I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 863: Let her audition directly

Such a well-behaved and obedient sister, he will surely be pampered with pain.


After half an hour.

Arrived at a superior apartment where Monan lived.

The apartment is in the center of the city, where every inch of the land is rich. It is a famous wealthy community.

When Qiao Mianmian followed Bai Yusheng outside and waited for Monan to open the door, she was inevitably nervous. Especially when she heard the door opening, her body instantly tightened.

The door opened and Monan poked his head out of it.

He first looked at Bai Yusheng. When his eyes fell on Qiao Mianmian, his eyebrows fell slightly, but he soon returned to his normal color.

But because of his frowning movement, Qiao Mianmian was even more nervous.

Even the heartbeat can't help but speed up.

When she saw Mo Yesi, her heart beat faster, that was fascinated by his male charm.

Visible to Monan, it was purely because of fear.

Monan is almost fifty years old.

He was wearing wide pajamas, his hair was a little messy, and his beard was not shaved.

It seems that it doesn't trim.

When he looked at people, his eyes were a little sharp, and because he was not the kind of person who looked at people with affinity, Qiao Mianmian couldn't help leaning towards Bai Yusheng.

Bai Yusheng seemed to feel her nervousness. In front of Monan, she reached out and touched her head and smiled and introduced to Monan: "This is the girl I told you. Don't take your picky eyes. It’s revealed that she is young and courageous, and you will be scared if you are too serious."

Mo Nan listened to Bai Yusheng's words, and the expression on his face only slightly converged.

Although it's still not a good contact, it seems not as scary as it was just now.

"Come in." He turned sideways and his eyes fell on Qiao Mianmian's over-exquisite and beautiful face. His brows could not help but scramble again, and he had some doubts about what Bai Yusheng said before.

This little girl, can he be the person he has been looking for?

Although Monan is already in a state of semi-retreat, he has not completely withdrawn from the entertainment industry after all.

He has always been in contact with Bai Yusheng and some friends in the circle.

So some of the rumors about Bai Yusheng and Qiao Mianmian were heard.

Now when I look at Bai Yusheng again, he brings such a beautiful little girl over, and suddenly he is a bit skeptical.

This guy, shouldn't he want to help this little girl?

If this is the case, then his wishful thinking is wrong.

Although they have a good relationship, the relationship returns to the relationship. If this little girl does not satisfy him, even the best relationship will not work.


Monan himself is a man who does not trim.

The place where he lives is naturally not much better.

Not how dirty it is, but it looks messy everywhere.

As soon as Qiao Mianmian walked in, he smelled of smoke.

The smell is not choking, but it is also absolutely unpleasant.

Fortunately, apart from the smell of smoke, there are no other unbearable odors.

The area of ​​the apartment is quite large, because there is less furniture, and the living room looks a bit empty.

Mo Nan closed the door and walked into the living room and said to Bai Yusheng: "Let her audition. Do you have any comments?"

He is a very active person.

Don't want to waste time.

Bai Yusheng also knew his character. He looked down at Qiao Mianmian and said softly, "Mianmian, are you okay? Are you ready?"

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