I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 138 [Lihuo Tempered Body] Northern Gemini?

In the wilderness, the place is full of ravines, the mountains have collapsed, and the clouds are scattered, as if it has just experienced a war.

"Sir...Sir..." The beautiful girl in ragged clothes knelt in front of Sun Yucheng, with tears in her eyes, a large area of ​​white and tender skin exposed, and her breasts trembling.

"I can be a slave and a maid, and work as a cow or a horse for you. Please let me live." She raised her head and looked at the terrifying figure in front of her.

Next to it, half of the head was dead, far larger than an ordinary person's head.

Sun Yucheng weighed a small khaki tree in his hand, looked down at the woman in front of him, and sneered: "I have no interest in touching things that others have used!"

The woman's pupils shrank, and before she could scream, she saw a stick knocking her down.

As soon as the scene turned, Sun Yucheng was already in the palace, surrounded by clouds and mist, and among the cranes and jade animals playing, there was the sound of chanting scriptures.

"Master..." Sun Yucheng lowered his head and held the small earth-yellow tree in his hand: "I got the earth tree back."

"Did you kidnap and kill Yu Guang again?" Master Longhu suddenly opened his eyes, frowning, and stared at his disciple.

"Master, such a scoundrel is using the name of the Rogue Cultivator Conference to protect him, but he is unwilling to pay any price. He chooses to escape immediately when he gets the benefit. How can we tolerate him!" Sun Yucheng said in a low voice.

"Stupid!" Master Longhu angrily said: "We and those casual cultivators are using each other. Otherwise, how could they be used by me if we don't give them some benefits."

"Once word of this gets out, the bustling scene here will immediately be shattered!"

"But... you organized the casual cultivator conference after all, how could you let these villains take advantage of it!" Sun Yucheng was dissatisfied and retorted.

"Besides, I do things carefully so that no one else will know about it."

Master Longhu couldn't help but sigh when he heard this. Although his disciple didn't take a long-term view, he still considered him from the bottom of his heart.

"That's all." Master Longhu shook his head: "This matter must not happen again."

Sun Yucheng groaned, without comment, still holding the earth tree.

"What use do I have for this thing? You can keep it." Master Longhu waved his hand, and Sun Yucheng was not polite and immediately put away the soil tree.

Master Longhu warned again: "Yucheng, you have been acting in a high-profile manner recently, please be restrained."

"Have you ever been so high-profile?" He asked, "What's more, if you don't become famous, what's the point of practicing?"

"It's not that I don't want you to be high-profile, it's just that before you have enough strength, being high-profile will only lead to disaster." Master Longhu said solemnly:

"Especially since you awakened your innate supernatural powers, you have become more domineering. Sometimes, I can't even stand it."

"I am number one on the Northern Territory Prodigy List..." Sun Yucheng said again, but was interrupted before he could finish his words. Master Longhu shouted: "That's enough!"

"An unknown list will make you unaware of the depth of the sky. Do you know how vast the North is, and how many people are not recorded by Tianji Pavilion."

"Not to mention the Central Territory!"

"Li Hao alone can make you unable to lift your head, but he is so cautious that he doesn't even come out of Zhenbeicheng. Do you know why!?"

Sun Yucheng didn't listen to the long speech of the Longhu Town people. He summarized it in just a few words - not as good as Li Hao!

"It's him again, it's him again!" Sun Yucheng gritted his teeth: "Others are just fine. Even Master, do you think I'm not as good as him?"

"If that's the case, then just accept him as your apprentice!"

Sun Yucheng shouted angrily, and Master Longhu stared at him with cold eyes.

Sun Yucheng was shocked, knowing that he had made a mistake, he reluctantly held up his hands and said: "It's me who is so angry..."

"Okay..." Master Longhu interrupted again and said indifferently: "Now there is something you need to do."

"Taoist Beiling came here with his disciples and wants to sell us some information about the Jiuyin Mountain Tomb."

"But I suspect that there is something wrong with his body. You go try him and start with his apprentice."

"Taoist Beiling..." Sun Yucheng's heart moved slightly, knowing that his master and Taoist Beiling had an old grudge.

However, he was concerned about another thing. Beiling Taoist's apprentice was said to be very close to Li Hao.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sneered, "Disciple understands."

Most of a day later, a jade table was placed in front of Li Hao's tent. It was filled with all kinds of rare spiritual fruits. The flesh of his strong legs was half a foot long, roasted golden and full of fat.

Many casual cultivators sat around, changing cups and cups, and there was no lack of flattery towards Li Hao.

"As soon as I saw Brother Zhan, I could tell that he must be a master of physical training and possess tyrannical strength."

"Yes, Brother Zhan has a dignified appearance and boundless righteousness. He is truly a role model for our generation."

Li Hao's pseudonym was "Zhan", and everyone called him brother. After he defeated the strong man, he vaguely became the boss of this area.

The jade-faced man is sitting on pins and needles. This guy is honest and honest on the outside, but he is probably smart on the inside. He should have noticed the little Jiujiu he just said, but he just didn't expose it.

What if this guy suddenly has a seizure one day and cripples himself?

However, Li Hao refused to let him leave, and he did not dare to leave by force.

"Wherever..." Li Hao said humbly: "In our village, people like me are considered hemiplegic. There are many people who are better than me."

"When I left the village, the village chief also told me not to cause trouble outside. I thought that guy just now was very powerful, but it turned out that he couldn't even compare with Er Niu."

Blow it, just blow it, if there really is such a village, it won't turn Daxia upside down.

Are you still working as an unknown casual cultivator here? The Emperor of Great Xia may have made you the village chief.

Even though they thought so, they still pretended to be curious and asked: "Who is Erniu?"

"My neighbor's big yellow dog." Li Hao laughed.


Many casual cultivators were speechless, but they also laughed along with him.

While he was smiling, Li Hao's face suddenly turned serious, and many casual cultivators were frightened, fearing that this person would suddenly say, "I drink so much that I kill people."

"Everyone, drink first. I'll be back as soon as I can..." Li Hao returned to the tent.

Many casual cultivators looked at each other, and the smiles on their faces gradually disappeared. They drank by themselves, and no one spoke.

In the tent, Li Hao looked at Wan Jie Zhi with great anticipation--

[The combination of the two swords of Tianlei failed, and Changkong Wuji died. Baimei reshaped him as Lian Xing, and ordered Xuantianzong to regain control of Emei and leave Nanming Lihuo to ascend to the upper world.

Lian Xing is stubborn and unable to control the Thunder Flame Sword. Xuantian Sect wants to disperse his memory and control the Thunder Flame Sword. Ask everyone for their opinions. What do you choose? 】

【Voice to discourage】


[Rebirth from disaster]

Li Hao did not hesitate and directly chose [Disaster Transformation]. With the previous experiences, he no longer cared about the rewards of his choice.

Moreover, Xuantianzong has a gentle personality, so even if something happens, he probably won't do anything to him.

[You ridicule Xuantianzong, the relationship is sad, he can't let go of Master Guyue at all, and in the end it's just a waste of time.

Everyone was in an uproar, and they didn't expect Xuantian Sect to actually have a crush on their master.

Xuantianzong became so angry that he ignored the dissuasion and forcibly erased his memory. In the end, he failed and was seriously injured and dying.

Dan Chenzi was so angry that he sealed your throat so that you could no longer speak. 】

[Get reward-Lihuo Tempered Body: Nanming Lihuo contains the power of three elements. Lihuo Tempering can bring extraordinary benefits and needs to be charged. 】

Li Hao had a strange look on his face, he didn't expect that Xuantian Sect would be raped.

Shaking his head, he set his sights on the Sumeru space - [Fire Tempering Body] is a flame-like drawing.

Judging from the current level of rewards involved, the remaining six million Spiritual Source Crystals on his body are not enough.

He then recharged it, but it was all consumed, and about two-thirds of the flame drawing lit up.

Li Hao was not surprised by this result. He muttered to himself: "Well... I have to find a way to get some Spiritual Source Crystals again..."


In the center of the area, Jiang Chen leaned on a pillar boredly. The gray round tomb behind was his master's cave, with a unique shape.

"Brother Jiang?" A tentative voice came. Jiang Chen turned around and saw a strange-looking figure with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks standing not far away.

The other party's highly recognizable appearance allowed him to recognize this person's identity immediately.

The top talent in the North - Sun Yucheng.

At the same time, he is also a disciple of Master Longhu. He knows that his master and Master Longhu have a long-standing grudge.

It was said that when the two were young, they fought over each other to pursue the same woman, but the woman chose an unknown guy.

I don’t know what the other party’s apprentice is looking for.

"It turns out to be Brother Sun..." Jiang Chen stood up with a slight smile on his face.

"I heard that Brother Jiang has a close friendship with Li Hao and Chief Li of Zhenbeicheng." Sun Yucheng asked with a normal expression.

"My friendship with him is indeed pretty good." Jiang Chen looked at the other person. The news that he and Li Haosi were hanging out could not be hidden from a casual cultivator of Master Longhu's level.

"I have been fascinated by him for a long time. I wonder if he will come to Jiuyin Mountain?" Sun Yucheng showed an inquiring look.

"He probably won't come. When I came out of Zhenbei City, he was still there." Jiang Chen shook his head and played a trick.

When he appeared with Li Hao in Juyang City, he covered his appearance. Even if there was news, he would not know that it was him who appeared with Li Hao in Juyang City.

"Oh..." Sun Yucheng thought thoughtfully and suddenly smiled: "It does look like what the rumors said. This person cherishes his life so much that he is not willing to take any risks. He is willing to be a tortoise in Zhenbei City."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chen's face suddenly changed, and his voice suddenly turned extremely cold: "It turns out that the purpose of Brother Sun coming to me is just to use his words."

"Eh..." Sun Yucheng said in surprise: "Why is Brother Jiang so cold? We are both casual cultivators, so we should stick together for warmth."

"He has Da Xia's back and doesn't have to face all kinds of risks. Why should you be angry for him?"

As he spoke, his voice also became high-pitched: "Is it because you have been used as a dog for him for a long time, and when you hear someone saying bad things about your master, you open your mouth and bark a few times?"

"But your master is not here now, so who should he call to?"

These words were truly heartbreaking, and Jiang Chen's face instantly became extremely ugly.

He didn't understand why this guy was so angry that he had to jump out and mock him.

Jiang Chen suppressed his anger. Once he looked very angry, it meant he was at a disadvantage.

"Brother Sun, did he lick a black weasel* or wash his mouth with a weasel* in the morning? Why does his mouth smell so fishy when he opens it?"

His words were extremely venomous, and his voice was deliberately louder.

Not far away, Fairy Moonlight just flew out of the coffin and froze in place. Two smart eyes glanced over, full of shock and embarrassment.

Sun Yucheng's chest burst with anger, and he strode up to Jiang Chen and said coldly: "You are a waste in the cave heaven realm. I have been with Li Hao for so long, but I haven't seen you get any benefits."

Jiang Chen's cultivation was his flaw, but he was not timid and said, "I'm not as lucky as you to be able to awaken my innate supernatural powers."

He hinted that Sun Yucheng was just lucky.

Sun Yucheng didn't care: "Since you know, you still have the nerve to stand in front of me. I don't know what Taoist Beiling thinks about accepting a disciple like you."

Just when Jiang Chen wanted to fight back, he heard the voice of Beiling Taoist in his ear: "Don't get entangled with him, come back."


The old man is scared?

Jiang Chen frowned, and when he saw Sun Yucheng's triumphant face, he felt an unknown anger.

"That boy Longhu saw that something was wrong with my body. I didn't expect that his vision would be so vicious now. He sent his apprentice here just to test me."

"He will definitely take action against you later. I can only stop him by then, and Master Longhu can also take the opportunity to take action against me."

Taoist Beiling said helplessly: "Let's talk about it after we come back."

When Jiang Chen heard this, he gritted his teeth and stopped talking in the middle of the spat. He could almost choke to death.

Unfortunately, his master was right. If Master Longhu found out that Taoist Beiling was seriously injured, it might be even more troublesome.

He snorted coldly and turned away.

"Wait a minute, where are you going, Brother Jiang?" Sun Yucheng stretched out his hand and put it on Jiang Chen's shoulder, making it difficult for him to move.

Still not taking action?

Sun Yucheng glanced at the round tomb behind, and it was extremely quiet.

Are you really afraid that I will kill his apprentice directly?

At this moment, another untimely voice came from not far away.

"Hey, who do I think he is? It turns out that he is an ugly person who looks very strange, but wants to eat swan meat. He pursues the Moonlight Fairy wholeheartedly, but has been rejected many times."

There were many people gathered around, all transformed into dragons and practitioners of the Four Symbol Realm, watching the excitement.

Moonlight Fairy, who was treated as a tool, was slightly stunned. How could she be so vicious and a master?

Everyone made a way, only to see a round figure walking in, with his nostrils pointing to the sky, and said arrogantly: "What, you don't accept it?"

"Moonlight Fairy, tell me, is he a toad who wants to eat swan meat? Is he ugly?"

Fangyuan was murderous and heart-wrenching, and directly used the Moonlight Fairy to attack Sun Yucheng.

From the perspective of human aesthetics, Sun Yucheng could not be called handsome either before he awakened his magical power or after he awakened.

But appearance is just the icing on the cake, cultivation and potential are the most important.

Moonlight Fairy rejected Sun Yucheng not because of his appearance.

But she couldn't answer now. She stood there, her eyes evasive, hesitating, her jade fingers intertwined, and she regretted why she chose to come out at this time.

"If you don't answer, you are acquiescing." Fangyuan followed the good advice and said:

"I have an eldest brother, that Li Hao. I'll introduce you to him when I have time. He is a charming, talented person with amazing looks. He is a good match..."

"You are looking for death!" Sun Yucheng was furious, his pupils glowed with golden light, and he went straight towards Fang Yuan.


Fangyuan did not dodge, but a mountain of flesh appeared in front of him. Sun Yucheng's fist hit the surface of the mountain, causing ripples like water waves.

And he felt like he was hitting cotton balls.

Then, those spreading ripples of flesh gathered in the opposite direction, boom!

He flew backwards, with an ugly expression on his face, no more, no less, and the force of the counterattack happened to be what he blasted out.

"Longhu, take care of your apprentice." The Taotie Demon said in a lazy tone.

The figure of Master Longhu appeared, and his tone was indifferent: "Taotie, why is your disciple like a ruffian?"

Naturally, it was impossible for the two bosses to start a fight, so they choked for a few words and then left.

Sun Yucheng glanced at the two of them coldly and left angrily.

"Hey, why would Old Demon Taotie help me?" Beiling Taoist was confused.

Hearing the voice of Taoist Beiling, Jiang Chen looked ugly and snorted coldly: "Old immortal, you really don't take action. What if he really beats me to death?"

"You can't die." Beiling Taoist said quietly.

"You!" Jiang Chen said bitterly: "When you die, no one will collect your body!"

After compiling his mood, he looked towards Fang Yuan, only to see that the other party was also walking towards him.

"Do you know Li Hao?" Jiang Chen asked tentatively. From what he said just now, he discovered that this little fat man seemed to know Li Hao.

"Well, I was friends with Brother Hao when we were at the Jiaolong Boneyard." Fang Yuan responded.

Jiang Chen was slightly stunned, looked at the other person up and down, and said: "Fang Yuan?"

"You know me?" Fang Yuan tried his best to widen his mung bean-sized eyes and asked in surprise.

"Li Hao mentioned it occasionally..." Jiang Chen couldn't hide his surprise in his eyes. Li Hao didn't often talk about what happened in the valley where the dragon was buried, but he did mention Fangyuan.

However, the adjective used is just slightly fat, but looking at this guy's body shape, he is almost a ball.

"Haha..." Fang Yuan was obviously very happy. He had only been accepted as a disciple by the Taotie Old Demon for a few months, and he and Li Hao had been supporting each other for more than half a year at the Jiaolong Burial Ground.

He truly regards Li Hao as his big brother.

"I also heard that Brother Jiang also knew Brother Hao, so I came to pick a fight."

"I see..." Jiang Chen had already guessed in his mind and was not surprised. He just sneered in his heart and said, "Ha, you old man, now you have to be saved by Li Hao."

Taoist Beiling also sighed: "I didn't expect that there was such a reason."

He was indeed surprised. By some mistake, it was Li Hao who "saved" him.

With the "middleman", Jiang Chen and Fangyuan quickly became familiar with each other. When Sun Yucheng was mentioned, Fangyuan curled his lips and said:

"That guy is very arrogant. I heard that he was restrained before he awakened his innate magical power, and even more so after he awakened."

"No one dares to disobey him."

"However, Brother Hao is putting pressure on him, and people who don't like him often tease him about it, so he is extremely unhappy with Brother Hao."

"I also threatened that after entering the Four Symbol Realm, I would definitely challenge Brother Hao."

Jiang Chen thought thoughtfully: "So that's it..."

He thought that Sun Yucheng was just following the orders of Master Longhu and came here simply to test.

Mentioning Li Hao was just an opportunity to mock him. Unexpectedly, the anger and jealousy towards Li Hao in his words were not fake.

"With such arrogance, does anyone really dare to take action against him?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Although he is arrogant, his strength is indeed impressive. He has already picked several people who are also at the peak of Dragon Transformation. None of them are his opponents. The fastest one was defeated within ten moves." Fang Yuan shook his head:

"Some people say that after he enters the Four Symbol Realm, he might really be able to fight Brother Hao."

"Some people have already called them the Twins of the North."

The biggest problem with casual cultivators is that when they are weak, the items they use to break the realm are crappy street stuff, which is irreparable.

Even after becoming stronger, there is still a big gap compared to those in the same realm.

But disciples of Master Longhu obviously do not have this problem.

"Heh..." Jiang Chen sneered: "He is worthy of the Northern Twin Stars!?"

Others don't know, but he clearly knows how strong Li Hao is now.

Even if he steps into the Four Symbols, this person cannot be Li Hao's opponent.

"That's right, my cultivation level is relatively low now. If I catch up with him, I will definitely be able to tear that guy to pieces!" Fang Yuan was full of confidence.

"What's your cultivation level?" Jiang Chen was stunned and asked hesitantly: "I didn't see Brother Dao's cultivation level. I don't know what realm it is."

There was a bit of expectation, uneasiness and unnaturalness in his eyes, which was very complicated anyway.

He hoped to get a normal answer from the other party.

Fangyuan didn't know why, and sighed: "It's not as good as Brother Hao. He just entered the first realm of cave heaven not long ago."

In an instant, Jiang Chen's body was shaking as if struck by lightning.

The first realm of Dongtian, hurry up and catch up with me!

According to Li Hao, the fat man had no cultivation at all when he was mining with him.

In a short period of time, he has actually entered the Cave Heaven Realm.

Although not as good as Li Hao, Li Hao is too defiant.

However, the other party's cultivation speed is amazing enough.

He even said that if it weren't for Li Hao, this little fat guy might have caused a big disturbance.

Is the Feng Shui of the Dragon Burial Ground so good?

"My cultivation is not worth mentioning..." Fang Yuan waved his hand and said hesitantly: "But my master also said that Sun Yucheng is the most powerful dragon he has ever seen. If he breaks through the Four Symbols Realm, his strength will probably be very good. .”

He hadn't seen Li Hao for a long time, and he only heard about it from hearsay, so he didn't know how strong Li Hao really was.

"Then he must have a chance to step into the Four Elephants." Jiang Chen sneered, staring in the direction Sun Yucheng left.

"Brother Jiang, what do you mean?" Fang Yuan was shocked and came over.

Jiang Chen glanced at him. Others didn't know Li Hao was here, but he knew.

For a guy who regarded Li Hao as his mortal enemy, he believed that he would not just watch.

However, it is obviously impossible for him to leak this news to Fangyuan now, after all, people's hearts are fickle.

He just said: "I do have a method, you can try it, but you have to cooperate with me."

"No problem, I've long disliked him." Fang Yuan nodded repeatedly.


Not far from Jiuyin Mountain, a group of figures in black robes with ghosts embroidered on their backs followed an old man.

"King Yulin learned a few words about the Gate of Hell from the demon grave, and set up this nine-turn reincarnation formation." Si Chen spoke indifferently, looking at the gloomy fog that covered the sky in the distance.

"Nine-turn reincarnation formation?" Someone behind the scenes asked, "Sir, what kind of formation is this?"

"The yin and yang are born. King Yulin knows that resurrection from the dead is a delusion, but he still doesn't give up. This nine-turn samsara formation activates the yin energy. If the conditions are met, his soul can be revived." Si Chen seemed to Very knowledgeable about these secrets.

"The conditions match?"

"That's right, when the Gate of Hell appears in this world, the Nine Revolutions of Reincarnation Formation will begin to operate." Si Chen nodded.

The expressions of the people behind him changed drastically, and they said in shock: "You mean to say that King Yulin had already predicted that the Gate of Hell would appear."

"Almost, he knows some secrets, and he also knows that there are people who have been pursuing secrets that cannot be traced back to time." Si Chen nodded:

"The soul and the lifespan are the same, but King Yulin has died. He can only use the nine-turn reincarnation formation to reshape the soul, find a new body, and practice again."

"The heaven and earth are undergoing great changes, and immortals and gods are reincarnated everywhere. This is a great world that has the hope of reshaping the glory of an era that cannot be traced back."

"He wants to live in this big world."

Everyone had complicated expressions, obviously a little surprised. They knew that Shiling used secret methods to plunder Yuanling fragments, but Yinsi was pursuing something different from what they were pursuing.

"But his thinking is too simple. Even if there is a purple jade unicorn to protect him, he may not succeed." Si Chen shook his head, his eyes dark:

"And it just so happens that the power of ten thousand souls is still short of the last step. It requires endless ghosts and resentment. It would have taken some time, but just in time the big tomb was born, which saved us trouble."

The people behind him looked very excited, but they heard Master Si Chen ask again: "Where is Li Hao?"

"According to the latest news, he killed a Silver Moon Sirius in Juyang City. He was from Shiling. Many people saw it." Someone reported immediately.

"He didn't come..." Si Chen nodded: "I expected it. There is no need for him to take risks here. It would be better if he was sent away. He would avoid being accidentally killed by others and the Fengdu seal would be lost."

"Do you want to send someone to look for his traces?" someone asked.

"No need. By the time our people arrive, he will no longer be in Juyang City. It's just a waste of time." Si Chen saw clearly: "Next, the big tomb is the highlight."


The next day, early in the morning, Li Hao was wondering whether he should go to the Jiuyin Mountain Tomb today.

This is just the periphery, still some distance away from Jiuyin Mountain. From here, you can only see the black clouds in the sky.

However, as soon as he walked out of the tent, he discovered that a large number of casual cultivators had gathered not far away, as if they were watching something.

But after he carefully sensed it for a moment, there was no battle fluctuation, and he could only vaguely hear a few noisy sounds.

The jade-faced man on the side had an ugly face, and he forced a smile when he saw Li Hao coming out of the tent.

He stood here all night because Li Hao gave him a fortune telling that he would be in danger of a bloody disaster. As long as he left his surroundings, a giant hammer would probably fall from the sky.

The other party said it very solemnly, and the jade-faced man was so frightened that he did not dare to stay away.

What he was afraid of was not the bloody disaster, but the fear that this strong man would give him a hammer.

"Damn it, I finally got to this point. I've been waiting for more than half an hour."

"It was over there before, close to the Dragon Transformation area. I didn't dare to go there and take a look, but I finally came over."

The closer he got, the more excited he could see the faces of the casual cultivators, which made Li Hao even more curious and squeezed in.

"Who doesn't have eyes? My body-protecting spiritual light has been stimulated. Can't you fly up to see?" Someone was pulled aside and stared angrily. As soon as he turned around, his expression froze.

"Zhan...Brother Zhan, it turns out it's you..." He cautiously gave way to the way, and just like that, Li Hao came to the forefront.

However, the scene in front of him made him a little stunned. He saw Jiang Chen side by side with a golf station, and opposite him was a guy with a rough face and a loud mouth.

He knew this person, Sun Yucheng, the top genius in the North - one of the Yuanling fragments suspected of being the Monkey King.

It is precisely because of this that he has a fairly deep impression on this person.

"Two dogs, you really treat yourself like a dish. If you dare to fight with me, I will destroy you with one move." Sun Yucheng's face turned red and he said angrily.

"Do you only know this sentence, fight the dragon in the cave? We only do this when our brains are convulsed." Jiang Chen sneered: "I treat Li Hao as an imaginary enemy every day. Have you ever thought about whether Li Hao knows who you are? "

"Twin Stars of the North, I don't know what idiot came up with such a stupid title, you are worthy of it!?"

Li Hao was confused when he heard this, what about the Northern Twin Stars? What imaginary enemy?

What exactly is going on?

Fortunately, he was not the only one who was confused about the scene before him.

Someone next to me asked urgently: "Dear Taoist brothers, fellow Taoist brothers, what is going on, what are they talking about, is there anyone who can help me understand this."

Wearing blue clothes, he spoke urgently and begged again and again. After a moment, someone said, "You are new here, right?"

"The one with the rough face and the thunderous mouth is a disciple of Master Longhu, the one with the ball-like appearance is a disciple of the Taotie Old Demon, and the gentle guy should be a disciple of Taoist Beiling."

"They are all disciples of several seniors." The man in blue was shocked.

"Yes, Sun Yucheng is extremely dissatisfied with Li Hao, the head of the Junfa Department of Zhenbei City. He has made insults and insults many times. If anyone speaks for Li Hao in front of him, he will inevitably get a stick."

Li Hao was even more confused. He didn't remember any conflict between him and this guy?

Nan Yilan was also curious: "What kind of grudge does Chief Li have with him that he holds such a grudge?"

"Hate?" Someone sneered: "No hatred, no resentment."

"Huh?" The man in blue was confused.

"Sun Yucheng is currently at the top of the Northern Territory's Prodigy List and is in the limelight. Although his appearance has become weird after awakening his magical powers, there are still many girls who are pregnant with him."

"However, there is a person on top of his head. He can't compare to him. When others mention him, he is even put down."

"Just imagine, can you bear it? What's more, this man is already narrow-minded. It is said that a woman once rejected his pursuit, and he actually killed her whole family in front of her, driving the woman into madness."

Li Hao frowned slightly, this was simply baffling.

"As for what happened today, I heard that it was because Taoist Beiling's disciple had a close friendship with Li Hao that Sun Yucheng came to ridicule him, which led to today's scolding war."

Everyone was astonished, and the casual cultivators would draw their swords at each other if they disagreed. Such scoldings were rarely seen.

In the field, Jiang Chen glanced around with his peripheral vision. Today, he and Fang Yuan were chasing Sun Yucheng and scolding them, almost all over the entire camp of casual cultivators.

If Li Hao sees it, he will definitely contact him secretly.

This was also the way he came up with to find Li Hao in a short time.

"...You two idiots are the same as that Li Haoguo, you are so shameless!" Sun Yucheng was speechless.

These two guys were chasing him and scolding him before dawn. If he made a move, he would be stopped by the Taotie Old Demon. If he showed up, he would be found by these two guys, like a dog-skin plaster.

Jiang Chen was about to counterattack when a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"The strong man on the right"

Jiang Chen's expression moved slightly and he couldn't help but turn to the right and quickly locked the target.

"Brother Li, I finally found you." Jiang Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and transmitted the message secretly.

"What's going on?" Li Hao asked.

"Don't mention it. This idiot is going to be so angry. He regards you as his mortal enemy. Why don't you kill him in advance?" Jiang Chen said directly.

"Kill him?" Li Hao raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking of the Yuan Seizing Pearl in his hand, which could extract Yuanling fragments.

"Yeah, let's not talk about you. He is angry with those of us who are involved with you." Jiang Chen thought that Li Hao was hesitating and explained: "If Brother Fangyuan hadn't rescued the siege yesterday, there would have been trouble."

He briefly recounted what happened yesterday, but Li Hao's focus was not on that. Instead, he looked at the ball next to Jiang Chen and was shocked: "Is he Fangyuan?"

He really didn't look at it carefully at first, but now that he looked closely, the features of this round ball did have a somewhat round shape.

But he remembered that when the two separated, Fangyuan was not so fat.

Jiang Chen: "..."

"Why aren't you talking!?" Sun Yucheng sneered, holding back his breath: "Sooner or later I will deal with you, and that Li Hao!"

After that, he walked away without giving Jiang and Chen a chance to refute.

"If you want to take action, you definitely can't do it here." Li Hao sent a message.

Although the hatred came out of nowhere, he didn't mind squeezing this guy to death, just to test the effectiveness of seizing the Yuan Pearl.

Moreover, as a disciple of Master Longhu, this person should also have some spiritual source crystals in his body.

Jiang Chen was overjoyed: "I'm just waiting for your words."

"But this person is quite vigilant and will basically not leave this casual cultivator camp at will."

"But according to Brother Fangyuan, whenever a casual cultivator obtains something valuable and leaves the camp, a mysterious person will rob and kill him."

"The gluttonous devil suspects that Sun Yucheng is the one who did it."

Li Hao's eyes moved slightly, and he guessed what Jiang Chen was thinking: "You want me to pretend to be a casual cultivator who got good things, and then lure him to intercept and kill him?"

"That's what I meant." Jiang Chen responded: "Besides the Jiuyin Mountain Tomb, there are many small tombs. You can find one and deliberately cause a big noise."

Li Hao shook his head: "In this case, many people will focus on me, which is risky."

Before Jiang Chen could respond, he said again: "I have an idea."

"Just wait." Li Hao turned around and left, and the jade-faced man followed suit.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang, what are you doing? Everyone is gone." Fang Yuan dragged Jiang Chen and shook him.

"It's nothing, it's done." Jiang Chen came back to his senses and said calmly: "We will just wait for the news."

"Waiting for news, what news?" Fangyuan was quite curious.

"Actually..." Jiang Chen paused and looked strange: "I don't know what the news is."

Fangyuan was speechless. The two of them walked and chatted before leaving the area.

Seeing that there was no excitement, the casual cultivators murmured a few words and dispersed.


I don't know how far away from the casual cultivator camp, Sakibayashi-kun looked in this direction.

"Why haven't you captured Sun Yucheng yet?" His tone was gentle, and the body of the prostrate golden crocodile below was trembling. Its body was hundreds of feet long, its scales were thick, and its voice was like a snore:

"Sir, Sun Yucheng is hiding in the camp of casual cultivators and hardly comes out. There is nothing we can do about it."

"Almost?" Sakibayashi-kun asked.

The red fox on the right was glowing and said in a low voice: "Once, I smelled his scent and found that he had gone out once, but the timing was wrong and we didn't notice it."

"Didn't you notice it!?" Qi Linjun shouted coldly: "This is the death order of the Great Sage, Sun Yucheng must catch it."

"We understand, but our capabilities are really limited." Red Fox shook his head and lamented.

Sakibayashi glanced at them and knew that what they said made sense.

Even he didn't dare to break into the casual cultivator camp, and Sun Yucheng couldn't grasp the timing of coming out.

"Have you found any of his belongings?" he asked.

"Yes..." The red fox's tail curled up with an insignificant hair: "This was found in a battlefield. He was intercepting and killing people leaving the repair camp."

"You have gained something." Mr. Sakibayashi nodded with satisfaction, and black mist spewed out from under the dark hooded robe, lingering on the light yellow hair.


There seemed to be a shrill howl in the ears, and the light yellow hair burned with black flames, and then condensed into a palm-sized mist bird.

"It's a pity that we can't kill him directly with a curse." Lord Sakibayashi sighed.

Immediately, the black fog bird fluttered and flew onto the head of the golden giant crocodile.

"It will guide you to Sun Yucheng's location."

"You...won't you stay here?" asked the colorful python entrenched on the mountain peak.

"If Master Longhu takes action, we have no capital to fight."

"I know." Lord Sakibayashi stretched out his withered palm, squeezed out a little black blood, and then reached out and plucked out a dry feather.

With the combination of the two, the feathers became shiny and fell into the red fox's tail.

"If Master Longhu takes action, this object can resist him for a moment and a half, and you can take the opportunity to escape." Mr. Sakibayashi looked in another direction, where the energy and blood condensed, forming an image of covering the sky.

The armies of the North are gathering.

"As for me, I have other matters." Lord Sakibayashi warned again: "Silver Moon Sirius is dead. Its target is currently returning to Zhenbei City. There are no demons nearby that can attack him."

"If you fail again, the Great Sage will be very angry."

"Is the Silver Moon Sirius dead?" The golden giant crocodile asked in a stunned tone, "How could this happen? The Sun-Rejecting Cavalry has been transferred away, and there should be no one left to rival it."

It seems to have a better relationship with the Silver Moon Sirius.

"Li Hao went to support him. He is out of luck." Mr. Sakibayashi said calmly.

"Li Hao?"

The monsters were no strangers to this name, and Red Fox was a little confused: "Didn't he come here with Zhen Beicheng?"

"It's just a perfunctory treatment for the seventeenth prince. King Zhenbei values ​​him extremely and will not let him take risks here. There is no reason why he must come." Lord Sakibayashi seemed to be quite familiar with the inside story.

"It must be because of that order that the Silver Moon Sirius was restrained." The giant golden crocodile muttered, and its thick crocodile tail slapped the ground, causing the ground to crack and roar continuously.

"You question the Great Sage?" Mr. Qi Lin said in a serious tone.

"No..." A flash of panic flashed in the eyes of the giant crocodile beast, and he said hurriedly: "I'm just afraid that if I encounter a situation like Silver Moon Sirius, I will take action or not."

"I said, he won't come here." Lord Sakibayashi responded. He was silent for a moment, but then said: "If he presses harder and harder, the Great Sage will not punish you if you fight back in this situation."

"Understood." The golden giant crocodile responded. When he raised his head again, Sakibayashi-kun's figure had disappeared.

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