I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1570: Maybe you still have a hint of going out

Jiang Hai looked haggard, his face pale, and dark circles under his eyes were obvious.

It can be seen that he must have not slept well these days.

Also, in such a place, it is strange that he can sleep well.

How to say it is also my own brother, the two had a very close sibling relationship as a child.

Seeing Jiang Hai like this, Jiang Luoli was not distressed at all.

But she felt distressed, she still felt that Jiang Hai deserved it.

"Since you don't want to stay here, why didn't you think about this day when you took other people's money?"

"Sister, me, I was wrong." Jiang Hai clenched Jiang Luoli's hand, and wept bitterly, "I already know that I am wrong now, and I will never dare again. You can save me, OK, but I am you My brother."

"You don't have the heart to see me being kept inside, right?"

Jiang Luo left his face with no expression, using some force in his hand, and pulled his hand out of Jiang Hai's palm.

Jiang Hai froze, then looked at her in a panic: "Sister."

"Xiaohai, you are not a three-year-old child. If you do something wrong, you will have to bear the consequences."

"You should know that what you owe is not ten thousand or twenty thousand. Do you think I can get ten million to pay your debts?"


"I came here today, I didn't take you away. I can't take you away. If you want to go out from here, it's best to tell me all the causes and consequences of the matter, don't miss a word, maybe you still have A trace of hope."

Jiang Luoli was so mad at Jiang Hai.

But after calming down, she felt that this matter was indeed strange.

Casinos are not without such a routine to others to gamble money.

But that's because they have inquired about each other's net worth, to ensure that the other party has the ability to be able to borrow money.

Ten million people borrowed from Jiang Hai must have inquired about the Jiang family.

If you know that Jiang's family is still lending money to Jiang Hai, it is abnormal.

Jiang Hai has been accustomed to growing up since childhood and has never been shut down like this.

Hearing the hope of going out, I immediately told Jiang Luoli all the bits and pieces that happened at that time.

After talking, he tearfully pulled Jiang Luoli's sleeve: "Sister, I will tell you everything. I promise that every word I say is true. He said that he would definitely win me money Yes, I think if I can win a sum of money, I can improve the life of our family."

"I can buy a big house and a good car, and you will never have to worry about my things again."

"Sister, I really did not expect that I would..."

"Okay." Jiang Luoli raised his hand to interrupt him, frowning. "Everyone is betting that they only think they will win, but never think that they will lose. You have already played a lot before When I have eaten a lot, I haven’t remembered anything yet?"

"Don't say what you are for the Jiang family's sake, you are too greedy for you to enter the bureau set by others."

"Even if the other party is deliberately setting you up, that's because you can't stand the temptation to be fooled."

Jiang Luoli sighed secretly in Jiang Haili's tears.

In fact, Jiang Hai's nature is not bad.

When I was young, I was quite obedient and sensible.

The reason why it became like this is the reason why Jiang Jiang and Jiang Mu indulged in spoiling.

Before Jiang Luo left the house, he also disciplined Jiang Hai. Jiang Hai was also willing to listen to her sister, and did not go too far.

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