I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 883: Do you still suspect that he is not miserable enough!

"Are you blind? It's not me who hurt him, it's Qiao Mianmian!" Huang Yilin's eyes turned strong with hatred, and he looked at Qiao Mianmian unwillingly, with a greasy expression, "If it wasn't for him to stop In front of this slut, the face of this **** has been ruined. Since he wants to do more business, he deserves it!"

"Take away, take her away!" Mike said, she was trembling with rage, "I don't want to see this mad woman again, take her away immediately."

Several security guards will continue to struggle, and Huang Yilin, who is constantly cursing, drags away.

"Small Tutu, bear with me. We will go to the hospital immediately." Mike looked at Tu Yilei's bloody, corroded hands, and his tears could not stop falling, his face was distressed, "How can it happen?" Such a thing. I haven't been there for a while, why did you make yourself like this."

"You foolish egg, if the sulfuric acid splashed on your face just now, do you know that your life will be over."

"How do you do things without considering the consequences at all. If you have something wrong, what do you ask me to do? Tu Yilei, my **** mother spent so much time and money to take you to this position today, you How much should I consider for me?"

"Isn't it important in your heart?"

Mike was crying with a snot and tears, which was quite different from his strong image of ordinary, capable and able to withstand the sky.

It can be seen that he was really terrified.

It really hurts.

It is so anxious that I don't even care about the image.

Qiao Mianmian knew that Tu Yilei would be injured because of her, and he couldn't tell how much guilt and self-blame.

Looking at the back of Tu Yilei's **** hands, her eyes were red.

She wanted to ask in the past.

Ask him what happened.

Ask him... Is it painful?

However, just after she took a step towards Tu Yilei, Mike turned her head suddenly, Shuangmu stared at her redly and said, "You don't want to come! It's because of you that Xiao Tutu will get hurt and only make him himself. So miserable, what are you doing here."

"Do you still suspect that he is not miserable enough!"

"If it were not for you, Xiao Tutu would not be injured at all."

Qiao Mianmian's footsteps stiffened.

She silenced Mike's crimson angry eyes, and said in a harsh voice: "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry!" Mike said angrily, "Is it useful to say sorry? Look at what Xiao Tutu has done to you. Do you know how much impact his hand suffered from such a serious injury?"

"Many of the endorsements he signed were to show his hands. If his hand...you are sorry, what can you do!!"

"Qiao Mianmian, Xiao Tutu was miserable by you this time!"

"Enough, Mike." The burn on Tu Yilei's hand was obviously painful. His face paled a lot, and there was cold sweat on his forehead. He endured the pain and said hoarsely, "Don't blame Miss Qiao, it has nothing to do with her . I did it myself, she did nothing wrong."

Mike was flushed with rage: "At this time, you are still safeguarding her. It doesn't matter how it's about her. You're blocking it for her. This sulfuric acid should have splashed on her."

"If you didn't help her, would you be injured?"

Fortunately, unfortunately, it is that Tu Yilei's face has not been hurt.

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