I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 826: Closer to the truth

Therefore, he did not dare to take it lightly, and after looking back seriously for a moment, he raised his head and said: "Mr. Gong, many things ten years ago are not very clear. I just thought about it carefully, if I remember correctly At that time, I should have taken Mianmian to the banquet of the Gong family."

"That year...it seemed like summer." Qiao Ruhai said while recalling, "That was the first time the Qiao family received an invitation letter from the Gong family."

For the Qiao family, this is glory and surprise.

Therefore, he will remember this matter.

If any other unimportant small door family invited him, he would still remember.

Miyazawa lifted his head violently, and a huge wave started in his heart. Something was violently surging in his long and narrow eyes. He spoke with a slight tremor in his voice: "Are you sure? Ten years ago, you took Qiao Mianmian to the palace. The banquet at home?"

Qiao Ruhai raised his head and looked at him, and after thinking about it for a moment, he nodded and said, "Yes. It was Gong Shao's birthday feast. I thought it would be similar to your age. It should be okay to bring her, so take it Go with her."

Miyazawa looked calm from the surface.

Just squeezed the fingers of the tea cup, trembling uncontrollably.

"Speaking of this..." Qiao Ruhai glanced carefully at Miyazawa's complexion 5, with a hesitant flash of expression in his eyes, and an expression of silence.

Miyazawa took a deep breath and tried to control the strong emotions that flowed from the bottom of his heart: "What else do you remember?"

The reason why Qiao Ruhai remembered that day was that the day was the birthday of Prince Gong's grandfather. The Qiao family was fortunate to be able to participate, which was an extremely glorious thing for him.

This incident made him show off for a long time.

The second reason is that there was something that impressed him on the birthday party.

He was still hesitating whether to say it, Miyazawa had already asked, and he had to say it.

"I remember that day I said she was going to the bathroom. She went there for a long time. When she came back, I found that she was wet, like she was in the water. I asked her what happened, and she didn’t follow me. I said. I was worried about her catching a cold, so I took her home in advance."

At the time, he thought his daughter was bullied.

Angry and helpless.

I originally wanted to find the person who bullied Qiao Mianmian, but when I thought that most of the people at the banquet were rich or expensive, if the other party’s family background was far more than Qiao’s family, not only wouldn’t be fair, and maybe Will get in trouble.

Think about it, and forget it.

In fact, Qiao Ruhai didn't know why he wanted to tell the story.

I just thought that perhaps the matter Miyazawa had to investigate was also related to this matter.

Otherwise, why did he ask what happened ten years ago.

Moreover, he was repeatedly asked if he brought Qiao Mianmian together.

It can be seen that the incident he traced was related to Qiao Mianmian, and that incident happened at his birthday party.

So Qiao Ruhai suddenly thought about telling the story.

He also sees Miyazawa's attitude today, and it really doesn't seem like he was blaming the teacher, so he has the courage to say it.

"what did you say?"

Miyazawa kept the calmness barely maintained, and after hearing this sentence, it was instantly broken.

The white jade tea cup in his hand was almost crushed by him.

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