I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 105 Please ask the Heavenly Martial Spirit of Arctic Town to bless the Holy Demon Emperor!

"...Just leave them all here!"

King of Zhenbei?

The sound in his ears sounded like thunder. Li Hao's mind moved slightly, and he immediately identified the owner of the sound.

"Your Majesty's voice..." Qi Wuji looked sad, as if he was relieved, and his anxious heart was finally relieved.

"Finally appeared..."

Du Xue's expression also softened: "In that case, the current situation should still be within King Zhenbei's expectation."

The three people walked out of the hall, and formations like mountain ranges stretched across the sky, and the light shone, which was enough to prove that the formation had resumed operation.

"The formation has been restored, that's good..." Qi Wuji finally calmed down and looked at the previous chaos.

Even if King Zhenbei appears, if the formation is not restored to normal operation, it will still face great trouble.

"Sure enough, the Northern Wilderness tribe and the chaos in the city complement each other. Once the formation is destroyed, they will attack Zhenbei City." Du Xue looked at Leiying Kui Niu, who was blocked by green-gold chains in the distance, and said coldly:

"This time, they are all here."

Li Hao looked into the distance. This scene was not too unexpected. There was trouble in Zhenbeicheng. It would be strange if these Northern Wilderness tribes, which had been suppressed for many years, could endure it.

"We underestimated King Zhenbei. Although we paid some price, the benefits this time are far beyond imagination." Du Xue said in a slightly encouraging tone:

"As a result, these most powerful tribes have suffered heavy losses, and they will not cause any more trouble for the next thousand years."

"That's..." Qi Wuji was looking at the sky at the moment. There was a milky white light group not far away, which was extremely dazzling, like the second sun on the sky.

"Immortal fire!?" He said in a stunned tone, "The prince is using his own fairy fire to maintain the operation of the formation?"

Immortal fire... Li Hao was also a little surprised. He was no longer a novice in the cultivation world who had just traveled through time.

Cave sky, dragon transformation, four images, secluded passage, fairy fire...

After the fairy fire was still in the underworld, he only knew that there was such a realm of cultivation, but he didn't know much specific information.

However, lighting the fairy fire is definitely the best among the best.

According to the information that he accidentally learned before, King Zhenbei has always been in the realm of Netherworld. Unexpectedly, he ignited the fairy fire without thinking.

Du Xue also murmured: "It turns out that King Zhenbei has already lit the fairy fire. No wonder he is so confident and sure of turning the situation around at the last moment."

"No..." Qi Wuji looked at it for a long time and looked a little panicked: "This Zhenbei formation is too complicated. Although the national master was responsible for the construction, dozens of formation masters were called on to assist."

"With so many formation nodes destroyed, even in the Immortal Fire Realm, it is impossible to recover so easily."

As he told the story, the milky white light ball in the sky was gradually dimming, and the immortal fires spread out in all directions along the formation's veins.

"The Immortal Fire will be extinguished..." Qi Wuji said blankly: "The prince has rekindled the entire formation at the expense of his own Immortal Fire."

"After this, the prince's realm will return to Tongyou."

He looked complicated. He didn't expect that the final solution would be like this.

"What?" Du Xue was shocked: "At the expense of his own cultivation level? Is this how King Zhenbei responded?"

Li Hao was also a little surprised: "Since the prince has reached Immortal Fire, logically speaking, his strength should crush the entire audience. Why use this method."

"No..." Du Xue shook his head: "Although King Zhenbei has reached the Immortal Fire Realm, it is impossible to keep all these people."

"The nine major tribes work together, and with the help of military formations, we might not be able to fight against the Immortal Fire Realm."

"Even if they can't be beaten, they can still run away. In this way, the price of letting Zhenbeicheng be used as bait cannot be recovered."

"But they can run away, but the monks can't run away from the temple. The tribe is still there, how can they run away?" Li Hao frowned slightly.

Even if the opponent runs away, Zhenbei King can still chase their tribe and fight them.

He guessed: "There is also a fairy fire realm in their tribe?"

"When that old Kui Niu was at its peak, it should have had the power to rival the Immortal Fire Realm, but now it is old and its energy and blood have declined." Du Xue shook his head and explained: "It's not just because of those tribes, there are also some deeper ones. secret."

"The Northern Wilderness is endless. Most of these tribes are relatively close to the border. There are also other tribes and sects in the deeper areas."

"They are more powerful, but they are not bordering Daxia. They don't want to offend Daxia for nothing, but it will be hard to say if King Zhenbei goes deep into the Northern Wasteland."

"One more thing..." Qi Wuji added: "Shiling Demon."

Du Xue nodded, a trace of anger flashing across his face: "Yes, Shiling."

"The biggest enemy in the northern part of Daxia is not these tribes, but Shiling."

Seeing Li Hao's silence, Du Xue thought that he didn't know, so he said: "The sect practices and understands the principles of heaven and earth, and the relationship with Daxia is neither good nor bad."

"The barbarian tribes drank hair and blood. They have attacked the northern border of Daxia many times and plundered spiritual resources. They have a long-standing feud."

"As for Shiling..." Du Xue's voice was cold and silent: "I can only say that those who are not of my race must have different minds."

Li Hao didn't know anything about Shiling. It was said that it was a place where demons gathered, and many great demons and demon cultivators often came and went.

It is located in a relatively deep place in the Northern Wasteland, and many people are very taboo about it.

Shiling had attacked Zhenbei City eight years ago, and it was a large-scale attack directly in the city.

Millions of demons emerged from various places in the city, and then attacked the entire Zhenbei City.

Although it was suppressed quickly, it still caused great losses, with countless casualties.

"Tribes are the guns of Shiling. If we don't deal with these tribes, it will never be possible to reach Shiling." Du Xue knew a lot.

"So the prince wanted to get rid of it once and for all, and simply paid the price of declining realm." Qi Wuji obviously respected the King of Zhenbei: "The prince's contribution to Zhenbei City is incomparable to Daxia!"

Du Xue added: "It is not difficult to rebuild the realm. Since King Zhenbei has successfully lit the fairy fire, he just has to go through it again. The price paid is not as high as imagined."

"Then this time, we really won a complete victory." Li Hao always felt that something was a little strange, maybe because it was too easy for Zhenbei King to turn defeat into victory.

There is no overly brain-burning plan, and there is no trick-or-treating between you and me.

But this may also be the reason why the individual power is strong enough. If Zhenbei King is not in the Immortal Fire Realm, he will probably have to send it.

But on the other hand, if he hadn't lit the fairy fire, he wouldn't have taken such a risk.

The three of them communicated for a while and then headed to the place where everyone gathered.

Not far away, in front of the preaching hall, Mr. Qiu's figure appeared here.

His breath seemed a little weak, and his sleeves and robes were stained with some blood. Then he took out a jade plate from his arms and gently sent it into the preaching hall.

Then, the runes surged like a sea, the preaching hall trembled, and the scarlet light waves gradually dissipated, as if they were repairing themselves.

The King of Zhenbei glanced at Li Hao who came here. The boy saluted him, and his appearance was still hard to fault...

The peak of Cave Heaven Realm! ?

His mind moved slightly, and he could see Li Hao's state at this moment, and he was a little surprised.

How did this kid practice?

You don’t know how to practice magic, right?

After thinking for a moment, he frowned slightly and said, "Where is Lan Cheng?"

"Lancheng?" Li Hao was a little confused: "What Lancheng?"

"The people I sent to protect you..." King Zhenbei said, "I know Ji Silin will definitely find a way to kill you, so when they start their operation, someone will take you away."

"Huh?" Li Hao was stunned, shook his head and said, "I didn't see your people. I did encounter some dangers, but they were resolved."

"Your Majesty, I'm here." A stream of light flew from a distance. The man had a beard and held several heads in his hand. He glanced at Li Hao with a complicated expression.

This person is also in the dragon transformation realm, but he has gone to the extreme depths.

"Didn't I ask you to protect him? Where are you?" King Zhenbei asked with an unhappy expression.

"Your Majesty, when the other party's operation started, I wanted to go find him, but I only found that his residence was shattered and there were a few corpses, and no one was there." Lan Cheng sounded a little aggrieved:

"I searched left and right but couldn't find him. I had no choice but to try my best to kill those who were searching for him."

Du Xue's face froze, and her fair face turned a little red.

Hearing this person's tone, if he hadn't appeared, he would have dragged Li Hao away in a hurry.

Li Hao should be safer.

Li Hao also figured it out, but by some mistake, he also got Wanfa Yanwu. He couldn't blame Du Xue on the other hand.

If it weren't for this guy hunting down those guys who were searching for him, he might even be found hiding in the Meditation Hall.

"It was my reckless actions that caused me to miss Master Lan, and it is not his fault." Li Hao immediately said solemnly.

King Zhenbei just scolded him and did not pursue the matter. After all, Li Hao was safe and sound now, so what happened before did not matter.

Then, he looked around at the people of the sect and said in a clear voice: "Everyone is shocked. Zhenbei City has undergone great changes, and the holding of the sect conference has been blocked."

Naturally, many members of the sect did not dare to say anything. The King of Zhenbei looked like "I will beat you if you don't accept it." Who dared to say more?

"But..." King Zhenbei changed his voice: "I won't let you go home empty-handed. The rules for selecting leaders have changed. Now there are many monsters raging in Zhenbei City."

"Whoever kills more demons will be the leader this year."

Many people in the sect were stunned for a moment, and then gritted their teeth in their hearts.

King Zhenbei treats them as free labor, which is so shameless!

However, some weaker sects thought about it and realized that this might not be a bad thing.

If based on hard power, they naturally have no qualifications to compete.

But now it's hard to say based on the number of monsters killed.

After all, they could catch the demon and let the disciples kill it, and that would count.

Although even if he becomes the leader, he will probably not be able to defeat Li Hao, but it is not bad.

But some people couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, the sect has always been neutral, let us take action..."

They did not want to take sides between Shiling and King Zhenbei.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted. King Zhenbei looked indifferent: "It's just killing a few monsters, can it change the overall situation?"

King Zhenbei now has the biggest fist. Although everyone looks at each other, no one dares to say anything.

What King Zhenbei said made sense. Just killing a few monsters would not change the overall situation of their neutrality.

Then, King Zhenbei looked at Feng Xuchu: "Inspector, there are many people from the Northern Wilderness tribe waiting for us to deal with them, please go ahead."

The inspector smiled and said warmly: "Your Majesty, please."

King Zhenbei, his entourage, and Feng Xuchu turned into a stream of light and disappeared here, leaving only the sect members and Li Hao.

"Brother Li!" There was a shout in the wind, but it was Jiang Chen who arrived with Wan Ren.

He looked excited and said: "The King of Zhenbei is really awesome. I haven't even walked from your mansion to Tianqi Academy, so I let him settle this matter."

"Why are you here?" Li Hao was quite confused.

"I'm looking for you to keep me safe..." Jiang Chen smiled nonchalantly: "I feel that you are the safest around me."

Li Hao felt a little confused and didn't bother to pay attention to him, but he heard Jiang Chen pondering again:

"I just heard from King Zhenbei that the qualifications for the selection of the leader have changed. You have to kill the number of demons accurately. In this way, you can also participate."

"It seems..." Li Hao thought for a moment, and it seemed that was indeed the case, but then shook his head and said, "I'm not interested. You can go if you want."

Zhenbeicheng has launched a full-scale counterattack. Those sects have elders to help them, which is equivalent to killing monsters. There is no point in wasting time fighting with them.

"Forget it, forget it, even if I get the position of leader, I still can't beat you. What's the point of being the leader if you let me down?" Jiang Chen waved his hands repeatedly, but after finishing speaking, he felt that many eyes were focused on him.

He turned around to look, his face suddenly stiffened, and he saw many sect disciples staring at him dimly.

Although he was laughing at himself just now, his attack was very broad, covering everyone.

"Uh... don't misunderstand me, don't misunderstand me..." He smiled sarcastically.

Naturally, everyone was too lazy to pay attention to him. Someone from the sect had already left to kill the demon.

Those big bosses were also afraid that the boat would capsize in the gutter and their leadership position would be snatched away by others, so they were also ready to assign work and start killing monsters.

Qi Wuji bid farewell to Li Hao and went to the academy to help deal with the mess.

Although King Zhenbei turned defeat into victory, the actual damage caused by this chaos was irreversible.

On the ground, many academy disciples were slumped on the ground in a daze, their bodies covered in the blood of themselves or their enemies.

And all around are deep pits created by falling fragments of the floating island.

Everyone fell to the ground, after all, it was not fun to float in the air all the time.

Not far away, Hongque looked hesitant. He had been in Zhenbeicheng for a while, but he had not been able to meet Li Hao due to various reasons.

At this moment, Li Hao was right in front of her, but she hesitated.

She was born with an exquisite heart with seven orifices, which was very extraordinary, although she was a little concerned but confused when facing Li Hao.

But after she had indirect and direct contact with Li Hao several times, she always had a feeling that Li Hao was not Li Hao.

It's a bit weird and contradictory to say this, but Hongque has such a feeling.

It is precisely because of this feeling that she dares not come now.

Li Hao didn't pay attention to Hongque. He was just thinking about whether he could find some benefit from any corner after this matter was settled.

After all, Wanjiezhi is still waiting...

Hmm...Ji Silin must have it. I wonder if the task of ransacking the house can fall on me.

Although there is a Qiankun Bag in this world, I'm afraid I won't be able to find anything, but what if...

He was thinking, but his expression suddenly changed. He raised his head suddenly and saw a fist stopping in front of his head at some point.

It was only an inch away from blasting his head.

But this fist was caught by the criss-crossing golden threads, causing ripples and making it difficult to move forward at all.

Li Hao's heart palpitated slightly, and when he looked at the owner of his fist, his expression suddenly sank.

"Ji Silin!"

That's right, the owner of the fist is none other than Ji Silin.

The people from the surrounding sects were startled by the sudden movement before they left here to kill the demon.

He immediately protected the sect's juniors and backed away, while at the same time staring at the scene in front of him with vigilance.

"Sir Ji, a dignified practitioner of the Netherworld Realm actually attacked a Cave Heaven Realm junior without any bottom line. This is not a good news to spread."

An old voice sounded, and Mr. Qiu's figure appeared here at some point.

"Reputation?" Ji Silin just sneered: "What's the use of fame?"

"The King of Zhenbei really values ​​him, and he even asked you to protect him personally."

Mr. Qiu slowly shook his head and stroked his beard and said: "It's really not the case. I just happened to be here to repair the magic circle. I can only blame you for your bad luck."

At this point, Mr. Qiu frowned slightly and said hesitantly: "Master Ji's luck seems to have always been bad."

Ji Silin's face turned ugly, thinking of Li Hao, a man who had jumped out of nowhere and came up with three axes, blocking all his roads.

Luck is not a bad word to describe! ?

Li Hao's mouth twitched slightly, can we catch him and taunt him again.

It's easy to get slapped in the face if you make fun of someone beforehand.

"It is said that this man beheaded Ji Silin's son. Judging from Old Man Qiu's attitude, Ji Silin may have something to do with today's chaos in Zhenbeicheng."

"Hiss-he is the leader of the Hidden Dragon Guard in the North and a strong man in the Tongyou Realm. Why did he betray Daxia?"

"Who knows..."

People from the surrounding sects were whispering, and from the clues, they could deduce some of what happened today.

"The king of Zhenbei sacrificed immortal fire, which was a big deal..." Ji Silin said in a serious tone: "I know that the plan has failed. I only have one goal now, and that is to kill him."

"Aren't you going to run? The city is in such chaos. It's not like we have no chance to leave. At least we have to give it a try." Mr. Qiu was a little confused. How could Ji Silin, the leader of the Northern Territory, think that he was in a desperate situation so easily?

"I can't leave anymore." Ji Silin understood clearly: "I want to break out of the formation and attract the attention of King Zhenbei in an instant."

"If I hide in the city, Daxia will find me at all costs when the matter is over."

"The ending is already determined, are you going to stop me?"

"Commander Li is such an outstanding genius, how can I sit back and watch him be killed by you." Mr. Qiu shook his head, rolled up his sleeves and slung his robe behind his back: "I can still move with my old bones."

"The prince has gone to deal with the tribesmen. Those guys from Xing Mengdao are still suppressing the chaos in the city, but these matters should be dealt with soon. You don't have much time."

Of course Ji Silin knew that he didn't have much time.

"This guy is at the end of his rope. I'm afraid he will kill you at all costs." Jiang Chen said in his voice.

Ji Silin has regarded Li Hao as his final target, and the power he unleashed is unimaginable.

"Your breath is weak. The one who blocked you must be the scale demon. You must have paid a lot for killing him." Ji Silin stared at Mr. Qiu.

"It's okay to stop you for a moment." Mr. Qiu was not surprised that his current state was noticed by the other party.


The sound was like muffled thunder, and immediately after, Ji Silin's spiritual energy surged all over his body, and his energy and blood roared and surged outside his body. His breath rose again and again, and he was ready to fight for his life!

His body seemed to have grown countless times heavier. Even if he stood still, the ground beneath his feet would burst into cracks and cracks would continue to spread.

Suddenly, he bent his knees, and powerful ripples centered on him and spread out in all directions.


He stepped on the ground of Tianqi Academy and created countless ravines, causing everyone to stagger and stagger around.

Ji Silin's whole body was wrapped in purple light, and the purple energy was like an ocean, rushing towards Li Hao.

Mr. Qiu looked solemn and stood in front of Li Hao, although his words were relaxed.

But he would not look down upon the person in front of him. Runes surged around his body, forming a picture of mountains and rivers.

The purple ocean collided with the mountains and rivers, and the crazily surging spiritual energy and scattered rune fragments spread in all directions.

A series of green lines suddenly spread out, like a tornado spinning around Ji Silin.

Countless green gold chains shot towards Ji Silin from all directions without any blind spots.

The big purple hands were tearing apart, and the chains were breaking inch by inch. The aftermath of the battle between the two shook the academy, and everyone retreated again and again.

Li Hao, on the other hand, was trapped in the center of the battlefield. Ji Silin kept attacking him, while Mr. Qiu saw every move and tried his best to protect him.

"No... Ji Silin fought for his life when he came up. Mr. Qiu went through the battle and his breath was weak." Jiang Chen's expression changed and he saw some clues.

The Great Sun Sun Flame Sword with a thick handle circled the sky and exploded a spiritual energy blast on Ji Silin's spiritual shield, once again sweeping down a large area of ​​floating islands.

The two collided in the sky, and Li Hao could only see the spiritual energy storm around him.

In a battlefield of this level, if you are not careful, you will be turned into powder. It is extremely dangerous!


The ring-shaped spiritual wave shook the entire Tianqi Academy, and only a scream was heard, and no one knew who it came from.

The surrounding spiritual energy storm suddenly dissipated. Next to Li Hao, Mr. Qiu was panting. He had lost half of his immortal temperament. Blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and there was a big hole in his chest, which caused his breath to become weak.

It's just that this kind of injury is not fatal to a practitioner of this level.

Ji Silin's condition was also not good. His body was cracked and covered with burn marks, but he was obviously in much better condition than Mr. Qiu.

However, the breath fluctuated, but it was time for a life-saving method.

"This kid has nothing to do with you, and he's not from Tianqi Academy. Why do you have to stop me!?" Ji Silin flicked his sword and struck out, but Mr. Qiu stopped him.

He staggered and said, "I just can't bear to see such a talented person fall."

Then, he said to the people of the sect: "Ji Silin is at the end of his strength. Help me kill him, and Zhenbeicheng will surely give you a generous reward!"

As soon as these words came out, many strong men from the sect were ready to make a move, but they heard Ji Silin shout coldly: "I am in the Netherworld. Even if I am at the end of my strength, I can still take away a few of the Four Symbols."

"You are sure to stop me at the cost of your life for this guy!!"

"Let me tell you that what happened today was planned by Shiling. Your sect is already neutral between Shiling and Daxia. Are you sure you want to kill me now!?"

His voice was like thunder, and he looked around forcefully even though he was scarred.

These few words made the members of the sect who were ready to make a move suddenly stop.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Ji Silin is a level higher than them. Even if he is seriously injured now, he still has Old Man Qiu to help him.

It may not kill him, and it will be a big loss if he is replaced.

Moreover, they really do not want to get involved in the turmoil between Daxia and Shiling.

It's just a matter of killing a few demons. If he really killed a high-level person like Ji Silin, Shiling would definitely not let it go.

"Uncle Master..." Hongque looked at Jiang Heng. Jiang Heng took a deep breath, and finally sighed in sadness and shook his head.

Hongque's face was tense and a little pale.

Old Man Qiu's face darkened slightly when he saw this, but there was nothing he could do to change the fact that these people in the sect sought advantages and avoided disadvantages.

The various forces in the Northern Wilderness have been in a stalemate like this for many years, and it is complicated.

Many people from the sect looked at Li Hao. This young man had a calm face. No one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

"It would be a pity if he died here." Yu Huo sighed, but the Taoist beside him shook his head and said: "What's the pity? This is the best. The position of leader and the Dragon Ball of Creation will definitely be yours."

Many people in the younger generation hold such thoughts, perhaps out of jealousy, or perhaps for some unspeakable reason.

After all, no one wants to see a tall person above them looking down at them.

"Is there any way you can map the scene here to the entire Zhenbei City?" Li Hao stood among Ji Silin and Mr. Qiu. Looking at the scene in front of him, he suddenly sent a message secretly and asked Jiang Chen.

"Brother, what do you want to do?" Jiang Chen was stunned and a little confused:

"It's useless to map it to the entire Zhenbei City. The battle here is so volatile that there is no one nearby to come to support, so we must be unable to escape."

He thought Li Hao wanted people to come to support him.

"Can it or can't it?" Li Hao frowned.

"I can't do that yet..." Jiang Chen shook his head, but then said: "But I have a sound amplification array. If I simply diffuse the sound, it can spread to a very far distance."

"Okay, the voice is fine too." Li Hao nodded, and then ordered: "Please remember to record the scene here later. Remember, you must record it completely."

Jiang Chen nodded blankly, wondering what Li Hao was going to do.

"I told you, as a pawn, you will not end well." Ji Silin looked at Li Hao with cold eyes.

"You haven't killed me yet. Isn't it too early to say this now?" Li Hao looked indifferent.

"Do you think he can stop me!?" Ji Silin sneered: "Compared to me, he is at the end of his strength. He is already in his twilight years and his energy and blood are declining. He can't stop me."

Mr. Qiu gritted his teeth, and a look of determination appeared on his old face: "Today, there is no way you will succeed."

Ji Silin was fighting for his life. He really couldn't hold on. If someone helped him, even if it was just the Four Symbols Realm, the result would be completely different.


"You kill my son and ruin my plan. I want you to be unable to survive or die!" Ji Silin tried like a madman to break through Mr. Qiu's defense.

"Lord Ji, what does it have to do with me if your plan fails? The prince is already in the Immortal Fire Realm. Your information is lagging behind, resulting in a failure. Can you blame me?" Li Hao was speechless and asked.

"Why, you're afraid, it's too late!" Ji Silin sneered, thinking that Li Hao was shirking responsibility by making excuses now.

Even if I can't leave here in the end, I still have to torture this person enough!

"No, I'm just curious. As the head of the Hidden Dragon Guard in the North, you have a high position. Why would you betray Daxia and put the people of this city in danger?"

Seeing Jiang Chen secretly setting up a formation, Li Hao's tone changed and he suddenly became upright and awe-inspiring.

The people around him inexplicably felt that Li Hao's voice had become hollow, as if it was coming from outside.

At the same time, there were very few bloody figures in Zhenbei City.

However, many houses collapsed. Among the ruins, some people struggled to open up the stone slabs, walked out with a young child in their arms, and looked around, looking confused and sad.

Bodies littered the streets, completely different from the bustling past.

There was even a young man who lay on top of the ragged woman and cried bitterly.

However, the next moment, they suddenly heard a crazy voice.

"People!? They're just a bunch of ants!"

"Daxia is hypocritical, what's the use of protecting so many ants!?"

"This is a world where the weak eat the strong!"

When the people who were originally numb heard this, a surge of anger subconsciously rose in their hearts, but they didn't know how to vent it.


However, as soon as he finished speaking, another voice sounded. The voice was clear and clear, and it sounded like a young man.

"Are you born to be in the Nether Realm? Didn't you cultivate it step by step!?"

"When you look down at them, have you ever thought about who is looking down at you!?"

"Let me tell you, the foundation of our country, Daxia, relies on hundreds of millions of people!"

"That's right!" A monk couldn't help but clenched his fists and shouted: "No one is born a great practitioner!"

He looked excited. What he said was right. Every great practitioner rises from a humble beginning!

What about ordinary people? It’s not like there’s no chance to reach the top!

Don't worry about whether Tianzi is good or not, don't worry about whether there are spiritual creatures, don't worry about whether the resources are sufficient, there is a chance anyway!

In the academy, everyone was stunned, looking at the impassioned Li Hao, wondering why this guy suddenly changed his appearance.

You seem to be from a certain tribe in the Northern Wilderness. Does Daxia have anything to do with you?

"Stop irritating him, I may not be able to stop him." Mr. Qiu was stunned, and then hurriedly sent a message.

"If the Four Symbols Realm helps, can we catch him?" Li Hao asked secretly.

Mr. Qiu sighed: "He seriously injured me with his life-threatening tactics, and I used the Zhenbei Formation to help me, but also seriously injured me. Both of us are dead."

"But the people in the sect are unwilling to intervene, and the people in the city cannot escape."

This impassioned speech confused Ji Silin, but he quickly came to his senses and sneered: "Now that the matter has come to this, do you want to leave a good reputation?"

"What's the use? Let Daxia build a better monument for you?"

"No... I have a skill called Inviting the Gods." Li Hao's tone became calmer: "I got it from an elder in my sect."

"Please ask for help from the gods!"

"Master? Please ask God!?"

Ji Silin's heart moved slightly. Li Hao had mentioned this sect more than once.

The last time the sect was mentioned was when the Kui Drum-holding cultivator of the Kui Blood Tribe was killed.

However, after that, there was no news from this sect around him. He secretly checked but could not find any clues.

Zi Xiao and Jiang Heng looked at each other. They had also experienced it last time, and they still clearly remembered the terrifying demon-subduing pestle.

Could it be possible to see it this time?

"Pretending to be a ghost, if you have a disciple, why would you stay in Zhenbeicheng and get into all kinds of disasters?" Ji Silin suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and shouted coldly.

The guess given by Hidden Dragon Guard is that this person may have really received the inheritance of a certain big boss, but if he has any sect, it is unlikely.

No matter how harsh a sect is to its disciples, they will not let their disciples cause trouble that cannot be solved.

Li Hao said nothing, but slowly raised his head and bowed his hands.

The monks and common people near Tianqi Academy heard a loud voice that seemed to come from the horizon--

"For the sake of the hundreds of millions of people in Great Xia, please ask the Heavenly Martial Spirit of the North Pole Town to bless the Holy Demon Emperor... on your upper body!"

As soon as the words fell, a terrifying aura suddenly rose from Li Hao's body, and then penetrated into the sky.

Behind him, a vague shadow seemed to appear, wrapped in golden light. The sun and moon rotated on the robe, wearing a purple gold crown, and a golden ring reflected behind him, and then slowly merged with Li Hao.

Li Hao also changed drastically, wearing a golden robe and shining eyes.

Real person who subdues demons!

"What kind of magical power is this!?"

The people in the sect were stunned, their minds seemed to have been smashed by a purple gold hammer, and they looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

"Emperor Zhenwu!? How is it possible? How can he use the power of Emperor Zhenwu!?"

Yuan Feng's expression was complicated. He knew that "Brother Li" would not die here so easily. At this moment, Taishi's horrified voice suddenly came to his ears.

"Emperor Zhenwu?" Yuan Feng was stunned: "What Emperor Zhenwu?"

Taishi didn't respond, but he was roaring crazily in his heart: "This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Ji Silin was even more shocked and inexplicable, please ask God?

What did you ask for?

That long list of names are people's names?

He could clearly feel that the aura that Li Hao was emitting at this moment had definitely reached the level of the Four Symbols.

This was difficult for him to understand, how could the body of the Cave Heaven Realm be able to bear the power of the Four Symbol Realm.

No matter how incredible the supernatural power is, it cannot bridge this gap!

But the scene before him actually happened before his eyes.

"What a magical power!" Mr. Qiu couldn't help shouting. The spiritual light around him was flickering, indicating that his physical condition was also very bad.

"Brother Jiang, you...you...did you...see it?" Wan Ren pulled Jiang Chen and pointed at Li Hao in the field, eyes widening.

"Of course I saw it. No wonder this guy is still in the mood to do these things." Jiang Chen looked excited, holding a jade slip in his hand, and seemed to be recording the scene in front of him.

"It's against the heavens, it's really against the heavens!"

Li Hao took one step forward, with the posture of a dragon and a tiger between his steps, and was already approaching Ji Silin.

Power flowed around him, and the red-gold fist collided with Ji Silin's purple hand, causing intense spiritual energy fluctuations to burst out.

Although the Demon Subduing Master is only in the Four Symbols realm, Ji Silin has also been seriously injured and doesn't have much strength left.

Mr. Qiu looked excited and shouted: "I'll help you!"

The next moment, blue-gold chains criss-crossed the void, sealing Ji Silin in place. His palms trembled, and the formations rippled, and he was soon able to escape from the trap.

But Li Hao's eyes were shining with golden light, and he was using the method that came from his mind without knowing it. The runes around him were like a sea, surging incessantly.

"The True Demon-Subduing Sword!"

Wisps of golden light gathered together, and a golden giant sword appeared on the sky, like a mountain range. It smelled of mountains and grass, the sun and the moon flowed by the river, and there was a scene of ancient ancestors carrying mountains to catch the moon.


There was a roar that broke through the sky, and the sound was like the sky falling, and the sword of the gods fell towards Ji Silin!

Ji Silin looked ferocious, spiritual energy surged around him, the blue-gold chains around him rattled, and purple energy came from the east and gathered here.

Buzz! !

Dozens of feet of purple halo exploded around Ji Silin, expanded suddenly, and then surged into the sky, heading towards the rapidly falling God's Sword.

The rich purple energy surrounds the light pillar, like a mist swimming dragon.

Bang! !

The two collided, and the spiritual energy storm that swept across everything suddenly rose, and the aftermath spread rapidly.

The strong men of the surrounding sects worked together to block the spread of the aftermath to avoid hurting the disciples, but allowed them to wreak havoc within the area.

Mr. Qiu's turbid pupils were full of bloodshot eyes. He used his hands to seal the spell, and the formations flickered. The blue-gold chains emitted bright light, crisscrossing in the purple light pillars, and tore them apart forcefully.

boom! !

The golden giant sword crashed into Ji Silin's position, and continued to penetrate into the earth, forming a deep hole.

I saw cracks in the nearby ground, and dazzling light reflected in the cracks.

Li Hao raised one hand and recited scriptures in a low voice. A mysterious aura surrounded his body, and four spirits emerged and coiled around his body.

"Today, I will kill you on behalf of all the people of Great Xia!" He said loudly, and the four spirits roared out, making him look like a true emperor.

The corner of Mr. Qiu's eyes twitched, and he spat out a mouthful of real blood again. He stretched out his withered hand and used a secret technique to condense it into a blood sword and rush towards the pit along the four spirits.


A tragic sound came from the pothole on the ground, and everyone present was shocked.

"Ji Silin won't really be killed by him, right!?"

"It shouldn't be possible. After all, he is in the Four Phases Realm, so he won't be killed that easily."

"Yes, but someone is helping him. Old Man Qiu is already so weak that he still uses secret techniques." Someone saw it clearly and sighed.

"This person is really thoughtful. When he took action, he had already asked his companions to record this scene. If Daxia knew about it, he would definitely reward him even more." Someone looked at the excited Jiang Chen and said in a deep voice.

At the same time, a broken figure slowly floated up from the hole in the ground. It was Ji Silin.

He was not dead, and he didn't know whether the blow just now failed to kill him, or whether he was deliberately spared his life.

But the first moment he floated up, Mr. Qiu quickly rushed to his side and painted the talisman with blood.

I don’t know how much blood this old man still has.

At the same time, Ji Silin's body kept shaking, and Mr. Qiu was covered in cold sweat. Finally, as the blood talisman melted into Ji Silin's forehead, he breathed a sigh of relief and fell to the ground:

"Part of the soul has been preserved, it's okay, it's okay..."

Ji Silin slowly opened his eyes, and after realizing that he was not dead, he couldn't help but feel a little panic.

But the shadow came, and when he saw Li Hao in front of him, the resentment in his eyes almost turned into reality, and he squeezed out a few words from his throat:

"Damn it, you deserve it!"

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