I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1617: Is her boyfriend so stingy?


"You don't want to be bored and love to stay, anyway, you can't care about you when you get busy."

"You are busy with you, I don't need you to accompany me."

"All right." Bai Yusheng suddenly thought of something, his eyes became a little more subtle.

He also thought that Qiao Mianmian had two intimate scenes with Qin Han this afternoon.

Friends for many years, he naturally knows what temperament Mo Yesi is.

But Bai Yusheng and Qiao Mianmian did not intend to tell him now.

Qiao Mianmian did not tell Mo Yesi that she had an intimate play with Qin Han this afternoon because she was afraid that Mo Yesi would be jealous.

Bai Yusheng is holding a good attitude to watch a good show.

What kind of reaction would a man like Mo Yesi possessive enough to be perverted if he saw Qiao Mianmian's intimate play with other men in a moment?

Bai Yusheng thought about it, and actually looked forward to it.

"That's so long, we don't have to care about him." Bai Yusheng raised his wrist and looked at the time, clapping his palms, "You go to make up, and then prepare to familiarize yourself with the plot line, the next scene is you. "

Qiao Mianmian nodded and let go of Mo Yesi's hand: "Then I have to make up?"

"Well, go."

Qiao Mianmian didn't feel greasy while working, so he turned and went to the dressing room.

Bai Yusheng asked someone to take a chair, and Mo Yesi sat down beside him with no politeness.

"Why did you suddenly want to stay in the crew and wait for her? Did you see the news on the Internet feeling crisis?" Bai Yusheng sorted out the machine and saw Qin Han walking by, ridiculed and asked.

Mo Yesi's gaze also looked at Qin Han intentionally or unintentionally. After taking it back, he said lightly: "Why do I need to wait for my wife? As for the sense of crisis, no one in your crew can give me a sense of crisis. ."

"Really?" Bai Yusheng smiled, "This is naturally the best. It's better if you have confidence, and I don't worry that you will be jealous of taking intimate scenes with other men."

After Bai Yusheng finished speaking, he saw Mo Yesi's pale expression suddenly changed.

He narrowed his eyes and frowned: "Mianmian has an intimate play with other men? Who are you talking about, the leading actor in the play?"

Bai Yusheng looked at his suddenly changed face and felt funny: "You will not know, but any heroine can't avoid having an intimate play with the hero."

Mo Yesi frowned.

Of course he knew.

There is no intimate drama between the man and the woman, is that normal?

When he accepted Qiao Mianmian as an actor, he was already mentally prepared.

It was only at this moment when I heard Bai Yusheng say it, and I began to feel uncomfortable.

Bai Yusheng looked at his face and continued: "You should also know that this is a continuous job. If you feel that it is unacceptable, I suggest that you should not stay in the crew, otherwise..."

Later, when he saw Qiao Mianmian and Qin Han filming an intimate scene, he couldn't be angry.

Mo Yesi frowned tightly: "Did she have an intimate scene this afternoon?"

"Let me think about it." Bai Yusheng pretended to ponder for a while, and then said, "It seems to be there. There are many intimate contacts in the next two scenes."

Mo Yesi's face was a little heavy.

He squeezed his lips tightly for a while, then reached out with a cold face: "Give me the script and let me see it."

"This script is an internal confidential document of our crew, you..."

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