I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 164 Accident Clearing the Dungeon

Roaring ghosts rushed out, billowing yin energy, forming a sky-covering curtain, and loud laughter lingered in the ears. If you listened carefully, it sounded like crying.

"It's really opened." Xuanyang looked solemn, and Huaiyuan stared at the Wheel King: "The black clothes on his body are very strange, covering all the aura, making it difficult for people to detect."

The people in the Yin Division are well prepared. Even if they are repeatedly defeated by Li Hao, they still have a backup plan.

"We're in big trouble..." someone said sadly.

Everyone has experienced firsthand how troublesome the things in the ghost gate are. Ghosts of that level,

If it appears on a large scale, not to mention the northern border, even Daxia will not be able to withstand it.

"What are those tattered clothes? Isn't it related to the impermanence of black and white?" Li Hao's eyes were burning with red fire, but he could not see through the tattered clothes attached to the wheel-turning king.

There are so many good things in this underworld.

It was by relying on these tattered clothes that the Chakravartin King eluded everyone's perception and approached the gate of hell.

The Gate of Hell is an unparalleled big trouble. Everyone agrees that even if a cesspool remains there for endless years, the explosion will kill a large area.

Not to mention something as taboo as the Gate of Hell.

"Look, how come this person is not attacked by those ghosts." People from Daxia gathered together, Xuanyang stared at the Wheel-turning King.

The Yin Qi persists, like a rolling black dragon, the ground turns gray-white, and the vegetation withers, turning these magnificent mountains and rivers into the bad land of the underworld.

The ghost forms are endless, turning into various ghosts.

However, there were no ghosts around the Chakravartin King standing at the door, and even the Yin Qi was isolated from it, forming a pure land.

"It must have something to do with those clothes..." Huaiyuan said solemnly.

"Fortunately, these ghosts are weak and strong. The ghosts that blocked the ghost gate that day should be considered relatively strong ghosts." Master Kasyapa breathed a sigh of relief. Not all of the ghosts that escaped were extremely strong.

Most of them do not pose a threat to them.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the earth began to roar, and a rotten head stuck out from the hell gate. The flesh and blood had dried up and turned into dark brown. It looked like a dragon's head, and the skull was full of cracks.

The edge rubbed against the half-open ghost door and produced gray-white sparks.

"Tangible things?" Li Hao's eyelids twitched slightly, feeling that something was wrong. It was just that there were ghosts in this ghost gate. Why was there such a thing?

This head was just the beginning. The dry bone body struggled to come out of the gate of hell. The body was a thousand feet long, without any flesh and blood, only pale bones.

An iron chain was tied around the neck, making a rattling sound that echoed throughout the world.

"This is...a dragon?" Mr. Qi Lin took a breath. Shiling had hunted a dragon before, and it was precisely because of this that they knew that dragons were really scary.

"What a terrible smell, I feel...like I'm going to die." Everyone protected Princess Zhanqing and backed away.

Her face was pale and her cultivation level was lower, so she was affected more deeply.

The dragon has come out, but the black iron chain is still in the gate of hell. With a rumbling sound, an incomplete ancient chariot rushes out, with a headless god general on it, leaning on a broken bronze spear.

Yin energy is raging across the earth, and the appearance of this headless god seems to herald the end of the ghosts in the gate of hell.

The majestic ghost gate is half-opened, and the dark yin energy is surging inside, so no one can see clearly.

"Kill!" Brutal murderous intent surged through the world, and everyone felt frightened, as if their hearts were being grasped by invisible hands.

Li Hao looked carefully and couldn't find any similar immortals who could compete with this guy.

"At least he is in the Immortal Fire Realm, otherwise he would not have such a strong deterrent effect." Xuanyang said, with a bitter smile on his face.

He spent a lot of time with his master, so he easily identified them.

"Why did a tangible object appear? Aren't it full of ghosts? What is this thing?" Si Chen was also confused and secretly communicated with several other palace masters.

"I don't know. We all know the results from some ancient books and the speculations of our predecessors. No one has actually gone in." Others were also confused.

"Fengdu Great Seal..." There was another eerie voice. His language was very ancient and contained a nameless fluctuation that resounded in everyone's soul.

"Fortunately..." Si Chen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard this: "Although the appearance of this thing is unexpected, their obsession with the Fengdu Great Seal still exists."

"This guy is at least an Immortal Fire Mirror. He can definitely kill Li Hao." The Wheel-Winning King met with Si Chen and others and said bitterly.

"Fengdu Great Seal?" Xuanyang and others looked at each other. During the battle with Yin Si just now, the other party did not directly mention the name of Fengdu Great Seal.

Therefore, they were confused about this unfamiliar term, but they also knew that it must be something precious.

Huaiyuan's face darkened, he suddenly looked at Li Hao and blurted out, "Run quickly, this thing is obsessed with Fengdu Great Seal."

Run quickly? Kasyapa and others were stunned for a moment, and then looked at Li Hao.

What's the meaning?

Fengdu's seal is on Li Hao?

"Is the thing you just grabbed from the bull-head carcass the Fengdu seal?" Princess Zhanqing suddenly said, guessing it keenly.

Although the black thing looked ordinary, the bull head was obviously transformed by it.

Moreover, just now the Lord of the Yin Division also used a dark thing to open the gate of hell, which can be easily deduced.

"It's too late to leave..." the Wheel King sneered. He was wearing tattered clothes and holding the Fengdu seal in his hand. He didn't seem to be worried about it at all.

"Director Li, are you sure you can kill him?" Xuanyang asked in a low voice.

Li Hao glanced at him in surprise, "That's a fairy fire, not a jade cabbage in the field. Isn't your question a bit too arrogant?"

Xuanyang smiled awkwardly: "Didn't I see you alone and close the gate of hell before?"

"That doesn't mean you have so much confidence in me. It was just an accident."

Li Hao shook his head helplessly. Do these people really think he is invincible?

Even if it is a ghost, it does not only attack the soul, not to mention that this thing is definitely not mainly about attacking the soul.

Everyone sighed and suddenly came to their senses. Because Li Hao had shown his power just now, they had a kind of blind trust.

But his methods will eventually be exhausted.

Huaiyuan looked ugly. This guy still had time to chat here, so he didn't hurry up and run away.

This thing is just the beginning, who knows if there is anything else inside.

Li Hao focused his attention on it. With the strength of this thing, if it really targeted him, he wouldn't be able to escape even if he ran away.

He is always ready to use [Previous Life Wisdom] to avoid being killed.

Although the Fengdu seal was thrown into the Sumeru space by him.

According to common sense, the thing of Wanjie Zhi must be cut off from all contact with the outside world, and the headless god general would not be able to detect the Fengdu Great Seal on his body.

But nothing can avoid accidents.

At this moment, the Yin Dragon roared, a hoarse and obscure sound that made those who heard it dizzy, and Li Hao became vigilant.

The people in the Yin Division watched helplessly with anticipation on their faces, hoping to see the headless god slay him.

However, something happened that was difficult for everyone to understand.

The headless god general shook the chain, and the huge Yin Dragon seemed to have been commanded, and suddenly rushed into the sky. The chariot rumbled, and then disappeared into the sky, leaving only a gradually dissipating black smoke.

"Run away?" Li Hao was stunned, and Xuanyang and others looked confused.

Everyone in the Yin Division was stunned.

what happened?

Why did this majestic headless god general run away? Isn't the Great Seal of Fengdu right in front of him?

Go ahead and kill this man off his horse!

No one could answer the questions in their minds, the dark wind roared in the field, and both sides were stunned.

The Yin Division hall masters felt depressed in their hearts. This feeling was very uncomfortable, as if they heard the horn of attack, only to find out that it was blown wrong, and it was actually the call to retreat.

The turbulent energy and blood all over his body had nowhere to vent.

Sure enough, he couldn't notice it. The Sumeru space isolated everything, and Li Hao probably understood what was going on.

The headless general did not notice the aura of Fengdu Great Seal here, and he had no consciousness. He could only act instinctively, so he ran away.

"How could this happen?" King Chakravartin asked angrily, "He has two large Fengdu seals on his body. Could it be that this headless general couldn't find it and ran away directly?"

Everyone looked at each other, you asked me who should I ask?

Si Chen frowned. Although this scene was confusing, it was somewhat reasonable when it happened to Li Hao.

And King Ping Ping, who was feeling weak, suddenly asked with a sharp light in his eyes: "Is the other Fengdu seal wrapped in impermanence clothes?"

The Chakravartin King waved his hand impatiently: "I only have this one piece of impermanent clothing, of course not..."

Halfway through the words, he suddenly reacted and looked at the place where the Headless God disappeared with an ugly expression: "He went to find another piece!?"

"Hurry!" Si Chen also reacted and rushed into the sky first, so the others followed closely, looking very panicked.

So, after a while, only Daxia and others were left on the scene, messy in the wind.

"They ran away too?" Xuanyang asked hesitantly, feeling a little dazed. Things turned so fast.

The people from the underworld had just opened the door to hell, looking as if their evil plot had succeeded, but they fled in a hurry the next moment. It was so weird.

"Interesting..." Li Hao's heart moved slightly. In this battle, including the Fengdu seal on his body, there were three in total.

There is a certain possibility that the other piece was not taken out by several palace masters.

There is another possibility, that is, another Fengdu seal was not brought at all.

Looking at the direction in which the Yinsi people were leaving, Li Hao believed that the second possibility was more likely.

The Yinsi's Fengdu seal was hidden by the strange clothes.

As for his Fengdu Great Seal, which is placed in the Sumeru space, neither of them can be sensed. The only one that can be sensed is the last piece far away in the horizon.

Tsk... Yinsi is stealing the chicken but losing the rice...

Li Hao muttered, but heard Xuanyang and others talking.

"The people from the Yin Division have withdrawn, but what will happen to this ghost gate?" Xuanyang's voice was slightly worried.

At this moment, the ghost gate is still gushing out Yin Qi continuously, and the erosion of the nearby land is accelerating.

The Yin Qi, which almost turned into substance, became thinner after spreading to a distance, and finally disappeared, blending into the world.

This will bring about hidden disasters, such as an increase in ghosts and a general increase in the strength of ghosts.

The number of escaped ghosts was much less than at the beginning. Although no big ones came out for the time being, everyone understood that since there is a headless general, there must be a second one.

"How about trying to close it?" someone suggested.

Everyone looked at Li Hao secretly.

Li Haoze had no intention of speaking and was speechless. I have to do everything. Don't you have the skills yourself?

In desperation, Xuanyang took the initiative and said: "I'll give it a try..."

He came to the gate of hell with a little anxiety, and then tried to push the gate of hell. However... this time, the feeling of gate of hell to him was just like the gap that had opened before, unshakable.

He shook his head helplessly, and everyone's hearts sank, unable to close the door...

This time it has been opened to a certain limit. It is not comparable to the last time. It seems that it has touched some kind of rules and can no longer be closed.

Seeing that everyone was in a low mood, Mr. Sakibayashi said, "I suggest that you all retreat first. It is very dangerous to stay here."

The last headless general ran away, but no one was sure whether the next one would come out and kill everyone.

Everyone ignored Mr. Qi Lin. They had not forgotten that Shiling Demon was there just watching a show.

"Withdraw..." Princess Zhanqing said in a solemn voice, trying to calm down her mind: "First inform Daxia of what happened here."

"The headless god general has no consciousness and only relies on instinct. I'm afraid it will pose a great threat to the northern border."

"The creatures in the north are suffering..." Kasyapa shook his head and sighed, looking pitiful. Everyone glanced at him and didn't bother to pay attention.

This old monk only talks about it.

Soon, the order was passed on, and many soldiers began to prepare. The speed was very fast. After all, they all had cultivation levels, and the precious military supplies were stored in the Qiankun Bag.

The soldiers almost packed their bags and left. Within an hour or two, the Daxia army near Guimen Pass had already evacuated and was stationed further away.

At the same time, we are also observing the strange things happening here at Guimen Pass at any time.

In the stone house, Li Hao was thinking about the things he had obtained from the ox head before. In addition to the Fengdu seal, there was also a small gray nail.

[Soul-locking Nail: The fragment of Yuanling that seals the bull’s head]

Can Yinsi also extract Yuanling fragments?

Li Hao was a little surprised. After careful consideration, he found that the small nail was only as long as his index finger and was covered with gray mist.

He imitated the movements of King Chu Jiang at that time, put the nail on his chest, and then took out the Fengdu seal.

However, after thinking for a long time, he gave up.

"Forget it, it's better not to take risks with your own body..." Li Hao said to himself, and the figure of his "good friend" Mr. Huai unconsciously appeared in his mind.


Zhenbei City, the Royal Palace, Zhenbei King and Prince Ming'an are playing chess.

There was silence between the two, with only wisps of purple smoke lingering around them like dragons.

The two boys, black and white, staggered down, and their thinking time was not long but not short either.

Liezhou's face was solemn and his expression was hurried. If it weren't for the fact that flying was not allowed in the palace, he would have wanted to fly directly there.

Halfway through, the footsteps turned into two people. He glanced at the general with the same solemn expression. The two were aware of each other at the same time and did not communicate with each other.

Outside the palace, the personal guards of Prince Ming'an and King Zhenbei were stationed respectively. If Liezhou or the general came alone.

They would be stopped, but both of them came at the same time and had the right to walk freely. For a while, no one dared to stop them.

The two of them walked straight into the hall.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Majesty!"

The two of them knelt down on one knee at the same time and reported to different people.

The King of Zhenbei made a move, dropped the white piece in his hand, and asked with a calm expression, "What's the matter?"

"The gate of hell was suddenly attacked and killed by the underworld, and the gate of hell was opened." Lie Zhou summed up the matter concisely and directly.

The general just opened his mouth and closed it again when he heard the words.

"When did it happen!" Prince Ming'an's expression suddenly changed and he stood up suddenly. Zhou Shen's surging energy overturned the chessboard.

King Zhenbei frowned slightly, but with a calm expression, he stroked his hands and restored the chessboard to its original state.

This incident happened when Li Hao arrived at Guimen Pass and informed everyone about the Yinsi's upcoming attack.

He already knew it, including Prince Ming'an.

However, what they didn't expect was that it would come so quickly and the results would be so amazing.

"Half a day ago..." The general seized the opportunity and spoke hastily.

"How are the casualties? Is Zhan Qing okay..." Prince Ming'an frowned, the door to hell was opened, and Daxia was undoubtedly defeated.

In this case, I just hope Zhan Qing is okay, otherwise he will be in big trouble.

"Princess Zhanqing is safe and sound, please rest assured," Lie Zhou replied.

"That's good..." Prince Ming'an looked slightly calm and glanced at the relatively calm King Zhenbei, although there had been quite a lot of collision and friction with the uncle during this period.

But he also had to admit that the other party's city was not comparable to his.

"Tell me, what happened..." King Zhenbei spoke, and the general hurriedly followed up and said impatiently: "This matter has been full of twists and turns. The Yin Division came to attack and asked them to hand over Chief Li by name..."


"Yinsi is seeking death!" King Zhenbei was furious. The chessboard in front of him collapsed into dust, and the corners of Prince Ming'an's eyes suddenly jumped.

I thought you were the one who didn't change your mind despite the collapse of Mount Tai, but it turned out that you were not involved.

Prince Ming'an cursed secretly.

"Don't worry, you're worried, Li... Li Sishou is fine too." The general was startled and spoke hurriedly.

King Zhenbei's body was filled with surging aura, and he suddenly paused and glanced at his nephew calmly. As expected, there was obvious contempt in his eyes.

He frowned, glared at his men, pointed at Lie Zhou and said, "Who, please tell me what happened."

The general was also aggrieved, lowered his head and said nothing.

Liezhou's face was tense and he whispered: "This is what happened..."

As Lie Zhou narrated, the expressions on the faces of Prince Ming'an and King Zhenbei were also very exciting.

"Wait a minute, you're saying that one of the people from the Yin Division turned into a bull-headed demon and was directly killed by Li Hao?" Prince Ming'an asked carefully.

"Yes, according to the report over there, that's what happened." Lie Zhou nodded.

King Zhenbei and Prince Ming'an looked at each other. Since the Gate of Hell was in the north, they also received many secrets from within Daxia during this period.

The bull-headed demon seems to be a Yin god from the underworld in the ancient immortal gods era.

This underworld... is indeed not simple...

Liezhou went on to narrate that when he mentioned that something called the remaining pages of the Book of Life and Death spontaneously ignited, the two of them were even more shocked.

"Master Pan has fallen..." Prince Ming'an sighed.

"The Yin Division's methods are mysterious and unpredictable. It's impossible not to kill anyone." King Zhenbei said calmly.

It's not your person, you don't feel bad, right? Prince Ming'an murmured in his heart.

After Lie Zhou finished telling the story about the Yinsi attacking Princess Zhanqing on the surface but secretly opening the door to hell, both King Zhenbei and Prince Ming'an fell into silence for a long time.

"The Great Seal of Fengdu...Headless Divine General..." Prince Ming'an frowned, "This underworld is so desperate that it will do them no good to open the gate of hell."

"It's hard to say." King Zhenbei shook his head and waved Lie and Zhou to leave.

Although they have secret conflicts, they still have to discuss this matter.

"According to their speculation, no one knows what level of ghosts and monsters will emerge from the ghost gate. I suggest that the Central Territory be reinforced." King Zhenbei said.

"I'll report it right away..." Prince Ming'an said worriedly, "It's just that I'm afraid I won't be able to make it in time..."

"Your Excellency Yang Shen, are you here?" King Zhenbei asked in a low voice. His expression became solemn at the mention of this name.

"Not yet, it should be in the next two days, but he is here for the Great Sage. Unless he kills the Great Sage, he will not care about the hell gate." Prince Ming'an speculated.

The two were silent for a moment. Prince Ming'an's eyes flickered, but he suddenly smiled and said, "Thanks to Li Sishou this time, otherwise the casualties would have been so heavy."

"Fortunately, His Highness used the news about Bianhua Flower to attract him and have a far-sighted view." King Zhenbei said calmly. .

Prince Ming'an smiled calmly: "It's forced by the situation, but the result is always good."

"By the way, now that this matter is over, why not let him go to the Central Territory with me."

The King of Zhenbei looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile: "You want to recruit him for your use again, then you go and ask him in person, I can't force him."

"However, some of your previous actions were indeed a bit shameful."

The embarrassment on Prince Ming'an's face flashed away: "There are some things that Yang Ting'an made on his own, and it was a misunderstanding."

"What about the flower on the other side?" King Zhenbei asked.

"I can't help but ask him for help." Prince Ming'an laughed at himself.

"Haha..." King Zhenbei sneered, clearly seeing the thoughts of these princes: "The gate of hell is not a kind place. If you fool him, it will be beneficial to you in both positive and negative ways."

Prince Ming'an's face was slightly stiff. He was actually very helpless. He had been in the north for several months and had not accomplished anything, even though King Zhenbei was injured.

But Li Hao has grown up, and he will definitely not be able to get involved in the northern border.

This was the thought that came to him after he learned the whole story.

It would be nice to be able to handle the matter at the gate of hell.

In this case, his mood changes and his mentality is different.

Instead, he coveted Li Hao more and more. If he could get help from him, it would be even more powerful.

As for some of the previous conflicts and frictions, he believed that they were not the hatred of killing his father and his mother and could not be resolved.

I believe that Li Hao doesn't want to have an enemy like him.

"Ming'an, I will give you one last piece of advice. The world has changed greatly. Your status as a prince is both a help and a shackle." King Zhenbei looked at Prince Ming'an with a melancholy look in his eyes, as if he saw his former self:

"Your eyes shouldn't just be on that seat, you should have broader pursuits. When you have the most powerful strength in the world, it doesn't matter whether that seat belongs to you or not?"

"As for the four words Li Hao, if you want him to help you, then you have to become friends with him, or have interests that make him interested."

"If you want to recruit him, you should essentially treat him as a subordinate."

Prince Ming'an hesitated to speak. He wanted to retort and say something, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"Uncle Wang, you may not be clear about some things since you have been absent from the Central Territory for a long time. Even if the world changes drastically, the weight of that seat has never dropped." He shook his head and thought: "As for Li Hao..."

After a moment, he said: "Then please ask Uncle Wang to mediate. There were indeed some conflicts and frictions between me and Li Hao before, but it should not be a problem."

"It's okay..." King Zhenbei's eyes suddenly turned dark, and he said coldly: "You still haven't listened to what I said. There is more than just profit in everything."

"I won't get involved in this matter. You can figure it out yourself."

Li Hao was really called over, and everyone drank and drank, ostensibly resolving their grudges, but in fact, the essence remained the same, and they were just giving in to each other.

Ming'an was still the same at heart, and King Zhenbei didn't bother to say anything more.

Prince Ming'an frowned. It was also a good thing for Li Hao to resolve the grudges. Why didn't King Zhenbei help?


"Well, it's normal that the people from the Yin Division can't do anything to him." In the formation, the Great Sage's voice was very calm, and he was not surprised by what Qi Linjun reported.

Instead, he took it for granted. If Li Hao really couldn't deal with this little trouble, he would have wasted the reputation of the four emperors.

Qi Linjun nodded, extremely lucky that he had always had a good attitude towards Li Hao.

"As for the Yin Division, they really have a lot of tricks. I was right not to intervene at the first time." The Great Sage was silent for a moment: "But now, it is indeed a good opportunity."

The Yinsi suffered heavy losses, and several foundation-level treasures were destroyed, which made the six-eared macaque's mind come alive.

"I probably know a thing or two about what they want. If it falls into my hands..."

Qi Linjun's heart moved slightly: "Great Sage, there is a key thing called the Fengdu Great Seal, which seems to be in the hands of Li Hao now."

"The Yin Division will find a way to make a comeback. Without the Fengdu Great Seal, they can't do anything." The Great Sage knew many secrets and hesitated:

"No, when Daxia sends people over, the Yin Division matter won't be done. I have to give them a push."

"Sakibayashi-kun, tell Li Hao something..."

Lord Sakibayashi couldn't help but feel a flash of surprise in his eyes as he listened, and couldn't help but say: "This plan is really unpredictable..."


On the other side, Li Hao was sitting cross-legged in the stone room, holding a soul-locking nail, and called Huai Yuan in, ready to test him.

Just when Huaiyuan came in, Li Hao's mind was slightly disturbed, his pupils were dilated, and in the Wanjie Zhi——

[Xuan Tianzong and Lian Xing were captured by your words, but the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. The two souls left the body and went to Chi You's blood cave.

And not long after the two people left, Youquan fell from the sky and directly grabbed you and their bodies. What do you choose? 】

[I beg Youquan to spare my life]

[Death generously]

[Rebirth from disaster]

Sure enough... Youquan must have a way to know that the body on Mount Wutai is just an illusion.

Perhaps it was a spy, or some other means, but instead of being deceived, they directly locked onto the bodies of the two.

It’s time to reflect it, this thought came to Li Hao’s mind...

"Why are you calling me?" Huaiyuan asked with a frown when Li Hao didn't speak.

"It's okay, you can go out..." Li Hao waved his hand, Huaiyuan stared at him, snorted coldly, turned around and walked out.


Chi You's Blood Point

"It's a pity that you are no longer Dan Chenzi, but the Red Corpse Demon Lord..."

The sea of ​​blood surged, and Xuantianzong stared at the person in front of him with a righteous face. There was an insect on the other person's head between his eyebrows.

"Haha, my current strength is far stronger than Dan Chenzi." The Red Corpse Demon Lord sneered. The bald Lian Xing on the side looked anxious, scanning the surroundings, looking for Li Yingqi's body.

The red corpse raised his hand, and the sea of ​​blood surged below, revealing a woman with a beautiful appearance.

"Are you looking for her? She's right here!" Chi Shi smiled ferociously, Lian Xing looked impatient and was about to rush down, trying to snatch Li Yingqi's body away.

However, when the thing between the red corpse's brows extended, a strange suction force came, trying to tear him apart and devour him.

There is no doubt that that thing has a powerful destructive power on the soul. Once it is torn in, I am afraid that it will never be able to regain consciousness.

Xuantianzong's expression condensed, and Nanmingli Fire Sword flew out and was about to cut it off immediately. Red Corpse had no choice but to confront Xuantianzong.

Lian Xing held the Thunder Flame Sword and charged into the depths of the blood cave. However, the power of the surrounding blood caves was unpredictable, and it even swallowed up the Thunder Flame Sword.

At the critical moment, Nan Mingli's fire sword fell to help him escape.

Immediately, Lian Xing used his soul to forcibly merge into Li Yingqi's body, took control of his body, activated the Thunder Flame Sword, and killed him directly.

Seeing this, Xuantian Sect no longer had any scruples and fought with the Red Corpse. However, the Red Corpse absorbed the power of the blood cave and was able to block the Xuantian Sect who only had the body of a soul.

"You can't kill me. When Youquan finds your bodies, you will die." Red Corpse laughed wildly.

However, the power of Nanming Lihuo Sword was unpredictable, and he actually led Xuantian Sect and rushed straight into the soul of Red Corpse.

With the help of its power, Li Yingqi's soul was forced out.

Immediately, Li Yingqi's physical body returned to its original position.

After achieving their goal, the three of them prepared to retreat. However, at this moment, the spirits of Xuantianzong and Li Yingqi were scattered for a while, and they froze in mid-air.

Li Yingqi looked tense and asked hurriedly: "What's going on?"

"Our bodies have been discovered." Xuantianzong looked ugly.

"Haha, those old monks in Wutai Mountain can't stop Youquan." Red Corpse let out a sharp laugh: "When your physical bodies melt away, your soul will only die."

Obviously, he also thought that the physical bodies of Xuantian Sect and Lian Xing were placed in Mount Wutai.

Hearing this, Li Yingqi said hurriedly: "Let's go back quickly. Master Zunsheng and his colleagues in Wutai Mountain should still be able to hold on."

Hearing what he said, both Lian Xing and Xuantian Zong looked a little strange, and Xuantian Zong even lamented: "It's too late."

Li Yingqi was a little confused and didn't know what the two of them were talking about.

Then, the entrance to the blood cave suddenly opened.

A cloud of blood flew in, and then condensed into a strange-looking guy in mid-air, surrounded by blood mist, which was Youquan.

Chi Shi said in surprise: "Youquan, why are you here? Didn't you attack the physical bodies of these two people in Mount Wutai?"

"Mount Wutai?" Youquan laughed: "What is Mount Wutai? The physical bodies of these two idiots are not in Mount Wutai at all."

"What?" Chi Shi was surprised and couldn't help but said: "If it's not Mount Wutai, then where is it?"

"Just outside the blood cave!" Youquan's laughter filled the whole blood cave: "I don't know what these two people were thinking. They actually put their bodies not far from the blood cave openly and let an ant take care of them."

"Even when I arrived, the ant was still preparing to escape, but I caught him together."

Xuantianzong was silent, with a bitter smile on his face.

Li Yingqi's face was full of shock, and he was hit hard in his heart.

These two people must have so much heart to put their bodies near the blood cave without even sending anyone to look after them.

No, I found a caregiver, but I ended up planning to run away.

Lian Xing's face was full of anxiety, "I really shouldn't have listened to him, I really shouldn't have listened to him..."

"Who do you listen to?" Li Yingqi frowned, raised his sword from the sky, and was surrounded by red corpses and Youquan in the center.

"A deacon from Emei, I don't know how the second senior brother was bewitched by him and obeyed his words." Lian Xing scratched his head and spoke in a hurry.

Xuantianzong shook his head and sighed: "Perhaps we kidnapped him forcibly, which caused the heavenly secret to change drastically."

"Hahaha..." Red Corpse let out a sharp laugh, "What two idiots, they actually sent it themselves..."

Before he finished speaking, a flash of blue light pointed at his head, and Nan Mingli's fire sword rotated slightly, exuding a frightening aura.

"Youquan!" Xuantianzong's eyes flashed and he shouted: "Release Deacon Li, or I will kill the red corpse."

Youquan sneered: "I am a blood demon, you threaten me with your subordinates?"

"But this is just a small matter. You probably don't want us to take away one of your capable subordinates before we die." Xuantianzong said in a deep voice. Although his expression was calm, he was also very impatient inside.

He didn't know if his method would work, but if he didn't give it a try, his life would really be ruined.

Youquan thought for a moment, the sea of ​​​​blood surged, and the red corpse did not dare to speak. He could clearly feel the threat from Nan Mingli's rocket to him.

"I want to see what other methods you have."

Youquan's body suddenly exploded, and three figures emerged from the blood cloud.

The bodies of Xuantianzong and Lianxing were sitting cross-legged, and the filthy blood around them was eroding their bodies, and they would turn into blood in a matter of seconds.

There is another figure, head lowered, unable to see clearly.

"Hey, that's all for you two, he hasn't turned into blood yet." Youquan was a little surprised.

Three people, one is Xuantian Sect, one is Lian Xing, and the other one should be the so-called Deacon Li.

"Is it him?" Li Yingqi looked shocked. He recognized this guy.

When the demon was being subdued that day, it was this guy who was usually not very impressive, who spoke arrogantly and asked Patriarch Baimei to suppress him.

Xuantianzong and others actually obeyed his advice. Is it really true that there is no one in Emei who can give advice?

"Xuan Tian Sect..." Li Hao slowly raised his eyes, looked around, and saw the souls of Lian Xing and Xuantian Sect.

What he had reflected before was that Youquan's strength was indeed somewhat powerful.

According to his estimation, the strength of Youquan after absorbing the blood points should be comparable to that of fairy fire.

Taoist Baimei probably hasn't reached Immortal Fire yet, so he needs to ascend to the upper realm to find a way.

The cultivation realms of the two worlds are not the same, so he can only make a rough estimate.

Based on his current strength alone, without using his trump card, he was obviously no match for Youquan, so he kept pretending to be dead.

"Senior..." Everyone was stunned as soon as Xuantianzong opened his mouth. After all, he was also the only disciple of Kunlun and at the level of the leader, so he actually called this person a senior.

Li Hao was also a little surprised that this was not mentioned in the evolution of Wanjiezhi.

"I failed to wait and took you here by force. Now that it has happened, I want to ask you, are there any changes in the future?" He stared at Li Hao closely, always feeling that something was wrong with him now.

He has a high level of cultivation and feels it more deeply, but he can't express it.

"Variables?" Youquan sneered: "Your two bodies are in my body, what other variables can there be?"

"As for external variables, there are no more." Facing everyone's gaze, Li Hao slowly said, "But, I am the variable!"

After the words fell, in the horrified eyes of everyone, a tyrannical aura suddenly burst out from his body, and he suddenly evolved into a double-headed, twenty-four-armed Blood Buddha Dharma Body, supported by a blood lotus.

Two magic arms directly grabbed the bodies of Lian Xing and Xuantian Zong next to them.

Then Ruyi Sword broke through the blockade of Youquan Old Demon and rushed out directly.

Immediately afterwards, the big hand threw out the two bodies.

Xuantianzong ignored the shock in his heart, and his body was already moving. He grabbed Lian Xing's soul and rushed straight towards their respective bodies.

In an instant, their bodies returned to their original positions, and their auras surged. Xuantian Sect, with the blessing of Nanmingli Fire Sword, was powerful.

Lian Xing awakened Su Hui from his previous life and even controlled the Thunder Flame Sword, and Li Yingqi did not give in too much.

In an instant, the situation changed drastically, and everyone's eyes turned to the Blood Buddha in the middle.

He was shocked, confused, and overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions, and it was even more unbelievable.

Even the power of the blood point was vaguely affected by it and began to resonate.

Youquan was astonished in his heart. The blood Buddha's evil deception was almost the same as his. It could even resonate with the blood cave.

The demonic fire in the red corpse's eyes rose, and he said excitedly: "Where is the demonic senior... uh..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the Blood Buddha's big palm suddenly falling down and holding him in his hand.

Then with a sudden force, there was a bang, and the whole body collapsed. Naturally, the soul could not escape, and was crushed to pieces with a wailing sound.

"I feel upset when I hear your neither yin nor yang voice." Li Hao muttered.

Lian Xing's throat was loose. This damn thing... was even scarier than Youquan.

There was also the weird sound of chanting sutras, which made him anxious and wanted to strike with a sword.

"Ningshen, Youquan is the enemy!" Xuantianzong shouted coldly, waking up the absent-minded people and looking at Youquan attentively.

At this moment, his physical body returned to his original position, with the twin swords of Heavenly Thunder at his sides, and this strange blood Buddha, who did not seem to be an enemy, and his mind was already set.


【End of reflection】

[You expected that the enemy had not moved, and assisted Xuantian Sect, Li Yingqi, Lian Xing went through hardships, and finally eliminated the blood demon Youquan.

He also helped Emei rebuild the mountain gate and reorganize the practice world that had been severely damaged by the blood demon. He then spread the word to the world and rejuvenated the practice world, and he was called - the ancestor of Shenji.】

[Items obtained from the evolving world, please view them in Xumi Space]

[End of evolution, clearing the copy, evaluation - above: unpredictable, predicting the enemy's opportunities, preaching to the world]

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