I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1594: Forget her earlier

If only Qiao Mianmian's own black material, she would not care too much.

After all, she was not hacked for the first time.

However, Miyazawa was involved, and many people had misunderstood Miyazawa, so she could not sit down and see.

Especially when she saw Weibo who said that Miyazawa was sick and was bullying with the rights of the Gong family, Qiao Mianmian felt that she must come forward to clarify this matter.

She told Linda about it.

Linda was also present last night, naturally knowing what the real situation is like.

"This matter has to be clarified, otherwise it will definitely have to be taken out and made a fuss, and it will have a very bad impact on you and Gong Shao. So, let this matter be handled by the public relations department for entertainment Will post on Weibo for clarification."

"Do I not need to do anything?"

"Not for the time being, you wait for the company to post on Weibo."

"it is good."

Linda said it could be dealt with properly, and Qiao Mianmian didn't bother about this matter anymore.


When Miyazawa left there, he naturally saw the news.

Inside a luxurious atmosphere office.

Gong Zeli leaned back on the black leather chair, his eyes narrowed, and after listening to the assistant's report, his long narrow eyes showed a hint of coldness.

The assistant said, "Mr. Gong, would you let the PR department handle this matter right away? If public opinion continues to ferment like this, it will affect you."

With a casual look on the handsome man's face, he snorted softly: "Impact, what effect?"

"Someone on Weibo now puts the rhythm on the matter of deliberately hurting you. If we don't explain it, it will affect your reputation. And..."

Miyazawa lifted his eyes: "And what?"

"And it will also affect the lady who is with you."

The casual expression on Miyazawa's face changed slightly.

He never thought of giving the public an account, but now...

If this matter would affect Qiao Mianmian, he would have to reconsider.

It doesn't matter what others think of him.

But Qiao Mianmian is an artist.

She is a public figure and her image cannot be affected.

Not because he is affected.

After a moment of silence, Miyazawa changed his mind and said: "Then let the PR department take care of it."

"Yes, President Gong. I will do it right away."

The assistant soon left,

Gong Zeli took out his mobile phone and took a look on Weibo. When he saw the Weibo that said that he and Qiao Mianmian had an ambiguous relationship, he pressed his lips tightly and read the Weibo several times.

His intention was to help her.

It's just that he seems to have caused her trouble.

He didn't care what other people said about him, but he didn't want to see others say that she was not good at all.

The phone rang,

Seeing that it was Yan Shaoqing's call, Gong Ze took a few seconds to pick it up.

"Fourth, what's going on on Weibo? Did you hit someone?"

Miyazawa guessed that Yan Shaoqing came over for this matter: "Well, that is what you see."

"Last night, were you with your sister-in-law?"

"I used to talk about things without knowing where she was in advance."

"Weibo said that you beat someone for your sister-in-law, is this true?"

"Well, there are jerks bullying her, I can't just sit back and ignore them."

"Which asshole? Boss Huang?"


"Fuck, did that old thing eat the bear heart leopard gall, and actually dared to bully the younger sister-in-law. Well played, I'm not here. If I'm on the scene, I have to beat the old thing hard."

"But..." Yan Shaoqing turned the subject, and seemed to have something else to say.

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