I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1549: He was hurt by someone

Just now the mother Jiang kept crying and crying, and the cry froze all at once.

When she looked at Jiang Luoli, her eyes flickered and her eyes fluttered a little.

"This this……"

Jiang Luoli took a deep breath and held back his anger: "He went to gamble again? Didn't you stop him?"

"Xiaohai is also innocent. He was hurt by others." Jiang Mu cried again. "People deliberately want to lie to his money. He will be fooled when he is young and doesn't understand those."

"So, why did he enter the police station?" Jiang Luoli looked at Jiang and Jiang's crying cry, suddenly upset, she endured angrily, "Crying can't solve the problem, you have to tell me, Xiaohai is Because of what went into the police station. You want to solve the problem. You have to tell me everything."

Jiang Luoli no matter how chilling Jiang mother and Jiang father are treated differently, this is also her biological parents.

Jiang Hai is also her younger brother.

When I was young, the relationship between my sister and brother was also very good, and Jiang Hai was also a very cute younger brother.

But later, Jiang Hai met a group of fox friends, and was contaminated with various vices. The former good brother went further and further on the fallen path.

The relationship between the sibling and the brother has become more and more alienated.

"This..." Jiang Mu and Jiang Jiang looked at each other for a while, and then stuttered, "Xiaohai he, he went to play cards and met a casino. I saw what the man said at first sight He felt that he was very close to him, and said that Xiaohai was like his brother. After knowing that Xiaohai didn't have much money on his body, he borrowed a sum of money to gamble."

"Xiaohai took the money he borrowed and followed him to a place called a casino. Over there, Xiaohai lost all that money."

"The man asked Xiaohai to pay back the money. Wherever Xiaohai could get it back, he ran home secretly. As a result, the man chased with a group of people and said that Xiaohai's debts were not repaid, and the police chased Xiaohai away. Now."

Speaking of which, Mother Jiang gritted her teeth and said: "The man is a brute, and his heart is so bad. If he had borrowed money from Xiaohai, how could Xiaohai owe a huge debt to the **** and was taken away by the police."

Hearing the word "gigantic debt", Jiang Luo "clucked" in the centrifuge, and had a bad hunch.

She looked at Mother Jiang: "How much did Xiaohai owe?"

This is not the first time Jiang Hai owes money because of gambling. In the past, both Jiang Father and Jiang Mother could help him back.

"This..." Jiang Jiang's eyes began to flicker again, her eyes flashing, and she stammered, "Probably, maybe about ten to ten million."

"What, ten million?" Jiang Luoli opened his eyes wide and couldn't channel, "He owes ten million to others?"

Jiang Luoli was already mentally prepared, but the number that Jiang Mu said was still shocking to her.

Ten million, for the Jiang family, it is the money that the Jiang family cannot earn for a lifetime.

In the past, Jiang Hai also owed money, at most tens of thousands.

Jiang Luoli felt that he had heard it wrong.

"Yes, yeah." Jiang Mu probably thought that this number was too scary, and she became more and more stubborn. "So I said that person was a liar. When he first met Xiaohai, he borrowed Xiaohai's 10 million yuan, Didn’t he know what happened in our house, knowing that Xiaohai couldn’t afford him.”

"Do you mean that the first time he met Xiaohai, he lent Xiaohai 10 million?"

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