I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 101 The peak of the cave sky, the meteor dragon!

"The demon slayer has directly evolved into the real demon slayer." Li Hao was in a very excited mood.

"The real demon-slayer at the four-image level... tsk..."

[Demon Slayer] is a one-time consumable item and will be gone after use.

He had speculated before that the improvement used on one-time consumables should be far more powerful than the improvement used on other items.

After all, this thing essentially cannot bring any substantial improvement to itself and can only be used as a trump card.

Now, he felt more at ease. All the recent events, from Ji Yuan to the blood-core demon species, all indicate that something big is about to happen in Zhenbei City.

Under normal circumstances, King Zhenbei can naturally protect him.

But if some turmoil breaks out, by then King Zhenbei may not be able to take care of himself, let alone protect him.

"It's a pity that the old Black Mountain monster was not killed inside..." Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shake his head.

Perhaps because he swallowed more energy this time, he stayed in it for a full five months.

At first, he just traveled with Yan Chixia, and then succumbed to demons.

But when it was time to return, he still couldn't restrain his curiosity and made a small attempt to die.

Then he was beaten to death by the Black Mountain Demon, but fortunately, it did not affect the final evaluation of the clearance copy.

"Hmm..." He moved his eyes away from [Demon Subduing Master], and then it was time to focus on the secret book.

He still has about 100,000 Spiritual Source Crystals left on him, which is obviously not enough to fill the many secret books he brought back.

However, he had already planned for this matter. He glanced at the competition on the jade wall not far away. It had obviously been going on for some time.

Only about five or six hours had passed since he reflected and entered the evolutionary world.

Two young men who looked quite immature were fighting, and the fighting methods they used were somewhat rigid, and they were obviously not practiced to the best of their ability.

After a few glances, he lost interest and stepped out of the room. The stars in the sky were shining brightly, and the moonlight was bright, as if people were covered with a layer of silver gauze.

He jumped into the air, the cool breeze blew against his face, the four scenes passed by, and the clouds and mist shrouded him. Not long after, he came to another jade palace.

Someone was guarding here. When he saw his figure, he immediately walked up. His expression was a little solemn at first, but after seeing his face clearly, he put on a smile:

"It turns out it's Commander Li. Is there anything you want to see Mr. Qiu?"

He was wearing a white robe and looked quite capable.

"There are indeed some things that need to be discussed with Mr. Qiu. Could you please inform me about it?" Li Hao asked.

He hesitated for a moment, looked back, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Qiu has given instructions. If you come to see him, you can just go in without any notification."

"Thank you..." Li Hao nodded and walked straight to the main hall. The man turned slightly sideways and had a respectful attitude.

Stepping into the hall, Li Hao immediately felt a cold air coming to his face. The bricks under his feet seemed to be made of some kind of cold jade.

In the hall, several people seemed to be talking. Mr. Qiu was sitting behind the jade table. He seemed to have noticed someone coming. His expression wrinkled slightly, but relaxed after a moment and said, "Why did Commander Li suddenly think of me?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the people who were talking immediately closed their mouths and looked in the direction of the stairs.

Li Hao was a little surprised. He looked around at the people and said immediately: "It seems that I came at the wrong time. Mr. Qiu seems to have something important to deal with. I'll go out and wait for a while."

"No need, they are all our own. Besides, it's not a secret. It's just some chores in the academy." Mr. Qiu shook his head, his sleeves waved slightly, and the clouds and mist gathered into a jade chair.

Li Hao couldn't help but sigh secretly. He had to say that Mr. Qiu did a decent job and made people feel at home with just a few words.

But this is also related to his humble attitude. Although Mr. Qiu has a good attitude towards him, it is because of various factors. He does not dare to look down on this old fox.

Since the other party had asked him to stay, Li Hao did not refuse and immediately sat on the chair.

"Continue talking..." Mr. Qiu said, and then the middle-aged men said: "The thirty-two masters in the academy have already selected their disciples, a total of one hundred and thirty people."

"For the rest, we have issued apocalyptic orders to prove that they have ended their training career in the academy."

"One hundred and thirty people, which is much less than in previous years." Mr. Qiu frowned.

"Yes, the seedlings this year are not very good. Eight years ago, during the Demon Rebellion, demons in Shiling were rampant, resulting in the death of many young children." One of the middle-aged people lamented.

Mr. Qiu also said sadly: "The chaos of demons..."

"That's all, order each of those teachers to choose two more disciples."

"We have tried our best to select these one hundred and thirty people. I am afraid that most of the remaining disciples have no hope of becoming a disciple." Another middleman said.

Mr. Qiu scolded: "I let you choose, you just choose. Can't our Tianqi Academy support sixty-four disciples?"

"I understand..." They looked at each other in confusion before finally agreeing.

Then, another person looked hesitant and glanced at Li Hao vaguely.

Li Hao noticed it immediately and said immediately: "Mr. Qiu, I feel a little bored staying here and want to go out for some fresh air."

Mr. Qiu asked Li Hao to sit down and said displeasedly: "I have already said that Commander Li is one of our own, what else can't be said in front of him?"

Then the man spoke: "It's about the selection of outstanding immortals. We have two candidates."

"One of the names is - Wang Rong. This person is at the pinnacle of the Mortal Realm and practices diligently."

"The second one is named - Li Qingxi. This person is in the realm of metamorphosis. He has quite good qualifications. He is well-behaved and sensible. He likes to help when he sees injustice. He has an excellent reputation among the disciples of the academy."

Li Qingxi?

Li Hao suddenly fell into a trance. When he heard the name, he suddenly felt familiar. Then he remembered that it was a girl who helped him angrily attack the guards in front of the city gate that day.

Mr. Qiu glanced at Li Hao calmly, seeming to notice his strange look, but did not ask, just said: "Does Wang Rong only have a reputation for practicing diligently?"

"Yes..." The man smiled bitterly: "That's the problem. This Wang Rong is the daughter of Situ, the king of Beicheng. She provides a large amount of low-cost but high-quality elixirs to the academy every year."

"People from Alchemy Square?" Mr. Qiu frowned: "Why is she competing for outstanding immortals? I'm afraid she doesn't like the little resources that are rewarded."

"It is said that it was a battle of spirits, and there was some friction between the two of them."

He said cautiously: "This woman once threatened that if she could not get this title, she would ask her father to cut off cooperation with the Academy."

"Wang Situ's alchemy workshops are spread all over the northern border. The elixirs consumed by the academy every year are an unprofitable business for him."

"Maybe we will use this as an excuse to stop cooperation."

Mr. Qiu's expression darkened, and he suddenly sighed: "My position as the head of the academy is difficult. Commander Li, what do you think about this matter...?"

Li Hao glanced at him and said in surprise: "This matter is an internal matter of the academy, but I can't interfere in it."

This old fox really knows how to pull back.

If Li Hao really said that he would choose Li Qingxi, his words would be spread out soon, thereby sharing the possible "disinvestment" behavior of Tianqi Academy.

At least, Mr. Qiu had an excuse to deal with the criticism within the academy.

"Besides, how can I decide such an important title?" Li Hao shook his head.

"Then what if Commander Li is me, how should I choose?" Mr. Qiu said with a smile, "Just imagine, don't worry about anything."

"Well..." Li Hao pondered for a moment and then said: "If I were you, I would choose..."

"Wang Rong."

Mr. Qiu's expression froze, and he asked in surprise: "Why?"

Li Hao sighed softly: "If you want to find a position in this position, logically speaking, you should choose Li Qingxi. She has a good reputation and a humble background. She should be a role model for many academy disciples."

"If you choose her, the academy disciples will be convinced."

"But..." Li Hao's voice changed: "Those academy disciples don't understand that when you seek your position, you look at the overall situation, not the gains and losses of one person."

"Without a powerful elixir provider, perhaps the academy disciples will have no elixirs to take, and their practice will inevitably plummet."

"Li Qingxi is just an ideal, Wang Rong is the realistic choice."

At this point, Li Hao sighed again: "Even so, it may cause dissatisfaction, mutiny, and even armed conflict among the disciples of the Academy."

"Perhaps they will think that the Holy Land of the North and Apocalypse Academy have also fallen and surrendered to the powerful. But only a few people understand how heavy a burden you carry."

After the words fell, the middle-aged people looked at Li Hao in stunned silence.

That’s okay too! ?

Mr. Qiu's mouth twitched slightly, and he was speechless for a while. He couldn't help but said: "Commander Li Mingzhe has stayed here to protect himself, but it is difficult to find him."

Li Hao's words seemed to be speaking for Wang Rong, but everyone present who was not a smart person could hear that he was doing the opposite, secretly criticizing Tianqi Academy.

Li Hao looked confused: "Why do you protect yourself so wisely?"

Mr. Qiu shook his head for a while, and then said solemnly: "Does Tianqi Academy have no elixirs after leaving Alchemy Square? If he doesn't provide them, we will replace them!"

"As the elixir supplier of Tianqi Academy, Dandingfang must have expanded a lot of business through this name."

"Can you take such arrogant words to heart and even report them to me?"

"I have decided that Li Qingxi is the outstanding immortal of this session!"

Several people were speechless. You were choked up by Commander Li. Don't take it out on us.

However, they still nodded and said, "We understand."

Li Hao also said: "Mr. Qiu's mind is admirable, but I am too pedantic."

Several people went down to draw up the order. Before leaving, they glanced at Li Hao with unclear meaning in their eyes.

After they left, Qiu Xian looked at Li Hao: "Does Commander Li think that I will really consider Wang Rong?"

"I never thought so." Li Hao said sincerely.

Li Hao didn't know what kind of decision Mr. Qiu would make if he wasn't here, and he didn't bother to think about it.

"Commander Li underestimates me..."

Mr. Qiu shook his head and said nothing more.

After a while, a smile appeared on his face again. It was obvious that he didn't take what happened just now to his heart and said, "I wonder what Commander Li wants from me?"

"I want to come and get my reward." Li Hao said bluntly.

"Oh..." Mr. Qiu suppressed his smile: "It's so urgent..."

Li Hao breathed a long sigh of relief: "Yes, once the Dragon Ball of Fortune came out, my psychological pressure doubled. I had to make plans early and try to increase my strength."

"Is Commander Li unsure?" Mr. Qiu narrowed his eyes.

"It's hard to say..." Li Hao was ambiguous: "So I want to take advantage of this period of time to practice some magical skills and strengthen my trump card."

"Hmm..." Mr. Qiu pondered, but did not give an answer immediately.

He promised to give Li Hao double the reward of the leader, so he certainly wasn't deceiving him.

But he wanted to reward Li Hao after he won.

A cunning and cunning person will inevitably have some dark thoughts in his heart.

If Li Hao loses, he will probably be too embarrassed to ask for any reward.

"This reward should have nothing to do with whether I win or lose. Speaking in the arena, I have offended many people." Li Haoruo pointed out:

"If I don't have enough training resources and I get seriously injured, I'm afraid I won't be able to fight at that time."

Mr. Qiu frowned slightly and suddenly smiled: "Commander Li misunderstood. Of course this reward has nothing to do with whether you win or lose. Of course it's fine to give it to you now."

"In the past, leaders would be rewarded with a dragon-transforming artifact. You should have asked about this."

Li Hao nodded, he already knew this information.

The leader is basically at the peak of the Cave Heaven Realm, and the reward of dragon transformation should be the best.

After all, the added fame is already the biggest reward.

That's why Mr. Qiu could just open his mouth and give him double.

"Then can I ask Mr. Qiu to convert the dragon-transforming artifact into spiritual source crystals of equal value." Li Hao naturally does not need the dragon-transforming artifact for the time being.

Besides, the Dragon Ball of Creation is still waiting for him, and he won't abandon it for the sake of it.

"Of course..." This choice did not go beyond Mr. Qiu's expectation. He knew that Li Hao would definitely disdain ordinary dragon-shaped magical objects.

However, he added: "But I want to tell you in advance that the dragon-transforming artifact that will be rewarded belongs to the middle class, not the best level."

"The normal value fluctuates between about 300,000 Spiritual Source Crystals and 400,000, depending on the specific needs of the practitioner."

"How about I give you a pretty high price, three hundred and eighty thousand?"

None of this information is confidential, and it’s not like Li Hao has never known it.

Practitioners also have a tendency, and some like the fire attribute. The cultivation methods and fighting methods are all of the fire attribute. Even the objects carried in the cave are of the fire attribute. The best dragon-transforming divine objects are of course also of the fire attribute.

When you meet such a person, the fire-attributed dragon-transforming artifact will naturally sell for a high price.

But the price is not that high for another person.

If you want to sell at the highest price, you have to wait, and the time is not short.

Mr. Qiu did not deliberately trap him. The 380,000 Spiritual Source Crystals were considered fair.

"Okay..." Li Hao nodded and chuckled: "Thank you, Mr. Qiu."

Mr. Qiu ordered to go down, and soon someone brought out several white Qiankun bags, embroidered with palace-like patterns, and handed them to Li Hao.

"Seven hundred and sixty thousand Spirit Source Crystals are all here..."

Li Hao threw it directly into the Xumi space, glanced at it, found that the number was correct, and said immediately: "Mr. Qiu is really generous."

"With Commander Li's character, why don't you count?" Mr. Qiu joked: "I won't be responsible after leaving this door."

Li Hao said solemnly: "I believe Mr. Qiu will definitely not deceive me about this kind of thing. I still know it well."

Mr. Qiu was stunned. Your serious answer made my teasing more embarrassing. It actually made me judge a gentleman with a villain's heart.

He coughed twice: "Commander Li, do you want tea? I have tea leaves from the thousand-year-old purple scale tree."

"No, I have to hurry up and practice." Li Hao shook his head and refused, too lazy to talk nonsense with this old fox.

"Wait..." Mr. Qiu stopped him and said, "Don't be anxious. Even if you don't drink tea, take a look at the information I collected."

"Oh?" Li Hao paused slightly, turned around and looked over, only to see Mr. Qiu reflecting a picture.

"This is information about several people who may fight you." He pointed out: "There are not many people coming to Dongtian Peak this time, only seven."

As a competition for the younger generation, there are certainly age requirements for participation.

Neither the Mortal Realm nor the Cave Heaven Realm is allowed to exceed double ten, otherwise you will not be eligible to participate.

At this age, there are very few people who can reach the peak of Dongtian.

"Linglong Pavilion - Yuan Zhan..." Mr. Qiu introduced the first person: "It is said that this person stumbled into a secret realm when he was young and received some ancient inheritance."

"He rarely takes any action and is usually gentle, but he is not practicing the Exquisite Sky-Mending Technique."

"Taiyuan Sect——Ge Rui, this person is even more extraordinary. It is rumored that he has the blood of a great demon, not a human race. He is physically strong. Taiyuan's body refining secret technique has reached the realm of transformation."

Mr. Qiu narrated carefully, and Li Hao muttered to himself, why these people have some strange experiences and opportunities.

Then he shook his head again, the cause and effect relationship was wrong.

It is precisely because of these strange experiences that they can become the best and have the qualifications to be focused on by Old Man Qiu.

"Commander Li, don't be arrogant..." Seeing Li Hao's dazed look, Mr. Qiu couldn't help but remind him: "I know you are extraordinary, but each of them has his own opportunities and circumstances."

"I understand." Li Hao nodded and listened to Mr. Qiu solemnly say: "You must pay special attention to this last person."

"Who?" Seeing Old Man Qiu's solemn look, Li Hao couldn't help but straighten his posture.

"Tongtian Dao Palace, Wuhu..." Mr. Qiu drew a picture of a young man: "This person is in a somewhat similar situation to you."

"He was once a furry bear slave in the Barbarian Bear Tribe. When he was discovered by the Tongtian Dao Palace, he was already sixteen years old, but he became the pinnacle of the Cave Heaven Realm in just three years."

Mr. Qiu's eyes were deep: "Tongtian Dao Palace has been lonely for many years. Some former enemies heard about this and wanted to strangle this person in the cradle in advance."

"And Tongtian Dao Palace did not hesitate to use the last treasure of the sect, sacrificed three elders, and used an ancient favor to save him."

"It is enough to prove the high hopes that Tongtian Dao Palace has placed on this person."

"Then this person is really not simple..." Li Hao couldn't help but say after hearing this.

The tea was brought, and the fragrance was fragrant. Li Hao habitually dipped his finger in the water and sent part of it into the Sumeru space - [Dead leaf tea: made from dead leaves that have been dead for hundreds of years]

Damn... Li Hao almost spit on Mr. Qiu's face. Is this Millennium Purple Scale Tree Tea?

You really don’t blush when you brag! ?

"This withered leaf tea is really well brewed..." Li Hao said without being salty.

Mr. Qiu was stunned, and a touch of red flashed across his old cheeks: "Commander Li is also a master of tea tasting?"

But he secretly thought, this guy has such a gluttonous tongue that he can actually taste the origin of the tea.

Li Hao teased a few words and left from here. Li Hao quickly returned to his residence and began to charge the secret book with his eyes shining.


The next day, the sect conference was in full swing, and there was something big or small in Tianqi Academy.

The academy is magnificent, extremely spacious and can accommodate thousands of people.

Many young people wearing school uniforms gathered together in twos and threes, as if they were expecting something big.

"Li Qingxi, just wait, the title of Outstanding Immortal must belong to me!" A girl with a beautiful appearance, but a somewhat ferocious face said coldly.

Li Qingxi pursed his lips and looked a little stubborn in his eyes. Before he could speak, a young man next to him couldn't help but say:

"Impossible. You rarely appear in the academy. You have never even participated in various activities in the academy. You have never even gone out to hunt ferocious beasts."

"Haha..." Wang Rong sneered: "That's the life of you idiots, I don't need to do this at all."

"My father provides the academy with high-quality elixirs every year. The price is much lower than other elixir pavilions. It is enough to save the academy millions of spiritual source crystals every year."

"For people like us, it's okay if we don't want to compete with you. Do you really think we can't compete with you?"

The young man clenched his fists, still holding his neck and said: "I believe in the Academy!"

"Qingxi, I will definitely beat you!"

"How can you win if you beat me!?" Wang Rong sneered even more: "My family has been running the Alchemy Cauldron for generations, and the Cave Heaven Realm can only be driven at will. I often see the Dragon Transformation God."

"And for the eight hundred spirit source crystals that you give to the Academy every year, you still have to go out of your way to do it. Compared with me, you are simply overestimating your abilities."

"If you hadn't ruined my good deeds back then, you wouldn't even be able to see my face now."

"You..." The boy next to him wanted to say something, but Li Qingxi pressed him down. He shook his head a little lonely and said, "Forget it, let's wait for the news from Teacher Xuegong."

The faces of the people beside him turned red, but they also understood what the other person said.

They may just stop at the cave-heaven realm in this life. If they are lucky, they may be able to transform into dragons. As for higher realms, they don't even have to think about it.

There were many people around here, their expressions changed, but they shook their heads slightly.

They couldn't change the Academy's decision, but they could only hope for the last bit of justice.

However, they are no longer the young children they were when they first entered school, looking forward to the day when they can travel across the world.

There is a gap in the world of practice. Now they and each other seem to be in the same realm, but in fact they are as different as clouds and mud.

The noise here did not last long, and a teacher from the academy flew over, holding a gold-embroidered scroll in his hand and walking straight over with a warm smile on his face.

Everyone around held their breath and stared at the teacher's direction.

Suddenly, he paused and turned around. That was Wang Rong's direction.

Li Qingxi's expression darkened, Wang Rong's eyes flickered, and a proud smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The teenagers around him also sighed.

However, the teacher just brushed the dust from his side and turned towards Li Qingxi with a smile: "Qingxi, get ready. In seven days, follow me to the preaching hall."

As soon as this was said, cheers suddenly erupted from all around.

"I knew the Academy would definitely stand by our side."


Go to the preaching hall, receive the preaching jade crown, choose something to carry in the cave, and leave your name on the preaching stone.

This is the privilege of every generation of outstanding immortals, inspiring generations of academy disciples.

Li Qingxi was stunned, looking at the gold-embroidered scroll in front of him in disbelief.

Even she herself didn't have high hopes, but she didn't expect to get it successfully.

"It's really me?" She still couldn't believe it.

After all, if she were chosen, it would mean that the Academy might waste millions more Spiritual Source Crystals every year.

The teacher nodded, then looked around, his voice calm but like thunder: "Mr. Qiu said that Tianqi Academy upholds justice and will not change its decision for a certain person or force."

Although he didn't mention her by name, everyone knew that he was talking about Wang Rong.

Many academy disciples whispered that no matter what happened in the future, at least for now, they had won briefly.

Wang Rong's face was livid, and she looked at the scene in front of her coldly. Without saying a word, she turned away and left. The entourage around her also chased after her, and her face looked a little unsightly.

After he left, the teacher looked at Li Qingxi and transmitted the message into the secret: "Qingxi, do you know Commander Li?"

"Commander Li? Li Hao?" Li Qingxi asked hesitantly.

"That's right." The teacher nodded.

"You can't call me an acquaintance. When Commander Li entered the city, he was misunderstood by the city guards. I said a few words to him." Li Qingxi shook his head and then said with a hint of probing, as if he had guessed something.

"Commander Li told me what he said?"

The teacher looked solemn, shook his head and said, "This is Mr. Qiu's decision. You are the first choice, and no one asked you to speak."

"Commander Li suggested choosing Wang Rong."

Li Qingxi: "..."

She was not stupid. If Commander Li really didn't speak for him, how could the teacher ask this question alone?

Mr. Qiu made the decision, and this sentence was enough to reveal that the Academy was indeed hesitant between her and Wang Rong.

But there was no need to reveal this kind of thing, so she just smiled, but her eyes were a little complicated.

I just said a few words to Commander Li that day, can I change the trajectory of my life today?

Although she didn't know what happened specifically, she probably understood that her fate, in the eyes of the big shots, was just a matter of random manipulation.

This path of cultivation...is really...difficult...

On the other side, Wang Rong's face was ashen, but after leaving the Jade Palace for a certain distance.

Her expression suddenly changed, and a hazy light enveloped herself and the people with her, and she said in a cold voice: "How could that old immortal choose Li Qingxi!?"

"The plan has changed. I can't enter the preaching hall, so I can't touch the formation nodes in Tianqi Academy."

The two followers who had lowered their heads next to them actually made a hoarse voice: "Is it because you went too far and made Tianqi Academy afraid of arousing the anger of the disciples?"

Wang Rong suppressed her anger: "If I don't behave too much, how can I have any motivation to compete for outstanding immortals? Do you think that old fox is a vegetarian!? Wouldn't he be suspicious!?"

"But that old fox is extremely shrewd. Even if he chooses me, he will definitely convince the academy disciples, unless something happens that I don't know about."

"Now what?"

"Since we can't use tricks, we have to do it forcefully." Wang Rong's eyes flickered and she suddenly asked: "Have you found out where Li Hao is?"

"Floating Island No. 17, but I'm afraid we are no match for him."

She shook her head and began to calm down the fluctuations around her: "Of course we won't be the ones to do it. Your Excellency has already issued the death order. We just need to spread the news."

When the words fell, the barrier covering the conversation and the sound transmission technique had disappeared, and she once again turned into that livid and angry look.


At the same time, on the wild land, the ground cracked, and a ferocious giant turtle crawled out, followed by a large number of tribesmen.

Its aura was astonishing, actually vaguely condensed into one body, and its energy and blood poured into the sky, shaking the heaven and earth.

Several people stood on top of the giant turtle's head, and the leader of the Kui Blood Tribe stood here. His voice was hidden in the wind, but it was very clear: "Qi Linjun, are you sure that Zhenbei City's formation will be broken?"

"Of course..." The man in black robes gathered around him responded: "Most of the Northern Wilderness tribes have been summoned here. If we are not sure, we will not do this."

"Northern Wilderness Tribe..." The sturdy man murmured, "What about you people from Shiling?"

"Our people are naturally working in the city." Lord Sakibayashi chuckled: "The chief doesn't think that Zhenbei City was destroyed by himself for no reason, right?"

"I thought they were from the Hidden Dragon Guard." The chief said meaningfully.

"It seems that the Chief knows a lot..." Mr. Sakibayashi was not surprised.

"I know more than that!" The chief's tone changed and he shouted: "How many tribes did you slaughter and how many people did you blood sacrifice in the Northern Wilderness!?"

"You seem to be investigating us secretly?" Mr. Sakibayashi said in a faint tone, "Didn't I tell you earlier? These are all for the purpose of breaking through Zhenbei City. You also know who built this Zhenbei City."

"Don't use Zhenbeicheng as a prevarication for me. Let me ask you, how many people have been sacrificed with blood!" He shouted coldly.

"About a million..." Mr. Sakibayashi shrugged: "As you know, this kind of money is not easy to count."

Hearing this number, the chief was slightly relieved. This number was far less than he imagined. The next moment he heard the other party speak again.

"As for the first half of the month, it should be less than one million." Mr. Sakibayashi fell into thinking and finally determined: "Well, it is less than one million."

"Are you talking about the number of people in half a month!?" The chief was confused, and a cold feeling rose in his heart.

"Otherwise?" Lord Sakibayashi asked, "A small tribe has more than 100,000 people. We have been operating for so long, but we have only managed to conquer a few small tribes."

"What on earth do you want to do!" He couldn't help but ask.

"I've already said it, Zhenbeicheng..." Lord Qi Lin faced the furious leader of the Kui Blood Tribe, but he remained calm: "This is not only a thorn in your side, but also a thorn in your flesh. It's also ours."

"Don't worry, we have the same goal."

"Yes, father, the most important thing now is to uproot Zhenbeicheng, kill that Li Hao, and avenge his brother!" The burly man next to him said in a deep voice.

"When the nest is overturned, there will be no safe eggs. Once Zhenbei City is destroyed, the people inside will be killed if they want." Qi Linjun also agreed.

The chief's eyes were dim and he didn't say anything else. He didn't know what he was thinking.


Five days passed in the blink of an eye. In the room where Li Hao was, the clouds and mist were misty, rising and falling, changing and turning into clouds, making Li Hao look like a dream.

Behind him, the real cave sky is like a real lava volcano, with a solid dragon shadow, about ten feet long, entrenched in the crater.

Then, as time passed, the real cave gradually merged towards his body, and with a faint roar, the two completely merged into one.

In an instant, his aura surged, and various scenes of slaying demons appeared around him.

The cave sky merges into one's own body, which is a sign of reaching the peak of the cave sky.

However, at this moment, the dragon shadow lingered and let out a cry. The body cracked from the middle, wisps of black energy escaped, and then converged towards Li Hao.

In an instant, black mist filled the air, and a cold and ghostly aura filled the entire room. The jade banana leaves in the corner withered, and the petals fell and turned yellow.

Even the wooden chairs had an air of decay.

In the black mist, a pair of pupils suddenly opened, and the black mist condensed, swallowing it back instantly.

Li Hao has changed drastically at this moment, his eyes are filled with black, his aura is terrifying, and his whole body is filled with violent and crazy thoughts.

"Interesting, the Dragon Essence True Vein has transformed..." Li Hao was a little surprised. He did not expect that the magical power cultivated by the True Essence Dragon Veins would actually transform again.

Is this the power of the real cave?

The ability derived from transformation is also quite weird, it seems to be a kind of demonization to stimulate the soul to burst out with more powerful strength, just like crazy blood, but more powerful.

However, he used the Coffin Sutra to protect his soul, so this kind of crazy intention could not invade him at all.

"Then let's call it...Meteor Dragon..." Li Hao pondered and gave his magical power a new name.

The general principle is caused by the collapse of the True Essence Dragon Veins.

As the saying goes, being black is three times stronger than being white, and being white is three times weaker.

The Demonized Fallen Dragon is much more powerful than the Dragonized Transformation.

He restrained his magical powers, but the damage already caused to the room was irreversible.

"This time it took about 300,000 Spiritual Source Crystals to allow me to cross two small realms in a row and reach the peak of the Cave Heaven Realm." Li Hao pondered, various magical powers and methods were circulating in his mind, which can be regarded as a happy trouble. .

"There are about 570,000 Spiritual Source Crystals left. According to previous estimates, we can only activate the second-level evolution of Xuan level."

"Well...it's still some time before I transform into a dragon, so I'm not in a hurry." Li Hao thought for a moment and decided to wait.

The second level of Xuan level did not meet his expectations. He planned to buy the items he had obtained from slaying demons and slaying demons, as well as the various magical powers in his memory.

When there was no shortage of spiritual source crystals before, I just thought about it in my mind and was not in a hurry.

Moreover, the secret books previously obtained from Fengyun World were of limited power and could not be sold at a good price.

But this time it was different. It involved monsters and monsters, and the value was pretty good. The secret books obtained were of extraordinary power.

These things passed through his mind and drew a clear line.

He glanced at the spiritual light realm not far away, and couldn't help but feel stunned, because the person fighting in the ring at the moment was actually an acquaintance of his.

"Brother Yuan..." Li Hao couldn't help but smile.

"Transformation to a higher realm...tsk..." After discovering his cultivation, Li Hao couldn't help but be quite surprised: "Such a fast cultivation speed, it seems... the old man with me has provided a lot of benefits."

In the picture, Yuan Feng's expression was solemn, and the long sword in his hand danced like an airtight sword. The sword light turned into a sword flower, giving the enemy's majestic ice dragon no place to bite.

"This person is at the pinnacle of mortal transformation. His training and fighting methods favor ice attributes, supplemented by metal magical powers. It will be very detrimental to you if you drag him down." Taishi's voice rang in his ears.

Yuan Feng gritted his teeth, but saw a thick sword light coming towards him, and the sharp golden energy caused severe pain to his skin.

"It's really not easy for you to reach this high level of transcendence. There is no need to work hard anymore." The other party said coldly, still with ease.

"Soul Sacrifice Technique!" Yuan Feng gritted his teeth and forced out these words from the gap in his throat.

In an instant, the surface of his skin was covered with black tadpole runes, a black aura emitted from around his body, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his speed increased by more than one step.


The roaring ice dragon was directly torn into pieces. He almost turned into a black line and was close to the enemy in an instant.

"Not good!" The other party's expression changed slightly, a flash of blue light flashed in his eyes, and a cold air filled the air, forming a substantial armor on the surface of the body.

He even bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed out a mouthful of blood, soaking the armor on his body.


The next moment, the ice soul shield that enveloped the surroundings exploded, and ice fragments flew into the air.

Before the man had time to react, he saw Yuan Feng's eyebrows split, and a black light shot out, hitting his chest directly at close range.

At the critical moment, a rainbow light fell, separating the two people.

The man wearing armor was not seriously injured, but his expression was extremely ugly, because he knew that once the referee took action, it meant that his life was in danger from the blow just now.

If the referee does not block it, the next moment will be death.

The referee landed lightly, looked at Yuan Feng, and made sure he was not cheating, then said: "The winner - Liuli Pure Land - Yuan Feng!"

Yuan Feng was breathing heavily, the black runes on his body gradually disappeared, and he was in a trance. He only heard a sound like a mountain roaring and a tsunami coming from his ears.

"The peak of transformation and counterattack, you boy, you have become famous this time." Taishi said with a smile.

"How does it compare to Shaofan Killing Dongtian?" Yuan Feng was silent for a while and asked.

"Don't always compare yourself to that kind of people." Taishi reassured: "I have seen many people who made great progress in the early stages of practice, but those people are not necessarily the ones who finally reach the top."

It sounded nice on the surface, but he was angry in his heart.

You didn't mention that he could die? I am also very sad!

"How can we not compare..." Yuan Feng sighed. After all, when he and Li Hao met, the other party was not as good as him.

Zixiao stroked his beard and smiled: "Haha, I didn't expect that this person is actually a person with a lot of experience. Not bad, not bad. He won the little leader."

The so-called little leader is the final winner of the Mortal Transformation Realm.

"He has practiced in the outer sect for a long time, and as soon as he entered the inner sect, he made great progress. At that time, he was at the place where Jiaolong bought bones... He was also..."

As Zi Xiao spoke, the smile on his face disappeared.

Because he thought of another person, Yuan Feng and Li Hao were involved, although later Yuan Feng used his soul memory to prove his innocence.

But mentioning Yuan Feng still inevitably reminded him of Li Hao.

Yuan Feng is very good and a seed worth cultivating.

But compared to Li Hao, it was a huge difference.

"It's actually the finals..." Li Hao was a little surprised and looked at the aura mirror.

He thought this time was just a small game, but he didn't expect it to be the finals of the Mortal Realm.

"Brother Yuan, you are indeed a perseverant person. I hope you will still be you when I see you again." Li Hao chuckled and watched Yuan Feng accept the cheers of everyone.

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