took the third Fengdu seal from Youquan's hand, shook it in his hand, and then disappeared.

This scene, like thunder, struck into the minds of everyone present.

The change was so big and fast that they were in a state of confusion.

"How could it be him!"

King Pingping was shocked and angry. He never expected that the bloody figure was actually Li Hao.

He clearly understood how many cards and tricks King Yama had, but even so, he still lost.

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