I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1537: She was wrong, she confessed

"You are worried about these now, it is too early."

Qiao Mianmian pursed her lips, undecided.

She was really worried too early.

"Sister, I won't consider falling in love in the next few years." Qiao Chen seems to be assuring, "So you can rest assured."

Qiao Mianmian: "I have nothing to worry about. You really have to meet a girl who has a heartbeat and you want to talk about it. But this has to wait for you after the operation."

"Speaking of surgery, Chen Chen went to the hospital a few days ago to check it. He is in good health now, and I told him that he will be operated on after his birthday."

Mo Yesi successfully changed the subject.

Speaking of Qiao Chen's illness, Qiao Mianmian immediately cared: "Will Chen Chen be able to perform surgery soon?"

"Well, he can now be operated on."

"you sure?"

"Of course I am sure."

"Mo Yesi."


"Are you sure you can do the surgery?" When Qiao Chen was about to have the surgery, Qiao Mianmian was a little uneasy again. "You haven't touched the scalpel in a long time, will you be skilled?"

"Do you want to practice your hands first?"

Mo Yesi: "..."

Is his wife doubting his medical skills?

As a top-level expert in a related field, being questioned in this way can endure everywhere.

Moreover, this man is still his wife.

Mo Yesi had a black line on his face: "Don't you believe me?"

"It's not that I don't believe you. It's just that you haven't touched a scalpel in several years? Isn't it the same as doing other manual work? If you don't do it often, you will be rusty."

After all, it is surgery for his brother.

Qiao Mianmian still has to make sure in advance.

Mo Yesi: "..."

He laughed angrily: "Baby, are you afraid that it would be dangerous for me to perform the operation of Chen Chen? You have no confidence in me?"

Qiao Mianmian listened to the wrong tone of the man beside him, turned his head and glanced, only to see Mo Yesi's face seemed dark.

Is this... angry?

When she was about to start coaxing, she heard Qiao Chen said in the back compartment: "Brother-in-law, I have confidence in you. When I went for an examination, the dean said that you were particularly powerful, and there was no surgery you performed. It failed. So I believe you can heal me."

"Did you hear me?"

A man who was sulking said to Qiao Mianmian: "Even Chen Chen believed me, but some people still doubted me."

Qiao Mianmian: "..."

Well, she was wrong, she confessed.


To Mozhai.

Qiao Mianmian and his party entered the hall, the old lady was already waiting.

Watching the two grandchildren and granddaughter-in-law come back, the old lady smiled on her face, not to mention how happy she was.

"Mianmian, Chenchen, come close to your grandma."

The old lady ignored Mo Yesi directly and waved her sister Qiao Mianmian to her.

She held one by one, looked at Qiao Mianmian, and said distressedly that she was thin.

Looking at Qiao Chen again, he was distressed and said that Qiao Chen was thin.

"What's the matter with your sisters and brothers? It's always uncomfortable. Didn't you have a good meal?"

"I haven't seen it for so long, I have lost so much."

Qiao Chen smiled and said warmly: "Grandma, you are a psychological effect. I only weighed two days ago. It is the same as before."

"Yes, grandma, you must be psychological." Qiao Mianmian also said, "So every time I see us, we are absolutely thin.

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