I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1517: Must see you right away

Miyazawa stayed motionless: "I'm just telling the truth. As, actually I met her ten years ago, but I didn't have such good luck as you. God gave me the opportunity, I didn't catch it myself."

"So you must be kind to her and be kind to her all your life. If you change your heart one day and treat her badly, I won't worry about it so much at that time."

As soon as Miyazawa's voice fell, he was punched in the face.

Mo Yesi reached out and pushed him away, his eyes full of coldness, and the ice around his eyes seemed to be quenched: "Don't be delusional, you won't have a chance in your life."

After that punch, Miyazawa had blood on his mouth.

He carelessly wiped clean, raised his head, and smiled with his lips: "Yes, it is better to be like this. Asi, I also hope that I do not have such a chance. So, you should always be good to her and always hurt her. Spoil her."

"You want to make her the happiest woman in the world."

"In this way, I have no chance to take advantage of it."

Only when he and Qiao Mianmian are getting more and more happy can he slowly die.


"Miss Qiao, someone is looking for you."

During Qiao Mianmian's break, a manor's maid came over.

Hearing someone looking, Qiao Mianmian wondered: "Someone is looking for me, do you know who it is?"

The maid remembered the handsome man he had just met, his face was slightly hot, and he looked at Qiao Mianmian with a jealous, jealous, hateful look: "It's a young gentleman, and it's your family."

"My family?"

Qiao Mianmian was even more puzzled.

The young gentleman is her family again, and the first person she thinks of in her mind is Qiao Chen.

But I think it is unlikely that it is Qiao Chen.

Today is not a weekend, Qiao Chen is still in class at school.

And there is nothing special about it. He couldn't see her at this time.

Confused, Qiao Mianmian and the maid left.

After a moment.

When she saw Mo Yesi, she thought she had an illusion.

The man stood long and stood back to her, standing in the bedroom where she lived temporarily.

When Qiao Mianmian opened the door, the man standing by the window turned slowly.

"Mo, Mo Yesi?" Qiao Mianmian opened his eyes wide and stunned at the door.

I can't believe that the man who was on the phone with her a few hours ago now appears in front of her.

Qiao Mianmian was too surprised to stand at the door.

Mo Yesi walked towards her quickly, reaching for the man into the bedroom, and gently bringing the door with the other hand.

In the blink of an eye, Qiao Mianmian smelled the familiar smell in the man's arms, and she was hugged by the man.

Qiao Mianmian leaned against the man's strong chest and heard his clear and powerful heartbeat. After a while, he slowly recovered.

"How could you..."

She lifted her head and opened her mouth, Mo Yesi pinched her jaw, and Qiao Mianmian met his dark and deep eyes.

"Don't worry about you."

"Don't worry about me?" Qiao Mianmian blinked, puzzled. "I'm fine, why don't you worry about me?"

Mo Yesi pressed her lips down, and did not answer her. Instead, she answered what was asked, "Why, you are not happy to see me? I came to accompany you, do you not like it?"


"That's all right." Mo Yesi hugged her again and reached out to gently lift a strand of hair from her forehead. "No matter what reason I came from, you're just thinking of you, thinking of you. Self-excitation, you must see you right away."

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