I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 2339: She hates him now, but she still loves him

After the reporter asked this question, even the exhibition on the side turned around, curiously waiting for her answer.

Because of this matter, he also knows.

Zhanbo is still a gossip person.

The Weibo account he certified was managed by the company team.

But he still has a trumpet.

He will often log in to the trumpet, and just search on Weibo if he is fine.

Qiao Mianmian was still a faint-looking person. After listening to the reporter's questions, he did not express his vitality, nor showed other emotions.

She remained silent for a few seconds before answering the reporter with her lips closed: “I don’t have any opinion. The performance of a person’s acting skills is different from the standard of everyone’s judgment. Besides, I know that I also have some shortcomings, so the future I will work harder and give back better works to everyone."

"Although not everyone can be satisfied, but I hope to achieve 80% satisfaction. This is a goal I set for myself, I will work hard to complete."

She answered generously, even modestly, and acknowledged her shortcomings.

Without this, he devalued Shen Rou.

In contrast, Shen Rou's evaluation seemed too stingy, making people feel that she was too emotional.

After accepting the interview, Qiao Mianmian entered the venue and found his place to sit down.

After a while, Shen Rou also walked across the red carpet and then accepted an interview with the reporter.

A reporter said: “Miss Shen, just now Qiao Mianmian said that her wedding with Mo’s president Mo Yesi will be held next year. Many people know that Mo’s and Shen’s are friends. Miss Shen and Mo are also friends for many years. So I I want to ask Miss Shen, will you go to the wedding?

Shen Rou was posing, with a smile on his face and a reporter taking pictures. The reporter who asked the question had just finished asking questions. The smile on Shen Rou’s face seemed to freeze suddenly. There were so few seconds. His face is very stiff.

It took a few seconds for her complexion to recover.

But the expression on his face still looked a little stiff and unnatural.

"If they invite me, I will certainly go." She did her best to show that she didn't care about this matter, just like she repeatedly told herself that she no longer cared about Mo Yesi, but she still couldn't help but pay attention. His every move, her mood will still be affected by him.

Even if she knew that Mo Yesi and Qiao Mianmian were married.

But listening to reporters mentioning their wedding, the moment of jealousy and sourness is not fake.

She found that she still cares.

The man she likes for more than twenty years.

She hates him now, but she still loves him.

If there is no love, then where is the hate.

Her current feeling for Mo Yesi is love and hate. After a while, she feels that she hates this man, and wants to use all means to destroy his happiness, and wants him to taste pain.

After a while, she missed him very much, even holding the unrealistic luxury, and wanted to have a future with him.

Falling in love with a man like Mo Yesi, she can't let go.

She can no longer look at other men.

Although she thought Miyazawa was good before, she also liked Miyazawa.

But it was her turn to love the depth, she just liked Miyazawa.

But she loves Mo Yesi.

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