I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 907: You lunatic, talking nonsense!

Despite the thought of shrinking in her heart, she nodded and said, "Okay."


From the man's shot, it was 50 million. Jiang Luo guessed early that his identity must be extraordinary, and he must be a big man who is rich or expensive.

But when she followed Uncle Chen through a garden and through two courtyards, she was still shocked by the large, outrageous mansion.

Where is it like a residential area for people.

More like a large forest park.

If she was brought by Uncle Chen, she would definitely get lost alone.

She knew that the man was rich.

But I never thought that he would have money to such a degree.

This is beyond her perception.

After she walked with Uncle Chen for more than ten minutes, finally, Uncle Chen stopped outside a white building.

"Miss Jiang, sir is waiting for you inside."

As soon as Chen Shu finished talking, he saw a man coming out of the white building.

Jiang Luoli heard Uncle Chen shouting "Assistant Xu" in a very polite voice, she frowned and raised her head.

After seeing that the person who walked out was someone she hated, her brows were tighter and her face became less attractive.

Similarly, when Assistant Xu saw her, her brows were frowned, and her face was not very good-looking.

The two didn't give each other a good look, and they both showed disgust in their eyes, and they both looked disgusted at each other.

"Uncle Chen, you have worked hard. There is nothing more about you here. You can do your business."


After Uncle Chen left, Assistant Xu sneered and said in a mocking tone: "Miss Jiang is really good. But one night of kung fu can make our husband miss you."

"I did, miss Miss Jiang."

It's not the first time Jiang Luoli has listened to such ecstatic words.

She could see that the assistant Xu looked at her unpleasantly, thought she was a scheming girl, and deliberately seduce his boss.

From the first time I saw her, he had never given any good looks.

For such a person, Jiang Luoli certainly won't get used to his temper.

She sneered: "Assistant Xu, I know you are jealous that you are jealous, and you are sour. You think I snatched the man you like. So you look at me and I can't help telling these sour words, but you never It’s useless to be jealous. From the performance of your husband that night, he is not interested in men."

"I advise you to dismiss the idea earlier. Falling in love with a man who shouldn't be loved is destined to be a tragedy."

Assistant Xu hadn't responded yet. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and shivered with rage: "You, you woman, bullshit! Are you crazy, you even said that I am to Mr.... That kind of thought! You madman, talking nonsense!"

Jiang Luoli looked at him with a sneer: "Isn't it? Assistant Xu is so hostile to me, isn't it because you have that kind of thoughts about your husband? You think I am your rival, so you don't like me and hate me Me, I can understand all this."

"So I'm too lazy to care about you."

"However, I still want to persuade you to like a straight man, destined for your relationship can only be a tragedy. You should give up earlier, long pain is worse than short pain.

Looking at Assistant Xu's leaping feet, Jiang Luo was very sad.

She has long seen this guy as unpleasant.

Every time I saw her, it was a bad face she owed him at least 100 million.

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