I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1505: She didn’t marry As, so I went to pry

"When you come out with this TV series, you have works and real popularity and fans, we will go directly to the first-line products."

"In short, I will plan your route for you in the future, just listen to me."

Of course, Qiao Mianmian believed Linda.

Linda is a gold broker, with so many entertainers under her hands.

Since she said everything was arranged, Qiao Mianmian had nothing to worry about.

And Linda made sense.

Her first advertisement was an endorsement of second-tier products, and the starting point was relatively high. It is not necessary to pick up other third-tier products.

Qiao Mianmian still felt a little painful after so many ads were pushed away at once.

Although she also knows that Linda's decision is definitely correct, and the starting point is for her good, but listening to Linda, the endorsement fees given by those third-line products are considerable, which is even higher than the endorsement fee she signed for this advertisement.

As a young rookie who hasn't really caught fire yet, Qiao Mianmian still takes those endorsements very seriously.

The ads that Qiao Anxin and Qiao Mianmian took at the same time endorsed the same product.

One is a little flower.

One is a small rookie.

But Qiao Anxin is not only not as good as Qiao Mianmian in sales on the same day, but also far less than Qiao Mianmian in the next few days.

Qiao Anxin was blocked for a period of time after the first advertisement, but the sales volume was not as good as a newcomer.

This made her anxious and angry, and the whole person was restless.

Her signing fee is higher than Joe's.

If the sales volume that can be driven is not as good as that of Qiao Mianmian, in the future, if someone wants to make an advertisement, they are not willing to find her, and go directly to Qiao Mianmian, which is much lower than her price.

Qiao Anxin was afraid that such a thing would really happen, and that her future star journey would be affected by this matter.

She waited for Boss Huang for several days with extra effort, and asked Boss Huang to help her get a trial for a large film that was shot in the second half of the year.

It is a huge investment and there will be a lot of big names gathered in the movie.

The director is the best director in related subjects.

The producer is also a very famous producer in the circle.

The script is written by several first-class gold screenwriters, but all the films written by those screenwriters are at least 1 billion at the box office.

Although Qiao Anxin is in the front line, he has been making TV series all the time.

She didn't think of breaking into the movie circle, but she didn't have enough strength.

Su Ze also helped her to win some roles in the movie, but those roles that can be won by relationship, Qiao Anxin couldn't look down on him.

This time the film selection, the quota is quite tight.

Boss Huang finally managed to get her one.

Qiao Anxin attached great importance to this opportunity, and also specially found a film school director to make up for her lessons.

If she can be selected for this audition, even if it is only one of the supporting roles, it will be of great help to her current career.

So Qiao An made up his mind and worked **** his acting skills, striving to be selected.

She did work harder and more seriously this time than before.

Before, she could still rely on Su Ze, so there was no sense of crisis.

Although I am relying on a boss Huang now, I am still loyal to her, but there are many women around Boss Huang, who are not lovers at all.

Moreover, Qiao Anxin doesn't want to wait for the old man like boss Huang.

She can only get rid of her fame and wait for the resources to come to her door in the future.

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