I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 11 The Nine Suns of the Great Sun, Building Spirits!

As the number of Leng Yue Han Amber decreases, [Shen Jiuyang Divine Art] also gradually solidifies, and the picture book is like a gold and ink description, with a dazzling golden glow.

It took about six Leng Yue Han Amber to complete the filling of [Shen Jiuyang Magic].

Divine martial arts does not consume extra energy, which is a big help to Li Hao.

As for the remaining Leng Yue Han Po, he threw them all to Wan Jie Zhi.

Don't rush to fill in the rest of the secret books. They are not deified martial arts. The improvement for him should not be too obvious. It is not impossible for him to study slowly by himself.

Ten cold moon and cold ambers made evolution shine with earth-yellow glory again.

"Huh? It seems that it can continue to be filled..." Li Hao was a little surprised. It was obvious that he could evolve, but Wanjiezhi could still continue to swallow energy.

"Evolution dungeons are divided into levels. At least ten levels must be filled with evolution before a mysterious level dungeon can be evolved."

"The more energy is filled, the higher the level of the evolved copy. Even if it does not reach the earth level, it is still much higher than the single-layer evolution level."

Li Hao had some enlightenment in his heart and understood it naturally.

"The first level of evolution can only open a copy of Kung Fu, so the help is limited..." Li Hao didn't think for too long before throwing the Dragon Blood Mother Ore and the remaining Lengyue Hanpo directly in.

After the Wanjie Zhi was digested, feedback came and Li Hao understood that this time the evolution was directly filled three times.

Three levels of evolution, I don’t know what kind of world can evolve. After thinking about it, Li Hao started the evolution directly.

[Evolving, scene anchoring completed]

Li Haojing waited for the next step, but Wan Jie Zhi did not respond.

"Isn't it time to make a decision yet..."

Through the last reflection, Li Hao understood that the few words above Wanjie Zhi were actually the condensation of several days or even longer.

He simply turned off the will of all realms and closed his eyes to rest.


"Brother Hao... I had a nightmare again. I dreamed that an old fat man was chasing after me and asked me to be his apprentice."

Early the next morning, Fang Yuan complained, obviously not sleeping well.

"Being an apprentice is not a wife, what are you afraid of?" Li Hao said casually, and was about to chop down the tree with an ax.

"That's true..." Fang Yuan lowered his head, thoughtfully: "However, that old fat man is too scary... Brother Hao..."

However, when he looked up, he found that only Li Hao's back was left.

"As for being so diligent?"

Everyone else looked miserable when they went to work, but Li Hao was the only one who worked diligently every day, which puzzled him.

Entering the ancient forest of withered scales, many people have already come here, and he is not the first to come.

Carrying the ax on his shoulder, he walked deeper. The light gradually dimmed, and the ancient branches with dead scales were as sharp as swords. No one else dared to go deep for fear of getting hurt.

"Hmm... the hole seems to be here..." Li Hao searched on the ground, and finally his eyes lit up, and he sank into the ground, as if he disappeared out of thin air.

This is a cave filled with the decaying smell of earth.

It's not too big, but it's just enough to accommodate Li Hao.

There are two tunnels in the underground cave, which are so dark that I don’t know where they lead.

This is a place he discovered accidentally. It should belong to some kind of strange beast, but there has been no movement in the past few days. The owner of the cave must have been cleaned up by Liuli Pure Land.

"I wonder if we can build a spiritual bridge..."

Refining the body and building the spirit is the first big bottleneck on the path of cultivation.

It is not easy to build a spiritual bridge with Qi and blood. It requires special practice methods. This is also the foundation of the existence of these wild holy places.

"It's best if you can get in. If you can't get in, make other plans."

Taking a long breath, Li Hao's eyes were bright and he opened the Wanjie Zhi.

Immediately, [God·Nine-Yang Divine Art] turned into a stream of light and merged into his body.


Li Hao felt as if a volcano was erupting inside his body, his skin was glowing red, and layers of runes were surrounding him like tassels.

Qi and blood surged, essence was like the sea, and in the mist, nine big suns gradually appeared behind Li Hao, like a golden wheel, and Li Hao looked like a Buddha against the background.

The sun was as hot as a furnace, causing the surrounding soil to begin to dissolve.

The nine great suns blended with the heaven and earth and turned into a medium. The spiritual energy surged, forming a small vortex on the ground and flowing backwards, and was then pulled into Li Hao's body.

All he felt was that his mind felt cool and his body was like a sponge, greedily devouring a large amount of spiritual energy.

Jiuyang Zhuling Bridge, the spiritual energy enters the body, and the spirit is built in one step!

The surrounding area gradually calmed down, and Li Hao slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were like rainbows, and he seemed to be a little surprised, trying to calm down the spiritual energy surging in his body.

The surrounding earth walls were almost glazed in color, and it was obvious that some changes had occurred under the high temperature.

Li Hao originally didn't have much hope in building a spiritual bridge, but he didn't expect that the [Shen·Nine-Yang Divine Art] was so powerful that it forcefully pushed him to build a spiritual bridge and enter the spiritual realm.

It is indeed a deified martial arts.

However, he frowned the next moment. The heightened spiritual awareness after the breakthrough made him keenly feel that something was wrong.

He stared at the deep tunnel on the left side of the cave, and then his face suddenly changed drastically. A flash of green light flashed. He subconsciously raised his hands and crossed them on his chest.


The fire was radiating, and there was a sound like gold and iron, and huge force was heard. Li Hao felt like he was being bombarded by a huge mountain, the soil exploded, and he was directly pushed out.

boom! boom! boom!

After knocking down several ancient trees with dead scales, he stopped and felt a burning pain in his arm.

I glanced at the Zhou Tianyan picture and saw that the arm was red - minor injuries, broken skin, and muscle damage.

There was no poison reminder, which made Li Hao relieved.

Not far away, a creature with blue-gold scales all over its body was crawling on the ground. It was five or six feet long, with green eyes and long and narrow limbs, like some kind of ancient lizard.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

"The Green Basilisk is here!"

Several streams of light came from a distance. Before anyone arrived, three giant black iron swords fell from the sky and were inserted around the green snake lizard. The swords were submerged into the ground.

The green snake lizard swallowed the snake letter and seemed to want to escape, but the three giant swords trembled, the thunder arcs stirred, and they actually connected into a thunder net.

But its body rotated, its forelimbs dug into the ground, and its long and narrow body sank into the ground like a fluid. The ground stirred, and soon there was no movement.

"Damn it, it escaped again!" Three figures arrived, one of them looked gloomy and annoyed: "Brother Yuan, why did it suddenly change its path? Could it be that it sensed the danger in advance?"

"I don't know, but the spiritual energy here is disordered. It seems to have been disturbed by something. The green-gold lizard likes things that gather spirits." Senior Brother Yuan shook his head, frowning slightly, standing tall and already focusing on Li Hao.

"Is there anyone here?" The gloomy man glanced over: "They seem to be ordinary people recruited by the sect."

"No, ordinary people can't withstand the attack of the Lazuli Lizard."

He noticed traces of fallen ancient trees around him, his eyes flickered, and he locked his gaze on Li Hao.

Li Hao secretly thought that it's bad luck, then the green-gold lizard likes places where spiritual energy gathers.

And when he just broke through, spiritual energy gathered, attracting this thing over, and also interfered with the hunting plan of these people.

"Name." The gloomy man's voice was indifferent, with an unquestionable tone.

Li Hao was silent for a moment and said, "My lords, you can call me Zhang Mingwu."

"Zhang Mingwu..." the gloomy man repeated, and then said coldly: "Come here."

Li Hao was a little hesitant. The strength of these guys has not reached the realm of metamorphosis, but they have been in the spirit-building realm for a longer time than him. They are in the spirit-building high realm.

If he takes action and uses the ancient holy body, he may not have a chance to escape.

But in that case, he might attract the attention of Liuli Pure Land head-on.

"Why are you hesitating?" The gloomy man suddenly asked: "Sneaky, sneaky, I'll capture you first!"

After he finished speaking, his figure flashed and was already in front of Li Hao.

The gloomy man struck decisively, and Li Hao's pupils narrowed, already having no choice but to fight back.

But at this moment, a sound broke through the air, and a flash of blood rushed across. The gloomy man's expression suddenly changed, and he could only retreat.

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