I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1502: Don't you count

Qiao Anxin as a first-line female artist, but the endorsement of product sales is still not a small newcomer who can not be regarded as an eighteenth line.

"She must have done it." Song Fang was also dumbfounded. "If she didn't do it, she wouldn't have the results you have now."

"Then what should we do now?" Qiao Anxin said with a sullen face, "I can't lose to this little bitch. Xue Shiya still has many first-line products. If my sales are considerable this time, I will have the opportunity to get those first-line endorsements. ."

"But if I lose to this little bitch, they will definitely not give me a better endorsement."

Song Fang's face is not very good-looking.

Qiao Anxin is an artist she brings, and the quality of the resources in the future is also related to her.

She naturally hopes that Joan will feel better and better.

"Since she is brushing, then we brush too." Song Fang gritted his teeth. "You are right, you can't lose to her. I will arrange it now."


When Qiao Mianmian's sales reached 10,000, Qiao Anxin's sales were only 5,000.

Some netizens are still discussing this matter on Weibo, and they doubt whether Qiao Mianmian has brushed up.

But soon, some so-called relevant experts came up with data and analyzed it. The final conclusion was that Qiao Mianmian was all sales based on facts, and there was no billing.

In this regard, netizens have expressed emotion that Qiao Anxin has become a defeater in the hands of Qiao Mianmian.

The first line of flowers for a few years after debut, it is no match for a newcomer.

Sure enough, she left Xinghui, and no one lauded it anymore, and her true strength was revealed.

It didn't take long for the netizens to express their emotions. Netizens with sharp eyes noticed that Qiao Anxin's sales suddenly rose quickly, and within less than half an hour, she tied Qiao Mianmian.

After a while, Qiao Anxin's sales exceeded Qiao Mianmian.

"I found that Qiao Anxin's sales have risen a lot in a short period of time. Originally, she has always been much less than Qiao Mianmian, but now she actually surpassed Qiao Mianmian. Isn't this a list?"

"What is the list? Many fans of Qiao Anxin only know this thing now. Anyway, Qiao Anxin's fans are N times more than Qiao Mian anyway. In terms of fans' purchasing power, it is not a minute that exceeds her. I still think she is the one who pays the bill. The sales of a newcomer are higher than that of the first-line flower. Is this normal?"

"I'm a fan of Sister Anxin. I said I knew that the mask that Sister Anxin endorsed was on the line. I just bought ten boxes to support her.

"I am also a fan +1, only to know this matter. I just bought ten boxes to support her."

In a flash, Qiao Anxin's fans all poured out, saying that they had just seen Qiao Anxin's Weibo, and then went to support her.

That said, Joe Anxin didn't pay the bill.

The questions raised by passersby were quickly overwhelmed by various comments from fans.

Joe Anxin's facial mask sales are still rising rapidly.

At first, Qiao Mianmian surpassed her by half. After an hour, it became her more than half.

Mo Yesi had Wei Zheng staring at this matter before, so after seeing Qiao Anxin's rapid increase in sales, Wei Zheng immediately reported this abnormal situation to Mo Yesi.


Xueshiya Sales Department.

The sales of Qiao Anxin and Qiao Mianmian are recorded on the computer screen in real time.

Seeing that Qiao Anxin soon overtook Qiao Mianmian's sales, the woman who signed Qiao Anxin suddenly raised her eyebrows and said to Zhang Yue: "I didn't agree with you to sign a small newcomer, an available artist So many, how much sales can a small newcomer drive?"

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