I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1521: It's like an angelic existence

Even more frightening, President Mo even smiled.

A group of senior officials: "?"

President Mo is not smiling at them.

So, is he smiling at someone?

Look at the eyes of President Mo, as if looking at someone.

A group of high-level executives were guessing who was the person who melted the iceberg of President Mo, suddenly they heard them call with a very pampering tone: "Baby, I am in a meeting, you wait for me for a while. At most ten Just minutes."

As soon as the "baby" shouted out, the executives felt even more horrified.

God, people like President Mo will even call someone else's baby.

And that tone, that look, was gentle like a person.

That's the side they rarely saw.

If it wasn't for the fierce reprimand just a minute ago, they all doubted that Mo was always a substitution.

After a few more seconds, they heard the voice of a woman in the video.

"You are busy, don't worry about me. I play games for a while, and we will go to dinner together when you finish the meeting."

The woman's voice is delicate and soft, it sounds very young.

More like a girl.

The senior executives instantly thought of the gossip news they had seen before, and basically already guessed Qiao Mianmian's identity.

Some time ago, President Mo and the young rookie named Qiao Mianmian showed various high-profile affections on Weibo.

Even though they are a group of elderly people who rarely play Weibo or something, some of them have heard of it.

At that time, I felt very horrified, and I felt that it was not like their style of action.

It now appears that the newcomer has captivated their President Mo.

For her, President Mo has done a lot of eye-popping things.

So think about it, it's normal to call it baby now.

President Mo showed love in the video of the conference, and all the senior officials did not dare to say anything, and even felt relieved.

Because President Mo just said, the meeting will end in at most ten minutes.

This means that even if they are scolded, they will suffer at most for ten minutes.

Moreover, as soon as Mr. Mo’s young girlfriend came, he was obviously in a much better mood.

It is estimated that they will not scold them again.

After all, you have to consider scaring your young girlfriend?

In the next ten minutes.

Sure enough, as these senior executives thought, they did not continue to be scolded.

President Mo was probably in a hurry to accompany his young girlfriend, saying that there was still a ten-minute meeting. As a result, only five minutes later, the meeting was declared closed.

At the moment when the video display on the large projection screen ended, the seniors were moved to tears.

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Little Time's Girlfriend Moore is their lucky star and savior!

It is simply an angelic existence.

It would be nice if his young girlfriend was there at such a meeting in the future.

They no longer have to worry about being scolded.


Mo Yesi closed his laptop and got up and walked towards Qiao Mianmian.

His petite wife is nested on the sofa, playing games cross-legged.

He played very hard and was very serious, so he had already approached her, and she didn't even notice it.

Mo Yesi lowered his eyes, and the dark eyes fell on her mobile phone screen.

Then I saw a person who teamed up with Qiao Mianmian, typing: Miss, will we still play together in the next game? I Li Baizhuge takes you to fly, do you want to know about Li Bai Zhuge?

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