I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1560: Did she get water in her head?

The man who brought Qiao Mianmian and Linda up to Qiao Mianmian reminded him.

Qiao Anxin looked at the man, then at Qiao Mianmian, her face was a bit ugly, she bit her lip and asked: "Who are you, why did you put Qiao Mianmian's audition first? We are all in order Why did she jump in line?"

Joe Anxin was a little loud.

So many entertainers waiting in the hallway heard it and looked towards her.

Qiao Anxin saw someone watching, the voice was louder: "If you are a staff member here, should you explain why Qiao Mianmian can be ranked in the first audition? She so openly leans on the relationship , Is it fair to others?"

Qiao Anxin said, Song Fang also turned green.

I secretly scolded "stupid" in my heart.

Although other people were also dissatisfied with Qiao Mianmian's relationship, they felt that she was extremely stupid about Qiao Anxin's behavior.

Even if Qiao Mianmian is a related household, it cannot be said directly.

And if the man is really the person in charge of the audition, he has the right to arrange the first audition anyway.

Others are dissatisfied and cannot say it.

This Joe was relieved... Not only did he speak, but he spoke in front of the staff.

Did she get water in her head?

Offended the staff, isn't she afraid of problems with the audition?

However, it is not bad to let such idiots come forward, and it will not affect them anyway.

For such things, they are very happy to watch the same as watching a movie.

One less competitor is not bad for them.

Song Fang stood behind Qiao Anxin. After Qiao Anxin finished that sentence, Song Fang turned green, and she immediately reached out and pulled Qiao Anxin's arm.

Qiao An frowned and looked back, seeing Song Fang dazzled her.

That look was just telling her not to make trouble.

But Joan couldn't bear the breath in his heart.

She did not listen to Song Fang. After turning her head back, she looked at the staff member angrily and said, "Should this kind of thing give us an explanation? It would be too much to let her jump in line so blatantly." ."

Behind him, Song Fang's face turned green and purple, and purple and green.

She knew that Jo Anxin was not a smart person.

I didn't expect it to be stupid.

Song Fang now regrets that she would bring a stupid artist like Qiao Anxin.

She originally felt that Qiao Anxin has a certain reputation. Boss Huang is still fresh. She is willing to support her. Qiao Anxin was also blocked for some time before he finally received the job. It will definitely be cherished.

She thought about it, and could still hold it.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Anxin was such a fool, not even thinking.

Such an IQ does not go far at all.

Song Fang wanted to regret as much as possible at this time.

She might as well choose to bring a newcomer, or better than bring such a stupid.

Losing work is a trivial matter. If you accidentally offend any big man, her agent will also be unlucky.

The staff was also stunned for a while, and looked at Joe with a stunned expression.

He looked at Joe An for a few seconds, and then his brows frowned, and he said in a deep voice, "Are you an actor who came to audition?"

Qiao Anxin was not aware of the crisis.

She looked at the staff and looked like she was filled with indignation: "Yes, I'm here to audition.

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