I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1598: I have a woman I like

Seeing Shangguan Qing standing in the office, the man's face changed, and the expression on his face suddenly became less beautiful.

"Why are you here, who put you up?" Miyazawa's indifferent voice was filled with anger and his face gloomy.

Shangguan Qing froze for a moment, glanced at his face, and his heart suddenly felt a bit empty.

"Brother Zeli, can't I come to see you?" She bit her lips and got a little wronged in her eyes, and her voice was wronged. "I think you must work hard in the company, so I will cook in person. Some soup came over."

"This is my first time cooking."

Speaking of which, Shangguan Qing became more aggrieved.

"In order to make soup for you, people also burned their fingers so much that they were so hot." She said while extending her hand, there was indeed a blister on the white and tender fingers, "Brother Zeli, this The blisters hurt. But for you, everything is worth it."

"Brother Zeli, this is the first time someone has been cooking. Will you taste this soup? I will give you a bowl, OK."

Shangguan Qing thought of the woman Mrs. Gong said that Miyazawa liked the gentle and virtuous woman, so she wanted to show this in front of Mo Yesi.

Ignoring Miyazawa's somber face, she walked to the desk and put the lunch box down.

Just before opening, I heard an extremely cold voice: "Take your things and leave my office."

Shangguan Qing raised his head in surprise: "Brother Zeli."

Miyazawa's expression was extremely indifferent, with impatience in his eyes: "Did not hear clearly? Want me to say it again? Leave my office immediately."

"Brother Zeli." Shangguan Qing's eyes widened and a frightened expression, "I, I came to see you specially."

"Shangguan Qing." Miyazawa was impatient with her face, and did not give her a sympathetic face at all. "I thought I had made it very clear, and you should also understand it. It seems that I have to talk to you again. Say it once."

"I don't care what the Gong family and your Shangguan family think. I will never obey the arrangement in my heart to marry any woman unless it is the woman I choose. I am not interested in you. You are not my type. "

"No matter what you do, nothing will change."

"So, I advise you not to do these meaningless things anymore. I don't want to make the words too unpleasant. Don't come to see me again, and I won't see you again."

"you can go now."

After listening, Shangguan Qing looked at him in disbelief.

"Brother Zeli, are you really telling me? Are you really...don't like me?"

However, Mrs. Gong said clearly that she is the type he likes.

Miyazawa's eyes were full of indifference and alienation: "I'm not interested in you. Don't worry about me anymore, it doesn't make any sense."

Afraid of Shangguan Qing’s continued entanglement, Miyazawa didn’t want to leave her any hope, he said coldly: "I have a woman I like, except for her, I will not marry another woman. I only have her in my heart, I can’t afford to be second A woman. Shangguan Qing, your condition is not bad, find a man who suits you, don't continue to waste time on me."

After talking, Miyazawa called an assistant to come in.

"You sent Miss Shangguan to leave. Also, notify the personnel department and the finance department that all front office employees who were working today were dismissed. If anyone dares to let anyone up again in the future, immediately fire them."

After Miyazawa had left his account, he looked away from Shangguanqing again and continued to process documents.

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