I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 821: When I think of a jar of vinegar, I am a little bit big.

"It's a coincidence." Qiao Mianmian clarified immediately, "I didn't even know that he was on that flight, nor did he know where he was next to me."

Linda was silent for a while, and said, "I believe what you said, this is just a coincidence. But now, someone took you and took a lot of photos of your interaction. Before, Gong Shao publicly helped you on Weibo Clarification has made many people doubt your relationship."

"This time I photographed you taking the same flight again, and it happened to be together again." At this point, Linda was silent again, and after a few seconds it continued, "The man sent the photo to Weibo Now, netizens on Weibo are talking about your relationship with Gong Shao."

"Originally, the direction of public opinion has begun to go in a good direction. But now, after the scandal between you and Gong Shao, public opinion is not good for you again." Linda said, sighing, "Your recent segment There are too many scandals out of time. Although it has been clarified that it has nothing to do with you, it will inevitably make people feel that your team is deliberately hyping you."

"And we found that there have always been blackspots hacking you everywhere. As soon as you published the news, they immediately heard the news and attacked you in various comment areas, chaotic rhythm."

"In this incident, I don't know if the person who posted the Weibo is a real netizen or someone with ulterior motives. Think about it, who did you offend?"

Qiao Mianmong froze for a long time.

Who did she offend?

She did not take the initiative to offend anyone.

But every time she didn't take the initiative to find someone else's trouble, she still couldn't escape others' trouble.

If you have to say who offended her.

She felt that she offended more people.

If you can have money and hire the sailors to black her everywhere, the economic strength must be not bad.

She thought about it and came up with three people.

Qiao Anxin, Shen Rou, Huang Yilin.

These people are the most likely.

Among them, the possibility of Shen Rongqiao's peace of mind is the greatest.

Huang Yilin is now ridden with black material, and she is insecure. She probably has no intention to black her.

Qiao Mianmian guessed for a while, and got a little bit.

"Sister Xie, do I need to post a weibo to clarify this matter?" Qiao Mianmian had a terrible headache and had been devastated by the recent scandals.

Where can she think of it.

She just took the same flight as Miyazawa, and she was able to be photographed and taken out for speculation.

"Not for the time being." Linda thought for a while, and then said, "Let the group of sunspots continue to bouncing and bouncing, so that we can find out exactly where this group of people came from. This time the scandal is with Gong Gongshao. Relevant, speaking of it, although it has a bad impact on you, it is not without any benefits."


Qiao Mianmian couldn't figure out how the scandal between her and Miyazawa would benefit her.

"Well, you had a gossip with Gong Shao before, and this time the gossip has caused a lot of trouble. Many people will think you have a close relationship with Gong Shao. No one will dare to do anything to you in the future. This will avoid a lot. trouble."

Linda said obscurely, but Qiao Mianmian quickly understood.

Linda is talking about unspoken rules in the circle.

Once she has a relationship with Miyazawa, many people will be scrupulous and dare not move her casually.

This is indeed a good thing for her.


Qiao Mianmian thought of a jar of vinegar and suddenly became a bit big.

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