I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 849: Let's go, I don't want to see him again

However, the relationship between him and Qiao Mianmian is still different.

He wins in that decade.

This is what the man in front of him can't compare with.

And he also knew Qiao Mianmian.

She is a very emotional girl.

Ten years of feelings, she would never say no in her heart.

She was proud and arrogant, but she was still angry with him, so she quickly found another man and wanted to avenge him.

If this is her revenge, then she did indeed succeed.

He is terribly jealous now.

It should be him who is so close to her.

He once owned her, but he lost her because of his bullshit.

He regrets it now and wants to save it...

He... will there be a chance.

Qiao Mianmian listened to what he felt good about himself, and for a time, he was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

She didn't know where Su Ze's confidence came from.

Even now, she still thinks she likes him.

If Mo Yesi was inferior to him in every aspect, she gave him such self-confidence, she could still understand.

However, the fact before him is that he is not as good as Mo Yesi in every aspect.

Why did he feel that she was with Mo Yesi to be angry with him?

Based on the feelings of those ten years?

That's right, she is a person of great affection.

But for a man who has betrayed her, if she still has feelings, then she is a masochist.

"Su Ze, do you have delusions?" Qiao Mianmian is very clear. Under such circumstances, she must take her attitude in front of Mo Yesi.

Su Ze was startled: "Mianmian, you..."

"First, I said that we are strangers now, so please don’t call me so intimate. Second, I don’t know who gave you the confidence to think that my new boyfriend is dating you. Hold your breath. May I ask Mr. Su, where do you think my boyfriend is inferior to you? He is more handsome than you, gentler than you, more painful than you, and is superior to you in every way. Where do you come from confident that I do not really like him ?"

When she said this, Mo Yesi beside her looked down at her, and the light flashed lightly.

The arm around her waist also tightened.

Qiao Mianmian moved slightly, raised his eyes to meet his eyes, and put a sweet smile on his lips: "He is a thousand and ten thousand times better than you. You actually think that I am with him to irritate you , So funny."

"Don't Mr. Su hear a word?"

Ignoring Su Ze’s unsightly complexion, Qiao Mianmian smiled deeper in his lips: "People walk high and flow low, my boyfriend crushes you in every way, I am with him, of course, because of him There are many places that attract me and make me feel excited."

"He's so good and so good to me. I'm not having a problem with my brain. I don't like him. Do I still like a scumbag who betrayed me? Oh, ten years of feelings? I only fed those ten years of feelings. Dogs, for me, these are not important at all."

"I only know one sentence and cherish the people before me."

After Qiao Mianmian finished, he took Mo Yesi's arm and said to him softly, "Let's go, I don't want to see him again."

Mo Yesi remained silent for a few seconds and nodded: "Okay."

Packing up Su Ze is not for a while.

When he goes back, he will give Su Ze a lesson.

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